/domg/ - Dominions General

Ermor Has Cast Burden Of Time edition.

Previous thread Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.

The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.

It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.

Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

Join the steamgroup for multiplayer

>Group chatroom

>Our work-in-progress wiki

>Our pastebin
pastebin.com/uTZnjYwm (embed)

>Dom4 Manual

>Dom4 Inspector
This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.

>Play by email guide:

>Debug Mod:
For testing battle formations and spells

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate and Steam. Desura is kill.

>Read the manual
>Read the wiki
>Read the pastebin
>Watch some LPs by Maerlande or NuclearMonkee
>Jump into MP feet first
>Never create shitty threads with political images
>Work on your blogs, videos, and the wiki

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First for Berytos

Where muh Agartha bros at?


I have never even looked at Berytos once, what do they got?

Did anyone save the scrubwarriors graphs

Happily, it seems to be backfiring even here. Look at how much pushback malakal and nicknight have been getting for their most recent efforts.

t-strikes, blood, summonable A melqarts and craptastic troops.

Blood, decent mages, and an income bonus on coastal provinces. Their regular troops aren't too hot, though.

They get demons



so how is that game going?

RIP Forsete the galderman. This hero survived several rounds of combat entirely surrounded by enemies (ethereal+ironskin+stellar cascaded satyrs), getting several Shock Wave casts off and being personally responsible for half of the Pangaea casualties (the total Midgård force was around 4.5k).

Okay, so fear.

I know that no one knows how it works and that Johan said he forgot how he wrote it.

In a recent battle, I had an SC fighting a bunch of ghosts. His morale went down at the end of the enemy turn and went up at the start of his turn. He had Heroic Valor. The thing that seemed to make him rout was just taking damage when his morale didn't rise to be sufficiently high. Anyone have any tests that they've run with fear or even just experience with it at all?

It's start of the fear dude turn

Okay, and this puts it in line with other aura effects too.

The amount of morale gained/lost also is subject to a roll, since it varies turn by turn.

What's a better helmet for scaring people; Spirit Mask or Horror Helmet?

It depends.

I'm just going to echo my request for suggestions regarding text/pictures for the new additions to the roster:

Good question.

It looks like the game is coming down to four superpowers, plus me and Nazca. Nazca is busy fighting off Sceleria, while I'm just kind of huddled here in my capring trying to figure out what to do. Ermor is pretty big, but seems to have stopped expanding and two of the capitals they hold have been under siege for a while. I'm not sure what they're doing now.

Sceleria has a lot of thrones, but I don't think they're close to winning. Still wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on them, though.

Do you want them directly added to the wiki or just posted here?

In any case, here's a shitty image for 6 months in SP.

Use an image from this webm for Mage Support?

Depends on what?

It depends if you want to scare those around you or just try to scare someone from the safe distance.

Game: VanillaCataclysm
Turn number 17
Next turn due: 22:45 GMT on Saturday October 29th

Bishopric of Brown 2h file received
Margraviate of Green 2h file received
Emirate of Grey 2h file received
Principality of Pink Waiting for 2h file
Beydom of Purple 2h file received
Empire of Red 2h file received
Khanate of White 2h file received
Autocracy of Aquamarine 2h file received
Bureucracy of Beige Waiting for 2h file

Last updated at 19:51 GMT on Saturday October 29th
Current time: 19:51 GMT

Which spell is that fire rain?

Fire storm, possibly. Or flame storm. I always get those two names mixed up. 'Spells I like'.

Why is the guy who made this game such a jew? Does he not want people to play his game?

If they were jews they would make it like 20 buck so more people would buy it and give them more money. But they do it for a hobby and dont really care.

If the game was actually made as a hobby it would be free or run on donations like df is. I would like it a lot more if people actually played the game instead of not.

>I would like
Sure. But they don't care.

They don't care if people play their game? I'm 100% sure you have severe autism.

Not one single person more would play Dominions if it were any cheaper. If you have the base line intelligence and free time required to play the game and not be a retarded shitter who AIs in year two (not considered a "person" for the above statement) then you can get a fucking job.

They legitimately don't. They both have full time jobs outwith working on their games. Illwinter is a hobby thing they do for their own amusement, and to produce games that they personally want to play.

Fire storm.

Both of those spells show up in the webm, actually.

Oh, I know, but I _think_ he means the one that looks like fire flies except a solid fucking wall of them. And I can never remember which one is which.

>being a wagecuck

And so it ends with with MA Abysia victory.

Short game summary below.

This. They're also very bad at their own game and don't understand/remember some mechanics, as mentioned by Fire Storm is a battlefield enchantment. That's all you need to know.

yes, we're all autistic here. That's why we're playing this game, user.

