Father and Daughter edition
>Patch Notes:
>Useful Sites:
Father and Daughter edition
>Patch Notes:
>Useful Sites:
1st for velkoz
>Koreans vs Koreans
>Faker wins anyway
Is this shit getting more than 300k viewers?
Tfw Kyung roasts u in a diss. Tfw u will never leave ur room again.
yeah why doesn't riot make it so losing is fun wtf
get fuked fag0t
>Liking anything more than bombs
Shit image/10. IDC if he's gay as shit, he would never love anything more than blowing shit up.
Tips for playing Shiny Pigeoto.
But cocks explode, user
Seriously though ban everyone who's from the discord or talk about the discord mods please
You got something wrong
Not faker wins anyway
its kkoma wins anyway
im not much into 3d but sjokz is pretty damn cute sometimes
There's a difference between losing to something that's fair and something brutally unfair with no counterplay. Losing games go from "well, that was my fault, I learned something" to painful and unpleasant with no point in playing if you don't get the broken champ.
Ziggs love to blow things up, blowing dudes and cocks!
But then by that logic over half the champs in this game have "toxic" kits because, hypothetically, cause the game to be unfun because you can't do anything
Evolve it
4 months until Debonair Draven!
husbando lolg club really really soon!
Xth for Yorick best toplaner
everything is fair this is a multiplayer game just pick champions correctly and do unto other what fucked you up when you lost
we did just fine before this unfun toxic counterplay meme was born
xth for Rumble
xth for not sexualising yordle males
Experience Status:
[ ] Not Changed
[ ] Slightly Changed
[X] Changed Changed
>tfw Riot is STILL too stupid to drop marketing for this dying Korean esports scene when there's so much money to be made with more game modes, spinoff games, novels, cinematics, a show and etc.
I'm mostly just sticking around for the ceremony concert and neat cosplays at this point. Last night's festival was pretty good.
tell me more about that husbando club
>Your waifu's face when she sees your penis
>debonair Draven
I would totally buy it, honestly. And I don't even play him that much.
Cancer is now a meaningless term along with "unfun". Its a buzzword, nothing more than to sound right.
I asked someone what was actually fun to fight and they couldn't answer. The best they could say is "a bad riven". Okay, I didn't play this game just to fight bad Rivens, what else you got?
/lolg/ spams buzzwords to make a point but when they want to back it up, they fucking cant
>you dumb fuck
Grow up.
Yeah, janna can auto-attack turrets to death too.
Why the autistic ezreal white-knighting?
He is objectively slower at taking objectives than other adcs, what is your argument?
That he can still do it?
He has mobility in his kit that other adcs don't have, but my point is he does most poorly the thing that the role he plays in is meant to excel at.
Is spamming games with a champion you suck at a good idea?
I'm fucking garbage with Akali, but I really like her concept.
you're lucky i don't care about rumble as much as the other boys
What music to play when playing bushy eyebrow shekel woman?
>You will never slay hordes of Noxus scum with Garen
Why even live?
Post more devil teemo. Especially with stomach bulge.
Klezmer music.
>3 top, get killed
>literally everyone in my team is jacking off
>enemy bard support is at mid defending the turret by clearing waves
>my bot lane is going 1v2 vs vayne and i have to ping 30 times to actually kill her
>'enemy has been slain' on vayne
This shit is depressing.
>Your waifu's face when she see you sucking another dude's penis
Does Vlad shave his balls?
Or is he too ivory to grow hair?
Hes getting buffed soon at least
>hes immune to slows for the entire duration of the Q
gp poster (shibs) and me are starting a lol club for the many husbando posters in lolg
all you need to join is a husbando and a open club spot
I'm just waiting for shibs to come online to iron out the details
After finally getting a clear shot of this splash, I can't help but noticed how FUCKED the anatomy is in this. It's like Warhammer Space Marine levels of bad anatomy.
>the head size
>the shoulder size
>those hands
>that arm length
I expected better from Riot. So much detail but into something that's so anatomically incorrect.
Is Lux jail bait?
As annoying as Ziggsposting can be, I have to say I played the champ recently and I'm pleasantly surprised. He feels a lot better than trying to play him in early S6 Assassin Midlane Meta.
>Cowtit Queen
>Dairy Dutchess
Evelynn MissFortune Morganna
>Cleavage Countess
Ahri Akali Elise Nidalee Vi Zyra
>Busty Baroness
Ashe Cassiopeia Fiora Illaoi Janna Katarina LeBlanc Nami Sejuani Sivir Syndra
>Modest Merchant
Irelia Karma Kayle Leona Lissandra Lux Riven Shyvanna Soraka Vayne
>Flat Farmer
Kalista Quinn Taliyah
>Sexless serf
Riven tips? do i go for the black cleaver or yommus first?
also GP tips.
Is the game outdated when it's only fun to fight bad players or is it just a natural process of playing multiplayer games?
>Preseason Details, Assassin rework and End of Season Countdown
There is no age of consent in Runeterra.
hug support
Ziggs is great, he's a ton of fun. I really miss Athene's, though.
Considering this, for sure.
Maybe on my ult account, though.
xth for epic normals MMR fuckeroo
So Annie's legal then? Nice~
*alt account
Any ideas as to what the club tag will be?
