The [DE]d Within edition
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>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
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CURRENT UPDATE: Recurring Nightmares
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/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Death to America
Fuck you, let it die.
Trinity Prime!
>tfw no cat eared gf to play warframe and white icing chocolate cake with the DE logo on it
>Sortie sabotage
>Trinity Prime and Rhino Prime arguing
>Rhino kept saying nigger, cuck, fuck you, ect
>Trinity Prime called him a Trump supporter and that he is glad he is ditching the Rhino for the last mission
>While these two spent the whole time arguing, I finished the mission
Pubs are always so entertaining.
aw yiss
Has everyone finished selling their Frost Prime sets before they become worthless?
Mistake, I liquidated most Frost prime sets before he was unvaulted the first time when he was only worth ~300plat, now he's worth 900+.
Metaphor for life.
Two retards who have time to be faggots and argue about dumb shit on behalf of others/what's best for others and do so while the good lads keep their heads down and keep the toilets flushing and the lights working.
Yes be a good boy and finish the mission while I afk...
Still have mine, don't think hes going to be unvaulted, most likely ember prime will and I have both.
Dirty Dumb
Are the servers down or something? I can't acces neither site nor game - says "Content servers are unavailable"
Other sites and online games work just fine.
Just solo it. Got 731 when I solo'd. Pubs are cancer that pop the pumpkins for no reason.
first time i pubbed the time attack some idiot had the naut lured away from the pumpkins and was just punching the fuck out of it in the middle of nowhere.
I'm not denying he's going to be unvaulted, I just think the price crash is going to be extremely temporary and in 6-8 months he'll be 1.3KP like ember is now.
I solo'd it
I use Atlas to avoid the fucking disruptors and stupid aoe of juggernaut. The juggernaut simply won't die in time. I don't see a huge difference in damage when it hits and blows up the explosives by itself. Should I use Infested Impedance or CP?
>tierqueer still posting
>new sasha never because monchop fucked off
>there's still fuckall to do in the game and there's not even a comfy thread to shitpost about it
why even come here anymore?
Daily reminder that players in /wfg/ are god fucking terrible.
>doing steel waifu dailies
>looking for insignias
>reach 6/8
>find 7th
>pick it up
>excuse me wut?
>check mission progress
>indeed I have 7/8
>find last one
>8/8 again
WF plz that is not how math works
About time Ember Prime is unvaulted. I'll even play the game again just for her.
>TFW hyped for Ashy deluxe skin
>Deluxe skin comes in the same patch as the nerf that will boot Ash to Oberon/Titania tier.
>Everytime Stalker attacks I'm on my Frost Prime
Poor guy.
ash will be worse than oberon
funny cause it's true
oberon will actually be better than ash
But I thought you guys love Shuriken, Smoke Screen, and Teleport!
You love ninjas!
It's time.
Postan the F R A M E G U I D E:
Reminder if you have a question about how to build a frame or if you're wondering whether a frame is good, consult the guide first.
Changes since last time:
>removed RJ Excal build
It's been outdated for a long time. Nobody uses RJ Excal anymore since there's too much LOS obstruction in Berehynia.
Reminder if you have a suggestion to make or if you disagree with the guide, state WHY.
The filters have been updated
Extensive changes to the comment filters for both Veeky Forums and non-4chanx (sorry it took this long non 4chanx users)
I’m moving away from ghostbin because of pic related.
Here is the new link:
Tierqueer Filters:
Hopefully this will be the last time I have to do this and Steve finally fucks over the game for good
you 2 should fuck already
thank you
>autism speaks
based anti-shitposting man
i like you, have a free cat
If ash still deal slash damage it's still good.
Now someone please post mag's story.
Anybody wanna play with a kinda shitter? Lvl 30 warframe and iike aome help.
All that talk from veteran players about how they miss the old void runs, everyone's seen someone say that in clan chat. Hell I've seen that said across different platforms and different clans.
And DE goes and adds in this silly little "endless relic" mechanic where you even have collect the stupid little glowing shit on the ground again, lol.
