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Wood elves are garbage.

I can't wait to yell


continually at the screen while playing.

What's behind the door /twg/?

I can't be the only person who thinks this looks like Shreks Shithouse.

7.5 euros max for wood elves or else fuck you CA

Worst faction.


It's going to be $20 just like Beastmen.


>yfw it's Ogre Kingdoms

"mostly negative" reviews inc

For the roll

the dwarves are already avalaible

Does anyone else wish that there were 2 graphics options for battles and for the campaign map?

My shitty old computer can load ultra setting battles in like, custom battle, 4k units even in like a minute (still slow but manageable) but to load a campaign map on ultra takes like 7-10 minutes.

So I generally always just play on Low, especially if doing co-op to reduce load times for my friends who all seem to load faster even with worse computer specs.

But then it's really shitty when maps literally wont even load the ground (its just black, unit profiles dont even show up on it and it's REALLY FUCKING HARD TO PLAY THE FUCKING GAME WHEN I CANT SEE UNITS) and it feels bad because it all looks like shit.

I wish they would add a fucking option to have battles play in ultra but campaign load in low.

Or I need to drop $4k to buy a new rig and just play it all on ultra anyways but I don't have that much money.

But you get a dope forest campaign that you'll never play

they have a mini-campaign, it's going to be 17 shekelidoos

I'm sure CA is positively heartbroken that the beastmen,one of their best selling dlc ever, got a few negative reviews.

That's a grudging.

Only can be

Do wood elves even have doors?

Where are the lorefags when you need them?

Tomb Kings announcement?

That looks like Shrek's


It's just gonna be a halloween update like Rome 2

Halloween update, WITH WOOD ELVES.



> 4k to buy a new rig and play it all on ultra

What? You could build a fantastic rig for $1200-$1500 that could play Warhammer on Ultra easily.

Tomb Kangz aren't coming until the next ( or last ) expansion

Don't bother, the morons will work themselves up into a lather over it only to be brought into a histrionic fit when it's revealed to be a small Halloween update.

The King & World DLC is just barely a week old. CA aren't going to cannibalize sales of something they're still actively promoting with a Wood Elf DLC announcement. Also Halloween is fucking Monday you idiots.

It's a campaign pack so £14. It's going to surpass CotB sales(which are top 5 all time TW DLC sales) and give a big boost to sales pre Christmas.

Elves always sell well.

nah tomb kings are after wood elves, we know this from the russian leaks

Chaos Pontus

You're fucking with me right? You better be fucking with me. Tomb Kangz mean Araby is going to have to be added too. I swear if they do arab accented Empire il cry a river.

Is that comment real?!

The one mentioning only 20 people will save the Forest with a quote of a Bretonnian soldier being allowed to live to warn the others about Athel Loren?


What fucking meme magic is this?

Kid Karl Franz

Totes real. Look at their instagram yourself.

It took 50 days to release K&W. The database updates prove they are working on something massive by the codename "Waterfall". Tulip and Tulip2 were K&W along with Grombrindal.

A mid November WE Campaign release would be feasible. Others suggest a combo release of Free Bretonnia and Paid elves to boost the Christmas sales.

Here I googled it for you:


CA has said it's old info so the orders might have changed though

>Tulip 2
>dorfs and gobbers
I don't get it.

what dis

>the door opens

if this is not elves this better be the elf posting coffin better bury the fucking elf posters once and for all

Teaser posted by CA.

gimme High Elves not the fucking treehuggers

GPU: $400
CPU: $300-500
Motherboard: $150-200
RAM: $100ish
Memory: $50+
OS: $free-$100
Case: depends on your taste but as cheap as $75

crack when

pls gib fantasy tw ;_;

What? I have a rig around that price and I run everything on ultra

Wait for a sale, as you don't just need TW warhammer, but also beastmen and K&W DLC for best experience

I just want skaven

how am i supposed to start as angrund
rushing 8 peaks didnt work because i cant take 2 armies and the garrison on while skarsnik ganks me
am i supposed to basically bumrush crooked moon and just build up my economy to the point that i can try and wait out the 2 armies in 8 peaks so i can siege it

idk i just killed crooked moon, then bolted for black crag -> eight peaks

this, also, if you wanna be safe, restart if Dwarfs didn't win the Badlandsbowl

>idk i just killed crooked moon
so just tell me to go for skarsnik nigger
guess il go hunting that little fuck before i try to go for black crag

.... thats.... the point? Code names are so that if the code name gets out it doesn't give away what the code name is for.

gosh user, calm down
i found a decent tactic to be tying the ocean of gobbos down with the spooky ancestors, then gunning the gobbos down w/ quarrelers and rangers

Where are the Grombrindal keys?

