/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General

Katawa Shoujo General #3187

Rimi Edition

Previous thread: Official website: katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free)
About Katawa Shoujo: katawa-shoujo.com/about.php
Summer's Clover (Unofficial Miki route by Lilly's writer): ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9996
KS Alpha (Pre-release version: pastebin.com/weL41ehu
#KSGGames (Risk/Chess IRC Chat): pastebin.com/eaqK2kPq
Pastebin: pastebin.com/syJHnDCB
Writebin: pastebin.com/jUpSAYZE
KSG FAQ: pastebin.com/fFCGBSdi
Shimmie: shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
New KSG Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=1834162
Flockdraw: skycow.us/whiteboard
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
/ksg/ exclusive 3DS themes: mega.nz/#!3hkznbaR!Zu_0gWDvitQspHUaEhtUeLG7iJhK4Q_79MpXaASkrQo
Katawa Shoujo Lite: newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881
KS Interactive Shrink: writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1858014-Katawa-Shoujo-shrink

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First for Headpat!

Oh don't get me wrong, I'd love that! I mean I'd do something if I could, but I can't you know? I think that's the way a lot of people feel

>Lot's of free time
Hopefully. I mean I have some of my chinese classes but that's it.

Moved on.

Rumor is a few of the 4LS guys are working on a new VN? Can't remember which devs, but maybe the rumor is just a shitpost.

Shrug. The community is what makes KS special, really. And the fact that it was most of our's first VN. I've found several VNs since then that had larger, more emotional impacts on me. Better storytelling, art, characters, etc. But none of them have comparable communities, given that KS was the first big step in introducing VNs to the west.


Cool, hope there's something to do then.
Didn't want to know more about the 'why are you people still talking about this game' thing?


Hey Irish!

Yeah that was going around. Apparently Suriko is making one, and I think CplCrud came out with a book, with Anon22 coming on to promote it as well

I mean sure, but what's there to know? I bet the people who have the drive to come to the general to shit on people are the same sort of people who would do it multiple times.



CplCrud's book sounds interesting. Like a noir science fiction type of deal

>you getting it looked at
Yeah it's a bad case of 'fuck this shit it's autumn alright'. Gonna pass in a couple days. I always get ill either early autumn or late winter.

For Mish!
New ads are fucking annoying, what the fuck Hiroshimoot

Nth for a happy Hana!

Is the Rika fanfiction route as good as the Saki one?

the thing is that i always have the feeling that we have a great community , and if we worked together we could make a possible ks2 or a ks-like more than a fan-game , 4LS made the first one , but if we had enough motivation we could do something good as KS. but i guess that it'll never happen.

Well, sure, to a point. That's an awful long time to have such a drive though. If that were true, they would be more devoted than the people they're talking about, really.
Besides, it's come in enough different forms and formats over the years that it's highly unlikely to be all from the same person.

Rikabro's route is my favorite.

Yeah. They both are meh, though, but if you liked one you'll probably like the other (although I'm not sure which Saki you've read).

I guess asking on the forums? People apparently don't have problems writing thousands of words in fanfiction, even good ones, and renpy is free I guess.

the thing is that after i finished all routes i got this feeling that we should make a game original and fresh as KS was but i have no idea of how to work this out , plus i'm not a good at drawing or writing , so i cant push a group of people to do a game when i cant really help.
but i cant be the only one who wants to see another game like KS that only people from Veeky Forums are able to do

Yeah it does, will have to give it a read sometime
I still gotta keep up with all of Taker's and others stuff

It's worth talking about definitely yeah. If it could happen it'd be great, just gotta be practical as well

I'm not saying its the same person, but I would bet each time its not someone who hasn;t already said it before. Maybe from a pool of a dozen idk

Same with the people who say they've rediscovered the game. I'm sure some people have, and I think that for some others its used as a conversation piece.

Oh well in that case yeah

Well why don't you just give Hiro money then? Become Veeky Forums premium!

the problem is , i dont really know where to find people who wants this to happen but also have the talent to draw , write and are motivated to create some kind of group to work on the project without stopping half-way like 90% of these kind of projects

On the forums maybe? Idk what is 4LS's stance on KS tho. Althought there are some artbooks and shit, it is basically abandoned.

