halloween soon edition
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halloween soon edition
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Fuck off Niels.
>it's a jungler camps the losing lane episode
Why are junglers so retarded?
>go vs ryze
the rework of the millennium right here
post lewds
Which league girls would want to date Fiddlesticks?
thresh fucks your waifu
literally no one
not even ironically
>Master Yi
>Warwick (Literally next rework, will most likely be on patch 7.1 or 7.2)
These are all the 450 IP champions. In your opinion which one of them needs (even if it's another) a visual and gameplay update?
Consider (hypothetically) that riot can rework any champion to be newbie friendly while still having tons of ways to show how skilled you are with that champion.
is shyvana an aggressive cuddler?
That ain't my waifu.
Ryze needs to be removed.
kayle needs a fucking visual update holy fuck
If he wasnt a support that cant 1on1 anyone, maybe and just maybe he would get one single women
Im talking about the uppity sona fags
Kayle, Nunu, WW (coming soon to all your emails).
I think Kayle, Nunu and Amumu could get some help to stick more to their themes.
Amumu could passively be rewarded for being around enemy champions, maybe move his W to his passive and give him something else to do in teamfights other than mashing WQR mash E.
Nunu could use some gameplay depth on his Passive, W and E.
Kayle could get some help on her "Holy" side of things, right now she's an auto attacker god with boring utility outside of her ultimate.
I think Singed and Soraka do some really unique things, but are kinda unfun to play against. Don't know how they'd change that.
Annie needs some could use some counterplay to her Flash + R Stun.
I don't think Garen is exactly fine, but I have no clue what to do with him either.
Yi/Ashe/Poppy/Ryze are buffs/nerfs away from being perfect balance wise.
Sivir is alright.
Amumu. His playstyle is deeply into the anti-fun camp, and his model and effects all look horrible.
user he hardcounters her
it was meant to be
>this is what thresh mains want to beleave
>Get Surfer Singed in a hextech box
>decide to try him out in normals
>get matched against another singed
Next time I'm going to fucking afk, it was the most unfun game I had.
Xth for Vladimir's soft silvery hair which I want to bury my face in.
>implying Sonafags are the majority here
The opposite is true.
or buffs user, I don't play Yi a lot but I do feel like he could use some real small changes like the bugfixes he recently got on the last patch.
>VGU tier
Kayle, Nunu, WW
>VU tier
>most likely to get either another VGU, VU or GU
Ashe (vu)
Ryze (gu)
Im tired of this phrase about as much as cancer
Riot's never removing champions period
I have faith.
Is olaf jungle viable for a silver shitter?
Xth for League's biggest and best bust!
>implying you fags didn't meme Poppy to the top
Yordles suck.
>be first pick/second pick
>no way to ban
>team bans volibear and lux
thinking this graph means anything
there is literally an entry for "katarina" and "kat" right next to each other
Olaf jungle is viable everywhere right now.
Can anyone go faster than Rammus can in-game?
>fbi reopened their investigation
>massive backlash because of the faked #draftourdaughters meme from /pol/
>10 bans
>new client
>waifu skins
We are in the meme era and it's glorious.
By the way of silvery hair
How do you like the new karthus skin? I thought of maybe picking him up, even though I already have be based phantom skin.
>The villian takes more damage xD
>No gap closer
>No stickiness
>No CC
>No cc immunity not even a slow immunity
What on earth were they honestly thinking?
What does Vlads hair smell like?
>tfw you actually meet someone with "Healslut" in their name
>they play Soraka
What the fuck
maybe it's just because her fans don't spam pictures of her tits every single thread outside of that one LAN autist
random guesses
>Sion on ult
>Kled on ult
Xth for hand holding
and cute 2x4 midriff
fertile and soft
The bigger they are the harder they_________
sorry user it's true
Sona fags are more uppity
thresh woops sona in lane and in bed user
>property of thresh
Blood, obviously. You fucking weirdo.
What did he mean by this?
