/civ4xg/ - Civilization, Stellaris, Endless and 4X Games General

Many faces of Philip II edition

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>A couple other Civ resources:

>Civilization V Analyst, with all the specifics of mechanics you'll ever need

>Civilization V Roulette

>Civilization V Drafter

>CivFanatics' Strategy and Tips forum, good guides and information.
forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=391 -

>Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot, lets you play Civ V's hot seat mode like an e-mail game

>Civ V Modding Wiki

>Civ V Mod databases
steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse?appid=8930 (requires legit version)

>SMAC & SMAX official short stories

>Stellaris OP

>Stellaris Mod Archive

>What is Stellaris?
A 4x game developed by paradox development studios.

>Stellaris Steam Group

>/civ4xg/ OP:

>Some mods for Civilization V


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Where can I check my luxs from trade? I forget which ones I have or not and it doesn't tell me when the trade deal fucking ends either

I hate this guy so fucking much.

I am fond of Cleo.

Reminder to encourage and fondle pigposting.

What were they thinking indeed. IRL this guy was probably the most boring guy to be around ever.

Same All I have to do is ignore her pig face.

Half the time I do random civ, I end up with Egypt.

What the fuck is this shit, I don't even like that civ?

I am never again starting a game on max size anymore. This is totally gay.

I think Im going for a game where I try to beat the diplomacy game somehow.

(Denounces You)

And she isn't fond of you.


You're not fond of pigs?

She's so expressionless

Reposting from last thread :

>The new district meta is to literally shit down districts in all your cities the second they are unlocked to get the lowest price possible
>The new settling meta is to get everything done before Classical because production costs go insane past them
>The new builder meta is to build as many of them early as possible, and if possible to beeline to Serfdom to get the best ones
>The new tech and civics meta is to ignore every single tech which doesn't lead to the endgame, maybe with the exception of Archers (and even then, you can Horseman spam and hard research Crossbows)

Who is best husbando and why is it Gil

Is she cross-eyed?

I swear to god she seems cross-eyed to me.

Just like her Civ5 self she only has the slut expression.

Harald, Gilgamesh, Teddy and Peter are the only good choices for husbandos desu

Comfiest games I play are as Harald

>my feet hurt
>this dumbass doesn't even have an army
>Gandhi with his nuclear bullshit again
>making Ra-Kedet great again, one stolen wonder at a time
>tfw chariots only fall off in Renaissance

Best soundtrack youtube.com/watch?v=U7q99etgJ6M
But, is it just me or are there no region-specific music anymore? Like in Civ V there was music for Europe, the middle east, east asia and so on, but I have only heard civilization-specific music in Civ VI

>no Phil

>First game of Civ 6
>On immortal
>Randomed into Tomyris
>Notice early on while fighting barbarians my units are nearly immortal due to healing after scoring a kill
>Rush horses
>Producing 4 horse archers every 3 turns from one city
>Every other Civ has mostly warriors still while
my massive army crushes the entire world
I think the Scythians might be a bit overpowered. I can't wait to see what multiplayer is like.

>mfw Vox Populi reduces the cost of previous era buildings
>civ6 increases it instead
RIP any "colonization of America" scenario with such meta. Also literally promotes expansion through warmongering instead of settling past Classical era.

Dead diary,

>that chin
Oh god.

Scythians are currently the strongets everything and literally the strongest civ, only slightly contested by maybe germany.

I think it's all civilization-specific this time. There IS ambient non-theme music. Could be a lot more, though, I hope modding can open up soundtrack extension.

What determines Unbidden spawnrate? I decided to try to headshot the portal, only to have these two fleets fight non-stop for a year straight as 280k stacks of Unbidden keep spawning when a current fleet is about to go down, to the point where I think I've blown up at least 1.5mil worth of Unbidden in that system alone, though I won't be able to keep it up at this rate.

I don't remember them spawning this crazy fast in 1.2.5.

Alright, explain this to me.
From what I understand, Hansas trade mine /quarry adjacency for Commercial hubs. They have a shitty CS bullying ability and a useless unit. What's so good about that?

Civ V had such an excellent soundtrack, wonder why they went backwards in that regard
Suppose it was because they made era-specific music for all individual civs this time
I like how they tease us in that regard though in the sense that you can hear Civ V music from amphitheaters

That hansa gives godly production if you use good placement

hey just a quick question, is there a button to turn on and off a cities boundaries?, i ask because, not my game runs properly, but for some reason i cant see where my, or anyone elses borders are, theres just no indicator.
if theres a border button maybe i just hit it if not, its likely another bug isnt it?

