Why the fuck jews are so good at economy
Jews and economy
They run it
They have been hated for as far back as history dates. Enslaved even. Their sole means of survival and prosper ever since they've been able to stand alone has been business. Whether that business be real estate, farming, media, banks, etc etc is up to them. But when you look at their history, their only was to survive was to barter and find loopholes in anything involving currency because no one else would give them a break so they haggled. Now when you have a whole religion/race of people so tightly woven together and a very very long time of learning businesses and currencies it is bound to turn the runt of the litter into the leader of the pack. Look at the Asians, they weren't exactly scrutinized and preyed on as a people, but they have thousands of years of business. They made the Doji for chart patterns if I am not mistaken.
Same reason East-Asian migrants are: cloistered minority where large onus is put on financial and business success. If you were brought up in an extended family like that you'd be a biz-wizz too
Their culture puts a strong emphasis on learning skills that make you hard to replace, therefore higher paid.
>Enslaved even.
things that never happened
They ARE the economy.
Egypt enslaved the Israelites you retard
they have been into commerce and literature for a shitton of time. that means : they know how to write since or even before the ancient Egypt. They have been allways in commerce, therefore they know math and economics since for fucking ever. They also think the 10 commandments differently from the catholics. The "you shall not covet" commandment from the christians probably does not extends to finance. So while it was forbiden to the christians to lend money and charge interest rates, jews probably had it figured out by a long time. So i belive that there was no dark periods for the jews, they have been teaching and educating their own kind for ever. I dont envy them like most christians do, i learned with them that education is a high value.
>Jewish and Asian Descent
>Make fat stacks day trading everyday
>Highly educated in mathematics
It has to do with genetics and something about how Jews weren't allowed to or were socially blocked out from working physically, and so the only way a Jew would survive would be if they had the intelligence and skill for finance and business. Much like said, however he forgot to mention natural selection and how it would affect genetics over the course of a few thousand years of natural selection.
Paranoia + ability
We have to survive and could not really protect ourselves fairly ever since the roman times.
We have learned how to use the greatest shield in the world - cash - and it has proven itself useful.
I'm not actually a jew btw just an Israeli(ama if you wanna)
none of you own any WAVES and you call yourselves Jews? oi vey my life already!
Extreme predisposition to sociopathy and greed
Why the fuck christians are so good at conquering
They've were selectively bred for high average IQ in medieval Europe through generations of cognitively demanding positions (often in finance and managerial positions). That's why they are disproportionately successful in every field.
Why the fuck muslims are so good at food
Nepotism. They stick to their own.
High iq. Low loyalty to outgroup. High loyalty to ingroup. Probably evolved high machiavellism.
Ingrained culture of financial responsibility.
Crazy work ethic same with asians
They think that they are elected by God and act like this. For them it is a privilege and also and obligation to excell. They are also very community-driven, and help each others.
>tfw cinephile from birth and was interested in both film and finance careers
am i a jew?
It's simple. Instead of shitposting about jews on the internet they go out and hustle.
>Instead of shitposting about jews on the internet
they literally have companies dedicated to shitposting about themselves tho
Not really enough to explain the difference, i've met many, many super-hardworking whites.
confirm kikes behind the 2008 crash.
In medieval Europe they were banned from trade. So they became money lenders and got really fucking good at it. They were periodically expelled or killed for Jewish scams and trickery. They adopted the holocaust as their second religion to stop that happening again.
To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise - Voltaire.
That's a bunch of horseshit.
They've been no less or no more oppressed in history than any other group. In fact less, because several other cultures have already been wiped out in history.
Repeating this nonsense is what really perpetuates the myths that they are special.
>They've been no less or no more oppressed in history than any other group.
Ever heard of these things called pogroms? Or maybe the term Holocaust rings a bell?
Meanwhile you're here doing it for free, as your life slowly runs out.
Tick. Tick. Tick.
>muh holocaust
tfw you will never be part of gods chosen people
Their culture is to be obsessed with making money and very vigilant about spending money that will not return on investment.
I've known 5 jews in my life and 4 of them fit this stereotype exactly.
Also like the other user said banking, finance and jewels are in Jewish history so it's always been part of their culture.
Should Israel have ever been formed? How could they just declare a country where people already lived? Why can't you guys give the Palestinians a state?
>gods chosen people
We're taught that "chosen people" means chosen to serve God, since we were the first peoples to believe in the monotheistic deity. It doesn't mean we were "chosen" for special favor, status, or success.
Then you Christ-fags came along and started screaming "RIGGED" and claimed that God likes us better. You cucked yourselves.
>very vigilant about spending money that will not return on investment
So, basic personal finance 101?
