League of Legends General - /lolg/

[shitposts loudly] Edition


>Patch Notes:

>Useful Sites:

I hate niggers

I hate the inevitability of life and the universe.


being a conductor must be the easiest shit in the world

>make random hand gestures
>make cash


Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

Daily Reminder Favorite Snake Lady hasn't received a skin in 3 years and 5 months
(If Yorick fags try counter this,know that she saw actual pro play unlike your hot piece of garbage champion)

now that sucks
why they want me to play with other people so much? i dont give a shit of other people. i recall how it sucked when they made it so premades always got first picks in normal draft, it was like endless war against premades back then and now they also give them free chests, fuckers


Reminder: LS is fun to watch and smart and CUTE!

star guardian ashe when

Just got my smurf to Diamond III by autistically maining Morgana


i don't want to be alone anymore


Yasuo's lore and dialogue very obviously alludes to the elder being killed by Riven (On accident because she's a stupid silver shitter". Though that doesn't exactly match up with Riven's lore of Noxus raiding Ionia. The truth of the matter is that Riven was trained in Ionia and taught "a" wind technique that Yasuo recognizes. This means that Riven most likely was taught by Yasuo's teacher. And as far as Ionia knows, he's the "only" one that has learned any wind techniques.

Ekko is very possibly, though I don't think it's confirmed, a member of Vi's old gang. What I assume happened was that somewhere around the time Vi left the gang (Teenager years), Ekko invented his time machine. He then used this to stay young instead of growing older into an adult as Vi is.
I'm not entirely sure where you heard she

BECAME insane from an incident but if it was an actual incident that flipped the switch AND if Vi and Jinx are sisters then maybe it had something to do with Vi being able to be in a gang at 6 years old, which probably means she possibly didn't have any parents. That could also mean that Jinx was in the gang too and just ended up becoming the opposite of Vi and going on the deep end instead of reforming herself and entering the police force. This also could mean that all of Vi's gang has fucking whacky ass hair.

how are you user? what'd you get up to today?

>autistically maining
>51 games
exodus please

>Skins that make you OP

literally who

reminder that bronzord is real


Silver indeed, my friend.


Which champion do you always ban first regardless of any role you are playing and why?

and before someone asks, here's this one

>wukong can 1v5 every game if you are good enough because his kit is actually designed to do so
>amazing jungler, amazing top lane bully, assfucks most mages mid with crazy aggression from level 1
>is one of the most complex champions in the game to play simply because of his decoy skill requiring so much game sense to fully utilize to literally make the enemy outplay themselves and getting you out of impossible situations
>can solo rift herald at level 5
>can solo drag at level 2
>can go full assassin and do better then every assassin in the game because he has no forced delay on his full burst
>can tank up to become nearly invincible lategame while still retaining his massive burst for instant carry disposal at 60 minutes
>literally works with any item build so he is extremely adaptable to counter any teamcomp
>is one of the few remaining true 1v5 hypercarries in soloq
>never played in comp so totally immune to nerf / buff cycles
>always gets indirect buffs every patch (hello assassins update)
>can 1v1 anyone if you use decoy correctly
>can splitpush like a god
>can teamfight like a god
>can do everything like a god
>is a literal china god
>sex king literally fucked rock man and produced wukong
>riot has no idea he exists so bugs like relic shield money printer is left untouched every patch
>all his voice lines basically inspire you to try as hard as you can to become a better player no matter what

Why are you not maining le baboon of armor penetration lolg? You don't like winning? You want to eat shit in gold with your waifu?

>Vayne fucking a bruiser that directly counters her
I don't like this image at all. Delete it right now or else

also he is canonically ahri's bf

which champ wud u create a proud, sovereign nation with?

My vagina doesn't allow me to play champs as ham as him. But seriously, why is he never picked?


so why does anyone care about league esports anymore?