1. Abysia - t. Malakal, new Panko
2. Blog - 5/10, beat Vanheim, didnt develop his blood, didnt do anything past beating Vanheim. Unable to field a mid-late game army apparently, off to Tartarus
3. C'tis - 4/10, big, big income, no idea what he was doing all game long, new Tartarus citizen
4. Shinuyama - 3/10, interesting uw rush plan, horrible scales and little to no game effect, Tartarus it is
5. Man - 4/10, best ally, new player, survived till the end, didnt stall, fought Ermor valiantly, new Lord of the Forests
6. Marignon - 5/10, didnt finish off Vanarus, fought Ermor well, good ally for some time, Lord of Fire

7. Vanheim - 2/10, died to Blog in an early war (???), Tartarus
8. Vanarus - 2/10, was balling out of control,ate Caelum, then went AI with hundreds of mages and thousands of troops once he got ganged. Double Tartarus as a blood slave
9. Caelum - ?/10, didnt see him, died to rus real fast
10. Asphodel - 3/10, couldnt execute the usual dead plant start, very new, didnt use sacreds at all, Tartarus
11. Machaka -2/10, went bless, rushed C'tis, lost and died
12. Ulm - 4/10, ate TC, fielded thousands of troops, went ai with thousands of troops, invaded me and got soundly beaten due to lol 9 mr


12. Ulm - Tartarus
13. TC - ?/10, died to Ulm early on, no idea how he did, Tartarus
14. Agartha - 1/10, t. Pan, super shitter, went AI after one lost battle with all his lands and shit intact, Tartarus
15. Ermor - 5/10, spooky but didnt do anythign to em due to fighting other people all game, reincarnated as a peasant girl in Ermor dominion

16. Ys - 3/10, fielded a very solid army but went AI for no reason, also cant into war at all, Tartarus

So I'm just going out on a limb here, but I think there's a distinct possibility that Pythium doesn't like me.

Also fuck my start I don't know what I'm doing aaaaaaaaa

sounds like a typical game of shitters going AI for no reason which eliminates the ability for anyone to effectively gangbang the leader

I worked with a great warlock contract spam-scales-dormant pretender, D2F1B7, empowered him once to get vampire lords. Contract spam worked really well and provided me with my actual fighting armies, didnt lost many devils at all, most stayed with me to the end. And that was good because I didnt have ways of replacing my losses due to shit research.

When I got invaded by Ulm-Blog-Ys I didnt even have fire storm or vampires, but they were so passive and bad at fighting that I managed to buy enough time. Beat Ulm with bloodletting cast by warlocks and with fog warriors (had to tech up to that first tho).

Ulm invaded with 1200 dudes but moved around with no goal or purpose, tried assaulting me with 200 guys once and then died. No idea what that was about.

Would you say that summod buffs made devils significantly better?

summod changed devils?

I had a decent expansion phase but I mainly worked towards having time. I know I can be very efficient as long as I dont get myself involved in a pointless war early so I was very passive towards all my neighbors, made some concessions.

Once everyone invaded Asphodel I finished him off (didnt organize the gang bang, think Ys did). After that had a solid N income so got myself MO. Grabbed Machaka when he failed versus C'tis and some of his near cap land.

At that point Rus was very much leading so when Mari came for my help I offered it gladly. Once me, blog and Mari hit Rus he just surrendered. Grabbed Caelum off him but then Ulm invaded me with massive armies and shortly after Blog and Ys.

At that point I was very vulnerable due to no rp but they were horrible at fighting. Ys moved his 400+ stack with 60 mages to my t2 throne and sat there for 20 turns or so (???). Blog, Ys, Ulm sent on me their doomstacks total like 2-2.5k troops but fighting three armies total is no big deal.

>Ulm invaded with 1200 dudes but moved around with no goal or purpose, tried assaulting me with 200 guys once and then died. No idea what that was about.
sounds like a typical /domg/ game.

Of course. They got fireshield 6.

They are better but not much better. Their weakness stays the same, they just kill chaff slightly better.

Ulm had 1500h+ clocked into Dom and Shinu was Lambert, Ermor also was a good player, Mari too. No idea about many toher players but Man, Aspho were new. But funny enough they played to the end and did their best. Good job guys, would love to play with you again!

Yes but at that point Ys could beat me solo. I could if we exchanged places. I only was out of control with blood7/evo7/alt7 and that was like 15 turns after that

>Ulm had 1500h+ clocked into Dom
sounds like 6 months of SP

at this point lambert has lost his edge, his normie life is ruining his ability to put any real thought into his games

Congrats. I was really looking forward to using my Staff of Storms - Soul Drain - Master Enslave combo, but you probably already had kitted golems at that point, and when players started going AI one by one I lost all will to live. The thing I hate the most is when people just leave after a single battle.

