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Elder Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/i2padsoub9al3u6/SkyUI - Ported Version 2.2 -Removed Warrning-855-1-0.zip?dl=0
lmgtfy.com/?q=paper map mod skyrim

I demand asses.

claimed by waifus

Quick! Which vanilla qt do I marry?

SKYUI port to SSE

dropbox.com/s/i2padsoub9al3u6/SkyUI - Ported Version 2.2 -Removed Warrning-855-1-0.zip?dl=0


Why is this not in the guide? What's wrong with it?


bloatware, corrupts your savefile

And yet I still find Daggerfall more fun the Oblivion.

Oblivion is just bad at its core
-Terrible art style
-The worst potato faces
-Radiant conversations
-The Mages, Thieves, and DB are so full of plotholes they make Skyrim's TG look good by comparison
-The MQ rapes about as much lore as ESO
-The armor and weapon designs were just entirely uninspired
-The landscape wasn't that diverse
-Dungeons were a chore since they were just empty caves and empty ruins with maybe a token broken chair or table every other room

Even OOO only makes Oblivion barely playable.

I think its telling at just how bad Oblivion is when the Unique Landscapes mod series has basically replaced nearly half the game world because its just THAT bad.

The only good things about Oblivion were Knights of the Nine and SI. And SI was only as good as it was because the vanilla product was just THAT bad it made SI look great in comparison.

Like honestly, I can barely think of ANYTHING good in Oblivion.

SMIM got like two more updates recently. Mostly adding and removing certain .nif properties because SE's being a finnicky bitch.

So yeah if you were wondering, you can use SMIM with SE. Be the coolest kid on the block.

But we cant enable the esps?

take a break from slaying dragons and go to the beach

Will choosing the medium setting rather than high when generating Dyndolod give me a noticeable performance boost?

Also, is there a noticeable difference in quality between the two?

Quick question - how do I tell if my SKSE memory patch isn't working properly? I've been getting random CTDs and I'm wondering if that might be the cause.

Come to think of it, Safety Load isn't needed anymore because of Crash Fixes, is it? I should probably disable that,

Time to share character backstories.

Waifus and lore living in harmony.


kek, brumbek laying down the law

no but that's not a huge deal right now. You'll have to deal with flat shack roofs for a little bit

>playing SSE
>Try to dodge enemy attack
>No dodge button

Damn this sucks.

I've heard using SMIM might be bad in SE because SE uses a different mesh format thats inebtween Vanilla Skyrim and Fallout 4, and using SMIM with Se might actually make performance far worse.

Brace for length

Also gib criticism. I'm sure I've done something wrong somewhere.

just get tk d- never mind

thats one ugly waifu

>needing to press a button to dodge an enemy attack
>not just moving out of the way

If you have Crash Fixes with useOSAllocators (MALLOC) enabled, not only do you not need Safety Load, but you shouldn't be using SKSE's memory tweaks at all. Delete them.

I literally just said his last update was fixing SE discrepancies. If you're paranoid that's cool, but worst case scenario if you have issues you can just remove it.

Why her?

Now you're talking.


Why she so big tho

She a qt for a nord, aswell her quest is just to deliver a letter to her family. So family life is very important to her. Shes a pretty good vanillafu.


this should make it possible to atleast side step attacks for now


vanilla NPC attacks track your character

>bloatware, corrupts your savefile
So it's SOS 2.0?

haha wheres the real ones

>vanilla NPC attacks track your character
Sure, if you remain in the reach distance for the attack.

Its easy to dodge by backing the fuck up out of their range.

>Brace for length
Oh ho what other secrets do you have.

Even thought the draugr are slow as fuck, don't they track the user's position when they attack?

He has a thick, girthy backstory.

Oh, I do indeed have OSAllocators enabled, I thought leaving SKSE memory edits wouldn't hurt anything, but I'll remove those right now. Thanks friend.

Does AlignHeapAllocate actually improve the stability of games, by the way?

200% nordic genetic.
Because I like tallfu.

>tfw no paper map mod

If you're experiencing CTDs because of MALLOC you can turn that on, but it WILL hurt performance.

Don't use it unless you actually have to. In fact, with the old version I experienced crashing when exporting heads in RM, so I temporarily disabled MALLOC altogether rather than resorting to AlignHeap. Newer version I haven't had that problem thankfully.

It exists, they a little harder

The chainmail gloves dont really work. The texture contorts into a fugly shape

lmgtfy.com/?q=paper map mod skyrim

I'm not sure if it's MALLOC causing my CTDs, honestly. It could just be because I was using the SKSE edits + Safety Load with it.

If the crashes continue, I'll test with the SKSE patch instead of MALLOC and see if that resolves anything.

Chainmail gloves in general sound like a really awkward concept, but I'm not gonna dwell on it.

Ada, you know what to do.