Getting in character increases your dps.

life is perfectly evitable familia
all you need is poison and courage

ok you got me it's not quite as autistic as it could be

next season my Ezreal only account will be pretty autistic though

I have to git gud in 7 days so I can rescue Jared from D2 elo hell

I have changed my summoner icon to match to show my solidarity

>queue top and jungle
>always get jungle
>have to queue top and mid to get top
>same for other lanes

Rito is being really retarded for not letting us queue for a single lane.

Fuck fuck fuck I'm jungle Udyr

ghost or flash?

>queued mid top to try my new academy ahri skin (btw i wonder what's her grades and specialization)
>got mid, our jungler fucking ivern (when his free week is over already) didn't connect
>queued mid/top
>got support

nice game lolbabs

post reasons to live

Riven because I don't play that shit.

sup bbygirl u single n' qt?

>Twitch finals video is 30h long
What the fuck happened? Why is there so much useless filler?

>3 Wins
>17 Loss



he is probably one of the worst designed champion
E is click to point dash and does too much damage.

pick a tank/bruiser on him, dont get cheesed and you won.

i rly hope people wont play him as assassin, that shit has almost no counters if you're squishy

"An oak is a tree. A rose is a flower. A deer is an animal. A sparrow is a bird. Russia is our fatherland. Death is inevitable."

Sejuani. I want to fearlessly fight alongside her and conquer Freljord and then then once she holds the crown she can make me her husband. Then we'll make an empire that will stand the test of time, ruling alongside each other as legendary monarchs.
See above

Silver seems impossible to climb out, so far it's just tilt. Even if i get into Silver 3 it's always win and lose.

>tfw spent my first vacation trying to get into Gold and made no progress whatsoever

i guess i'll be a silver shitter....

back the FUCK OFF??

Why aren't you playing Karma mid right now, anons?

Mostly Re-Runs of the League Festivals and some other autistic shit


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I liked her prerework more even if she's better now.

because i'm feeling a chill

He is a snowball reliant champion, if he doesn't get ahead or gets behind then he is screwed. Also the fact that he doesn't have a way to escape from decent amount of popular champions when people playing them just pink his decoy

But if you put the time into him you get good results with him because what said is true to some extent.


I want Lulu to leave

>*teleports behind you*

pfft... nothin personnel... kid

He's boring as fuck.

He looks boring as fuck. I mean it's not like we don't already have 15 other Monkey Kings in pvp games.

He's boring as fuck to lane and play against.

Was developed during the apex of cookie cutter League design.


why does bbq leona holds a sausage on a fork, do people cook sausages when they have a bbq

>teleports behind

Too Soon user,Too Soon

*leaps over wall and stabs u*

Tch, another body for the gutter...


>You can't pink the decoy next season
I'm erect. I might pick him up to stomp promos.

>AoE high damage teamfight champ

>press R in teamfight
man that was mechanically intensive, really feel like i interacted with the game to make that happen

>do people cook sausages when they have a bbq


Yes. Do you live in Madagascar where people don't have grills?

Why is _GP_ so fun /lolg/?

Someone really needs to hire Aatrox and Talon's voice actors to say this

>just pink his decoy
press s
they pink the stop
collect your free 30 gold
what an amazing champion, stronger than even the metagame itself

>press s
>they drop the pink and see that you didn't used the decoy
>they blow everything on you since you are standing still like a dumbass

what an amazing mindgame, stronger than the metagame itself

there's no reason to be born
but once alive it's better to live until you die normally

He is just weak
shity lane phase
shity clear in jungle
shity ganks pre 6
Ever good disengage make him shit in tf
Tank wukong is just knock up bot but hi knock up have like 120s cd xD
Full dmg wukong can't kill experience adc with this shitty 400 range dash
Lose to most toplaners 1v1 in late

good champion m8 xD

>implying they want to blow everything on your tanky ass
>implying you're using decoy as a defensive tool instead of as a threat of surprise ult shenanigans
surely you're not building more than 1 damage item on the monkey

