/krog/ - Kronos General

Guild pic edition

- Alliance (Automute, Qlurf/Glurf, Infamy, Crabberson can invite)

K2 Website: www.kronos-wow.com

>Client Download and Connection Guide:
pastebin.com/xscFnzaK (embed) (embed)
>Leveling Specs:
>Vanilla WoW Head:
>Kronos official DB:

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>Indi makes a second mc raid not coming to ours
>that is okay because he isn't raiding with us in bwl or in our guild
>he rejoins the guild when we finish bwl progressing
>that is okay because he will now join our mcs where we lack tanks and we struggle
>indi doesn't stop his MC raid
>that is okay because that means that its his own decision and will get him lootbanned
>any other player in the entire guild is insulted and lootbanned if they go to another MC raid
>Indi isn't
>Indi can rename his guild to a 'second nihilum' raid
>it's a nihilum raid but he keeps all the gold
>the excuse is to farm more oranges
>three new orange drops are completely wasted on a pug and arizonatears (the normie who doesn't raid with us)
>He isn't lootbanned and the gold is used to buy his e-girlfriends stuff
>the entire guild just paid for puddi's 100% mount
Why is this allowed?

Rightful thread.

my picture :3

First for Madti!

4th for guild fun!

Lndi has been doing pug MC's since Nost idiot.

AHAHAHAHHA you guys are PATHETIC ppfffttt ahahaha how could you let this happen to yourself???? i am baffled. this is juSt to much holy crap i feel sorry for you guys at this point

You werent invite into our clique on top of the IF fun, Grud.

I think if people took a hard look at what WoW looked like in 2004, without adding ANY of the conveniences after patch 1.12, they would probably play once for nostalgia and quit. Think about vanilla for a sec:

>Hunters gave up a bag slot for ammo/arrows (made or bought)
>Warlocks farmed shards for 2-4 hours before the raid
>Rogues made poisons
>You had to train in new weapons and level your weapon and unarmed skills
>5 minute buffs (instead of 60)
>No such thing as food buffs
>Horde loses paladins
>Alliance loses shamans
>Limited race/class combos
>16 slot bags
>Mounted speed with the carrot and spurs only 120%. No flying ever.
>Summoning stones and Warlocks only - no LFD, LFR
>No more flex/mythic raiding
>no rep tabards
>1 bank/mailbox/ah in SW and Org
>remove 70% of flight paths
>most holiday bosses removed
>paladins and locks have to quest for class mounts at 40
>60% speed at lvl 40 and 100% speed at lvl 60. Walking for the first 40 levels
>No such things as heirlooms
>no transmog
>Nothing is account wide
>Achievement system removed
>Gearscore comes back

and the list goes on and on. Have people really thought about the limitations, and changes of reversion involved with a classic server? No AoE loot, nothing glows, no dungeon journal, raids require you to be in a raid, no more soloing content... etc. People will get what they wish for... and then leave.

remeber to have a good day people!

You as well Fox poster X

you are retarded

12th for female privilege

It's okay I'm used to being bullied.

thank you user poster X!

pre-dead server dance

good riddance

we getting nost 2, and soon enough we will have a true vanilla to TBC server when crestfall releases

would not wish Nihilum fag clique on my worst enemy

desu the only people who are complaining are probably raid loggers who don't interact with their guildies thus being ignored for the most part.

Raid loggers don't deserve loot.

Nice binds mate.

You're just mad you're not a part of the clique, noob.


>no such thing as food buffs
>no rep tabards
>5 min buffs (instead of 60)

>no lfr

the only legit gripes are locks/hunters taking up tons of bag spots, but any decent guild will give them ony bags first anyways so it doesnt matter too much. And locks do not need to farm for 2-4 hours for shards lmao

It's bait my friend.

So rough estimate on when nost comes out? Should I bother levelling from 46-60?
I'd probably join a few weeks after launch once population dies down

doesn't matter will be worth to wait

it's all speculation so no estimate, we'll know more after blizzcon.
However, know that IF nost re-opens, it will turn k1/k2 into ghost towns. Some people will stay but remember how dead Kronos was compared to nost while nost was alive.
So if you really want to hit 60 and enjoy leveling, then sure. But if you're planning on migrating to nost as well then be sure to not burn yourself out needlessly.

>nost has a small chance of coming out
>so definitely don't enjoy playing on a server that does exist and is active

Consider suicide.

I basically told him to play if he wants to play. It's a stupid fucking question anyhow and you're a wild jungle retard to misinterpret what I told him.
Consider not being dumb.

sell your kronos accounts now. immediately. you might want to ninjaloot or scam some people to add more value to your account. your twinstar account will be worthless in exactly 1 month.

I vividly remember a guildmate from another private server telling me how he was offered $2,000 for his account. He had some extremely rare items and recipes, a ton of gold, and several alts full of raid mats and profession materials. The would-be buyer approached him a long time ago, made an initial offer, and was denied. The would-be buyer kept raising his offer and it maxed out at $2,000. For whatever reason my guildmate still denied his offer, and shortly after another server opened which killed the population of the server I played on. It became a ghost town, and his account was now worthless.

