Explain to me again why I'm about to work 40+ hours a week till in dead.
Explain to me again why I'm about to work 40+ hours a week till in dead
Good for you OP. Someone has got to fund those baby boomers' pensions!
r9k can explain it better, you should go there.
NEET LIFE SENPAI, all you wagies don't know anything
So you can buy a house that you won't actually own till you're 60
So you can pay for tyreese to get new Jordans, shaquinta's 8 kids, and the rest of the single mothers to fill their grocery carts full of junk food
So you can pay taxes for the government to import more refugees and immigrants as they remove your constitutional rights
So you can pay for social security that will be defunct by the time you reach retirement
So you can invest in the stock market that is heavily manipulated and will crash every seven years or so and wipe out all of your growth and hopefully the bubble won't pop again when you retire
So you can support a family, even though your wife can no fault divorce you at any point, and your children will be raised in a culture of social media that encourages degeneracy.
Kill me pls
Work 70 like me and invest all u can. Then work 5 or ten until retire and not ded. Study personal finance. Work hard at study and at job. Earn a NEET life.
The house will keep you warm and can host family and friends.
The money will also go to starving or struggling families.
Your taxes also support the maintenance of infrastructure and technological development in a variety of fields
While it will be defunct by the time we are aged, we have a duty to support the elderly.
No one is forcing you to invest in the stock market. It's a necessarily risky endeavor, you should not be surprised if you fail.
No one is forcing you to marry a woman. Find a woman that doesn't suck or just stick to simple relationships.
This pretty much. Bit buy a shithole and double or triple up on payments.
Dont invest in the stock market. Study and fumble business and real estate and metals and oil etc. Tangible things of value not shillcoins and stocks. U will struggle and it will suck. But if u try and live a no stress life and dont gamble to hard to fast u will slowly get it. When u see consistent gsins in one use excess to learn the other. Continue until u simply cannot fail enough to not see consistent growth.
Get rich
Quit working.
Live life
pretty much this
dad pls
You'll be dead when you're 30?
wtf are you saying
Math retard identified.
faggot identified
All of this is true and it sucks. But doing all of this is a lot better than being poor.
Because you're too much of a dumb goy to exploit the system so instead will be exploited by it
In all honesty though, i don't know how people can deal with doing 9-5 or similar for literal decades.
working 40 hours a week are for socialist that don't see a future in their life.
Work at least 60+ and stop wasting time on entertainment or playing games, and do something productive in your free time.
and if you can, stay at home with your parents, you'll save tons of money on the rent.
is there a limit to how old you can be while living with your parents before you're just a neet loser? Even if you are doing it to just save money.
You could always avoid telling people that you live with your parents
I see renting as a dead end, ofc it's different form country to country, but her i live, you use ½ of your salary to pay the rent.
It is altso not that taboo to live with your family where i come from, but yea, maybe a little strange to see a 40+ old man living at home with his parents.
Entitled thinking assumes everyone can do this, and isn't supporting their parents. Be sure to thank those parents you have user.
I really wish you would stop posting on Veeky Forums. It's so easy to identify you based on your shitty sentence structure and terrible meme pictures.
Just... please stop.
Because you haven't made yourself valuable enough yet not to.
Tell me more about how to exploit. I'll do whatever.
Because you have not started your own business yet.
> tile guy
Some heavy shit right dere
I don't think so, in Italy its very common for people to stay at home until their parents die then inherit the house, I think that's a pretty good system. The only downside is that living with your family can at times be trying.
>So you can pay for tyreese to get new Jordans, shaquinta's 8 kids, and the rest of the single mothers to fill their grocery carts full of junk food
>Implying it's not going to Hillbilly Jane and her trailer park offspring + her heroine addict boyfriend Cletus.
White women are the true welfare queens.
Middle school was really fun.
Then do something fun with your life. No one is making you do anything. You can beg until you die or you can live an interesting and varied life. Choose your fate and quit bitching.
And it' so easy to identify you based on your neet bulshit liberal status and cucked existence. Bruh. Go eat your tendies and fap. Let the adults talk...
40 hours a week? hell I wish I only worked that many hours....I work anywhere from 50 to 80hours a week...
Basically because living isn't free.
The average person spends just under 10% of their entire lifetime at work, I would say that's pretty reasonable.
50 - 80 ... kid your living in luxury... i work at least 169 hours a week
169 hours a week? fuck you must be a math teacher!
75 hours here
What a completely raging faggot.
Hah, that's nothing, you're lucky! I travel back in time every weekend so I work 300+ hours a week
JK I'm a 27 years old NEET haven't worked in 3 years
No financial aid for me in this shitty country.
Thanks mommy for paying my food and everything!
Fuck anxiety for preventing me to find a good job!
I should go to therapy but I don't want to, so I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Trying to make money online but I made around $300/year.. it's nothing, I'm fucked. But at least I didn't kill myself yet.
>inb4 kys
im 19 so i can handle it
Quit this board, stop blaming anxiety and send out some resumes. It's as easy as that.
