/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

Basarios ROCK edition

MHXX (Double Cross) was announced
[YouTube] 『モンスターハンターダブルクロス』プロモーション映像 (embed)

>I have a question!
pastebin.com/7Aa6HxUh (embed)
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHFU, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread (Cross-thread)

Other urls found in this thread:


Post ideas to make HH better.

>tfw to intelligent for anime dodge and jumps gameplay

>MHXX exists

It's over boys. Anime Gimmick Hunter is here to stay.

Recitals don't take a million years to complete, or two million for a double recital.

What is your favorite monster /mhg/ and why?

Mine's monoblos because he is a badass herbivore and his scream is dank af

Diablos is a not very christian name you know

Will they at least rework adept? That shit is broken, although brave style looks even worse.

you can cancel recitals

>Monster Hunter is here to stay
Sounds good to me, Mr. Shitposter.

Remove Attack Up songs, give horns the same damage potential as other weapons.

Increase the motion values. Have speed up and minds eye tunes affect all hunters. Have more nice sounding and looking horns like the Hunter Master. And finally make all horn innately have either attack up or negate stamina tunes.

>fighting Seltas Queen
>Seltas lobs mortars with omniscient accuracy
>Queen is freight train
>Incoming artillery, stamina is gone
>Incoming freight train, health is gone
>Shut DS

>not having a farcaster at the ready for such a situation

>expecting a duo that specializes in tandem attacks to play fair

imagine being so dumb, that you exclusively pick to use anime things, then complaining about it

Make all offensive songs thrice as potent on yourself

>try to solo G Molten Tigrex
>triple roar two times in a row
>I guard point'd all of them

That's it. I don't need Generations anymore

Dark Souls does it right, why can't Monster Hunter?

Dark Souls has never, ever done it right.

>Lucky Cat
>Felyne Carver (Hi)
>[Event] Famitsu: Mizutsune Feature
If I'm gonna get a Mizutsune Plate, it would be now.
If only I had carving celebrity but that's locked a rank above.
Gonna be a bitch to kill 3 of them with the equipment I have though.

New khezu deviant

Anything (MHGen)

>Having problems with one of the most predictable monsters.
Git gud.

Bring flash bombs, lots of them. Murder Seltas and then rape queen.

>tfw XX is announced
>tfw you are hyped as fuck

>MH4U sold 1,3 m units in the West
>see Gen's sales in the West

That'd work if seltas didn't respawn.

How much did 4U sell in Japan?

This is truth. The only option is to ignore Seltas and through myself against the freight train. 15 minutes into the fight I have broken every single fight but that whore keeps kicking till the 40 minute mark. I just want that Beetle Borg armor.

Taking 30 seconds to kill Seltas for 5 minutes is not bad.

Hey cutie how's it going?

Around 2,7 m copies. Total 4,1 million copies of MH4U has been sold worldwide.


Ah so Gen is a great success after all.

It's definitely not 5 minutes. More like 1 minute at best.

Go time it.

I love art like this.

As a HH main, I'd say HH is already pretty good in Gen, double notes were everything I wanted as it enables me to play twice as aggressive as before.

Non shitty Hunter Arts would be nice, though.

>He doesn't know that Seltas Queen gets utterly destroyed by pierce gunning.
>t. blademaster.

>remove delicious 20% attack boost from your HH bro

It's like you're trying to ruin relationships

Did you even fucking read the other half of the fucking sentence you blind idiot?

>playing MHFU
>have to fight plesioth
what todo

I heard that is the most annoying monster because of hitboxes.

That's subjective.
Gen couldn't even sale one million and the game has been out for 3 to 4 months in the West.

>sold a lot more in Japan
>not a success

Grab a GS, run around until it does the water beam attack, run in between its legs and do a lvl 3 charge. Repeat until it dies.


I was talking about the sales in the West, not Japan's.

Asking again in a fresh thread.

800k sales in the west is actually pretty impressive considering how niche the game is

Jesus, toka armor takes so much time to get. Someone help me finish off the rest of these quests.


Sharpening by dodging only holds the white so long because of razor sharp, so it is probably the best QoL skill you'll get.


I did and it does not change my reaction. You can fix HH's motion values and stuff without removing the juiciest buff. How about making horns with attack up be the ones with lower raw to compensate, like how status weapons get treated, leaving the horns with other non-attack buffs as the individual powerhouses? Higher motion values would let HH use more of its unbuffed raw, as well.

It brightens my day when a horn with attack up enters the room, but it should be a strategic equipment choice rather than a necessary one.

Or did you just want to sling shit?

Is it still considered niche? After how well 4U did in the West, I thought it became more mainstream.


Well, carrot on a stick games aren't for everyone, but Gen's adept dodges and easy as fuck LR made it more approachable to newbies, a lot more than 4U or 3U are.

I guess.

