Well, guess I'm not making the N/o/rcal meet next month

Well, guess I'm not making the N/o/rcal meet next month

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Least you're alive buddy.

How are your pants? I would have shit everywhere.

Yeahhh just pretty bummed out man, 23000 miles on her.
Pants are fine, to be honest having the top down made it easy to crawl out of, even for my 6 foot passenger (photo taker)

pics incomming with questions if my phone stops fuckin off

Did you get confused and think you were in Austria?

You guys think that A frame is fucked?
be honest

and nothing of value was lost

How tall are you?

Well at least now the undercarriage is easier to work on.

Nah, it'll buff out.

Motor seems fine, just a little bend in radiator

right? I'd never seen it before.
lets be real for a bit man

How did you roll it, bro?

is that a rollbar? does s2000 come with factory rollbar? holy shit man you are alive

though i said the same thing to the passenger

now its a good time to touch up some bed liner

>let's be real

Okay. It looks pretty bad.

it slid on the hood and windshield, never touched the rollbar behind the seats
was entirely stock car except stereo unit
basically was a mustang, little fast for the turn, wheels let out, went to correct, overcorrected, and rolled over a berm.

But how did you manage that

think its compromised?

>Mustang meme that Mustangs can't turn wins again.
I didn't want this to turn into a shitposting thread, but when its this easy...

sorry man just not having the best day, lets keep it non-shitposty

Go get a blog

14 year old detected.

pic i drew for friend, add a curve to the thin red line on top, red line is my movement, green is what my rear end was doing.
Add a berm beside the swirely blue.
and someone on the other side of the road being like DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD

>rolling a car you recently bought on public roads
get a shitbox until you know how to handle yourself

shouldn't have unwrapped an entire Black IceĀ® tree

Why does it have snow tires on?

what makes you think that?

Probably comprised, huh?

kek'd a bit, thanks user

You know that heavy feeling and slight bit of manic denial thats going through your head right now?

Embrace the feeling and experience it.

That doesn't look so good
RIP ;_;7

yes. it's fucked, get over it

Swap the engine into something else, problem solved

waste of a good car. nice job dumbass.

so you have no idea what you're doing

Only Catstang or the guy on youtube hacking together the Evora can save this car

Yeah, toasted. Hey, it gave it's life to save your own. Don't let that death be for nothing, become a better driver.

sounds fantastic

Can I buy your motor? I have an 86 she'll lying around that Id love to put an f20 in

Why is everyone crashing OP?




I have a turbo MSM miata with Toyo Proxes R1R tires. I have yet to find the limit of grip in a corner but I'm scared of what will happen when I do. These tires are dead silent, it's hard to know what's going on.
You were really lucky OP, a rollover in a convertible is easily fatal.

i crashed on your mom lmao

Let me put it in my FRS

>not putting one leg on it and posing for the camera with a shit eating grin

>23000 miles
what the fuck man.

where were you driving? napa county?

Rekt my Miata this summer, it was a fucking fantastic example, like honestly one of the nicest NAs on the planet

Sure as shit glad I didn't roll lol, count yer lucky stars OP

Maybe I'll post a pic after work

I have to admit it was kind of due to driver error, I didn't know how to handle snap oversteer after swerving on old ass Chinese economy tires at 70mph

Don't get too down OP but yeah you fucked up, killing a nice car really hurts
Fuckin poetic m8

That's what happens when you can't see over the dash silly manlet. Try sitting on a pillow next time like an old Asian lady. Maybe get one of these as your next whip.

Chop the window off and make a superlite senpai

its an 07', F22C man
yeah i guess so man..
i know it dude.
avenue of the giants.
yeah i didn't know how either i suppose.


you mean australia?


OP that really sucks.

but be thankful that the incident didnt happen in another roadser that didn't come with roll hoops as standard, like miatas, mr2 roadsters and Z3's.

your car died saving your life

pull the engine and gearbox out and put it into something crazy like a bmw or something.