I had a screenshot of my "if you let Malakal win I will murder your family" post somewhere, but I think it's on another PC. Otherwise, I mostly joined the game to test how my favorite rainbow Ermor fares in new summod, and it was pretty alright.

>3. C'tis - 4/10, big, big income, no idea what he was doing all game long, new Tartarus citizen

Mostly trying to break into Air/Earth/Blood so I could make up Staffs of Storms/cast Army of X, et cetera, in order to not be immediately raped to death by ten billion devils first turn. Actually managed it, like, two turns ago. But that was Too Late.

I'd been throwing anonymous rituals at you for about half the game and gearing up to launch a war, but my lack of nature sites kinda fucked me over. I had 5 income, having Haruspexed fucking everything. Made fairy queen summoning a challenge. You also beat me to Mother Oak by two turns. Really shouldn't have traded you that Moonvine.

>Once everyone invaded Asphodel I finished him off (didnt organize the gang bang, think Ys did). After that had a solid N income so got myself MO. Grabbed Machaka when he failed versus C'tis and some of his near cap land.

I dunno what the fuck Ys was doing, I feared his elf bullshit the most and all he did was take 3 coastal provinces (which he then left). I didn't really know what I was doing either, first time Asspoodle in a PBEM and hadn't even tested it first due to normalfag problems.

Not new, though I hadn't played in a long long time.

I got elemental staff, air helmet, wind bag, moonvine, treelord staff from trade this game, that really helped me with my N and A needs. Got me from A2 to A5 and from N2 to N5.

You still fought to the end.

I just found lack of bless/awake max dom spread to be very suboptimal for dead plants

Well, might as well not subbed for it.
Shinu was in an awful state and it would have taken another 10-15 turns to sort it all out while power uping by eating AIs.

No troops, no scouts, not a single dai oni, no tengus, not even hammers to craft gear with.

I've managed a decent army of acid lions, some dai oni thugs, some devils and start of vampire lord production by the time the game ended. Was about to get me some dai tengus for air buffs.
All the tools were there to unfuck shinu.

On a positive note i had a really good laugh when this happened.

Lambert only ever did well with meme nations like UW nations or popkill cancer. Give him a straight edge land nations and he is meh.

I find that very true from my perspective. when lambert left and I took over Pelagia was in good shape and I was able to quickly whip u a fighting force to deal with rude squids who attacked me the turn after It took over

I subbed into a mari with 10 shit knights no mages and 2 extra probs turn6 (not even cap ring provs just a line) in turn 6 and managed to tilt Rus into AI so I feel good about this game all in all. Lying apparently works greatly in domg. Oops i mean diplomonstering

Yeah it was suboptimal to say the least. Might join another with Asspoodle soon now that I have actually tested and read up on the nation a bit, even as a headless chicken I liked the nation.

I am glad it's over.

In this game I was trying summod for the first time. Also never played Bandar Log seriously in MP. Made a huge mistake taking Drain 1, I was hoping that my research would be at least average, but it was shit.
Sitesearching was awful too. Blog's divercity is total shit and with W1E1S3N3 I have found 0 W income, +5 E, +2 N and + 5 S in all my lands. Basically no gems for me, so my SCs were late and few in numbers. Got some bloodnomics with scouts and a bit later with the GoRed Asrapas. But my income of blood was about 30-50 per turn at best. Compared to Abysia... I don't how much he was getting, but I bet AT THE VERY LEAST it was 10 times more than mine.

I won't say anything about other players, I kinda enjoyed interactions and the common flow and common sense, but it's all about that. Scrubs gonna scrub ang good players gonna snowball. I liked general hostility towards Ermor among his neighbours. He wasn't defeated, but was CONTAINED, I commend for that all the participants. Then Vanarus scared everyone after elfed Mari. Huge coalition was formed swiftly. And then when it has become obvious that Abysia is just snowballed succesfully Ulm, Ys and me reacted swiftly too. It's all was pleasant to see.

This turn I have finally made some research targets and SCs to go after 2 closest Abysian Thrones, but just as C'tis said.. it was TOO LATE.

His victory is economical one. My gold income was good compared to his, but 2 times less gems and 10 time less blood slaves plus lagging research made my defeat inevitable.

Most of the game my slave income was around 150. Only recently I got it to near 400, so 10 times yours is a big overstatement. I just had enough for contracts.

did you use summod's improved abysian crossbreeding? if so, what do you think of it?

I tried using them as troops but they are too bad for that. So only for patrolling.

There was apparently a scaling bug but all my attempts at fielding crossbred armies failed horribly anyway.

