How many people does your car ACTUALLY hold? Don't tell me your 2+2 holds 4 full size adults

How many people does your car ACTUALLY hold? Don't tell me your 2+2 holds 4 full size adults.

>Fiesta ST
>2 adults who aren't fat
>1 non-lanklet behind the passenger seat
>1 manlet/woman behind the driver
>1 quadruple amputee in the middle

Extended cab Ram seats 6 but it's a manual so the person riding bitch better be female.

Car is a 5seater. Can comfortably seat at least 6 in here.

E90 325i
>2 Fully grown adults in front
>2 and a half children in back
If you force it you can get two more fully grown people in back instead of the two and a half kids, but if any of them are over 6 feet it's uncomfortable due to head clearance.

My MR2 Spyder only holds 2 as advertised.
My ZX2 ecobox can actually hold 4

8 seatbelts.

Realistically 7 average sized adults.

The back 2 will either have to be females or somewhat short though. I'm 5'11" and I can sit back there but I wouldn't want to for a long duration.

Two adults and three children comfortably or five adults less comfortably unless they're fat in which case four of them relatively comfortably.

Volvo 855 t5, seats 4 adults and 3 children if I flip up the rear facing seat. Old hilux seats as many day laborers as jump in the bed

My Solara, a 2+2, could comfortably seat 4 even for a road trip. It's quite spacious.

My prelude on the other hand, has useless back seats.

5 adult males, 2 more in the trunk complete with a beer keg and my subwoofer. I know because we've tried.

I can get five adults into a fucking four seat Spark. Eight plus two in a civic. Git gud OP.

>3 door FiST
2 adults in front, 2 and a quarter kids in back.

Jetta, I have had 4 adults in it before

ND miata - two, but the passenger shouldn't be very tall if the trip is longer than 20 or 30 minutes.

>One driver
>One full size passenger
>One small sized rear passenger
>One small sized legless amputee rear passenger

Being the long legged bastard I am, my driving position has my seat touching the rear seats, so its not even possible to fit someone behind me.
I really don't even know why they bothered with rear seats, even the roof slopes down too so taller passengers have their heads touching the roof.

Whenever friends get in the back of my 4runner I have to roll the rear window down, and they crawl through the back.

2 in the cabin, perhaps a babby or a midget in the trunk
my FB RX-7 could fit a woman in the rear cargo space, but you also have to fit a blanket because no seatbelts or seats

those seats get hot tbqh, and you cant see shit

>3 door Renault Clio
>4 adults who aren't extremely fat or extremely tall
one SUPER annoying thing is that when you move the front passenger seat to get someone in the back, it won't always click back into place and will only click into place when it's all the way back, so whoever is in the back needs to lift their legs up or make them smaller

Renault scenic 1
>two in front
>Three in the rear
>two in a mexican third row I made with two jumpseats from a mitsubishi van with seatbelts included

my car holds 4 adults, 5 if you count the trunk. Getting people into the back seat though...yeah, no one's ever actually sat back there and the car's 9 years old and yes, I bought it new.

>Grand Marquis

4 Adults somewhat comfortably (back is still a bit cramped because I keep my seat all the way back)

Another manlet can fit comfortably in the middle back.

A midget might be able to comfortably sit in the front middle seat.

Prelude holds 2 adults and a kid or two(maybe). I don't have kids, so test is difficult.

But they are fucking tiny. 2.5 adults.

6 regular adults cramped or 4 comfortably. I have 6 seat belts.

Can hold three some what comfortably. Four if the passenger doesn't move the seat all the way back

As a driver, are you short? If no, why the difference between the driver and passenger seats?


2 adults up front two in the back. Its a 5 seater but riding bitch in a sedan a shit so it realistically just has badass room for four

>Grand Marquis
Nigga I can hold the average obese american family in my car with room to spare

>driving a land barge

it keeps proving itself true

>Seat Ibiza
About 0 grown adults

Two comfortable. Four with complaints about rear legroom. Five if one's small.

8 Adults comfortably.


>Peugeot Partner cargo
>2 people on the front seats
>12 body bags in the rear assuming they weigh 150 lbs on average

I could probably fit 4 full size american adults in my ford contour

but I have no friends so having enough room for myself is just dandy

Ford focus.
8 people if desperate. Can comfortably fit 4 adults+ a skinny person

2, but I've had 3 in there once

>Cavalier LS Sport Coupe
2 adults in front under 6'4
1 kid in the back middle
2 legless kids behind the front seats

>Peugeot 508
5 people comfortably

>89 Buick Regal Custom
5 people normal sized people easy. Thing is a boat.

>92 Lexus SC400
You can get two people in the back seats, but they're gonna be asses to elbows

93 jeep cherokee. Back seats folded down, I can fit nine people total in it counting myself.

No fatties allowed.

But it won't be a girl in a RAM mate.

desu senpai I own a celica too and I just see the "backseat" area as extra space for banging my gf when we put the seats down

I've driven my two best friends before but it was so uncomfortable for the one in the back that we decided to go back to his kia soul like we usually do

E38 750iL... 12 sumo wrestlers in the back seat

I think that's a Supra

I got a 2dr and I have my seat nearly all the way back and no one can fit in the back

might as well take out the back seats

I drive a 99 mustang and i fit normal sized people in the back seats all the time and dont get any complaints. I do however push MY driver seat into the dashboard so whoever behind me is comfortable. But theres room back there.