Keep the engine if you're going to get rid of the chassis. It'll make a good swap

Be glad you're alive man, not many people flip convertibles and live to tell the tale.

>all these people saying to keep the engine
whats he going to swap a gutless ass 4cyl into? its nothing more than a waste of time AND money.

>doesnt start making 160hp until 6000rpm
put it in the trash where it belongs

is it time that i grow a large beard and smoke a pipe, telling of the horror days?

hmm i thought I read that the it was supposed to be strong enough to hold the car up on the s2000

Glad you're aight, OP. I haven't read all the replies, but what do you plan on doing from here?

If I ended up crashing my car, I'd probably sit next to it on the side of the road crying like a little girl.

>I'm taller than the windshield in my miata
I-I'm going to buy a roll bar now... And a helmet

>wwwwwiewwwww look at me guis i crashed like a fucktard lukk at mehhh my manlet legs wiiiiiiiiiewww

fuck off.

Pics or it didn't happen

im gonna get it inspected, and see if the windshield frame is okay.

if its okay, il fix it, the engine compartment is flawless lol.

if its not okay, il sell the seats and engine and whatever

what car u got


When will they learn

>not knowing about shrimp on the barbie, kangaroos and upside down cars in Austria


If you want to, I would just invest in a dashcam.

That's what you get for being a faggot boiracer op you should go take some driving lessons before you go back to driving sport/performance cars

My bros audi
My miata went to the car grave yard

Bros gunna fix his audi

Luckily his frame is fine just needs new panels

manlets, when will they ever learn?

I honestly don't understand, how do people have single car accidents in clear conditions when not intoxicated? Is it really that hard to just not drive at a speed where you can't control your car? Because I've never had a problem with it.

when we ride other than an S2000

fuckin a man, s2k is a good machine but not made for manlets

>rollover unscathed
good thing you're short shorty. I bet you don't even have full ins coverage either.

You're fine senpaitachi, set it up like an autocross S2K

I rolled my rolla in august

Just slap an enormous wing on the back

i can't decide if n/o/rcal's propensity to crash is because they're hardcore or squids or both

How the fuck do you do that?

Somebody oils that one corner on the Mulholland while everyone's asleep

100% squids beefing it in front of shoobies

California in general is full of incredibly bad drivers. Not as bad as Illinois though, holy shit.

Came round a corner too fast on a gravel road, skidded off, then rolled down a small hill.
Stupid, I know.

are you like 5 feet tall?

How tall is that guy? He looks like he's barely 5ft tall.


Haven't head that in a while.

Being short probably saved his life.

It's Providence.

>California in general is full of incredibly bad drivers. Not as bad as Illinois though, holy shit.
Jesus christ, they make Metro-DC drivers look like saints.

You could go with somebody else?

Not even California in general though, just n/o/rcal

In the n/o/rcal group, saturnfag has crashed like three times, rsxfag understeered because fwd, mr2's spun on some rocks/wet leaves, marauder is a fucking maniac retard, and there's more I'm forgetting

Really sucks this happened but I'm glad you're alive.

What about his 6' passenger

anyways here she is, Black & Tan special edition NA6 i.e. best Miata

Was truly pristine, all original and incredibly well taken care of

same condition as


but with perfect original paint

to think how different my life would have been if some nigger didn't do something fucking stupid...

pre-crash, poor thing still had its baby teeth

funny enough I took the BBS wheel caps off that day bc I was going to a not great area and didn't want them/the wheels stolen

Sold the set for $400 afterwards (just the caps)

Calvin spun the fd

CVPI is a moron and took his eyes off the road and cleaned a ditch

based n/o/rcal

truly the akina speed stars irl

how the fuck did you even do that

>CVPI tool his eyes off the road and cleaned a ditch

Please tell me someone has pics

I think it was at night time and after he spun out he got back on the road.

the dumb faggot was looking at his gps and trying to drive instead of the fucking road roflmao

>Holding 2/3 I have torque exactly when I request it
What did he mean by this?