Destiny General - /dg/
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Who else is gonna play skyrim se today?
Second for Titans lead the way
Starting nightfall, pls join
Room for 2
nah, once was good enough for me
Any PS4 hm wotm raids going on?
Any raids going down on PS4?
On a side note, these ads are obnoxious as fuck. what the fuck is going on?
what ads?
gook is trying to jew the users
phonefags get fucked
japmoot is fucking over the site for more shekels
Hiro put some new ads in I suppose. Not sure what might be new on PC since I never cared to turn off my adblocker but on mobile there's big ads at the top and bottom of the screen and one that just stays at the bottom of your screen if not dismissed.
Hiroshima cant pay the bills apparently. He could just delete Gif and the other useless dumb boards but nah, hed rather put up more ads
Nope, he has more than enough.
He just wants more.
theres also fucking popups
this feels like a cheap third party site
this. anyone who believes Veeky Forums is magically in financial trouble suddenly is a fucking idiot.
Hiro just wants more money because he's a fucking crook, simple as that.
Literally everything I'm getting in engrams is right around 340. How do I get stuff past 350?
sex with daddy! c:
Prodigy giving me neck live on twitch.
trials character 3 with shitterheart and some random spicder
W-where did the radar go
for this weeks trials there's no radar and no revives (barring singers) and also random spoopy effects appear on screen
are triple sunsinger teams common
>haven't played this game since House of Wolves
how #rare is The Supremacy now?
yeah but they're usually dumb and so mostly harmless when I did it
nightstalkers, blade dancers, and stormlocks with OA were more common
what about the campers
Is a Cryptic Dragon with Triple Tap, Braced Frame and Firefly any good?
trash it
Shard it unless its red dot oes, crowd control, hand laid stock, firefly
Why is Destiny so fucking good but so shit at the same time? I can never drop this game until Destiny 2 comes out.
that's honestly one of the bigger threats
one of the teams we lost to was a double T5 INT sunsingers and a T5 DIS STR voidwalker camping for supers
but that was it
honestly the biggest advice is stick together so you can team shot them before they do it to you
Anyone doing interesting? I have no raid or nightfall experience or mic but I am a little bored
post your light level my dude
also be careful on the red side of the map because they enemy team can hide in the roof and shotgun fuck you
Sorry its 366
holy shit your account is a clusterfuck of deleted guardians
Strikes would be the most helpful for you
Well yeah I deleted my old ones from year 1 because i felt inexperienced for this expansion. I took a break after the first dlc and came back recently
I guess I'll keep at it its just getting a bit dull . Oh well
where do you see that?
AstronomicalAtom (grill)
BiasedBob (leader of Atom's Thirstcrew)
Bv900 (xbowners' sex maid)
Cherrysyrup_ (refuses to play with someone from /dg/)
Crazy-Diamont (memer)
DemonicTier (posts demonic-tier posts)
djdirr (literally who)
DonThyDone (scot with shit Internet)
dozvati (Australian with shit Internet)
Drinniol (wants to have sex with everyone)
Dragonheart188 (autistic verbal shitposter, likes girl cock)
enji-n3rd (empties his nine in the welfare line)
GothLota (Australian)
Hobo_Poptart (Prince's shitposting apprentice)
Ironicc1 (German)
John Selected (0.17)
joff99 (no explanation needed)
joff99 (shittiest player on /dg/)
joff99 (can't hit his knight)
Love_Lucky_777 (probably browses /mlp/)
MustangCobraGT95 (verbal shitposter with shit internet)
Noobish-Hero (Thunder's Prepper, likes dawggy)
Oh No its Colt (seal with shit internet)
onokario (beats animals, probably SirLetssDance's cousin)
Ozyemdias (zippy's bitch)
PandoxR8 (garbage, zippy's onahole)
Prince_Dilema (micless shitposter)
Sidhepock (made timby cry)
SmokyProgg_ (has a huge ass)
stainsoftime (little bitch)
StrayLost Idiot/Idjit (fell for the dual console jew)
StuartRae92 (Raging scot)
TheSteroid386 (damage controller)
Thundertouch (Noobish's Bull, probably also stole the broom)
Timbywuff (disgusting furfag that fucks himself with dildos)
truejiro (cuck, hates gays)
Van_The_Elvaan (turboshitter according to user)
Vandeezeh (likes CP)
VIRGIL (likes his red hot sticky balls)
xInterReborn (Weeaboo)
YellowTeaCup (garbage, has a shit waifu)
zippy100012 (shitposter who is responsible for all posts related to zippy)
*not finalized
>joff fucking with redditors with his advanced AFK tactics
is he, dare I say it, our guy?
time wasted on destiny.com
>haven't played in a year
>still top 1% for precision kills
What have Destiny players been doing for the past 12 months exactly?
