/svg/ - Shadowverse General:

Now in hi-res!

Shadowverse is a class-based collectible card game akin to Hearthstone. The first expansion pack, Darkness Evolved, launched on September 30th.

Reminder to participate in this poll so we can get a gauge of our community skill: strawpoll.me/11431912

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

To play on PC, you currently have to use an Android emulator such as Leapdroid (recommended), Memu, Nox or Bluestacks.
If the emulator gets stuck on Urias' stage in story mode, you might need to enable Virtualization in your bios (Google it).

Official Website:

Card Database / Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Friend list:

Other urls found in this thread:



>all dis heavencraft tiddies

>/svg/ 2pick tournament when?

So I got Bloody Mary, Aurelia and Moon Aljazeera. Guessing I'm done rerolling? (Not sure what to play, kinda wanted blood but the deck I saw uses mostly golds.)

Also got Crystalia, Dragonsong Flute, Sun Oracle Pascale.

The bells of joy in my pants are ringing.

Anybody figure out if it's possible to reroll on steam?

>opens up Ancient Elf

I don't even play Forest but cool.


How to get Japanese voices.

Now that the steam version is out and working, who's going to make the Steam group for this?
People don't even have to talk or socialize, it would just be convenient to have the option to invite people to games from there or make tournaments and shit.

Guess I won't be playing on steam.

Not pictured: a single dshift

Working on it. The buttons that seemed like they might be relevant aren't, so it's either serverside or buried in a file somewhere.

Steam version has a clear cache button so I don't see why not. It doesn't even look like you actually need to link an account to steam to play it on the steam version.

Have steam newbs started swarming in T2 yet?

>60 FPS
>higher resolution
>easy way to switch to JP audio
>no crashing or emu issues

Even if it's a 1:1 mobile port for the most part, I'm still happy. Just hope they update the PC client with bigger more interactive boards at some point.

So do we get packs simply for playing steam regardless if you've linked your mobile account?

when is the prompt to put in my email? senpai

>saori hayami using the exact same voice again

that clear cache button is on mobile too, its just a placebo cleanup button its not something you use to reroll

How do I JP Audio?

Do you get anything for syncing up mobile and steam?

>Be Tempo Elf
>Play against a Midrange Sword who keeps doing the "This is the end for you" (IIRC) whenever he seems to get an advantage
>Whittle me down to 1 hp
>Manage to win anyway in spite of a 10+ HP advantage on him

Man, on one hand, I recognize why Tempo Elf is great and fun and it felt good making a comeback, on the other hand, I cant imagine how must it have felt for the other guy

Good riddance for him BMing me all game, fucker

I ended up with a playset of them and got excited to try out forest.

But then I found out how expensive the rest of the deck is, jeez. It doesn't scale well until you have most of the parts too, at least with dragon I can see my progress every time I get a piece.

Its above your post user

user I'm pretty sure every single japanese elf that's ever existed has that voice.

Looks nice.

Dude, it's gonna take a few hours at least. Most of them are gonna go through story mode first.

Can confirm that changing the voice language is super easy.

1) Set the language to japanese and start the game so it downloads all the extra files
2) Back up the m and v directories
3) Change language to english in steam settings
4) replace the m and v directories with the ones you backupped
5) Enjoy

What's the difference of this evolve's art? I didn't see any difference.

Fuck I just got the v folder

You people are slow

Time to bully Steamnewbies in Take Two!

How to link account?

Why the fuck does second turn get so many bonuses? Having an extra evolution alone is already more than enough

Should I use my t2 tickets now or should I wait a bit for some more newshits to start up?

Aside from his LED lights. Scythe changes a bit and his head. His butt nail is a bit longer I think. Nothing too drastic.

does someone need to ask this every day? Before DE, they had to add the extra card because even with 3 evo points and 1st to evolve, going 2nd was at a winrate only a bit higher than 40%, so they added the extra card.

it wasn't before the expansion user


dumb question, but how do you open the packs?

You going 1st, then 3rd is enough advantage to win user.

HD Erika makes my dick diamonds

Update on the steam rerolling thing:
It seems to be tied to your steam account intrinsically. Installing on a fresh computer from same steam account led to the same account ingame.
Will try deleting local content on both computers and seeing what happens.

Not that dumb. Go to 'buy packs.' You don't actually own packs, just tickets. You automatically go to open them after buying them.

When you're awarded packs you actually get tickets, which you use to buy packs from the store.



