Wageslave here.How do you NEETS get your free money? id like to learn from you guys.
Wageslave here.How do you NEETS get your free money? id like to learn from you guys
mooching off parents
handouts from the government
Investments after years of saving
Im 18 single and have no kids.How can i get goverment hand outs?Is their a way the goverment can pay for my rent?
My plan is to get handouts and keep working by getting paid cash.I hate this socialist system but since it exploits me their is no choice for me but to use it at my advantage.
>My plan is to get handouts and keep working by getting paid cash.I hate this socialist system but since it exploits me their is no choice for me but to use it at my advantage.
>This socialist system exploits me
>18 year old who probably works a minimum wage part time job
Dude you don't even pay enough taxes to cover yourself. You ARE the tax leech
Im not a tax leech because i work but im actually planning in leeching taxes because getting handouts can help me put %100 of my money into saving and i can probably start a buisness in the future with that.I dont care in temporarly leeching because im going to do something something productive with my money.
you should see my neighbors, they have a bunch of kids and do nothing but sit on their arse all day.Im actually planning in using the handouts to do something productive.
Once you put that money in savings, it's reported to the IRS every tax season by the bank.
Literally retarded. Even niggers rig the system better than you. Go suck dicks for $20 on Backpage then invest in drugs and resell.
im not gonna put in a bank account.I just meant i was gonna save the money.
You are a tax leech you fucking faggot
You contribute less than you take from the system if you're a minimum wage worker.
Social Security, Food Stamps, Medicaid, Medicaid, Pell Grant, Subsidized Loans, selling Adderall (Allegedly), Tutoring and any other little easy odd jobs I can do for cash/under the table.
I live a pretty comfortable life and it feelsgoodman.
But I'm also saving every penny for future investments.
im not a minimum wage worker tho and how about rich ppl that dont pay taxes are they leeches too or only minimum wage workers?
People who make under a certain amount don't pay enough taxes to cover themselves.
You complaining about "muh socialist system is exploiting me" when you are the prime benefactor shows how much of a retard you are
do i qualify as a single 18 yr old w/ no kids
right now the goverment doesnt give me anything.Plz explain how im a leech.
buy WAVES on bittrex? how the fuck else?
You do for Food Stamps and Medicaid at least in my state.
Do some homework man, I did and that's how I got all my free money and benefits.
K thanks
Only neet im okay with. Cant wait to join the club. How u like it? What u invest in? What kinda returns u get?
Any tips for a wagecuck with a few assets and working 80 hours a week?
Whos got that pic of the hard worker and the illegal juan who scams the system and comes out ahead?
Its like a neet blueprint
I shill crypto.
I use the days it rises to rope more idiots into buying in, and when it falls I tell them to hold tight because "they'll only lose if they sell".
Or, even better, I tell them to "buy the dip".
That gave me a really good laugh!
I got this which is pretty close.
What's in the bottles
Rich parents and thriftiness to stretch out the pennies.
you were born in 1998 dude get the fuck off of this board.
your daddy claims you on taxes still faggot
>A little over $5000
Wow rich boy