>I'm not on there
Nice, I'll be less shit on hard mode next time :^)
Also whoever had the Cloak of Solitude, did you do Forge to get that?
Gotta put joff up for a 4th time.
He afk's raids, NF's, and now Trials just so he can get loot without having to work.
He doesn't even tell you he's doing it then gets angry when you call him out for it.
fucking hes so desperate now hes getting blacklisted on reddit you say?
Not finalized :^)
Noted btw
Uh, ok
>putting dawggy on the list
Can I be on there as well? Seems like some kinda accomplishment to be recognized in a list.
>implying im not wearing a shirt with zippys face on it
>not drinking from a mug with zippys picture on it
>not flipping back to my desktop every 10 seconds to look at my tiled zippy picture background
>not kissing the framed picture of zippy every night before bed
>not laying down in bed and looking up at my zippy poster above my bed
>not turning out the lights and watching the face of zippy illuminate with glow in the dark paint that i traced every inch of his face with lovingly
>not dreaming of zippy while zippy magically watches over me like a glowing god in the night
>he doesn't know
blacklisted for wanting to be on the blacklist
as a side note, i hit 400 today from some random boot drops, im gonna git gud and try again tomorrow for the MIDNIGHT HUNT
>he doesnt know
It's only the 28th
read this out on stream zippy
>there's people who haven't gone flawless this week
what are you, a radar shitter?
put me on this next time
no, just busy
>so rare that no one responded
damn son
Anyone up for Trials? Trying to get to the Lighthouse, but 5 wins for the emblem is alright too.
I just want the kitty cloak
no, daddy is busy this weekend :c
Any titans and warlocks wanna help a fellow hunterfag get his outbreak prime quest done?
im down
Post raid completions.
Ok bud, join up
2/3 Trials
omw grabbing some stuff on my titan then swapping back to hunter
>10 more rumble wins until max
Goddamn her tits look gigantic when they're supported properly by a bra.
I mean I'm sure the clothes help but damn son, no wonder she's the best.
RIP her career and RIP my dick.
Ok, i'll be waiting in the Reef
>he doesn't know
>You now remember when people thought that superblack would be the HM vog shader
I waited a long time for this.
What are the easiest ways to get legendary marks once you're done with the dailys and whatnot?
Will Zippy ever recover?
fuck you
>9 more rumble wins
>caring about rumble wins post private matches
t.grandmasters of grimoire
anyone doing hm, just need aksis but tag along for whatever
did you force thunder or homo to make the mcchicken video
I like how there is incentive to do the raid over just to farm fragments for next week/chests you missed.
i couldnt give a shit about fragments, i just want the damn hc
How come all Titan armor is dogshit?
Seriously, I can't find a single helmet that doesn't look like total fucking garbage. Some of the green helmets look nice! But everything that's actual WORTH wearing looks like fucking crap.
I'd even wear blues, I don't care. But is it so much to ask to look good and not have a shit LL?
I'm earning my rumble grimoire score
>8 more rumble wins
Shut up faggots. It's time we settled something once and for all
>whose the best weapon manufacturer
>Helm of the Exile/Pariah
>Iron Companion Helm
>Helm of Innmost Light
>The Glasshouse
>Cosmoclast Helm
Check yourself and then wreck yourself, because it's all you deserve.
>Used to have fuzzy armor, skull armor, and samus armor from the different factions
>Now all you can get is the FUCKING LUNCHBOX gear
I hate playing titan
I want everyone on earth to die
>Fancy pants bullshit for stupid fucks
>Looks mentally handicapped
>Fine, but not great
>Would break the second I headbutt someone
If you think the Glasshouse is made of actual glass you're a fucking retard and beyond help.
Control your teenage angst you edgelord