>dat feel when you finally get diamond with mainly taric but dont stop to win
diamond 4 im coming

i want shyvanna to sit on my face

REMINDER: you now have just under 11 Hours to collect votes for today's contest! A couple people who are new to the threads had questions about how voting works, but I had passed out by that point. Sorry folks. For the benefit of anyone new reading this, here's how it works: You win a game as the champion you want to vote for, then take a screenshot of of the victory page and email it to [email protected]. Each vote counts as one point, and you can vote as many times as you're physically able. At the end of the day all the votes will be tallied and the girl with the highest point total will win. For further details you can always check eyosongive.us/poll.php

If you guys have any other questions let me know. Otherwise good luck with the rest of the day!

>With just two items and full tank yasuo can out damage any top lane
>B-But it's okay because most people who use him are complete shit at him.
No it's not okay that fucker doesn't have to be good the game just has to go long enough that he manages to get some gold. It's complete bullshit.

Ignite was a mistake

True damage was a mistake

Crit on anything other than ADC was a mistake

I really hate Ashe. It's physically impossible for you to not look like you're an absolute pre 30 newshitter especially before her kit got updated and she gained an ACTUAL animation for a skill. Even so, you literally just right click someone andd go afk and never ever attack move because you're a stupid retard who has too little mechanics to play a champion with depth.
And her character personality is just as, if not even more boring than that. She has such a monotone voice with no excitement or anything.

I don't understand how she's supposed to be a good waifu, let alone a good leader of freljord. Absolutely the WORST waifu -2/10. Even worse than Lissandra. She probably even fakes during sex with Tryndamere. Oh wait she doesn't even HAVE sex with Tryndamere becuase she's a boring frigid ugly person.

taric is a cool champ

(You) are a mistake

>can solo rift herald at level 5

wait, how? i've been playing wu jungle for like a year and never tried that. i know you can use the clone to get a hit on it's eye but soloing it still seems infeasible

also what is the "relic shield money printer"

Flash was a mistake.

>Most boring sounds, skills, voice and outfit
Karma was a mistake.

>Most boring

Daily reminder to stay motivated in your life!

I can be your mistake :^)

You too user!

hmu sometime if your qt

I'd rather stay motivated in Lux

Lift like your waifu is watching

why are they even reworking aatrox

just give him better base stats and reduce the cooldown on his Q

no reason for him to have less base health than master fucking yi


Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. This was the first time I've ever watched worlds and I was so utterly let down by the event. Where are the risky niche picks? Where's the drama? Where is the hype? Is this the event you baboons get so excited to watch every year? There's less hype here than a new fucking season primer for Walking Dead. There was an entire class of champion that went unpicked for the entire tournament, not one assassin dedicated to fucking up carries.Literally how do you defend this? On the main stage of the largest game in the world nobody picked a single one. Imagine what would happen if during the biggest Starcraft tournament that only happened once a year nobody selected Protoss, even players that had a reputation for being amazing on Protoss. Is the metagame that scale? The kill per minute rates are low enough to where you could legitimately start calling League of Legends the soccer of the esports world.Really what a joke, how do you watch this? Nothing happens for 42 minutes until some rookie chokes and throws the game and suddenly that's a LMAO worthy highlight. What the fuck do you see in this shit? The game itself is kind of fun but the competitive experience is so fucking foreign and alien compared to what actually happens in solo queue it's like you're not even watching the same game. It doesn't have to be this way and I'm saddened you're all supporting lolesports in it's current state, it's an absolute joke.

Cowtits keep me motivated.

You can solo it right after your 2nd blue if you use flat cdr runes and put two points into decoy early.

You just walk up hit it then decoy pop eye, run to the back of the pit and basically kite it around using decoy cooldown to keep poping eye until its dead. it's not the fastest way to solo it but the fact that he can do it that early with 0 help is insane.

It also lines up with your warrior power spike so you basically end up just assfucking everything the moment the clock hits 9 minutes. With warrior, herald buff and armor pen runes you can E > auto > Q combo someone to death with 1k burst