Great vanilla waifus :
Muiri if you're into yandere

Great husband :

>this level of autism put into armor details no one will notice while actually playign the game, and only when they still images of not playing the game

Brumbek seems like a chill guy though. For a modder of his caliber, he hasn't let some of the bullshit go to his head that many of the others have


Chainmail gloves are a real thing. but because how the game makes the texture twist, they would look better with fingertips and palm side made from leather

share retexture pls

What I got so far

So there's no way to fix it then?

Random question. Are the loading screen models separate from the ingame ones?

Not until there's a mod for proper LODs.

yes, but they do use the same textures

Turns out all I had to do was let it sit for like 1 minute and the game loads. I'm glad it's working but I'm not proud of myself.

Not really. No matter what you do, you will still have some things flicker like that.

Late Waifus, Lore, Harmony.

I can't get enhanced edition to run. Every time I start it it does nothing.

So just like your life?

Anyone try out Snowfall ENB yet?

Been thinking about switching from Tetrachromatic to something less bright, and I've been eyeing it and NLVA - just worried about adding more scripts to my game in the form of Vivid Weathers.

1K chainmail links isn't too autistic user

He's alright as long as you don't watch that one interview where he talks about how great paid modding is and how a couple of trolls are ruining it for everyone.

sure gimme a bit

Check how many running scripts your save has with savegame cleaner. Of its less than 9k just go for it. If you dont like it then just remove the oprhaned scripts with the cleaner.

You could, like, try it out yourself and uninstall it and Vivid Weathers if you don't like it.

qt pa2t

> links are clipping
>links arent round
>no toolmarks
>no weldmarks

Shit texture, would not download

Thank you but I'm just now realizing I'm retarded and didn't post the backstory


So 9k is the magic number? I was wondering what it was. That's the ScriptCount number, right?

That takes work. Honestly, it's moreso because I'm worried about scripts.

I don't know much about them other than I lost a lot of saves because I was an idiot with script heavy mods, and now even running DSR or Frostfall concerns me.

When I want to modify perk conditions like "You need to wear all X armor" or "You need this perk" how do I do that through tes5edit? One look at it gave me a headache just from the weird ass color schemes and it didn't seem like I could just right click delete the conditions tree.

Or if there's a youtube tutorial, can someone link that? I apparently failed at Googling.

I want to set my healrate to 0, but whenever I do this in the console, it reverts when I load the game again
Is there anyway to make this change permanent?

Playing Skyrim Special Edition

So Skyrim Special Edition is pretty great.
Game seems a lot more stable, and looks better.

Can't wait for all the mods and ENB settings to drop.

I'm going back to Oblivion for a few months.

You're starting to sounds pretty autistic :^)

Anyway, here's the thalmor edit. I did it relatively quickly and didn't touch it up afterwards so don't stare at it too long k


I really gotta sit down one day and update his backstory. pastebin.com/YVYyBwf8

You could just not save the game while testing the ENB. Or pick a save you don't mind bloating and enable Vivid Weathers just when you're using that save.



Does Oblivion lack content?

Playing recently, and doesn't seem like they're much to do outside of quests. And since I'm roleplaying I'm purposefully skipping certain questlines.

Am I missing something?

Fair enough. Hell, I've never even seen people complain about Vivid Weathers, so now that I think about it, I doubt it would cause much harm to begin with.

This merchant girl (male) is cute!


>Playing an RPG
>Not doing quests

I want to amputate his limbs and use him as a living toilet for musky, dirty miners in Dawnstar

What exactly is it doing? Infinite blackscreen or nothing at all when you launch it?

Is this actually a path I can take?

Nothing happens

What's your preferred combat mods?


witcher 3 combat got old real quick for me

but for some reason sending various creatures flying or in orbit with frostbolts and stuff like that never gets old.

also trying to get gud with the bow, I now have a better understanding of drop, I use to aim way too low. Next step is trying to get gud without crosshair.

got that dude from quite a long distance, I was surprised the kill cam triggered even.

What a newfag.

Ultimate Combat
TK Dodge
Mortal Enemies
High Level Enemies
Revenge of the Enemies
SPERG+Ordinator (or one or the other)
ASIS patcher

what is the point of us telling you?

When was the last time your character sat down for a nice warm meal, and what did they eat?

Beside the awful voice I actually miss interesting npc.


Maybe, if you can fly.

Ultimate Combat
Ultimate Dragons
TK Dodge
Smart Cast

Plan on using mortal enemies though. Aimbots are starting to get annoying.

Yes. Barely faster as going the other way.

My problem with Witcher 3's combat is the same problem I have with Assassins Creed, or the Batman Arkham games.

Its all based on patterns
Attack, Block, dodge, block, attack, repeat

While its fun the first 2-3 times you fight an enemy, and are learning the pattern ,it gets old real quick once you have learned the pattern, and all it does is cause combat to be dragged out since you are effectively forced to do the pattern for every enemy you come across.

>hunting deer for fun with bow
>kill cam triggers
>arrow misses
>sabercat starts mauling you when kill cam is over