Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

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International version available on Steam RIGHT NOW. The Korean and Japanese servers are non-steam(Nexon)

TOS Info:

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>Cards List:

- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA)

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cute (Merigolds)

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When is another decent RO server coming out?

ggRO was the shit.

Until Cookie and Hotshot killed it.

Goddess' big black demon bull prepping event when?

as requested

Gems, Hats, A MIGOs, SailorGirls, and more

we love you mia

once we come face to face with giltine we'll learn this all was just a plan to awaken her lover that was sealed away in or by the world tree(god) and thats the big black demon there in that mural who will then dick all the other goddesses because they're weak worthless shits


migo next week!

/bullies/ when

i love you*

Wow, thanks heaps

>Those HP rolls
>Putting even a single point of Con into any DPS build

Can't even dimiss this as "minor boosts" anymore, we're in straight up p2w territory.

are necros usefull outside of farming? this is my first run and am planning on going necro.

These hats can be bought from the market for silver. If you think this is P2W then upgrading your weapon or buying attributes for your skills is also P2W and why stop there? Equipping items is also P2W and so is warping and repairing your gear or buying buffs.

I approve

Can inflict a status effect to double ranged damage and the DoT can be useful but they cannot solo worth a shit. In PvP flesh cannon can blow people up decently and skeletons will eat up aoe attack ratios but they aren't amazing or anything.


So when agni necklace makes it into the game pyro will be superior to elememe right? What is even the point of elememes now?

So regular enchant scrolls will give stronger effects to help with the power creep?

they added a fire neck whats stopping them from adding ice and lightning necks?

>gambling, power creep, p2w
>tfw game is (really) dying and there's nothing we can do about it
can you say B L U N D E R O F T H E Y E A R?

>Trying playing Sapper again because meme buffs
>Spike Shooter
This skill is just awful, buffs won't make it any better with the set up it has
Atleast i hope Fwee3 works nicely with Broom,Collar and Claymore

Stop posting my wife Hibiki.

Pie Piper when?

I need it for my sapper

Next year.

They'll add an ice necklace and it won't work for deployment spells.

Fine by me, people could finally have their ice fun without having to go dum elememe.

Would an ice necklace save runecaster?

rc has no ice spells so no?

Sapper 3 is nice for the collar bomb 10, maybe with aiming you can make it easier to aoe with it.

>elememe does literally 1 dmg at r8
>people still hate on them

But the game will be dead by next year

Is Storm Calling + max Zaibas viable? Or is it better to just do the usual diev3 retardproof build?

I quested a lot with a Krivis3Taoist
Just saying sometimes he started doing damage only after using my Henge Stone to get the magic attack boost
PD2 is lot better if you don't want Druid3 or Inquisitor for Cleric DPS

Have fun switching necklaces every time you cast something of a different element. Also enjoy having no Animus.

>animus mattering now at all
Unless animus increases your damage by 5x there's no reason you'd wear it over agni for fire damage.

Meta aside, I always found it a bit disappointing that elememe was the option for ice damage instead of cryo, especially because most people who went elememe didn't pick it because they enjoyed cryomancy.

>relevant against +400% damage necklaces

Are the featherfoot intasurta gloves actually in the game?
Or is it another joke we have to wait for like agni

They should be, but I've never seen them.

I've seen them, they drop from the 240.

they do exist but its like a 1% drop

what's the stats on this agni shit?

Has anyone tried the new 160? does it give better exp now? how many levels per run?

I did 3 runs with 8x tome, dumpling, queued full party and instant clear coupons yesterday and went from 160 to 164. Not worth it.

Hidden class coming when the mobile version is released.

Go watch the mobile trailer again. It had both Pied Piper and a Centurion in the video.

Don't even joke about a mobile version user

How many points of con is usually needed for a dopple?

The costumes are just chosen in character creation. A lot of things in the trailer seem to not work like how it does on pc at all.

fuck, im sorry to hear that user

New gems and new hats give tons of health.

>restrictions with the intention to remove bots from the game
>game is literally "tree of bots"

>population drops by more than 50%

>make new character
>13 people on starting map
>hmm alive game mayb-
>they're all bots
>close game
How did things get this bad?

There's a few thousand players and any one player is on that map for 5 minutes only when they make a new char watch a expect?


would my phys attack hats update to 120 with the new patch? or would it only apply to new rolls?

now that this game is reallyded which game are you playing user

>She didn't save her scrolls

You deserved it. Since 40patk wouldn't carry you forever, it was obvious that they would buff it at some point, because
>no scaling
When mosnters continue to get stronger and stronger

>with the set up it has

>tap skill shortcut key near monster
>(negative) profit

Xenoverse 2. Can't get enough of these Majin boobs and booty.

They'll get updated like gems.


How much HP can you get from hat enchants and red gems now?

3x2200 for hat lines and 4x1000+ for red gems on top and bottom?

ToS was supposed to be my last hope for MMOs, I don't know what to do now

Yellow gems give HP in boots too, and Grynas boots have 2 slots.

We're gonna have a group suicide party once they start selling XP cards and gems for TP!

Well, they are already selling gem abrasives

If you're in queue for too long do you need to requeu or something? Been at the Halloween thing for 20 min on an alt and still haven't gotten in.

>not even lv 200 yet
>mfw game is already going down the drain

you afk


I would pay to skip the game straight to r6 without problems.

It's their fault that the replay value of the low levels is so shit once you play each base class the first time

It's better to requeue than to stay in queue

but you basically can
just use dungeon clear coupons and resets and 8x tomes

What really kills me is r7, since you're still forced to grind a lot compared to the other ranks.

Thank you user, does that mean that slotted gem will be updated too?


Anyone here using bots?
If you could put one bot to farm me a red meduja gem I could give you 6mil for it

I've been busy with Legion since before R8 hit.
How's this game doing compared to pre-R8?

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Powercreeped to hell and forth

A little bit better, more challenging. Still balanced like shit. Overall fun, will keep me busy for another month or two.

>Maven Abbey
>EXP rate : 3.3

>Timerys Temple
>EXP rate : 1.2

Why do people grind there again?
And why did IMC nerf the map multipliers so hard on r8 maps?

Might be because mob exp is higher?

>And why did IMC nerf the map multipliers so hard on r8 maps?
So that we have something to do for the next year until they release R9.

How much do dandel gems go for?

Mob EXP is higher at base but the multiplier for Abbey is so big that every nuo gives almost 30% more exp than anything in Timerys not counting the fact that shit is really easy to kill.

IMO you should grind out Maven until you can card explore (or quest if you're masochistic) to lvl 330/317 (depending on what level you want.

>next year

I bought one for 5 mil the other day
That shit is so good for linker1

>next year
You're being too optimistic.

How did the koreans even react to the gatcha?

>having any sort of emotions or feelings at all

They didn't. Koreans have no souls.

What's the most futureproof shoes to slot a dandel gem in?


I was thinking alot and decided on putting them into windrunners over virtov plate ones

They might not have block or good hp but they have 3 gem slots which is great with the upcoming changes.
And movespeed is always good

Not like you need evasion as wizard

wind runners

That's what I was thinking too, but was afraid r8 would bring in some superior shoes, but I guess that's not the case?

Just reached rank 7.
Anyone here plays Musketeer? What skills are core except for Covering Fire and Snipe?
Is Penetration Shot worth it?

It depends on your build

I have a transpose build and also considered Hasta shoe for the extra INT and SP too but decided ultimately against it

In reality all of the shoes are meager improvements for us wizards since we dont need to deal with evasion memes

>no trigger discipline on that musketeer
Worst girl.

I want to believe Library has Practorium in the cubes