How exactly do NEETs survive?
How exactly do NEETs survive?
Leeching off their parents
Welfare and disability fraud.
In civilized countries, you'll get your existential needs covered in case of involuntary unemployment.
In the US? No clue.
>your existential needs
Here in the uncivilized US, that's called "being a lazy fuck".
It's general knowledge that unemployment rates of 5-10% are unavoidable.
not only unavoidable but if you forcefully push unemployment below 5% it would be catastrophic.
when i was a neet i was freelancing.
after leaving parents basement i worked 3 days to a week every month doing websites and stuff. it covered my basic needs of rent and food and i had shittons of time to do as i please. in 2008 it stopped working everybody tightened their belt and they didn't throw money around on custom devs. so i had to get a job. i make so much money i'm fucking addicted to it but if i get fired i will try to go back neeting only with years and years of reserves now.
Maybe if Europe didn't hold every NEET's hand the unemployment rate wouldn't be 25%
The period from 1950 to 1980 in Germany was far from catastrophic.
The unemployment rates are the highest where social security is the lowest in Europe. So there's no such correlation.
pretty sure unemployment rates were 0% or near that amount in the USSR and other Soviet Bloc states which practiced Marxism since the state assigned you a job and basically forced you to work, whether you liked it or not (or it was off to the gulags)
"he who does not work shall not eat" - Lenin
Formally, yeah, everyone had a job and not having one was a crime.
But there were large swathes of people that had little to do.
Yeah like Greece right, where entitlement programs are literally driving it into the ground, nope, no unemployment there keep the socialism alive through any lies we can make up!
Greece lacks even the most basic unemployment and universal health care insurances.
Because society isn't going to just let you die. The state can't afford to not feed unemployed people. When unemployed people make up such a large percentage as they do, do you really think letting them die is a good idea? They are going to just lay down and starve.
If people are capable of working but don't want to they should die.
What job did you get?
I'm super curious what it pays and what specifications you needed.
Unless you just live in poverty and anything over it is just amazing cash.
Neets survive by trading crypto and memestock. And shilling it online 24/7
t. neet
It's also general knowledge that the US has a surplus of people who can work, but won't.
You can find lots on this board, mocking those with actual jobs and casting about for ways to get rich quick and abuse the financial assistance programs here (fraud, not paying loans, faking disabilities) as well as outright crime (carding, scam websites, etc.).
It's no wonder they're neets
Literally gambling
t. 255k net worth wageslave
Momy and dady man. And when it ends they live of of us...
Polite sage for shitpost.
This also.
Another sage to keep this from bumping out and becoming another shitpost shillcoiner thread.
Grats on yall for biz or wagecucking
Plus the system didn't reward hard work so people often did the minimum to satisfy their quotas, without regard for quality.
Im all for unemployment.
But like 30 days or less. If u want a job and dont want to starve u can find work.
100% FUCK any and all other social programs. Take 50% of my income for obama phones and fake disabled fucks and then call it felony tax evasion when i work for cash.
US here
2nd this.
Sage for shitposting.
*packs back and flips the muslim/mexican flood off as i denounce my us citizenship and pray for the day i can move back, buy a usa flag and carry it with me until i have a house to proudly raise it.
My country going to shit... fucking hate it
Not a bad idea if they cant figure it out.
Lazy fucks die off and the workers live.
I dont see the problem.
This too. Sage
I second this. I am legally disabled and have to work 50+ hours a week.
Then i got to town for parts and see a bustling town FULL of resturaunts and shops. Walk into any one of them and there are people hanging out drinking coffee.
>there is the guy that soent 1 hour swinging a sledge helping me brake a tire loose. Then the next month i catch him loading up rear axles in his truck that bolonged to my dad. I kicked his ass and the next day he ran a bulldozer half the day. - he's on disability for a bad back.
>over here these 2 guys get a job, work 3 days, fake an injury and get on workmans comp while waiting for disibility. If it doesnt work they get another job till it does.
>over there is a guy i grew up with. Hes a real cool dude. Has like 20 hotrods and 15 bikes and all sorts of cool toys. Hes on medical dissability after a long life of heavy drug use. Now he runs to colorado once a week and makes 10k a month while livibg on dissability.
>over there i see the town pot deeler. Shes a nice lady. Friendly. Has 8 kids by different dads. Shes on welfare and probly sells enough for a cool 100k a year so her and her kids can live a good life and she doesnt have to work.
I am so fucking sick of this county it pisses me off. I work my ass off and keep half. Meanwhile im at work and the tweakers break into my car while im paying their dissability honestly makes me want to start a pi company and publicly shame these faggots and turn them in. Then sell my services somehow to make a living at it. But i cant risk it because i need a fucking job to live...
What county?
Working with a handicap here.
Luckily I only get tired easily.
But yea if I don't get my meds it won't end well.
They're pretty expensive too, so I get the feeling of being stuck and needing to work to survive.
When I was younger I always had this idea I could just leave everything behind and start somewhere else, well not anymore.
Only thing that could bring that feeling back is becoming financially independent. It's one of the reasons why I want to be rich.
Food stamps mostly. The professional neets fake mental disabilities and get disability checks.
The women basically pump out babies they can't afford then get like $1,000 per month per child.
>$1,000 per month per child.
If you think that life as an unemployed in the US is fun, you can try it any time.
How do most millennials
>life as an unemployed in the US is fun
I never said any such thing, but feel free to make up as many lies as you like.
>If you think that life as an unemployed in the US is fun, you can try it any time.
I dunno. I volunteer in my church in Oakland and every sunday night, in the soup line, are always happy niggers talking on their iphones, wearing gold chains and $200 air jordans.
Those unemployed niggers are always laughing and joking. Seem pretty happy to me.
US unemployed = middle class chinese
>How do most millennials
By working
if the job market is not free then wages will not cause hyperinflation at 0% unemployment.
but in a capitalist society where companies hire who they want and actually want to perform and compete for good employees it would be catastrophic.
i'm a software dev we make custom business software for pharma companies.
>it would be catastrophic.
How? If you can work, you should. Even most of those who cannot work by today's standards would probably do SOMETHING productive, even if it's just data entry.
Since when was the Guardian liberal?
no it's about transient unemployment that's healthy for an economy and also the job market dynamics get skewed. if unemployment is great it lowers wages if unemployment is high it raises wages the closer you get to zero the closer you go to the sky. raising wages is never only for new employees otherwise people immediately go for new jobs. so it's across the board but productivity barely changes. it causes hyperinflation and a failing economy.
*if unemployment is low it raises wages
the worst is tho is structural unemployment.
when you have great deficit of people with skills required and also great surplus of unemployable people.
this leads to a stagnating economy and immigration is the only thing that can help your country but it will also make the unemployed citizens situation worse.
In most cases, neets have the time and freedom to invest in very narrow rare things that make money for them, if you are not a neet from start, it is almost impossible to join in later.
How can we profit from the future where the vast majority of people are NEETs due to automation, self-driving trucks, etc? There will be some sort of universal basic income.
There won't be. Everyone will be dirt poor thinking they are "middleclass" and the owner of those robots will be richer than ever. Crime rates will be in the sky while the elite lives behind big walls patrolled by private military. It's already happening, welcome to the dystopic future.