Read the production bonuses and try them out.
You get to many hammers that can keep up even with Tomyris silly produce 2horses/2helicopters->sell them->buy stuff you wanted to have.

>you know how China's UA allows them to speed the construction of wonders by expending builders?
>how about we give everyone that ability
>but also it works on everything
what were they THINKING?

Oh look, a do-it-yourself instant city-pack. Capture those babies and just lay 'er down.

Blue line shows how far I can move my fighters.

Fighters have 14 movement, but if they end a turn outside a carrier, airstrip or city they die.
Attacking costs 1 movement.
I have 53 Stealth Fighters and over the course of the game I've lost 39 of them.
I have some defending all my cities, and each turn I move some of them out hunting enemy units.

There's fog of war of sorts, but it's not visible in the game. The enemy units in the red circles that are fortified are there, but there may be other units around them. If they moved those units during their turns I would lose vision over them.
Since they're mechanized infantry behind fortification I avoid attacking them with my fighters.
I also avoid attacking into rougher terrain depending on the unit. Tanks/Marines I attack when they're on flatland. Helicopters, Spies and Stealth Bombers I always attack unless they're grouped behind fortification.

In the purple circle there's a stack of chinese units that have been attacking the wall.
If I attack into it I will fight 1 of their units, if I win, the entire stack dies.
If they were in a city or behind fortification only 1 of them would die.
I don't need to use my fighters for those since they're adjacent to the walls, I will instead use a Howitzer to take them out.

The forts with mechanized infantry in the brown outlined area are temporary forts.
They are there to protect the engineers that are bringing down the mountains.
Eventually they'll look like the red outlined area and I'll move back.
I do this since Mountains and Hills have heavy defensive bonuses.
300% strength defending in mountain, 200% strength defending in hills. If they attack me and end their turn on plains rather than Mountains I have an easier time taking them out.

Pink circle shows an Egyptian AEGIS Cruiser.
They have double strength vs missiles and air.
When they get close I move out battleships to take them out.

Tomyris Agenda: Likes civilizations who declare friend. Hates civilizations who backstab and declare surprise wars.

So how do I befriend her in the first place?

Hansas are a special district and dont count towards your total number of districts. It also builds instantly.

Germany allows you to have one additional district to that.
Every city in the HRE has a commerciel hub, hansa, campus as a basic and produces science, hammers and traderouts/gold.

Can you post a pic

>he doesn't know about precision German engineering

If the battleship is too wounded to move back into the port I move out AEGIS Cruisers to cover it because the following turn the AI will go berserk and start to send Cruise Missiles at the battleship.
I send more AEGIS Cruisers since they have so many missiles that after a few of them the cruiser will go down.
If I have more the AEGIS Cruisers will take turns fighting each Cruise Missile though and I can save the Battleship.

The Blue Circles show where the Chinese Stealth Bombers or chinese ships like to attack.
Yellow circles show where the Egyptian Stealth Bombers like to attack.
White circle shows where the roman and babylonian stealth bombers like to attack.

Not enough housing just fucks up many settlements desu. I wish some how the wonders gave it

What in the god damn

Make more farms.

pardon, it seems to have solved itself after reloading an old game.. i have no fuckin clue.
thankyou for the potential aide nonetheless.

>It also builds instantly
I'm fairly confident I just spent a good amount of time building hansas.


You didn't build them early enough then.

>Frederick decide to chimp out because I sent an envoy to some shithole
>For the third fucking time
>u din it nao frederick
>Steamroll his troops and get to his capitals in two turn
>Peace plx
>No fuck off
>Have to his shit in until he literally beg for peace while offering everything he have for him to finally calm down

jesus fuck


I don't understand.

They're age and civ specific.

I mostly hear my own civ's music and then some from my neighbors.

I miss hearing them classical tunes when playing euro civs in Civ V

Districts get more expensive depending on your total progress in the most advanced of either the tech or civics tree

The maximum is 10x if you finished a tree, aka 600 production per district

If you could build a district at the start of the game (which you can't in my knowledge), it would cost 60 production

>victoria forward settles birmingham right next to my capital
>she declares a surprise war on me
>just calmly let her waste her warriors in my fortified spearmen as I snipe her off with my archers
>she went from #1 army to last place
>take her city


And that was the moment I decided my continent needs a lot of ethnic cleansing.

ive never heard this. ive only heard the price increases globally for every district built, which includes city centers. was that changed?

Dear /civ4xg/.

Because I cant afford Civ VI right now and because of some negative opinions out there, I decided to replay Civ V for fun.

What map settings and mods would give me most comfy and longest game, without 10m long turns in later game? Also, is turn time linked to map size or nuber of civs?