Plus after Asphodel has fallen I had 20N per turn and a lot of N1 mages so wolves would be a viable alternative for patrols.

I love reading the postmortem of games, especially from players that lost. Also, nobody gets pissy about losing, they're gentlemen about it, which is really refreshing to see in a MP game

I've gotten pissy once or twice but I try my hardest to keep it to myself.

Looks like we have a ghost problem. They've started attacking me after greedily taking lands that belong to all nations. I guess it's to be expected that a nation with an early lead would try to extend it, but then I would also expect the other, responsible players to recognize it as in their best interests to stop such a nation. Am I wrong, fellow degens?

Sounds more like YOU've got a ghost problem

>Am I wrong, fellow degens?

>it begins

Can you really not fight your own war? Like, at all?

Who even borders them, besides you?

t. Lemuria

I think it is because even if you lose, you at least get rid of a game so you can join a new one. And games are less enjoyable the longer they are, so losers are thankful.

I border Agartha, Jomon, Mictlan, Marignon, and (as of this turn) Atlantis.

I think that I may be the largest nation, since my expansion went VERY well, but I'm not sure, since I have only a few scouts.

I decided to invade Marignon as soon as I could, since I thought that they would be the weakest early and I know that my strength will fall off. =(

I guess you're right, a Lemuria with 20 provinces at the start of year 2 (and that's not including the provinces I have, they stand to grow much larger). People who are actually in the game were just discussing how all anyone could see was ghosts.

The /domg/ anti-gangbang instincts really are stunning. Calling out an aggressive leader of the game immediately won me censure from, well, a gang of naysayers. I'm going to war them, but their treachery has set me on the back foot. The ghosts lied to me, saying that they were planning on taking a throne, but they were really positioning an army for an attack. Now, shame on me for even thinking a player of this game could be trustworthy, but this really goes to show you that this player is not to be trusted.

I think those people who would bitch about losing go AI long before anyway

Funny you should say the diversity's shit, because Blog's one of the few nations with national mages for every single path. You need your pretender for a couple, and some (Fire) are way too late to be useful, but Rishis with boosters can summon a majority.

They really are a nation that's super reliant upon summons.

It's true, I am quite large! I think that expansion may be one of Lemuria's greatest strengths. =)

It is a bit harder to leverage that before site searching, though. =(

I think that with any other nation, I would have a half-dozen forts under construction and labs out and larger armies. It's strange being large and just not getting very much from the land yet. Luckily, I have a lot of indy crossbows =)

Now I get to see how well my idea holds up against an actual player! Let's have a good war!

How useful are MA Arco's War Elephants? They're fucking expensive, die easily, or break and trample my hoplites. How do I use them more effectively, put them behind a chaff horde?

Extremely useful since you expand with them.

If you mean for actual player vs player wars they need some buffs as their weakness is very apparent. Berserk + mr is basic, then you can add ethereal and prot.


another nation has gone ai in vanillacat. beige this time it seems

Post some pictures.

are you a steam shitter?

It is as you say, though you are large, you will not reach the peak of your power until you marshal the magical resources of your conquests. I see that your misleadingly named god is already hard at work site-searching.

Is it not true that nations led by wise players will be more successful? Here, then, is a question for the wise: is it better to allow the strongest nation among us to conquer still more, and to suck in more and more lands to depopulate and gems to fuel vile sorcery, or is it better to remove the cancer before it metastasizes into a truly global threat?

I hereby announce the Lemurian Extermination Victory Fund. The first player to post a report of a victory against Lemuria will receive 500 gold, and each player thereafter will receive 300.


get in vanheim chat

100 gold is nearly 10 Hoplites, and in my experience the hoplites last longer and don't kill my own dudes

>The first player to post a report of a victory against Lemuria will receive 500 gold
That's nothing.

I will gladly cede two provinces to any of my neighbors for half the cut =)

That's not nothing that's 50 Hoplites. Scoffing at 500 free gold is pretty stupid. It's free money, idiot.

Unless you're arguing that it's a bad idea to attack Lemuria. In which case, you ARE Lemuria. Or at least you will be soon.

>500 free gold on turn 12 is nothing
come on lemuria think before you disinfo

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. This necessitated expansion into Beige lands, even if they are poor and small.

Attacking lemuria isn't free.

It's a nice bonus if you were planning to attack him anyway, but not a large enough bonus to convince someone who didn't already want to go to war.

It's nothing compared to having to commit to a war against a strong player, which I think you agree is more than a 500 gold question. Of course, if Lemuria is such a threat and Mari manages to put together a coalition, they should be joining anyway to get his lands while they're still worth more than 500 gold.

Glad to see lizards aren't going down without a fight.

I think they'll likely still lose in the long run unless someone helps, though.