>Patch Notes:
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>Assassin rework and Pre-Season details
>Patch Notes:
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>Assassin rework and Pre-Season details
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i really, really like quinn
Xth for booty
>tfw no adc gf
you mean you and your normie friends ?
you literally don't belong on Veeky Forums
Post it
Rate it
Nice, yo.
It was me. It didnt, ma baby.
>irelia will never sit on your lap
>tfw you were blessed by the sexking
Remember to not insult your teammates, it is very counterproductive to winning. Also never use slurs as there is a real person behind the computer folks ok?
why even live?
>these fags actually have a lol waifu
>gold 4
swimming in sona
that looks extremely painful
>school romance anime with league characters never
One job rito
Im still here babyboi.
>vaynefg talking shit
Why am I not surprised?
Lesbians aren't allowed get married
but congratz on scoring so low in the poll
>has a tank as first champion and Rumble as best skin
her ass is probably really firm
I wish I had a porcelain 7 incher so I could break one side and stab you in the eye with it.
because its fun :D
Why are there no sneak peaks at all yet. Is it really gonna take so long to rework WW.
>bork nocturne
he completely deserved it
what should i change my ign too? i want it potato related
>Night elf hunt
>Vayne player
>horribly negative
>talking shit
>"I'm so edgy I don't care about you"
Wait until the season ends, I expect sneak peaks of WW and the upcoming champ.
Sir I believe you mean with
tank sluts huh
not for me desu
I think vayne prefers ebony 8 inchers. I am completely serious.
>Sion and Dyrone
gud shit m8/10
Symultaneously? I doubt it.
But yeah, you should wait till next season.
>tank sluts
You take that back. Mako's a good girl! She's not like Soari, who'd fuck the first guys she meets.
the Protato Master?
She's a noblewoman, not a white trash queen of spades. Vlad specializes in wooing her kind, and is likely the type of male beauty she has grown to adore.
becuase this is literally every game that has a vayne
or a riven
or a lee
give the fucking blank
id honestly take vlad shipping over more BLACKED memes
the cuck meme went way too far
>vladfag is against the BLACKED cuckold menace
you're ok in my book, vladfag
even though im a nigger as well
Bretty good, but
>5 favorite items
>3 favorite items
>that skin choice
Tk is based as fuck
I may not like it, but i can respect it.
Bonus points for quinn cancer and captain mf
Boring, just like ezreal
Now somebody give me a fucking template.
It's a white background user, just copy someone's into paint and fill over it
yea ok sure
Nah I could see her and Blade fucking. He's a real vampire ya know
>champs that cant be outplayed once they're ahead
>leblanc, irelia, lucian
I know this is bait, but fuck you
literally kill her
she's from a time in the game where "relatively tanky guy kills squishies" was fucking unheard of, literally kill her
no more unkillable than any other adc with short range
>implying the series biggest autist would whore herself out
Alright lets rate shit
>reworked sion first champion
fucking new, get out of here
>bull dykes and kpop
>gnar is cancer
How is gold treating you?
>galaxy rumble
Okey I realise I am rating an autistic child
>psp vidya waifu
aha okey so you are a basement manchild
>based items
At least something
>kpop dance
aaaaand we are autistic again
and being a tool aswell
3/10 (3 just for the items)
>old teemo
based oldfag
I hate you ingame but your cool
>hates project skins
understandable but too forced, some people just find humor in being edgy
>good best skin
>unknown weird waifu
>boring items
man it just started so good
>ryze can actually dance?
>meme pro player
fuck you 4/10
starts okey
>more than 1 favorite champion
undecisive faggot
>project skins as cancer again
is this NA?
>hipster vayne is best skin instead
So you are unironically trying to be cool right now
>no waifu
>boring items
(it actually isnt funny, dont tell anyone)
>doesnt watch esports
you must be either a really old oldfag or a fucking weeb, lets hope the best
oh boy here we go
>hate lee sin
>based best skin
>no waifu
>unfunny favorite item
2/10 (2 for no waifu and best skin)
not rating degeneration
be as mean as possible
How am I supposed to save money when they realease art pieces like this
what blacked meem are you on about?
Which pro is that? He's cute. :3c
Interracial relationships aren't memes lol
Stop looking at everything through your memegoggles. Everything isn't racially charged. I fap to white guys fucking females of every color. Is it wrong to see black guys do the same without memeing? I am black btw.
Where are you getting the idea of whoring herself out?
>project skins
It's just Yasou and yasfags. I've only met one who was good and not a fuck about it.
>meme pro player
I actually like faker, but I couldn't resist.
I barely play Tristana but bought this skin, because I found her particularly attractive in this splash.
>gendo darius
I don't really like it
Any yordle skin where they have skin colored fur looks weird
>tfw bought Fiora, Nidalee, and Trist halloween skins
>Also got the dragon trainer looloo for 70% off
rip wallet.