With only the extra evo point and first evo second player was at a huge disadvantage according to the statistics.

Now they get an extra card, too. Which was relatively balanced up until DE, when Haven became popular and Priest of the Cuckold started ending everyone's evil deeds. There are other reasons and it's a very complicated thing to analyze, but right now second player has an (on average) 2.4% advantage in constructed and a pretty massive 5%+ advantage in Arena.

Wow, that's needlessly complicated. Thanks buddy.

I wonder if balance would get better at this point if any of the one three bonuses were removed. Second's at like a 3% win rate advantage right now, right?

I am planning do redo my webms for the Steam version, but it's gonna be a while. Right now testing for artifacts and doing maybe one or two just because. Probably gonna make a dropbox at some point, so others can contribute, too.

kyaaa, luci sama!

read the thread

>Two guides above on how to change JP audio
>One has a detailed link with pictures and everything
>Other one is a short text guide

Do people just not read in this general?


FIGHT ME!!!!!!!!!!

>6 steam packs and 5 DE apology packs
>animated Ancient Elf, Tia, Odin, and 2 Alexanders

Today is a good day.

I'm retarded, how do I into webm?

Who the fuck is Kyle and why does my waifu want him back so much

Most of the big cards have been nice.

Shenlong, I could do without ever seeing on PC.

In the higher ranks, yeah something like that. The difference is more exaggerated at lower ranks because people don't know how to leverage their tempo advantage and can fuck that up, while it's hard to fuck up having extra evo points.

maybe taking the extra card back might make it balanced again, I think 2nd should definitely still be allowed 3 evos and to evo first, otherwise an aggressive first player tempoing out perfectly will be unbeatable to a lot of decks.


you mean kyle's waifu

Holy shit Luna is adorable.
The mechanic of her theme is neat too.

Which cards are legendary
and epic and shittt

Jesus fucking christ, I want those Alexanders

How the fuck do I link my account?
It says it will send a code to my email but I didn't enter an email?
I honestly have no idea what the fuck is going on.


How do I link my account to Steam?

Luna a best

Added Steam Undub instructions to the OP google doc guide, try and exaggerate that for the next few threads since this question is gonna get asked a LOT


you have to go the profile/settings area and look for device link

I've been rerolling for hours.

I just want a Cerb. ;_;

google play account?
facebook account?

Has already been asked like 4 times in this thread.

Its like literally every poster ignored the guide near the OP, impressive.

I'm downloading Shadowverse on Steam right now

Be prepared, I'm going to transcend the meta just as I did in YuGiOh and Hearthstone.

To get an idea of how ahead of the curve I am, I "KNEW" that Shaman was the best class in Hearthstone since Gnomes Vs Goblins and it took until just this year for the streamer e-celebs to catch on and start copying me.

I'm going to figure something out in this game that is going to make you hate playing against me.

>control shadow costs 40k
Is it worth crafting?

from my iphone.
Apple ID account I guess.


How's this for a reroll? Is 7 leggos a lot leggos?

please dont let this be the new pasta

But what if I already downloaded the game?

What I do then? Uninstall?


All useful.

Didn't realize there was a new thread so posting again. Got the following legs from the steam packs, which are viable and which are vials?
>Cerb (viable of course)
>Fairy Princess

How good are Skullfanes and Soul Dealers?

Thank you for the fight, user.

Gee Bill, why does your mom let you have two alt win-cons?

>playing banner with a fucking Tsubaki when I was trying a dumb Dragon deck

Guess that'll teach me for not playing meta cancer, gg.

Guys, I'm dumb
Where do I have to go to open the packs I claimed from the crate in the Steam version?

no need to uninstall

shop tab, under buy packs

I can't contain my boner for the 60fps, guys. Help.

disregard, I figured it out. I'm retarded.

B-but I dont have any banner on my deck.

I still have jp text with that guide posted before?

The menu options etc are in English, but the dialogue boxes are Japanese.

>naxx and gvg goes to wild
>fuckton of strong neutral heals and taunts goes to wild
>shaman became t1
I wonder why.

So if I link my account to steam I can still play on phone right?

The guide here is literally retardproof

There's no way you'll fuck that up

I wasn't expecting the game to look so much better than mobile, but it looks pretty amazing.

Oh okay, I didn't get actual packs, just tokens to trade for packs
What a dumbass
Thanks user, I was looking everywhere but where I had to

Holy shit Luna is so sexy.