You: "Those damn Jews keep doing intelligent and reasonable things with their money. Conspiracy!" kys, srsly.
I know one jew. he was terrible with money, but very good at smoking weed and hip hop.
then he tried it on with my gf. we're not friends any more. Hitler was certainly right about THAT guy
There's a difference between basic finance and returning an item because you saw it for 1 dollar less somewhere else, so after returning the item you go to that place and buy it there (I had a Jewish roommate who would actually do this kind of thing). He also believed in not running the heat during the winter and just wearing jackets inside.
>returning an item because you saw it for 1 dollar less somewhere else
* Things Done by Rednecks
* Things Done by Blacks
* Things Done by Asians
* Things Done by Mexicans
* Things Done by Women
* Things Done by Millennials
* Things Done by Cheapskates
* Things Done by Lots of Types of People Having Nothing to Do With Religion
You're just making yourself look stupid. Step up your game, /pol/ster. The echo-chamber isn't here to support you.
>Meanwhile you're here doing it for free, as your life slowly runs out.
>Tick. Tick. Tick.
....... thats the same humor my jewish calculus professor has.
Honestly his anecdotal evidence is better than what you pulled out your bum but both are still bad. Yours is worse though.
Great argument, faggot. Anecdotal evidence, gross generalizations, and prejudice are the epitome of logic.
Enjoy your life of economic and political impoverishment. When you make my lattes, for the next 40 years, be sure to get my order correct.
You are absolutely right. My views on jews are nothing but prejudiced nonsense that are not substantiated by facts.
Everyone take heed here, don't accept these false stereotypes of Jews! Get to know them! I'm sure you'll not discover any generalities!
high avg iq and piles of inherited 'play money' makes a lethal combination no normie roaches cannot imagine competing
Several countries during the middle ages limited the jobs Jews could hold to money lending and banking. Pretty much ingrained itself into Jewish culture after that.
jew here
can i just say how much i love yous guis
jew hatred, i mean fuck i hate my relatives and when you guys aren't even jewish you sometimes hit the nail on the head.
>inherited play money
this is why i go to Veeky Forums, for the lexicon
I bet any people crushed under mongolian oppresion would shit on your holocaust
>Should Israel have ever been formed?
"Should" is a bit too philosophic.
People were willing to go to the desert and develop it until it's the great nation I was born in.
There was and still is a constant flow of new citizens, and the people who were born here are nationalistic and proud.
So as far as I am concerned it's just another country, the only difference being that it's young and the memory of it's inception is still very fresh. In fact, this might still be our inception, 70 years is barely infanthood for a nation.
>How could they just declare a country where people already lived?
People live everywhere. your country did the same thing(or at least used the same level of cruelty and violence on the native population at some point), no matter where you live.
Again, the only difference is that we are young and were born in an already globalized documented world and that our struggle was televised since we exist.
And usually people here don't really care about the actual facts but we have tried very hard to make both of our lives good. Palis did not develop this country at all(!), and when we literally created everything here we were still willing to share it and they were still fighting us in unfair ways. But, that's just a sidenote, not the main point.
Even if we were crueler than we were an occupation done in order to create a new nation is pretty much a justified one.
>Why can't you guys give the Palestinians a state?
You know damn well we did and that they did not take any offer because they want it all.
Additionally, Palestinians are just Jordanians.
But more importantly, they are our enemy. They killed my brothers and sisters on the way to school or work. Citizens.
I personally don't give a shit about their future and justifiably so, this is war and if we need to become nazis to win it by god we will.
But, I'm the furthest you can be from a moderate so there's that.
Hope this helped goy
What's your opinion on Israel's sterilization efforts, and does the implementation of the sterilization of "lesser" people not seem hilariously hypocritical?
>opinion on Israel's sterilization efforts
Exaggerated, to be honest.
But, even if they are not, they are just a pragmatic way of doing what's need to be done anyway when occupying land which is the absolute demoralization and/or cleansing of the natives.
Hilariously hypocritical? No, I don't have a problem with what the Nazis did. That's how the world works.
Additionally you have to understand that this is not about "lesser" people - as I said cleansing, banishment sterilization and the likes are matters of pragmatism. I assume that there is a part of our nation who are extremist/stupid enough to believe the chosen people bullshit, but the reasons are not ideological. They are practical.
I personally think that it's a shame that those stories are only half truths and that if we were actually committed to genocide this shitty war would be over already and 6 million Americans would have not died fighting wars in the middle east.
I got a few of these protocol pamphlets in my posession, in french, german and russian, dated between late 1890 and to the one called a hoax.
They are scanned and will be released this year, with a lot other translated hebrew pamphlets from the same era.
Your time is soon over, kikes.
Can you post some of the Hberew ones?