>tfw fighting molten tigrex without CB and/or biology

It's obvious Capcom doesn't want to make HH a good weapon on its own because of the potential damage of 3 hunters + 1 HH in multiplayer, and your solution doesn't fix that.
If you make horns reach other weapons' damage after AuL, you're still buffing three other hunters by 20%, and Capcom doesn't want the game to be that easy.

If you make Attack horns weaker than other unbuffed horns, they'd have to still be weaker after the Attack buff, at which point you're just tickling the monster while the other hunters do all the work, something that the HH was never meant to be.

I love buffing teammates as much as any other HH user, but Attack up was a mistake since by simply existing it forces Capcom to lower the horn's damage.

You too.

>40 minute mark
I hope that you mean G-rank Seltas Queen, just ignore the drone and let it fuse with the queen, I find them easier that way.

It's habbiding


Who cares? We're irrelevant to MH.

Is this like when MHX was announced, if you preorder the game you get two themes? The theme on the right it cute.

>How about making horns with attack up be the ones with lower raw to compensate
It already is like that. The Tigrex Horn has 200 raw, 20 less raw when compared to other Tigrex weapons. And you'll find it is the same for all other AuL song horns, they have about 20 less raw every time.

With the 15% boost, the Tigrex Horn has 10 more raw than other Tigrex weapons but that doesn't fix the problem of HH having low DPS.

They don't take risks with HH because of the Attack song. If they had the same true raw as other weapon classes, that would mean HH would always have an easy 15% attack boost by itself. And messiing with motion values too much might make the weapon too powerful because you would have to consider how much a single point in motion value would be affected by the Attack songs.

One way of solving it is commiting to that and just making the HH plain stronger and see how it goes. Stuff like SA gets scott free with Demon Riot + Energy Charge combo, IG gets 0->100% affinity with the meme set and GS/HBG are still the same powerhouses as always, so it wouldn't hurt them to try and buff HH to see what happens, if only to make changes to how people play the game.

Another way is turning the Attack buff into a Hunter Art and restabilish the numbers so it works. It seems they are keeping this mechanic in anyway, so might as well make something useful out of it. The fact that HAs have build ups and cooldowns, make it so that you don't have such an easy time casting it again and again.

FOTM =/= mainstream

You sound really deluded.

This is just high rank, MHGen. Using Brachydios charge blade and it just will not go down.

HH is fine, there's nothing to fix.

Gameplay mechanics wise, yeah, I agree. It's one of the most fun and comfy weapons to use. But it's also an issue that even the best HH players can't best an above average player of other weapons. They need to fix that shit, I want to solo with HH again and don't take 10+ minutes to murder a furry.

From the quick look, are those possible G-rank armors for Glaveanus, Mizu, Mammoth and the owl?

I skipped Generations, what's the weapons tier list like in Gen? Is hammer back at it again after 4th gen took a giant shit on it?

guys its gonna be mh5 watch cuz each gen only has 3 games the pattern cant be broken

Yes, it can. As shown 2 days ago.
Stop being delusional.

That barrel style pose is hilarious


>/mhg/ is shit style

>weapons tier

How about you just enjoy the game you meme loving fuck

Yes, and they look sweet. But not clownsuit-friendly.

>Too OP: Striker Lance
>Still very strong: GS/HBG
>Strong: SA/DB/Bow/LBG/LS/SnS
>Doable: Ha/La/IG/CB
>Weak: GL
>Pathetic: HH
>No one cares: Prowler

You cannot possibly be this stupid.

pretty gud


I just want hammer to not be shit anymore
The only good thing about it in 4U was that the charged jumping attack was so satisfying to land

never overestimate /mhg/

>biting the bait

Go home Plesioth.

Hey guys
Ready for Hi-Rank Turns?

>only 2 videos from 4

Why did all the Japanese stop making videos during 4/4G? This guy, Efenbaum, Ru.

How come there are no tanks with dragonators and ballistae on them to hunt monsters with?

Seems like the first thing you'd want to make in a world full of monsters.

we lost them but those cheaters from Team Darkside are still strong, what the fuck

>Got the plate
Not from all the carves, not from breaks or anything, but from the quest reward.
That fight reminds me how much I hate Mizutsune, I'm glad it's over.

bumpu come on guys im waiting

4P speedruns are super boring to watch too.

Anything past solo runs is boring shit, and TD's are even worse since they already admitted save editing charms to do it, with the excuse ''save editing is not cheating since we'd get these charms eventually anyway''

Which game?


I'm liking that Barioth LS, hopefully barioth weapons are good again

Think they'll un-nerf S+1? It would be a real shame if everyone had to just keep using hellblade weapons because of the inevitable natural purple

>playing gen

>save editing charms to do it, with the excuse ''save editing is not cheating since we'd get these charms eventually anyway''

Isn't that basically /mhg/?


No, at least the cheatfags here are honest about their bullshit

its just a game man

I just hope LBG is as good as it is in Gen. I know it's not amazing, but it's the best it's been since P3rd.