>Mods, modding guides, and FAQs tesgeneral.com/ >Found a problem or have a suggestion? Use the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of the site! >The Booru vgtes.booru.org/ >The Lewd Booru (Use the filter if you find a picture objectionable) booru.Legacywaste.org/
is it okay if i'm downloading skyrim just to install porn mods
Luke Roberts
>ruining the artistic vision
Lincoln Martin
>make env map texture for Oblivion because the vanilla one is underwhelming >decide to upload it to Nexus >come back a few weeks later >Gain access to Mod Author forums Is getting shit noticed on Nexus really that easy? Or did i just get lucky because Oblivion modding is slower than Skyrim's?
Christopher Wilson
Post cute lizard waifus.
Gavin Peterson
So SKSE for SSE when? Any news?
Nathan Ross
I installed PerMa but forgot to run the patcher right after so I can't level wayfarer on my save that I've played for a while, but on a fresh game it works perfectly fine. I don't want to lose my progress.
Is it possible to splice discovered locations, skills and completed + active quests from the old save into the fresh game?
Alternatively is it possible to rerun new game scripts on the old save?
Ryan Morales
gotta poop /tesg/
be back in 10
Jaxon Young
I haven't played skyrim in maybe 4 years and want to get back into it now that the SE is out, is there a comprehensive guide on how to play as a little girl?
Lincoln Lopez
When do you estimate the essential mods will find their way into SSE?
what mods, if any, are essential for a first playthrough of oblivion?
Jack Cook
So what's an alternative to Oblivion Reloaded since it simply CTD on load/new game with no logging to suggest where
Zachary Hughes
How are you gonna fuck it if it doesn't have sex mods
Ethan Sanchez
Lincoln Lee
First playthrough? Unofficial Oblivion, DLC and Shivering Island patches Darnified UI
Everything else is just fluff. There's little point to improving graphics, changing combat, etc unless you've played some vanilla. Play it for a bit, maybe even complete one of the main questlines then think what you would like improved
Leo Smith
>another sameface
John Watson
A thousand DLs is the only prerequisite
Joshua Campbell
Post friends
Ethan Green
12 hours of SE and still no crash, thank you Todd.
More seriously does she looks alright? My slider-fu is weak.
Jacob Ross
Why do the Argonians in my head have black heads?
Kevin Powell
I'd smash.
Isaiah White
>Elven cainmail has static buttcape
Physics have ruined me. I cant use it like this.
Anthony Martinez
It's awful. Looks like you used EEO, which is probably part of the reason.
Bentley Rogers
Huh, she actually looks pretty normal. 7/10, would adventure and go camping with.
William Howard
I'm more concerned with how you took a screenshot of something in your head.
Chase Bennett
Thumbnail said Clones, full-size says Meara. Unexpected.
Brandon Lewis
The better question is which ones pretty much work as they are. For example, UFO, does that work with the SE? it doesn't use script extender or meshes after all
James Smith
>Why do the Argonians in my head have black heads? >Argonians in my head Go see a doctor, you might be schizophrenic.
Dylan Hernandez
its 2012 again? Cool brb
Brody Rodriguez
>can take screenshots of the things you see in your head I'm quite impressed.
Joshua Allen
What's a good, spooky ENB?
Andrew Allen
>start MO >nexus login temporarily unavailable
Asher Rodriguez
I always played as beast races in TES because it makes me a special snowflake due there being 1 for every 10 humans/elves.
Jace Nelson
There used to be a technology that let you photograph mental images but the government banned it because people used it to make CP.
William Nelson
TKRE with Frosty Chew LUT
Hunter Bell
Joseph Rodriguez
Nexus is currently dying. Wait a bit and retry.
Lucas Brown
Aw man, I still got stuff to download.
Lucas Gonzalez
Eli Baker
Looks like a grey human with contacts. She's an elf, not a whore, user.
Cameron Young
>elf, not a whore
Liam Cook
>All that skeleton imagery
There's only so much spooky the mind can handle.
Daniel Sanchez
Too spooky.
Hunter Ward
Go back to Veeky Forums The only whores in TES are the ones who worship dibella.
John Nelson
James Thompson
Elewen is a huge slut, she starts whole MEAT and greets in her mansion for the giant orgies.
Jaxson Perry
post nudes
Adam Reed
Yo what is she wearing I like that shirt
Jackson Russell
Anyone know how to play .FUZ audio files? I found an old skyrim installation and as I'm digging through the data files, I see that I have what appears to be each and every voice clip unpackaged and in the /voice/actors folder. I wanted to play them and see why I had them in my mod files, but even VLC won't open them.
Colton Nelson
Would FAR work if I just dropped it into the SE folder?
I used it a while ago to convert some songs from Wheels of Lull to mp3, maybe it works with the format used for voice files too.
Thomas Morales
Anyone have any idea what programs people use to make/edit armors?
And how do they make the textures for the armors, do they draw them or buy them from someone/request them?
There is next to nothing on google about this for skyrim.
Jason Robinson
Blender, 3dsmax, nifskope.
Jonathan Miller
3ds Max(2012 version) / Blender for models. Photoshop / Gimp(+ Paint.Net) for textures. NifSkope for implementation.
There are guides for actually putting them into the game.
Juan Cook
Only one way to find out, user.
Brody Moore
Anyone else has this issue?
I noticed that TKRE sometimes have nights where the ground is lit up extremely brightly. I think it happens on certain nights but I'm not sure.