I'm really curious, especially after knowing that the number 6mil appeared in a lot of Jewish texts from the 1900's~.
>Your time is soon over, kikes.
I unironically cannot wait for the moment that that particular shitstorm begins. It's the perfect happening for me
>and if we need to become nazis to win it by god we will
Careful there young Jude. Don't let the culture of war and hatred you've been raised in soil your soul.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
I disagree.
A warless culture is what made the Jews the most hatred thing in the world, and has made our culture quite sick.
On the other hand the necessity to protect our borders violently has transformed the Jews - an ancient, culturally sick nomad tribe, speaking a dead language - into Nationalistic, proud, strong and culturally healthy Israelis.
Furthermore, while this was happening I saw Europe committing suicide out of boredom, because some post modern leftists declared that a decade of peace is required.
And this anecdote doesn't work for me. Whoever came for me after dealing with the Socialists, Union Leaders and Jews, has won whatever war he war fighting.
>A warless culture
Simply untrue.
Nice pop history. Did you learn that from youtube?
I'd say poisoning wells and facilitating the spread of the plague is part of what made Jews so hated in Europe at least.
Yes, it really is.
While there were Jewish individuals and organizations who were fighting in wars, the Jewish culture post the Jewish-Roman Wars is simply not a militaristic one.
A culture that is not unified simply cannot be effectively militaristic, and a culture that has no kingdom cannot maintain an army.
We were not nomads by choice, and we had to resort to survival by deception and finance, it was war but not the kind that is healthy for a society. The kind of war that backfires on you for decades.
We were scattered across the globe for years and were less than a shadow of what we could of been if we would have kept our kingdom. Only now that we have gotten a new kingdom we begin to be the culture we once were.
It's in the bible 2bh
Yeah, this is the kind of shit that stems from being nomads who don't fight anymore. That's my point, just like Europe today the thing that imo hurt us the most is to not be a unified warring people. All the very real goyim hate that existed stemmed out of this humiliation and shame.
Gypsies also come to mind
Well one thing I can definitely agree with is that there is a subset of Jews who refuse to fight- the Hasidem. They have been a burden on Israel itself for a long time, refusing to work or fight and living off of handouts. They give the rest of us a bad name.
I agree absolutely and that is a part of my point. you have to understand that they are simply the Jews who did not become Israelis. They are what we were but all over the world, finding a comfortable spot and milking it until fascism is fucking reborn.
They are the nomads who live nationlessly, my fellow Israelis are the patriots who keep all of us alive.
Well, at least for religious Jews. For secular ones the standard was even lower in my opinion.
They enforce the Jewish stereotype and make it harder for the rest of us to get along. My family is Ashkenazi, came to the US 3-4 generations ago and settled around Newark and Paterson. We have always worked hard and despite being pretty poor, never lived on welfare. It is a sense of pride, to sustain yourself and become self-sufficient. We have a history of military service, from past and present family members. Overall we've integrated into this community, and are good upstanding people. These Hasidem HAve no interest in integrating. They move en masse into communities and leech off welfare, making outsiders hate us all. Then when the hate boils over, they refuse to change or fight back. Disgusting.
Because I was taught how to be a sheister.
What, doesnt everyone?
For instance look at these communities in NJ. In Passaic, there is a street where the community moved in from Brooklyn. Little by little, they bought up houses all along the street. The basement of one home was converted into a temple. Now, most of these people don't even work. The Rabbi has 4 kids. Many families have more. They suck away at the system, living off charity and donations. Jewish welfare groups funnel money to them. They will get paid by Israeli propaganda groups for lobbying and shilling the Zionist cause. Meanwhile they refuse to have any sort of interaction with the existing community, intermarrying and isolating themselves. This can be seen in many NJ towns like Lakewood or Passaic.
> (OP)
>Paranoia + ability
>We have to survive and could not really protect ourselves fairly ever since the roman times.
>We have learned how to use the greatest shield in the world - cash - and it has proven itself useful.
>I'm not actually a jew btw just an Israeli(ama if you wanna)
ישראלי ב/ביז/? נחמד.
but not only business, also science, much of the core of what makes countries developed now
but le gaz JUWZ XD GIBE Mcjob ,;_;
>Jewish culture post the Jewish-Roman Wars is simply not a militaristic one.
the fuck? israel is a fucking military state.
With an attitude like that, I hope you and your kind get suicide bombed out of existence.
Yours is a morally indefensible position, but not an unexpected one coming as it is from a Jewish Israeli.
From the bottom of my heart, fuck you.
its just a meme. jews are retards.
>Jews weren't allowed to or were socially blocked out from working physically
Lol, sure thing Shlomo.
the shoah killed off all the dumb ones. hardcore natural selection