But I don't want to work.
Besides working for some idiot boss makes me suicidal, the only jobs I could get are barely enough to rent a one-room flat in my city.
Everything is fucked up here, so I don't see the point in wageslaving for beermoney.
yea...agreed...people like him and those who work at fast food places saying they need the gov to pay them or get paid 15 an hour...piss me off..
start your own company..thats what I did. You can't sit there and make reasons WHY you WONT do blank...just get out there and DO IT
Well living isn't free. Once you mother stops supporting you, you will probably starve so you might as well start thinking about killing yourself now.
No capital and my country's laws and taxes were made to kill the small businesses. My friends are closing their 3rd small business because they can't make profit.
I want to invest in cryptos but.. you know.. no money.
I'm thinking about selling my camera and my gaming laptop to day trade cryptos. I tried it a few weeks ago, made good profit with small money and I liked it.
Oh don't worry, I'm thinking about it everyday :)
I don't think you will get anywhere...you just sit there with every excuse of why this or that...people who do that never get up and just DO. Sometimes you have to jump in with two feet and take shit as it comes.....just go flip burgers as that job requires no thinking/work effort
But it would be 8 hours misery every day with idiots around me just to pay for a roof over my head and to eat something. I don't want to live like that.
I should move to anther country where that job at least pays well.
I think the military will be good for you. Alot of what you see online is a lie..the work load is easy and you get a lot of free stuff. Should look into that....also when you get out of the military most of the time they will help you in starting your own company!!
Veterans also have one of the highest suicide rates so he would fit right in there.
Whatever I'll just continue my Internet Marketing journey and hope that I'll find some good niche topic. One of my sites that is monetized with Amazon getting 10+ orders in the last week so it might be that my work is gonna pay off after 1 year.
>I don't want to work
So you're lazy. Nothing is wrong with where you live, but something is wrong with you.
congrats nobody fucking asked
don't get jelious when other people work hard and make big bucks while you eat neet away your mommy's credit card
t. college kid
Are people really bragging about how much unpaid overtime they do? Thats like bragging about how tight tyrone puts on your cock cage before he fucks your wife.
fail metaphor, wouldnt expect more from a neet
who says that nobody pays me for overtime
Aint buying oil and gold on the market the same as buying stocks? Or are you talking about buying actual material and then selling it.
not him but i work a 40hr/week job as a software engineer
i spend about 12hours on the weekends working on personal products.
that motivation will carry into other parts of your life.
Because your parents decided to produce a work unit. Why people have kids without being FI is beyond me
>Find a woman that doesn't suck
Move to Netherlands and fuck prostitutes, there are plenty that are hot and it's pretty cheap. You could almost fuck 2 a week on the country's minimum living wage. That's nearly 1000 women in ten years. Imagine if you had a greater job or savings you could triple that. This is what your 40 hours a week can go to. Eat food you love, pay for all the sex you want, enjoy your hobbies (if legal there) and then die. This is my plan.
Nobody is forcing you to. Quit crying
Why? I like entertainment. Its entertaining
yeah you're seriously retarded. I went from being homeless with LITTERALLY 0 money and no wifi no phone to making like 6000 a month. Now I stopped that business venture and am soon to be starting up again. At the moment though I'm pretty comfy and just doing uber for some comfy money while starting business up again. Excuses are for losers you're never gonna make it if you can't even see how easy it is to coal into diamonds
>Tfw you will have to wage till you die for laughable pay.
>Meanwhile this literal 10 year old make Millions playing minecraft and roblox.
I seriously love posts like this
>it's easy I make $$$$ from nothing
>I won't tell you what I did
>but it's easy
>and you're stupid
>I'm awesome
>you're a stupid loser
next time you should just roll down your fancy uber car's window and shout out what you want to post because you added "LITTERALLY" 0 value to this thread
>earns 6000 a month
>does UBER
So you earned 24k a month, but still find need to do a job that basically pays 10$ an hour to hold you over in between jobs? Oh lordy.
During my time in school, the concept of critical thinking was harped on every year since the beginning of middle school. Hell, when I was in a hard science field for a master's degree, we had many classes about how to determine the validity of scientific papers, how to use different search engines for what we really wanted to find and how find reagents that will work for our experiments.
I suppose you're trying to speak to underachievers who will never have to manage something more difficult than a failing marriage. Sorry for interrupting your echo chamber.
Also, if you don't have enough money left over after , then topkek. You're probably voting for Trump for the "movement" and not as an attempt to minimize your taxes.
>paid overtime
choose one
thanks for correcting the record
Usually it's something illegal or in the greyzone. The hardest money you will ever make when you start with nothing is your first bigger capital. That's why you don't ask a "gentleman" that comes from middle class about how did he make his first million.
yeah, but then I'm closer to ISIS, but if trump doesn't make it I'll see you in a month
You are a faggot.
Because you literally chose to. You chose to go the "easy" and "safe" route. You only have yourself to blame.
So you were a drug dealer?