Blake Morris
Has anybody played ESO RECENTLY? I have some friends whohave gotten into it and am considering joining them, but don't know if it's actually good or not. I looked at the price and saw that it had no subscription fees, just the $30 standard and then a deluxe edition.
Can anyone tell me how this squares up compared to the actual ES games or WoW, and if it's actually got a lot of replayability/exploration. I don't want to get into an MMO to drop it and regret my purchase.
Christopher Turner
>Nirnroot >A luminous plant that is also VERY VERY NOISY Why hasn't this annoyance been hunted to extinction?
Hunter Collins
Did you accidentally crank direct lighting intensity night to nine billion
Ryder Anderson
because its valuable to alchemy
James Ward
TKRE has lots of these things with overly bright surfaces and other similar problems
Andrew Edwards
It's very much an MMO, which directly contradicts the core of TES.
If you like the singleplayer games, you won't like ESO.
Austin Allen
Raids are goodish. Dungeons are a retarded zerg fest like guild wars 2 so is the pvp. World/quests are nice and the combat is elder scrolls with 1-5 buttons for spells(which is somehow better)
Jaxson Cooper
Not him but I thought one of ESO's main draws was that you could play it entirely like a singleplayer game
Zachary Murphy
Go to the tesog thread and they'll tell you about it better than this place.
Nope. I remember checking before and it wasn't like that at all.
>TKRE has lots of these things with overly bright surfaces and other similar problems Depends if you use a weather/dungeon lighting mod and how much it changes. Daytimes look normally ok for me but it's just once in awhile nighttime will look like that.
Sebastian Roberts
Well true, it grants invisibility at least but that's its most valuable aspect (which is also accomplished by chaurus eggs and ash creep both of which are pretty abundant)
Joshua Cox
If you're looking for TES, just play TES. If you're looking for WOW, just play WOW.
If you're looking to keep in touch with your friends... I'd buy it.
Adam Hernandez
It's a retextured shirt from Omake Robe. Have a look at the other thread.
Ryan Flores
why would lizards have tits
Brayden Richardson
same here, my TKRE looks quite different from eiries in general
Jonathan Richardson
Who is the worst shitposter in these threads and why?
Benjamin Morris
Because eiries tweaks it all the time.
Jaxson Roberts
Guys for the halloween threads we should encourage people to post spooky stories relating to Skyrim and stuff I think it would be neat.
John Torres
TKRE looks like that sometimes. I remember the sky used to be blinding white for me, you just gotta mess with those settings.
>download about three "silence the Nirnroot" mods >none of them actually silence the Nirnroots But why.
Austin Hernandez
clones he only insults other people waifus, insults anons and all his waifus have sameface
Easton Nguyen
Because the sap of the hist trees mutates argonians that consume it into humanoid forms.
Nolan Wright
If I built a heavy armored Robert Baratheon character with a massive warhammer and all, would it be underpowered at later levels? Just want to smash some dragons, man.
Samuel Allen
Well right now it's you.
Justin Gomez
Hey, you found the key, nice. What do you think of that dungeon?
Dylan Watson
Like all other MMOs, that's true for leveling, but end-game content is group centric.
Bentley Wright
It would probably be easier to just delete the SFX
Adrian Watson
Because Argonians give live birth, and breastfeed.
Caleb Martin
>and all his waifus have sameface Well he's called clones for a reason.
Logan Powell
What said. Personally I find my game looks similar to Erin's, which is close enough to how Eiries's games look.
Figured as much. I'm assuming that it's a random weather that wasn't edited or something else.
Nathaniel Gray
I'm expected to believe there are basically zero furfags/scalies in the TES world that seek out beast girls like people seek out Taiwanese/Korean wives?
Christian Myers
user, it's impossible to be underpowered in this game. Just find a big hammer and have fun.
Gavin Mitchell
Have you read The Lusty Argonian Maid?
Jace Jenkins
Can't say I loved it but it wasn't bad. Some parts of the tunnels were a bit too narrow and annoying to navigate but it's a Falmer cave after all so it makes sense I guess.
I'm gonna do Helasel next I tweak it a lot too, Eiries' default lighting values are too bright outdoors and too saturated indoors for me most of the time
Sebastian Johnson
Yay! I'm going to find Elenwen and do to her what Robert would have done to Daenerys.
Anthony Myers
>post spooky stories relating to Skyrim and stuff I think it would be neat. I'm bad for stories but have that spooky skeleton.
Jacob Green
can someone teach me how to slider? i'm used to a game where i can just pull on the face and changes happen, but i can't do that in skyrim se
Julian Edwards
Which tesg posters would you like to meet irl, tesg? My choices would be Snek, Eiries/HV, Zix a fixer, Morrowindfiend, and Follower-kun.
Logan Williams
Ryan Flores
You'd be surprised how often I don't.
Open up the weather window and lower DirectLightingIntensityNight. Some weathers have brighter ones than others; it's possible I might have missed a couple.
I like a brighter light during clear nights, better for taking pictures. But some are quite dark; I'll be addressing those discrepancies for the next update.
Just don't forget to save it from the weather window (rather than enblocal) once you're done so the changes stick.
To make matters worse, some ground textures are much brighter than others, like comparing YALO, Skyrim HD, Pfuschter's and tktk's, they're all at greatly different brightness levels from on retexture to the next.