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>Bunch of guild stuff was added in Cata, along with levels and all that to encourage guild growth
>Special benefits locked at certain guild levels and completing achievements would give the guild benefits
>None of that really exists anymore and guilds are just full of random fucks just in it for the small benefits

Best girl.

Uh huh. And next you'll tell me you'll want to do that for every dungeon. Nost people are so in denial.

Why didn't you save her?

The cata guild system was a shit idea all it did was encourage guilds to grab as many players as they could creating and endless wave of socials.

small guilds couldn't compete and couldn't grow.

Who essentially milked people for the loot money that was passively collected and rarely let newbies use the guild money for repair.

Benefits for being in a guild at all is a shitty concept because then people only join just becuase.

Damnit, meant for

1-3 monk
4-6 DH
7-0 Rohgue

there was already a guild on my serv during vanilla that had like 630 people

If there were spec specfic titles instead of class ones, what would they be?

For Paladin I was thinking something like
Holy: , the Hand of Tyr
Ret: Ashbringer
Prot: , Defender of Truth

Much better than sephuz so this isn't too bad, perma 60% slow is nice as well.

Any luck with your legendary drops user?

You're an idiot. The cata guild system was terrible for guilds and what they were actually supposed to be, and just created endless waves of people making HUGE GUILDS to suck up as much fucking money as possible for the guild master without ever doing anything else. It literally enabled what was essentially Blizzard enabled scamming.

>defender of truth

Just bad luck or does Alliance lose the majority of BGs outside AV and IoC? I've seen some really shitty teams in the past few days. I can't imagine them having fun "just killing" as they get almost instantly killed as they charge into a group of +4 Horde.


Can you think of something better, only thing we know about Truthguard is that Tyr gave it to some viking dude

See there's nothing wrong with having 630 people join your guild. Having 630 people join your guild because

1. you'll level up your guild to level 25 faster
2. they all passively generate you money

or joining because

1.its a level 25 guild so you get all the benefits
2. there so big they give you a 1g repair allowance

Those aren't good reasons to join a guild, those aren't why people should be in guilds, no one in your vanilla guild joined that guild for that reason. almost everyone in cata got invited or joined because of those reasons.

Frogposters can stay quiet.

ya, got bis last night, think i might switch my loot spec to ass '^'

What's a profession befitting of a monk?

For aesthetics, of course.

What does it feel like to get a legendary?

remove the vyrkul meme

>there's a hide belt transmog now

neat. didn't know how much I actually wanted this.

Can I breed you?

quit feeding it and it will go away forever

It's a man.

Why don't you ev

what is a good way to grind artifact power

disappointment when you see that its sephuz

My belf monk is enchanting/alchemy because she's a failed wizard.
Imagine a backstory and go from there desu






you dont know that

woah what a cutie :3

lock in our guild got that. It's simultaneously good and terrible for Il'gynoth.

Mythic +6 runs

ANGER since you've got shit one

>tfw bored out of my mind in ioc
>our gate is down, their gate is down, but were just farming their gy (reinforcements like 90-50) and it's taking forever
>just standing around making sure a wyrmbane kill squad doesn't slip into our base
>decide to lie and tell them our boss is dying
>they rush in and end the game
>they get to think it was a heroic victory
>the shit finally ends

everybody wins

>redditmountain emissary dailies

welp! time to skip this one

Straight women don't install slut mods

My wife has slut mods; she feels it makes the game into an extension of our sex life and it helps work roleplay into the mix, rather than it just being a game.

Yeah, got tearstone of elune from lfr cenarius last night

Suramar is the reddit zone though.

>being straight and/or a woman

that's just your opinion, my dude. collectives have formed for less. monetizing them at no cost to themselves and providing them repairs actually worked out in the long run for everyone.

fuck you daglop you fucking demon jew

you dont have a wife its just you in your room masturbating to shitty pixelated cartoon porn

I do.

I'm a wannabe slut irl, so I just do it in WoW.

Please teach me the way of the wizard.

Resto: Tidebringer
Enhancement: Windspeaker
Elemental: , the Wet Noodle

>tfw you kick a dps for being an asshole knowing they have to spend another 20+ minutes trying to find another group for the attunment mythics

>do WQ for 840 cloak
>doesnt forge so it's vendor trash
>do 3 more WQ for emissary
>chest gives me the exact same cloak but 835

epic, simply epic

>8 weeks to complete this shit quest
Jesus Christ, this is even worse than the valor grind quest in MoP.

