League of legends general /lolg/

Cute pale bf edition

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1st for Gnat

First for league RPG when?

for otp

Breast Waifu!

league is already a role playing game if you want it to be

vayne throw the game, she kept going full yolo onto us on tfs getting away from janna which would have made her inmortal

xth for cute!

>new nasus ult makes him literally unkillable

>19 years old
>have huge impregnation fetish
>want to have children
what is wrong with me

> Yasuo, Vayne and Ez are premade

That's actually pretty normal.

l want Sona to force me to impregnate her

Kids aren't that good user, don't be tricked



Always wait until the last minute.

saved and shared

Also, just how ridiculous is Nasus top now? What's his skill order? Considering I'm a bronzie so games go on for 50 minutes I'd imagine I should be able to just go full blown rape train.

They probably swap user

impregnation fetish is normal but wanting to have children is not or maybe it is

Kids are giant financial drains. Don't have them unless you have a great job or they won't be able to go to college with how ridiculous the costs are getting.

I suppose your problem is that you don't have a gf.


I have an impreg fetish but don't actually want children

>Thunderlord Volibear

Best Tank and Best skin tbqh

Eh, maybe not "I want to have children ASAP' when you're 19, but the desire to have them at some point is pretty normal.

>they won't be able to go to college

league of legends

>What skin do you see in the loading screen that you realise you're fucked?

Any skin from the Arclight or Guardian of the Sands skin line
they always wreck my shit

Can someone please post cute Pictures of vi

Just switch to guys, user, it's way easier.

It's the exact same thing as before the buff but just better

>tricking people into being gay
stop it, devil
stop trying to defile this poor childs soul!

everyone has an impreg fetish, saying "l have an impregnation fetish" is like saying "l like to sleep when l'm tired"

So Q > E > W for skill order.

I'm kinda confused though, on op.gg the top ranked builds are building 50% CDR on him (Frozen Heart > Triforce > Visage)...are they doing it wrong? Would it be smarter to just rune page the 10% CDR?

What items should you build on him anyway?

>See this guy in your team
What do?

Is that a baseball bat with a really long handle?

Do you want to put yourself through what your parents had to go through raising you?


holy fuck why is there a smurf in every fucking game
i just want to play with people as retarded as me
will they go away after the season ends?

Any League fanfiction that's worth reading that isn't shipping/a fapfic? Preferably something a bit dark but not "edgy", if you catch my drift.


most likely a fat, unwashed, disgusting girl

triforce into tank, you don't need to rush a defensive full item now that the ult gives resists. Feel free to get a defensive component for lane safety though

erp with her

how is your end of season climb going, /lolg/ ?

No, they won't, git gud.

>"Look how much wins l have xd"
>Doesn't tell he's smurfing

End yourself

Awesome thanks!

Read my Vladimir lore rewrite. Mains say it's better than some new lored and the one Riot will eventually put out for him will probably be worse.


Don't forget to click Proceed

just played a game to avoid demotion, thanks for asking though

Nice strawman but I only have one account :)

>Not Runelord

then you're pretty damn good at this game


Shaking my head to be honest with you family

Thats biology m9

This girl does strange things to me

My main was banned so you didn't have to be rude user.. I actually hate playing against people way worse than me I'm just trying to get back to my real elo before the end of season

You gotta admit having all that green in match history is nice

Max E first, Q second.
Start corrupting potion, get 2 Dorans ring into Triforce => Tank items.

Win lane by spamming E and tading well, then start stacking during the mid game when you have capped CDR.

Either start taking objectives with your team if you are ahead, or splitpush and 1v2 with no effort when your team is behind.

E Max is fun as fuck, and busted.

I have a 70% winrate in Plat 2 with this build, but I've seen Quad stomp with it in D1+ Elo.

>Plat 2
>Giving advice on /lolg/

Could everyone under diamond 1 please stop pretending to understand this game. ty you.

How do I gank as Jung? Every fag just flashes away and every laner pushes hard as he is able to.

How do I gank without the enemy getting away with summonerspell?

>Max E first, Q second.
>Start corrupting potion, get 2 Dorans ring into Triforce => Tank items.
Taking Quas' build, eh user?

But yeah, it's impressive because stacking Q is not so important because you get enough damage from E and Q Sheen proc.

I've been watching Quas, and he has been stomping D1+ games with this build.

try to gank only lanes that have cc and chain them with yours

for example if you're playing elise and your mid is syndra wait for her to stun the enemy and then throw your cocoon, it's a kill 90% of the times

if you still are unable to get the kill come back to that lane as soon as you can becouse you'll kill him 100%

beware of enemy counter ganks though

ty you too

but there isnt anyone above d1 here

Whats the point of being a cunt? I'd rather plat giving advice than waifu shitposting and off topic inner circlejerk

>Diamond 1


this guy is probably d2 or higher

Hes plat 2 on the account but obviously should be higher if he had played more games.

l meant, his real account

gonna try this out in a normal, looks fun thanks senpai

Just played against a smurf ahri, she had 120 cs by 10 minutes and was farming our kennen. Her team pushed their lead, they were 9k ahead in gold, and with one of our inhibs. I tried my best to carry this game and every team I saw ahri I went full dive mode and just Q'd her then stunned her and used my ult for trinity procs. We won that game and it felt so good since I am in silver and was able to beat this smurf who dicking our team so hard.

If a nigga flashes away from your gank you have FIVE (5) MINUTES to regank that flashless nigga

>Just played against a smurf ahri, she had 120 cs by 10 minutes and was farming our kennen.
>ranked season is about to end
>not expecting smurfs or boosting

good on you

Yeah my highest rank was d2 before I got banned. Might sound like BS but I could have got masters if I didn't tilt so easily

I cant stand normals though since at least in ranked everyone is trying to win making the games more fun and interesting.

Xth for hand holding
Honestly I'd fuck it but I wouldn't breed it

IGN? Region? Rank?

You should stop playing Jinx then.

She's too scrawny for breeding, she'd probably die. Or wind up killing the baby with that weird toxic sludge drug zaun people do.


>120 cs at 10

This is literally impossible, only way I can fathom this is if her wave control was so good she could just continuously farm enemy raptors without losing a single minion. And that type of wave control people don't even know until they hit masters.

my IGN is in the screencap that guy replied to and I'm on NA

Why is cross-dressing so hot?

nvm fucking mind, I didn't saw the name because the pic was so small.

a lot of your replies are why caucasians are dying out unfortunately

there is nothing wrong with you

pls no i don't want feels

Post mains and last song you listened to

I want to know what you're made of


She did roam bot lane, she may have stolen farm from there as well as taking raptors.

Do you even know what cross-dressing is?


It's not that hard to hack up early farm at midlane user, you just have to not miss CS and push it fast enough that you can take wraiths. Mid to late is where things get a bit shittier in my experience since you're looking for pick offs after pushing a wave that might not crash into a tower because you can't go far enough safely.

Would you like to duo? I know I can reach diamond in less than 10 days, but fuck work. I'm pretty decent, I think, so you won't boost me.

It's ok if you don't want to.

So is masters or challenger the better tier?

Haven't played since season 2, what does 2450 elo equate to these days?

>Get your main role first time around.
>Get decent comp and pick a champion you're good at that's good for the matchups.
>Someone dodges at literally the last second.
>Get secondary role.
>Get 4 trolls.




post cute sona boobs