Seems pretty cool. Well spoken actually. Somehow doesn't come off sounding like a moron like he does on FB
Seems pretty cool. Well spoken actually. Somehow doesn't come off sounding like a moron like he does on FB
Other urls found in this thread:
Nigga that was weeks ago
But I really enjoy his reviews for what they are: a discussion of the past. Some are better than others, and some are outright terrible, but for the most part he does a decent job. Why does Veeky Forums hate him again?
He's basically reddit personified, also a furfag.
All his reviews are basically dick jokes with car background.
Oh he did? That's interesting OP!
sorry, I was gone for a month, and away from internets. just saw this pop up on youtube
>also a furfag
Muh Kutztown Dragon
Ah okay, my apologies then.
Huh. Well shit. Thanks for proofs. So are him and the singer guy lovers?
I don't hate him or his reviews, i'm actually quite fond of them. Although some of his one-liners are a hit and miss to just being downright cringy.
He deleted many videos. Especially those review of dickhole furry suits so the answer is probably yes.
Now real question is why he left all that crap online? No one knows probably a dragon dildo fetish or something.
I miss when he never showed his face.
Still never does. It was just for the interview.
I kind of expected the roman man to be some pale skeleton whiteboy with a guitar, but god was I wrong.
His name is Robert tho
Not sure what you mean. But if you say it's not him there are like 10 videos of his shitty echo.
>sounding like a moron like he does on the FB
the Facebook is mainly operated by Roman so that would make sense
FUCK!!!!! You just had to ruin it, didn't you? Why do people get into this shit?
>meme car reviews. 99% meme, 0.9% car, .1% review
>seriously has never said anything of value or anything you couldn't get by lurking this board for five minutes and making "is this car gud" threads
>lolsornadumb ``humor''
>red 13 suit with a dick hole
why do people give his shit the time of day
Worst is the falcon build thread.
>dare beg emoneyz to build shit ford
>could not tell a starter and alternator apart
Yeah Roman was the exact opposite of what I expected.
why are furfags mechanically incompetent
>be furfag
>install turbo for alternator, alternator for power steering pump, starter for turbo, another turbo for the starter, and put a turbo in the steering wheel to inflate the airbag
>then stance it
Why is the Miata the most famous review? The K platforms and Falcon (original) reviews are the best.
Not all of them broski, I know my shit t b h
The real question is, is there any porn of his character?
Righhht famalam
miata rev iew is fun e ehhhehehe
I've never seen him give bad advice.
He's also a weeb slayer so that's a plus.
>sexual grunting noises
Is that what you do while watching RCR?
How so?
Really? Roman is exactly how I pictured him.
i'd fuck him
would you fuck him?
He is gorgeous
if i was a girl i would unironicly let him cum inside
Go away, RCR
tell me about RCR. why does he wear the bucket hat?
I like him, but I think trying too hard to make it a weekly thing really hurt the quality. Still it's nice to see reviews that aren't someone just reading off a damn spec sheet, hence the 1.whocares joke he used to make
would give animal names to each other and make sweet knotlovin'
True, actually makes me wonder if there are more in same vein with out the constant sexmemeing
Because he's your dad.
>Why does Veeky Forums hate him again?
1. He isn't funny
2. He tries too hard
3. He's a diehard redditor
4. He's a fucking furry
>every youtube "celebrity" uses reddit to connect to their fans
>caring about his private life that is never brought up in the car reviews
Go back to reddit you unfunny hack
you can't fool us
>I don't like this thing
>better keeping bumping this thread about it
Lotta comedy for a car reviewer!
>caring about his private life that is never brought up in the car reviews
Are you retarded or a shill?
He's never brought it up on RCR as far as I can remember.
He made one joke about fursuits and creepy so nice porn. He knows it's weird and creepy and like a lot of furfags he clearly knows how cringy they can be.
I mean unless you consider him talking about being a band kid bad.
I thought he was much uglier than that
What is band kid?
wow, hes really fucking handsome
I liked the episode where he talked about postmodernism.
AE86 review
It's a two part review. In part two he admits the meme is right and that it's a fun car.
he is actually quite attractive.
He has a very normal, non offending looking face.
He looks like a very normal male. nothing stands out, I wanna say very plain, but in a good way
really? cause he is always asking stupid techincal questions about his car, or PC problems that is def not Roman.
like google it you fucker.
I get it, you want to bring topics up for conversation, sure. But really tho? he asks such stupid questions.
The questions are stupid because his biggest pool of viewers, especially those that use facebook, are normies that at best know how to change oil, and think rotating tires means giving them a good hard spin with your hand. You have to give those kind of people babby questions so they can google it and feel smart if you want fan interaction.
>Well spoken actually
He's an english major or something
His PT Cruiser review was all over the place. He went into the basic history, and that aside from it's looks it's a good car for the money. Then he talked for 10 minutes about who gives a fuck.
I listened to a handful of his reviews and I had to stop because
>funny growly voice
>irrelevant pitter-patter
made it like work trying to make sense out of what he was saying.
>Kutztown Dragon.
becuase we have a generation that was told they could be anything, and ignore what reality tells you otherwise.
>getting butthurt about someone's private life
beta as fuck
>follows his dream
>isn't a huge YouTuber by any means
>Most people here would love to do what he does for a living
Met the man and was part of a review. Extremely kind. The humor isn't everyone's cup of tea, and almost every review has inside jokes from the area we're from.
I thought Roman was a nig, kek
His opinions are shit, and he spouts uniformed 'facts' and it just icing on the cake.
I love mr regular. His sense of humor, pacing, and general off topic shit is great listening.
Dare you say, he looks regular?
came here to say this, someone allready had.
also his reviews are memes and screaming. Pewdipi car edition its like if the people in pic related decided car reviews were the new hotness.
isnt the very bottom guy pretty based?
I fucking cringe every time I watch one of his videos (I avoid them now, obviously). Motherfucker always goes for the lowest common denominator and resorts to making silly noises, it's beyond childish and it's worsened by his "look at how GRUFF I am!!1" wannabe golden voice.
Every episode:
>let's start off with a whacky song!
>____ is the car for (insert movie stereotype character here) ARRGHHH
>PFFFHSHSHTT FART FART hnnnnnggg hooowaaahh
>In all seriousness guys, _____(something he read on edwards about the car; actual facts that you can't really argue with, but nothing he came up with)
>more song and farts
Literally just reddit: the dude
Because we as furfags love to ruin everyone else's fun, particularly other furfags'