Small price to pay considering all the hours I've spent playing though.
It's cute af in game. And she's just cute and fun in general.
How new?
literally where the fuck have you been
just go on the catalogue of any popular board
g-guis lets post esports then whine about trips
I didn't get it because and I already have Riot and Buccaneer. Probably getting Morg though.
Who pissed in your cereal today user
Vampires aren't even as good as hemomancers. Hemomancers are warm and therefore very cuddleable and also enjoy sunlight and good cuisine. Also Blade is a half breed.
I'm just pointing out the obvious. You grow up in the ghetto or listening to RnB and you end up liking black men. You grow up in ballrooms and listen to baroque, you end up liking pic related.
tb100%h I can only fap to porn if the guy is White or Asian with an Anglo or Asian accent. I think it's a self insertion thing. Same if he's fat or old.
There's none on this board and vladfag didn't even mention it
Post what songs you're listening to right now.
>that skin choice
i don't see a problem there tbqh
>be mid/top main
>try out bot because I like marksmen
>do shit in lane, tell myself I'll never play the lane again
>get a penta at the end and win the game
well what's it gonna be?
I figured out a reliable way to lose games without looking like the reason it happened.
1. miss every binding, especially if it'll lead to a kill/save the adc
2. adc: "omg morgana is fking useless"
3a. if solo, get solo kills
3b. if teamfight, "accidentally" miss bindings; if ult, do it only on one target while far in the back
4. achieve defeat with an S rank
>morgana did all she could
>wow vayne is so toxic
I should play bot more so I can use the skin.
She did actually. Do some research on what the queen of spades can mean.
>tilting your ADC on purpose
I swear 90% of my randumb supports do this.
It's almost like they want to be punished...
you're learning
>Aatrox invades me at red
>I invade his teammates' rectums
>"You tilt me."
>"I try so hard but keep losing."
>"We should have won this match I got first blood on you."
>this lulu starts trolling after she and ezreal die early
>spends the entire post game chat whining about team
>finally goad them enough to call me a nigger and family to die of cancer
who /getting passive agressive faggot supports banned/ here?
is she terrible lads?
>aatrox mains
I'm honestly surprised we don't have a league of legends anime or cartoon yet. with how big they are, they need to make soemthing high quality so they'll always be remembered even after league dies, whenever that is.
that's nice toxic supports are the worst given that they think they can get away with it
Why doesn't sona wear a bra
don't forget to spam pings and ?? when they die
bonus points for stealing buff and giving to the enemy
I still don't understand how people flaming in broken English don't realize how stupid they look
Ezreal is the best ADC! Just the best!
Don't let anyone under Challenger tell you otherwise!
because showing bra straps is the sign of a loose woman, and Sona is pure.
>finally have my first good vayne game
>our jungler dies as I was about to say to prep for baron and they take it and win
Haha....l-league of legends is fun...
And Ezreal
Yea they only shit I can self insert into are the ones that aren't colored. All of the other western artists like john persons are disgusting hyper models of his cuckoldry. But I can't bring up a suggestion of coloring without the blacked meme coming up. It sucks desu I might just end up commissioning an artist or something.
Well Blade basically has the same goal as vayne anyway. So they have some kindred ideals.
ideals don't make the pucci wet
being hot does
no pro player
She's still a fucking goddess in lategame, and that will likely never change, but she's mediocre overall right now. Take her if you think you can play safely and not feed until 3 items.
Also my Trist folder might be getting a bit too big.
>i forgot to block out my name once
eheh oops
Fuck off.
Yeah, I can see how that would be an issue for a black guy desu. The amount of drawn porn with a black male as the lead male is few and far between in my experience.
>illaoi again
oh god please no
>still has poblems with kyle in 2016
>best skin that isnt even released yet
I love this meme
>degeneration waifu again
Thankyou of reminding me what kind of shithole this place is
>movementspeed tank items
>he finds trundle dance amusing
>literal who pro player
0/10 you fucking did it
You are actually ok
I always like the ashe starting part before it goes downhill
>plays sona instead of waifuing her
>still has problems with Zed in 2016
So you are low elo, thats okey if you play sona that much
>boring washed up skin taste
oh boy
>not playing his waifu but another female instead
makes 0 fucking sense
>support slut item
At least you care for your teammates
you dont really care for esports aswell huh?
5/10 (only for sona and being a dicksucking support)
not nice
>has fucking problems with leblanc
are you fucking for real? you cant be above gold 5
>okey skin taste
>some kind of butt waifu
>based item
>based dance
>good meme in the end
7/10 you actually worried me for a bit
>tfw 1st good Kled game
>tfw cait started to int when 1st tower bot got pushed
I tried.