>Subaru Legacy GT wagon
Four adults and one Loli.

whoops, I meant to reply to supra backseats are actually even more cramped, not sure why they even bothered putting them there

toyota corolla

two somewhat comfortable people in the front
two very uncomfortable people in the back

no fat people ever

2 people

>drive EF civic hatch
>plenty of room for 4 adults
>looks bigger on the inside than out

>drive 4th gen trans am
>looks big on the outside
>tiny cockpit interior that comfortably sits 2 grown adults and 2 goblins

Ive had 5 (including myself) 6foot + tall males in 2/3 cars, gf8 wrx and an r34 skyline, people in the back werent ovrrly comfortable but ehh we were road tripping through the north island of new zealand, also had tents and camping gear for all 5 of us, good times

me and my boyfriend

Mine can hold 3 adults and a kid comfortably.

4 Adults I might need to sacrifice leg space for, but still do able.

>E30 coupe
>2 adults front
>2 women in the rear
>Verne Troyer in the middle

Fiat Punto mk2b
5 adults (normal size)
or 4 (including one 120 kilogram dude)

4 grown men van be comfy in my car.
You can seat 6 people but it wont be the most comfortable ride in the world

2016 F-150 extendo-cab

4 people comfortably, 1 person kinda cramped. Probably a bunch of people in the bed.

Fiesta ST: 2 adults in front, 3 kids in back but I'm not a dick so

Toyota Sienna: 8 people with two benches or 6000 Walmart bags or a sideways

Yamaha FZ07: Just me

>non ultra

2005 Toyota camery - 5 grown males
1990 r32 gtst - 2males 2 females/manlets
1959 ford edsel 2door ranger- 6 adults + 3 in the boot

>Acura Integra 3dr hatch
>two adults who aren't really fat (my 280 lb friend says it's kind of uncomfortable but not unbearable)
>back seat fits children under 14
I'm 5'10 135 lbs, I can't fit back there.
Trunk space is rather impressive tho.

E39 Nazi sled
2 up front
2 adults in back, little cramped but ok
1 child rear middle (adult maybe doable)
3000 Jews in ashtrays

>Buys ginormous burgerfat Suburban
>It only seats 3

>Two full sized adults
>Two legless midgets

>top swap isnt a thing

Alfa 159, 5x 6ft ish adults, once you go past 6ft 3" it gets a bit tricky

Reg cab Dodge can fit 3 in the cab, but the person sitting in middle will probably catch a shifter to the knee or an elbow to the tit a time or two. Bed will fit many people.

2000 GMC Sierra - driver and passenger and two above the knee leg amputees

1978 Nova - driver, passenger, and two short adults or any child

2001 Prelude - 2 in the front, 1 person in the back IF you dismember them and put their body parts in a duffel bag

2001 BMW R1150GS
Me and a girl

Other ride is a VW crafter
Only two people in total legally
Could probably fit 10-20 people in the back.

I'm Asian and a bunch of my friends/family are Asian. Plus we live in the city where we often don't spend more than 30 minutes in the car. We can always fit 5 so long as the car has 4 doors, there have been times where we've had 6 in a single car with one tiny girl laying across the laps of people in the back.

There's 8 seatbelts, but I bet if you fold the rear seats down you can get at least 20 nigglets in here

generic JDM 4-door sedan
driver, front passenger, 2 in back seat, a third passenger would block the subwoofer.
3 average sized dead bodies if contorted properly in the trunk

2002 Chevy s10
Me and passenger in front
One person with no shoulders in rear

I drive a Ford Focus SVT. I can fit five people,easily. But once, when all the stars were aligned and the dark incantation was spoken, we fit six fucking people. The lanky shit had to sit on the lap of the 6'4 guy.

2000 opel astra
2 tall people
2 medium people
1 child or quadruple amputee

2, though it has """""""""back seats"""""""""

>that image
Jesus christ, why does the BRZ/86 have back seats anyways? They're unusable.

At least the seats in the Fiesta ST and Mustang are somewhat more useful.


2 homos, trunk is for dildos and other sex toys


Its a single cab ferd. The middle seat is reserved for midgets and small women.

Lower insurance rates

4 seats makes it more family oriented

5 full sized adults, unless the people sitting in the back are massive.
The commodore is huge inside, really comfy for long road trips.

It looks like the back of the head of someone screaming

Toyota Echo 4Door
>Seats 5 normal people
>seats 4 obese people
>seats 3 Americans

>Grand Marquis
It can hold more people than I actually know. More room for me!

first gen focus
>2 adults in front
>2 adults in back on each side
>small teenager or kid in middle. over 5 ft 6 and it gets uncomfortable for them

fine for an econobox 2bh

2 gays(me) and passenger

Em2 held 6 people once. Back can fit by Large black friend easy.

Fuck, man. A bunch. Never actually tested it, but... 8? More? I've got all the seats out now, but 5 easily with the seats in, 3 or 4 more in the back? A whole lot of people.


2 homos or 1 homo and 2 male kids. Yummy

1st Gen rx7
Two adults in the front and two teenage qts in back

Givin me a boner m8

Rx7 10 gay midgets

'16 fiesta st here

myself, 5'10 230, buddy in the front seat, 5'10 190

back seat: buddy 5'9 360, buddy 5'8 250

we all fit, even tho it was snug

How useful do you think a z31 2+2 would be for my manlet friends?

> Tfw also a manlet so have to move my seat far front to be able to push clutch in all the way
> more space for dude behind me

Asking because I'm considering z31 as my first actually not shit car.

>I can get five adults into a fucking four seat Spark

I've gotten 8 grown ass men in a spark. Git gud.

why are you all so fucking fat

2 Full size adults in the front
2 Full size adults in the back + a child in the middle because of the transmission hump

I'm 6'1" and I can literally sit behind myself comfortably.

>6th gen accord
>5 full sized adults
>can have doggystyle sex with fat girls in the back