Do you like tauren dong?


Just play the game t. Aeon Hazzistrifeus


your wife also erps with other guys online

I'm thinking of herbalism, but my troll already has that.



imagine being a 20something fat american man and sitting on your computer pretending to be a woman posting screenshots of your videogame character you modded to have bigger tits

thats not really far off suicide

>doing illidindu quests

what if you replace american with european?

Where are all the cute fem pandas? fem panders please respond

>that's just your opinion
No user it's your opinion

Guild benefits hurt the guild system so blizz removed them. You can pretend the issues I highlighted didn't happen or didn't exist.
but they did


wow I thought I was the only one
good for you man I hope you two are having fun with it as well

you mean you want either the greek retard who got banned or that fat furry autist to pretend to be a woman for you?

boy on boy is better in every way, whether you roleplay as a wizard or not

I've seen more images with this. What is the full version of this?


I'm kinda new to WoW.
Just reached ilvl 830, what do I do now?

Are there any achievements or rewards tied to bobbing for apples?


mythics. emerald nightmare normal.

Would Odin even give the thing to Skovald? He's a Legion minion.

(i'm not that dude)
no they didn't
the system caused some individuals to get rich with no effort while a huge chunk of the playerbase was funneled into enormous guilds with no reason for existing and no community whatsoever - nobody knew and played with each other in the 400 members guilds that spammed guild invites to lv1s

the current system removes the need to be in a guild, so that if you are in one, you are just to interact with its members, which is exactly what a guild should be about

>cute fem pandas
quit saying things that don't make sense

How do I find groups for that?

WQ's, get your Honor lvl up, Suramar, dungeons or EN normal if you can find a group.

Post faggot anime pictures to an east-asian message-in-a-bottle simulator

Do I do all world quests or only those that contribute to emissary quests?

Why was a titan watcher hanging out in Karazhan?

Odyn doesn't care about shit

either the group finder or trade chat general which you can access in any major city

Citing Blizz as a moral authority or infallible designers is about as foolish as you can get. They just didn't LIKE people getting money out of it because that hurts their over-all goldsink/incentive to play mechanic, but that's really shitty in the first place and worse for the game than having people huddle together for chump change.

It didn't actually devalue the structural benefits of having a guild for raiding, regardless of size, it just provided an incentive to have a big one, and you could take advantage of it or nah. You'd have been a fool not to, which I still think is a stupid argument. We'd be fools not to raid every week if we wanted better gear, but you wouldn't give the guy screaming about how the game's too exclusive this much thought.

removal of degeneracy

it literally says so in the dungeon journal

go back to whatever shitty weeb VN general youve been playing and pretend to be a girl

its karazhan nigga i aint gotta explain shit

All WQ's for gear + the ones that give order hall resources til you have like 15k

I'm not a faggot, stop rudeposting.

What's the highest ilvl you can get with WQ?

Alrighty, thanks friendo

how to succeed in wow
>ask those better than you for what you should do, figure out how to do it by yourself (read it up)
>make friends, join an active guild and do shit with people you know, pickup groups are cancer
>leave /wowg/ immediately (seriously)

follow these 3 things and you'll be an above average player in no time

Do I only need to do normal dungeons and world quests for gearing as a fresh 110?



EVE gets this one right, WoW does not. Finances are just as good of a thing to bind people together as killing bosses. WoW has literally wasted a playerbase's drive to make mad money and do shit with it, if you ask me.

But maybe that's where I'm fucking it up. WoW is a game about killing dragons, not building empires or bands of wealthy mercenaries or anything like that. It could've been, but it's not.

post more cute japanese cartoon girls

wow avatarfagging with anime pictures in a general youre so cool dude

cant wait to see you make a name for yourself on the various redditscords and reddit guilds that spam here

She's there to purge degenerates.

wow boys i got my second lego today on my third alt, literally 1 day played on max lvl! thanks blizz! I have to wait 1 month to use them both!!! :>:>:P::PxD I dont even have one on my main

I have a policy, I never join Veeky Forums guilds/clans/communities.

of course :3c