Sorry!! Focusing hard on writing today!
Heh, look up Red vs Blue phone call on YouTube, and you'll get what it's like pretty well.
That's lame! We just have the registration, it's a pink slip.
Yes! And of course hahaha.

yeah but cant we just take the idea and create a whole new context , characters , and make something original as KS was?

>Maybe from a pool of a dozen idk
A group of people who happen to be dedicated to the same thing? That seems unlikely, too.
The thing is though, most explanations seem unlikely.
I may even go so far as to call it one of The Seven Mysteries of KSG.
It's a lot easier to explain people who have been here before, they've well, been here before, they have us in memory and are usually brought back by some trigger.

If ads are too annoying, block them.

>why don't you just give Hiro money then? Become Veeky Forums premium!
Not my moot, exchange rate, I phonepost a lot...

>pink slip
That as well. It's complicated and I honestly do not know proper words to explain it

I don't see why not. But I'd keep Yamaku.

yeah , you have that point , but we can make this take place now , like 5 years after the events in KS , so we could have new characters , and speak about new problems , because hey , there's only 5 girls , there's many more handicaps to speak about

The thing I really like about Planes is that we learn that WWII happened in the Cars universe. Which means there was a Cars Hitler, a Cars holocaust, a Cars Pacific War, a Cars D-Day, a Cars nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a Cars Battle of Iwo Jima...
This leads to so many important questions, like: were the Cars Little Boy and Fat Man nukes sentient? Was it a suicide mission? Are ALL Cars nuclear weapons sentient? Did Tsar Bomba have a personality?
What kind of car was Car Hitler? A VW? A forklift?
Was there a Cars 9/11? Were the planes hijacked, or were the planes themselves radicalised?

also we could do references to the original KS , like misha being a teacher to deaf students

I have always wanted for the story to actually have some terminally ill cases (not counting hisao ofc) I feel like having skeletons breathing on your neck forces a very differrent view.

Please god no

The fuck you smoking

>Red vs Blue
Mah nigga.

Imagine the armament program.
Taking civilian vehicles and arming them for war.

These are all interesting thoughts but for another time and another place.

And don't even get me started about the Car Jews...
stop taking b8

My first two matches of BF1 were rage inducing. Finally got a 2:1 kd ratio and learning the ropes a bit. PC controls are rough, of course.

Well yeah, that's life haha.
It'll happen, but I think at the tail end of the year is an inconvenient time to start something you know?

>Red vs Blue
You talking about those Halo guys? Shit, I haven't seen that since I had an xBox

Hmm, I feel like I'm not describing it well.
It;s not like a cult. It's just trollish behavior. I wouldn't say there's any mystery to it, we're an easy target and they always get (you's)

Come on man, join us!

I'm sure there is something about phones they cover, I'm not sure. But yeah doesn't sound ideal

Do jews even have a car manufacturing business they actually started?

I know exactly what I'm doing.

>PC controls are rough
Console controls are rough. Don't worry, once you get used to it you'll be more comfortable with it.

Years and years of that just for slight personal trolling? It's not normal trolling behavior, and they don't always get (you)s. We're far from the only target? Why us? Why stick with us all this time? Surely they'd have dropped off once it was more clear KSG was actually slowing down.

It's fuckin great
Dammit Irish! We could have been Xbox friends!
Yea haha they're on season like 15 now.
>I'm sure and I'm not sure in the same sentence
You've been reading too much of my writing hahahaha
I'm trying to capture that with Saki in HF, that knowing your own demise is coming lets you live a bit freer than most.

Whats HF?

Of course, I love it, only finished catching up a year or so ago. Didn't really have anyone to talk to about it while it was fresh. I even considered some KS crossover but I wasn't sure how to go about it.
>'Rin, why are we here?'
>'That's a good question Hisao, why ARE we here...'
Maybe SHG should catch up, too.

How Far, the fic I've been writing. Just finished chapter 13! I'll see if I can upload it soon.

yeah , maybe i'll try to find people that wants this to happen in a few months

How many words? Any rough estimate? I'm reading learning to fly now. I hope it isn't dead. Gonna check ur fic too.

Are we though? Again I feel like you're viewing them as a single entity. They're just people who know they can get a reaction. I'd much expect it to be 4 different people over a year than one single person over a year. Many times larger than that though

I don;t even know why I'm arguing/discussing this, it means nothing haha, whether its the same people or each one is different, it doesn;t change the fact that it's still gonna happen

Fuck, I remember when they made the jump from Halo 2 to Halo 3 and I was salty because I much prefered 2. It might have been one of the first things I watched on youtube

I much prefered Arby and the Chief, same premise but with figures. You seen that?