>Visual and gameplay
Warwick, kayle, amumu
Garen, sivir, singed, master yi, annie
it almost feels like bunny riven is the actual champion and that we should get more cute skins of her and pretend homeless riven doesn't exist.
Poppyfags confirmed for least autistic waifufags!
Am I the only reksaifag here?
It's nice, I'm definitely getting it. I will miss the special Pentakill quotes but oh well.
With regards to playing Karthus, go top and watch all the lanes all the time. Not very fun to play but the multikills sure feel good. Was my first main.
post more lewd jinx
welp garen was added to game in 2009/2010, and should be reworked like three years ago
Riot admit they kinda failed on juggernauts reworks casue they made to light changes. He need taric/poppy lvl rework
I'm level 7 on both and have over 300k points on both, a good Sona beats a good thresh.
I'm not concerned about your autistic shipping, but as for the actual game, Sona has gold gen and lane positioning advantage over thresh.
forgot image
I wanna tickle her tummy.
buffs when
Jinx can go fuck herself!
and bring me along
build AD
make me cum.
>Watch some comfy Quas stream
>He is unironically playing Nasus top maxing E buying doube DRing
>Smashing his lane easily, although not stacking a lot early on
>Despite that, still shitting out tons of damage and winning lane with fucking Nasus
>Starts stacking and splitpushing like a madman when midgame comes and he caps his CDR
This is so fucking fun and busted, I don't even.
6/10 games won so far, with 1 Nunu support, 1 inting mid and 1 dc. Never lost lane once.
Here you go, enjoy.
I think the other one ragequit lolg a while back
Its "just nice"?
When I saw the skin, I honestly thought you would drool all over it since there arent many long haired man in league
stfu and post more small boobs
jinx will only hold your hand if you're doing a death spiral shooting guns like a hurricane of bullets. Treasure the moment when you get it user.
>Nocturne now has a max range global ult
How do you feel?
Midriff should be flat though.
He's not like that, he likes to look and smell nice to lure in cute young girls. I'm just wondering what fragrance he's chosen.
good, since he's shit
>still waiting for it to load
So i heard they are changing fervor next patch, how fucked is Kayle with this?
Who else here's ready to make assassin babies cry next patch?
But what if I like booty?
>How fucked is Kayle with this?
Still shit pre 6 items
Still good after tons of farm
>main toplane
>tryhard in all games
>most play tanks and gp
>50%wr can't climb above plat
>autofiled in my promo to plat1 as adc
>pick jhin
>win lane vs smurf ezreal with like 80% wr
>miss most of skillshoots and don't know nothing about postioning but have so much dmg anyway i carried it anyway
should i switch to adc?
>tfw my computer died back in May
>tfw had to go basically the whole season without playing
>tfw I'm getting a new one in a couple of weeks, just in time for the preseason
I have one question to ask though, is my yordle waifu Poppy good again?
Nah there are quite a few. And yes he is husbando material but I'm not overly into his lore so I can't quite marry him.
i just want to dick around in sand box mode instead of actually playing
I lost the link to my full folder and despite having over hundreds of the 2x4 if I continued I'd cross the line and be banned
Out of all the trips I loved you and drawfags the most
Alright /lolg/ think of a champion
Now think long about how your champion's personality. How do they currently act?
Are you ready?
Through all the time spent in the League, their personality has now drastically changed. The evil champs have decided to turn over a new leaf and the good ones have fell into darkness and despair. Their views and personality are now the exact opposite of what it was before joining the league.
How does this personality shift affect the future outcome of their lore?
And most of all, would they still be your waifu/husbando?
round healthy hips+small but there boobs = signs o healthiest offspring
Reposting. This was in diamond 1/2 elo.
>bard couldve been this cool youtube.com
rework amumu, garen, nunu and kayle
>tfw no life with a thick milf Sona as your wife and your dozen healthy children
>Replybait with an anime pic attached to it
It's like pottery
Have a (you) on the house
they're just fucking with you, right?
Please source on that pic for the love of christ.
Ashe literally just becomes Sejuani and Lissandra combined.
Still hot.