Fighting Games General /fgg/
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first for fortune
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
Ready for the Akuma trailer tommorow for a Halloween release on monday?
why is canada so bad at fighting games
>niggers learn to string together arbitrary buttons like a chimp while whites solve the mysteries of the universe
SFV is a good game at its core.
When will the Chun Li meme end?
I miss C. Viper
Dizzy has a cute family.
is MvC4 being developed?
Mai has a shrunken, deformed BABY HAND!
Chun Li and Nash are mid tier. Also SFV is a good game.
>whites spend all this time learning the mysteries of the universe
>still can't block this mixup
nice masterrace
Laura plays just as braindead and doesn't have retarded execution requirements
I want to fuck a woof drawing
What did Mori mean by this?
i'm back
Life isn't all about reactions, nigger. It hasn't been like this for tens of thousands of years. We aren't bush people trying to hunt a fucking giraffe. We're intellectuals trying to solve interstellar space travel and combat new plagues.
Why does Morrigan have two sets of wings, and her arms are different than either set of wings?
Don't bats have their wings made from the front limbs with skin webbing?
Let the players know that Rachel is dangerous.
>at its core.
So you mean like, the root of its kit is good?
wb skullgirls autist
and fapping to NTR doujins lmaoo
We got a 53 player team tourney starting any minute now.
It's so unrealistic
>Still drawing girls with Hank Hill ass
draw cerebella's hat arm wrestling big band's tuba
i can see why meppz got banned from the discord originally
>wide hips
There are a lot less than 53 spots on the site. Is it a team thing?
Guilty grills
I want to cum on jubeis paws
Nigga, I'm an AUTIST, not an ARTIST
Women have wide hips to allow for child birth, Rachel is a woman.
What's your problem?
Yes 3 people per team.
60FPS youtube channels where?
She's a little girl
>Only two members
What the fuck?
all I'm saying is that if white people get out thought in a fighting game they'd get out done in universe mystery solving if niggers wanted to
Why are you guys arguing about something as pointless as race. Everyone knows culture matters more
that could be true if black weren't vastly intellectually inferior
There's no way that's from the actual game
looks like a little girl to me
then why aren't white people dominating in fighting games, the thinking mans game :^)
Because /pol/turds invited this site with a flood of underaged retards to meme shill for the american election.
Race is a misnomer anyway, we're all hoomans
It is. Old puppet dude does it.
The people in /fgg/ have changed substantially over the last little while. I wonder where the influx of newfigs have come from
Did you not know that a sememdemon was hiding under that heavy dress?
Rachel is a mature lady who makes me excite.
because they are dominated by asians. the most intelligent races :^)
wud play!!
I really like that KOF XIV trailer.
Probably because of the music, it's got 3 of the strongest tracks in the game.
That Man's team is cute!
Looking forward to the possibility of That Man being playable next game.
>thinks intellect isn't a result of upbringing
I bet you think bloodhounds can track by smell better than other dogs too, huh? Or Pitbulls are naturally more viscious
why are mai's breasts so large?!?!?!?!/
>yfw Bonchan wins Canada Cup
is rayray gay?
kazunoko necalli VT burns like a nuclear flash, only constant
We live in the cyberpunk future of the past.
I giggled out loud.
toppest grimoires
>EVO Grand Finals streamed by ESPN
>Relius vs Rachel
>he wins with Astral
How long until KoFXIV is on pc?
I want to play too
>this choke
>IHeartJustice in top 8
Man rayray gave the win away.
Are they announcing Sagat tomorrow?
I wish I was Sin...
Do you want to come out from Dizzy's cunt?
Maybe he wanted to be raised by Sol.
goober purge when?
Blazblue would never be allowed on ESPN even before you consider Relius' astrals.
Best members
Why aren't people appreciating SFV more? It revitalized the scene and brought ridiculous numbers to EVO. SFV is the entire reason anyone cares about fighting games at all.
>capcums still claim sfv was on espn
Izuna when?
what the hell is this spicy boys shit in the discord and why isnt fweerve in the new discord?
>the new discord
just why
Stop baiting
the scene was fine with USF4
do you think that I think i regret my decision?
im not even sure about what you're talking about or who you are
I'm 100% certain that you're a faggot though
Mech Sagat & Neco Dan is the new character reveal.
What part of that was bait? The FGC was completely ignored until SFV came around, and EVO practically doubled in entrants with the game.
Zombie in love
Cute. Though I'm not sure is Hsien-Ko is into banging psycho's.
He famous
Hsien-Ko is cutest darkstalker
canadacup4 for anyone who is on the fence about BB and wants to see some really low tier T8 play and judge the game with own eyes instead of memes
Are you called Chariot because you chase around horse butts like gay furry???