Of course. Annie was born for breeding.
>proxy Singed on the other team
>loses horribly
>starts calling out our Riven as bad
I ain't even surprised.
>Grow up.
i'm sorry did an insult hurt your feelings
i'll try to be more tender next time i didn't know i was dealing with a fragile china doll
i'm not even an adc player but you're too retarded taking objectives is the main purpose of ad carries
you can take objectives after you killed the enemy team no matter your team comp, the purpose of adc is to achieve very high dps and carry their team, the fact that they can kill baron quickly is incidental
if tomorrow riot nerfed adc damage to objectives by 50% people would still be playing them in bot lane
i suggest you keep your dumbass theorycrafting to yourself, you're an adc main and you have no idea why people even play your role
I don't think I have this.
I need pictures of devil teemo getting fucked by infernal nasus
mages are super good right now, assassins are kinda on the weak side and zed is often banned.
ziggs is great because he can easily shit on syndra, cassio and viktor because of his massive range.
he really feels good to play right now, but that might not last with the assassin meta upon us.
also he's even better now that we have turret first blood, i get the turret first blood almost every time when i play him.
you just threw away your chance to join the euw discord you fucking tard
im sure there is in Demacia/Piltover and maybe Zaun
we don't really know to be honest
Why are all Kahzix player fucking douchebags
Unbeleaveable, as if he was the second Leesin or Akali
I'm not sure
The point of what Im making is, /lolg/ doesn't like anything new as a threat and will do anything to see it gutted.
>immune to all cc during q while moving towards the villain and for 3 seconds after qing the villain
isn't morello the same thing with more AP
Take heart user, you are an agent of justice and truth whenever you pick the handsome hero Garen. It is possible to slay foul Noxian curs on the field on justice, all it takes is the right equipment and an immense amount of love for your country, (Demacia.) First, you will want to build an Infinity Edge, followed by boots of swiftness. These items make up the core of your build, much like Garen's incredible face makes up the core of his Demacian charm. From there, you're looking for a balanced mix of pure offense, the best defense is a good offense they say. And what better offense is there than a few Ghostblades, Bloodthirstiers, Stakk Shivs and Black Cleavers? Keep faith in yourself and you will find the strength to defeat the vile Noxian scourge.
>be naut
>use ult
>yasuo tries to windwall it
Where's this GIF from?
Just put on a diaper my man.
Demacia is more or less like feudal societies in Earth, right? I'd be quite shocked, if there was an official age of consent. Zaun is largely unregulated, so I'd expect there to be no regulation on sex as well. Maybe Piltover.
Morello has no MR, Athene used to be a really good pick to farm it out safely.
spamming games mindlessly is not a good method of getting good. it's true that getting good requires you to play a lot, but you can play 1000 games and stay stuck in the same place, and you can play 1 game and learn something new. it depends on how focused and fresh you are.
when i play when i'm drunk or drowsy i'm just on autopilot, even if i might win i won't learn anything.
i dont wanna be with some sub human degenrates anyway
>Why are all assassin players fucking douchebags
Fixed. It's just in their blood, they're easily agitated and way too cocky.
husbd or hsbdo
>be adc
>ask Kahzix for gank
>"do you think kah is a fucking gank champion?"
>No MR
>Inconsistent mana regen
Not even close. Morello is a poor excuse for an athene's replacement.
>use Lux's shield
>Yasuo wastes his windwall on it
>throw a barrel
>Yasuo tries to windwall the Q while I'm going for the auto
tanks players are the most bro tier players
supports are too passive aggressive
mages are hit or miss
adcs are douches too
>tfw to intelligent to not abuse Nid when she isn't banned
Demacia also prides itself on rules and regulations and its superior moral code though.
I think it's much more likely they have one or more laws regarding marriage and sex.
Piltover "The City of Progress" might have an age of consent but they probably don't think about it too hard.
Noxus and Zaun almost certainly don't give a fuck (Noxus probably rules that if you can't stop undesirable people from forcing themselves on you then it's your place to take it like a bitch).
Ionia probably doesn't have any rules but instead has a strict cultural stigma against people who have sex before marriage.
>Warhammer Space Marine
>Rush Morello and Athenes
>Q is on 2 second cooldown
>Enough mana regen to use it every time it's off cooldown
>one of the tooltips mentioned demacia is an army of elites horribly outnumbered by noxus
>noxus, the land where they love the shit out of darwin and almost all of the champions from noxus killed other noxians to get where they are
>this is encouraged
>This country has the numerous horde and not the elites.
I always wonder how people can play without both tracker's knife or yellow trinket, the map feels so fucking dark with only one pink going around.
>be Talon
>Poppy activates W on top of the carry
>teleport behind adc and explode cape of knives and run away invisible blaring let the bodies hit the floor
wait a minute
no point on having both unless you're Karma or maybe Ori and Lux
reminder athene has a passive that heal people whenever you poke enemies and shield your allies
shit was that too mean as well
i'm sorry i just can't help it
Haha, don't worry assassin update is fixing that and giving him a dash :^)
Nothing personnel talon
t. Riot
pretty sure from facebook