What, catch up on some fairly childish humour for a game series I haven't played in at least 5 years? I don't know

I mean I'd totally be down for it, but I gotta draw for a lot longer before my art can reach a level of being acceptible into that game. Hit me up though if you're still interested

no problem bro , any help is welcome

They are all doing a similar thing, it is an entity in that sense.
>I don;t even know why I'm arguing/discussing this
I thought we were just talking.

>It might have been one of the first things I watched on youtube

>Watched season one back when it started
>Loved it but forgot about it
>About two years ago a link shows up to me from RT
>It's them playing Minecraft talking about how they're paying people 5k to do dumb shit like waxing their ass hair

wew lad.

That was pretty much my reaction, I think we might've talked about this before.
Rage Quit is fucking hilarious though

btw if the pic is from you , you're far from being bad

You should always look at the filename before assuming someone drew something.

Huh, I don't actually have a word count. I suppose I could make one though, but right now, with chapter 13, it's approximately 203 pages.
I have not actually watched that lol I saw the title and assumed it was a cooking thing until someone told me otherwise hahaha

>203 pages
Wow. Really getting along fast.


That's what I mean, I was in a different mindset.

That's happened to a lot of people. I remember about 6 years ago 2 of my favourite channels was Fred and Equals Three. Look how they are now

Oh no, god no, I can;t draw like that! This is what I'm on now

You see? It's *okay* for fanart and stuff, but not for actual things

What? Hoy could you-
Oh, I just got it. Yeah I suppose so now. Well it's just the same sort of thing you know?

Total word length right now is 58,245. I'll need to compile note pages for the other stories lol.
I dunno man I was hungry or something!

Oh, hmm.
It's just that you seemed curious on the subject so I was trying to give you some insight, I think it's difficult for me to express the full scope of it, though.
I suppose in short, to what you asked the other guy, I've been there, you won't get an answer, that much I know that actually reminds me of another funny thing, sometimes they reply like someone genuinely asking, sometimes they reply with more rage, sometimes not at all, OK I'll stop now.

I think you could do fine, drawing for a VN. Not all VN artists are perfect, anyway. I know some who have made a lot of things get done in their projects.

I'd still recommend catching up on RvB, I agree about the Halo 3 thing, I liked 2 better as well. To be honest it also gets a little slow and ehh plot-wise at that point, but without spoiling too much, there is another sudden change of sorts a season or two later.
Do you guys have Arby's restaurants in England?

There aren't many KS fics that have gone that far. It's almost like you could write a book at this point or something.

We just started Act 2! There's two more of these!


Trying to get away from unhealthy meats but man, I do love some Arby's roast beef and melted cheese.

If I owned a console, it'd be a PS4. Haha

i want to read this

Well, keep up the hard work then, I suppose.
Now I'm curious to go look up other top numbers and see where you compare

It's fine, you just gotta eat in reflection to how much you're working out.

Shit dude, that's a lot
Ever thought about self publishing? ;)

Hm, maybe I'd consider it but I'd definitely want to get a bit better at least first.

I have a lot of things I need to watch, it'll go on the list but idk when I'll get 'round to it

Nope, but I went to one when I was in the states. It's nice! Your Pizza hut sucks though and I don;t really know why, as our Pizza hut is nice, or at least nicer.

I'm thinking from monday I go cold turkey. No more cheap Chinese food for lunch, no 2lr bottles of coke. No huge amounts on food, I need to lose weight

I feel like Arby's is the most underrated fast food.

Lol I am not gonna do that :p if I had a bunch of artwork, maybe I'd do it like an ebook, but the money would go to the artists not to me. I want my stuff to remain free, in the spirt of KS.
I'm writing the draft for 14 now hahaha. I have two more hours here :p

I'd be happy to take some of that action! ;)

That's good, so have you uploaded 13 already
>TFW I've only read up to Chap 11

where can we read it?

Finished and uploaded! Feel free to check out the finality of the chapter here pastebin.com/YYYFQ2sy
It turns out, for our heros, 13 isn't so lucky a number.

Enjoy, and as always, thank you for reading!
Lol thanks man, I'm enjoying writing as well. I've done note pages for each story, tracking their progress and word count now haha. It's all comin along well.