Does anyone play the mp very much?
I keep trying to play beastmen cuz they're my favorite because chaos are still quite literally shit even after the price re-adjustments and I just always lose to this fucking 2 unit bretonnia army spam.

I usually get like one card of minotaurs (switching it up between the three depending on the enemy army, dwarfs/empire usually means shield cuz the ranged spam, chaos/orkz/vc is greatweapons for the large units + armor, etc) but I always feel like my main army of the ungors/gorherds just fucking gets shit on by the halberd man-at-arms meme. Doesn't matter how well I flank, or hammer and anvil or anything I just can't beat it.

> PC broke down last night
> won't have enough cash to build new rig for at least 2-3 months

End my suffering friends, didn't even get to play my much anticipated Skarsnik campaign. What would you guys do in the meanwhile? A..at least Wood Elves will be out by then.

>do in the meantime
Talk like a gobbo to all your friends and be a general gobbo meme.


Well that's dumb and I don't like it.

I'd start by looking at the testing videos Heir of Carthage did on the beastmen. They will help show interesting points of information about the individual units.

Secondly, look up, and attempt to rationalize what each unit is supposed to be for. And I mean all units, not just beastmen.

And after that, watch videos from genuinely good players and attempt to follow what they do. Don't strictly copy what they do, but do learn what they do and why.

Just testing because the board keeps thinking my post is spam like an asshole.

Stop spamming then, asshole.

Haven't even posted once today.

Soon as my phone charges I'll watch some videos I guess.
I know what most units are for, I've played and gotten to the point of snowball or finished a campaign for each faction. I know that's a bit biased beacuse of how the campaign upgrades work but its the same general thought process for mp. Just when it comes to brettonia and their 8 units total, their army is lord, lord, damsel, 15 cards of halberd men at arms, 3 cards of peasant bowmen. Because fucking lol 550 per card nothing else to buy besides 1300 pegasus knights.

> implying I haven't already been doing this for weeks

I'm pretty sure my gf is going to leave me soon. Jokes on her though, I don't even enjoy her umie talk anyway.

Who wants to see CA actually put out a polished and thought-out game that wasn't blatantly rushed out the door by their Segaian overlords?

>28 (TWENTY EIGHT) days since September 30th

I personally don't, I like to speculate on updates and get excited when a game breaking flaw is addressed. You're just an entitled bigot.


>Wanting a polished game makes me a bigot.

Could also maybe grab a few games against people here and just pound out some testing games. I find its very helpful to play against a friend doing their best against you. That way you can talk about how it went and work together to get better.

I bet you're voting for Trump you racist


Actually, who wouldn't want such a thing?

I'm rolling, but I'm going to play skarsnik anyway : ^}

I found one on ebay that's being sold for the price of several magazines for some reason, as if anyone's gonna buy it.

Too bad, we get good graphics and half-assed game design instead because no one does anything about it.

What should i use empire greatswords for?
I just unlocked them

What's the door picture?

TW twitter shows nothing.

>can get the game for 40€ physical, probably even cheaper on keysites
>fair enough
>see page on steam
>17,49€ (!)
>motherfucking blood is dlc

I think we should bring back crucifixion.

Forgetting power supply you double nigger.

Kill enemy infantry.

captcha: 1400 Weight limit

just a teaser
probably wood elves

Mincing armoured infantry

I want to be dominated by a best elf!

Tulip => Two Lords. Pretty simple mate

Play Grimgor, or are you a git?

Bretonnia halberd + archer spam is Legend of Total War's build. He used it against Ninjahund and made him rage quit and whine about how Bretonnia without cav is cheese. I imagine that's what made it popular

The PSU is usually reusable, as is the case. He also overpriced the CPU, so his estimate still checks out.

No, it's from the russian leak.

Why are people still shocked by this? The link has been posted in almost every thread. We even have a leaked map showing the areas still missing, which includes Nehekhara and (a a heavily cropped) Araby.

Grimgor is a fag. Gork is a fag.

Skarsnik > Grimgor

Mork > Gork

Why? Are you unable to afford those things or just unwilling to pay for them?

Waterfall is Tomb Kings.

It's called that because of all the skaven- and elf fag tears it will cause.

Right spoopy...

i got the game for 35
all the dlcs for a few euros off and the beasties for 13 euro, if you are that much of a jew that you wont spend about 65€ total on a game you want then what the fuck are you complaining about?
Its not like the DLC is absurdly priced or bad save for beasts


So there's treasure in that cave, right?

rollan my man