Sell your account now, use a reputable site and a middleman to be safe. Even if you only get $20 then go for it. It's better than the $0 your account will be worth once Nostalrius makes its announcement.

I can't hear you over all the cocks in your mouth.

>burn yourself out

There's this myth going around that there's tons of people who want to play vanilla but won't because they're waiting for Legacy and it's just not true.

Half of Nostalrius pop was bots, this has been proven.


Xth for old Nihilum.

My problem is the launch.
600 minutes queues with overpopulated zones is guaranteed, when k2 came out it was unplayable until about a month after imo. I love playing the game but I can't handle trying to grind against 50 people in 1 zone

Stop it Grud

Grud fuck off dude.

I want grude to die unironically

It's another Grud posts pony shit in Krog episode then says its Salty Dogs shitposting him

That's so fucking autistic

I hope tucker rolls alliance on Nost 2

The scatposter is objectively better than this

Fuck off back to your containment discord scatposter


Can you prove that I'm a scatposter? The burden of proof lies with you.

>don't want to level again
>don't want to grind gear again

but I miss you all :(

>gear and level grind
>I want to play WoW but I don't want to play WoW


he said he wants to play with people not wow you autist

I just posted proof you fucking idiot.

>play with people

I don't get it.

re: autist

>can't post proof
Here we go, fuck off retard if you don't have anything meaningful to say

re: sad normie fuck

Can't we all be friends?

I already proved it, you fucking mongoloid

whats that

what is the most special snowflake but oddly powerful all around spec/class/race in vanilla?

thinking of playing paladin or something since most people write it off because m-muh DPS

I'm fine with healing I just want to pull off some weird shit in pvp or something and make people unkillable/be unkillable

disc priest or balance druid

probably shadow priest

Just reply with proof if you have it. The burden of proof lies with you.

Paladin is the master race meme class.


I think ele shaman can get some pretty big burst

But yeah, the most common shunned and pvp only combo is ret paladin with raid gear (reckadin for even more meme potential)

>People actually think they will make nost 2
>People actually think just because they move the server to Russia it won't stop blizzard fucking them if they tried something
>People actually think Nost was perfect and that Kronos was shit before Nost died, when in fact it had better coding than Nost
>People actually think Blizzard will do Legacy Servers when it is clear they are just stalling
I bet you guys actually pray before you go to bed thinking "god" will help you get a cute weeb gf/bf

downloading vanilla now im p excited

>People actually think Nost was perfect and that Kronos was shit before Nost died, when in fact it had better coding than Nost
I hate this awful meme

don't forget your wod models!!

>wod models

do people actually use those?

what the fuck is wrong with you?

I use the dwarf ones.


So paladin does have some shit up its sleeve then?

Crestfall when

Just get hand of rag and /sit to get 3-4 reckoning then one shot the person.

That is literally a viable strat


care to explain?

>People actually think Blizzard will do Legacy Servers when it is clear they are just stalling

They already announced there's going to be no Legacy.


In vanilla sitting automatically guaranteed a crit against you as it turned off your defense


how are glancing blows doing on kronos btw? :^)

This guy's vids are old as fuck (but vanilla hasn't changed since) but I like them because they showcase reck power in the real world and not in some pvp montage vid



Those are great, i like that it isn't a stupid pvp montage.
What weapon was he using?

>they showcase reck power in the real world
more like showcase bugged melee damage cuz feenix is running vanilla on a tbc core

The weapon in his first vid is The Unstoppable Force, a very good 2H mace you get for getting exalted in AV. Probably one of the best epic weapons when it comes to the ratio of accessibility to weapon performance. However, it is like 150g.

The second weapon is Halberd of Smiting which drops from ZG.

he's so handsome........

I actually knew the first one, meant the second. Just looked it up, that's great. Thanks for the links, user.

Cute. Cuuuuuuute!

Wow was /wpsg/ completely killed off?

Yes by Asscobra and his friends.

Yeah, Asscobra killed it

Really? Damn, I always hated that guy. His friends were okay but he was a huge dick

is there a vg guild on lordaeron?

was thinking of leveling up there a bit just for fun

lol @ u

I was mostly curious to know about other good private servers other than Kronos. Always looked at /wpsg/ but now its gone

Heroes-WoW, PsychoFun WoW, and Kronos are the holy trinity right now

just wait for nost2

Is this really happening?


I'd say it's very likely, the nost team wouldn't be leading people on like this if they had nothing planned.

Just wait for blizzcon + one week, because nost said they're making their announcement after blizzcon

is that a yes or a no?

omg so hard post more pls

>Welcome to Emerald Dream 1.12.1

yeah great proof video




I want Alex to be my bf

ikr? he's a hottie.