Does anyone in this thread besides the guy I hate actually hate me?

Heya friendos! Nice edition!

Great! I'll check it out once I finish 12 haha

What's next in your plan, keep doing HF or go to something else?

that's pretty cool!

Hey man, how are you, anything good happen recently?

And hey Suzu-bro, what's up?
Got that new cabinet?

We all love user

>for a while
Be back in 20 minutes.

That's not all 40 lol I haven't done 14 yet!

you could be a pretty good VN writer , you should keep in Touch with SHG and the other guy that really wanted to make a KS 2

All good. I made some new friends and had a pretty good week. Being in my own appartment and having no roommate really helped me quite a bit mentally.
Nah, could fit all of my books on the old shelves and I'm probably good for another month or two.

Yea, then you too can rape Hanako.


Have to agree.

It can depend on location, big country, you know. Pizza's mostly for convenience, there are some higher quality chains that care more though.
I think I'd like Little Caesar's more than Pizza Hut, my favorite might be Papa Murphy's though, that one makes raw pizzas for you that you cook fresh at home.
>I'm thinking from monday I go cold turkey
Be sure you're exercising enough! Almost any good diet plan needs some exercise.

There's always future non-ks prospects. You never know. Some people have made quite a lot on some odd e-books.

I don't think I hate you, man.

>Nice edition!

Arby's was always too pricy for me, other fast food seems to be catching up though.
Sandwich ingredients are also easy to get so I often just prefer making my own. Don't like Subway much either.

>having no roommate really helped me quite a bit mentally
That's good to hear man, and hope they become good friends.

Nighty night /ksg/, stay beautiful. Enjoy your weekend!

I am so gonna faceplant the bed...

Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.

See you around, pol-man.
Hope the cold finally clears up.
You enjoy the weekend, too.

Great, hey it's good so keep doing it! I don;t think anything can placate him though

And nope, not a peep

Yeah, but what makes you think I don;t already keep in touch with 'Taker?! We got loads of collaberations!
Nice to know that you think of me in that way though, someone worthy to do it

Oh, I realised I have no idea how long it's gonna be. You got an ETA on the draws?
And it's good you got some alone space now. it can make a world of difference. A bit daunting being by yourself though at times

But it's hard!

But it's even harder!

They all seem the same over here. Pizza Hut have good restaurants but for takeout Dominos reign supreme.
We don;t have as many Pizza chains though. Pretty much just them nationally

Night Pol-dood, sleep well

Gnight, sleep well!

>But it's even harder!
Hard is good!

Spoken like a true faggot.

Maybe haha I mean I gotta say one of the best things about KS is the music, but I don't know any musically talented people :p
True enough haha. I want to be an author in the future :p
Goodnight Poland! Sleep well!
What is soon!!?
lol He has an insatiable hunger for stories. Have to try though!

That sucks :( have you tried calling, or are you just waiting it out?

well i dont know anybody neither but hey , we're on Veeky Forums , we can find

plus we dont need anything else than music , writing and drawing

I'm gonna have to call it a night. Should have the witch Hana finished by tomorrow if anyone cares about that

Goodnight /ksg/, love you all and have a great weekend!

I'm just gonna right of the bat say I don't think I could draw Hana getting raped. She needs to enjoy it!

...I don;t really know what to say to that

Nah, I'm just waiting. Nothing more I can do. And of course you do!

Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.

You forgot a code monkey.

I'm more excited for Pumpkin Lilly


night bro , see ya

Goodnight dude

down at pumpkin lilly gots to find my lost piece

I feel like it'd be best to have a few writers for a project like that. That way one person's writing style doesn't get stale, and it allows a fan multiple options based on the writing style that they prefer for which route/version of events is their favorite.
I don't think I could write it... well, that's not true, I wrote a backstory for that Rin having her teeth forcefully brushed image, I could write it, but I mean I think I'd hate it.
What, you don't like long and hard things? ;)
Boo! Be annoying! Tell them you want it now! Stamp your feet!
>Pumpkin Lilly
Nah man, Stay Puft marshmallow Lilly is where it's at.

Telling someone leaving that you care more about something else over what he's doing.
Stone cold.

you're probably right

>Stay Puft
>Lilly in a cute little sailor hat and shirt, with pure white skin
Damn it Undie don't do this to me, don't make me fall for a fatawa