And then the fanboy retards on the forum think it's just lazy players wanting more loot! There's no challenge in this game, there's little to no need to equip anything stronger than a Vaykor Hek!
Tactical Potato needs to blast these guys another asshole, I was looking forward to the void relic changes EVEN MORE than TWW. Now I have to put this game in standby until DE wakes up.
Post ign and what do you need.
You just aren't being autistic enough
What's the Steel Meridian girl's name? She's so cute.
>mag story
Valkyr should be raised to A++ because i said so
Is Tysis potential fun and good?
I got that stupid orokin reactor and i don't know what to upgrade with it!!Should i upgrade my Mag?Should i keep it for a later waframe???
I have no idea how hard is it to farm one of those so someone tell me!What should i do with it!
Fucking do it
right now lets go
Save it, farm bosses are easy enough, most of the time. Find a frame that fits your playstyle and then put the reactor on it. If it has a Prime that you can obtain, put it on the Prime instead.
Ordinarily I'd agree with you, but the existence of relics keeps me from thinking that he will ever hit those high prices again. Especially if this is going to be a yearly thing.
Well /wfg/, where does your waifu stand on the chart? This is some pannenkoek2012 tier autism
Cressa Tal. Note that one of the G3 is also named Tal.
See, the funny thing is that Zephyr is my waiframe, and those proportions are pretty much what I've always preferred.
We were made for eachother.
>Cressa provides a second example of shared names among Grineer
>Yet both examples use different positions.
Vay Tok and Vay Hek being the other one I can think of.
Is there a weapon guide?
Those names are probably batch identifiers or expiration dates.
God I'd hate for my name to be my approximate time of death.
it's called "Use Tonkor"
valkyr is the perfect handful of everything and tier user is scum for not recognizing that
But Tonkor is shit... Am I wrong?
The Tonkor isn't shit, you are shit. Although the S.memeulor is superior
No, my no forma tonkor lets me go to wave 25 in akkad to raise unranked weapons/frames. I love tonkor-kun.
also, each re-release ensures less demand in the long run. While I am sure warframe still has some minor gullible player growth, its nothing like it was last year.
You will be lucky to sell this shit for the standard 300p even months after the revaulting.
They will NEVER patch the bloom default bloom settings.
memulor is almost as good but tonkor is still better
Are you implying its a girl and the mask is simply changing the voice.
>An invisible capable frame
>oberon tier
You wish
why would you ever go Invis ash if Loki's invis is infinetly superior
I wasn't, actually, but that's even better.
Show me a better Nekros scheme.
Protip: you can't
>not coloring nekros to look like one of the following
>Warhammer Plague Marine
>Ronald McDonald
Its Shit
Also I turned my adblock on to stop the malicious ads hiro added and it wouldn't let me post until I disabled it
Tummy kissu~~
it's dia de los muertos scheme
There once was an ugly frame. She was so useless/ugly that everyone died.
The end.
(You) can post this every thread but that won't make it a good scheme.
stop posting this shit.
Now post the real story
I see you guys aren't easily impressed. How about THIS
>tfw you will never have a cute, young little blondie mag to do whatever you say
Not a single one of these looks even mediocre, they are all terrible
This is the story of Mag Prime
The ugliest Warframe around
Ugly and weak, they called her a freak!
So she lived all alone in the vault
She lived all alone in the vault
babby's first color schemes
fashionpolice does not forgive
Seeing your birb diarrhea makes me not want to tummy kiss you anymore
specially because I don't want to get banned again
>mods ban tummyposters
>still off-topic shitposting
>still avatarfagging with pointless anime cancer images
>complaining about being banned and how mods do their jobs
thats a triple ban right there
get fucked kiddo
i like your saryn
>nothin personnel kid
Well this is some interesting sleek
How is that complaining about getting banned or the mods?
Can someone post a good looking saryn prime? I remember some guy on here a while back did her up to look like the infested patch in the ship and I kind of like that, but I don't remember what colors he used.
Veeky Forums mods stopped caring about general drama. The moderation is equivalent to any other blue board. Ids would fix the moderation that was cut by simply exposing general whore.