I tried this PerfectWorld script, but it often gave me weird results, like starting blocked by mountains from two sides and two other civs from another sides or starting in completely isolated part of the world, without any good spots for city founding.

Also, is there a way to exclude some civs from random choice? I mean, I dont want to manually select civs all the time, but at the same time I would rather want to comfy get Great Library, Hanging Gardens or Artemis Temple without having Ramzes outrun me or found religion without Boudica being the fastest.

Oh and who would be better for comfy run, avoiding wars and focusing on inner growth? Celts or Mayans?

Thanks for replies!

Oh and are there any good BALANCED anime-themed Civs? Hidamari Sketch one was fun to play and not too much overpowered (-15% culture and gold costs of buying tiles. Wonders produce an additional +1 culture, happiness, gold, and science,. Starting settler is always within 3 tiles of Marble - last part never worked on PerfectWorld).

That makes no sense. The basic districts don't even provide that much bonuses.

Thy should scale the production of the buildings upgrade so that it doesn't take a shit ton to place a district and a library down but it does to upgrade it to a university.

Does the game not warn you when a barbarian encampment spawns or am I missing them? This will ruin about two of my cities

Fuck off anime shitter.

If you hear a "HOO HAH" a barb camp just spawned

It gives you a message in the right part of the screen but it doesn't completely telegraph it like Civ V did with the noise and easy to see warning.

Some digging has been done in the files and it's a tech scale, not a per district scale

The only global scaling is that if you have less districts that the global average, your districts of that type are 25 % off until you catch up

Buildings aren't scaled (or at least don't appear to be), which is probably why district building times appear fucked in the late game


I liked playing as middle eastern civs in V just for the music tbqh


wait i can build (usable) submarines without steel? hell of a trick

Same link twice, my bad, meant this

Then ignore that spoiler part and just help with the main part.

My personal favorite would be running biggest possible map, with biggest possible numer of civs, but that would kill any rig.

>getting overruled by the senate
>not being a glorious fundamentalist theocracy
>not rolling the world with your carpet of torch-wielding fanatics

Jewrope had the best war music too

>not being immune to bribes
why do you hate freedom user?


>Some digging has been done in the files and it's a tech scale, not a per district scale

to add to this, the scale is set to 1000 and i'm guessing that this adds up to things being 10 times as expensive (1000%) by the time you've filled either tree

settlers, religious units and builders have a cost multiplier based on # previously built instead. 20% for settlers and 4% for builders iirc

i just deleted the costprogression tags. made the game much more fun.


>open borders with enemy civ
>send workers to their territory
>chop their woods
>production bonus goes to my city

this is so evil

wtf firaxis, why remove this great music
I guess all their effort went towards sogno di volare, would rather have great in-game music than a powerful main theme tbqh

Normally I should be angry at the fact that they had terrible defaults, but then I feel glad that all their shit can be fixed by merely altering stuff in the lua or xml.


the balance is pretty much fucked from ground up and it's gonna take a lot of hours to fix it properly since the foundation is shit

a bunch of shit is hardcoded too

who /fond of pigs/ here?


should require the colonialism civic

>Civ VI
>STILL can't tell the Ai to fuck off for clearly massing units for an attack at your border
>STILL can't tell them to stop foward settling the fuck out of you

What's the build order for Sumer? War cart into a worker into war cart spam until I feel compelled to stop? Or do I just skip the worker and buy one when I capture a city with my war carts?

That little girl has like 4 arms.
What's up with that?

Is it worth getting the game now or wait until a price reduction and a few DLCs?

No she doesn't.

Would you listen to the AI in their place?

I thought not.

So wait number of districts and number of citis and pop are 100% irrelevant?

not sure, i guess it spawns as soon as other fleet dies?
Do what i did, which was, make a fucking nigger run speed beeline for portal when their fleet is occupied with other civs

>>STILL can't tell them to stop foward settling the fuck out of you
You can. Usually AI just ignores that and still settles in-between your cities though.

Lindafag, please.

>tfw gandhi wants a joint war with china
>denounces me for accepting

>getting roped into a war from a defensive pact counts as surprise war
>get denounced by everyone for it


Pretty much

If you're going to settle, it's early or never. You could already tell that from the general feeling of the game though (late settles are dead and rip, you'll never make them productive)

Once that's over, your only recourse is outright conquering enemy cities with districts

in an unexpected turn of events germany surrendered to france and then france immediately declared war on me
all my units are low tech, should i pay the fine for the mercenary card that reduces upgrade cost by 50% or is it feasible to wait two turns so i can switch for free?

will hojo betray me

we've been allies since the early turns

if he backstabs me i kill myself irl