I'm going to be a career firefighter soon. I'm not about being a poorfag though. I am going to budget and try to save 20-30k per year with my firefighter job. Even if it means I'll be living on rice and beans. How should I invest my 20-30k per year I will be saving?
$aving that money to invest and make more money
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Low expense index funds
How or what do I research so I can study up on this stuff? Also what is generally the return on this and how long does it take to get a return?
this is a good blog to start with thereformedbroker.com
bump for more info
Go get a couple books from the library. You will get better advice than from this Mongolian goat herding forum.
idk what books to get though. any suggestions?
Everything you can get your hands on. Go to the section and just start browsing, take home whatever you find interesting.
Listen, what you should get through your head right away is that there is no "Holy Grail" or single road map to success. You need to build on your own experiences and knowledge, and create a plan that works best for your individual situation. So, since I know literally nothing about you except that you're a firefighter and want to save 20-30k per year, I'm not going to tell you exactly what to do. Take your time, read a lot, and you'll figure it out. Or go pay someone to do it for you.
I started investing in 2011 with $10K. I contribute $250 a month, and have about $46,730 now. IRR is 13.09%.
I contribute monthly to VOO and EDV re-balancing once a year so it's 80% VOO 20% EDV.
Better be ufc. I know a world champion kickboxer and he has a dayjob...
This is s age advise. Sry for the gap.
It is maybe 1 time a week i see solid advice here.
Any and all books user.
My personally i started with richdad poordad. Love or hate kiyasaki i was intrigued. Any book i find i like i write a list of the books that they recomend in the book. Just go from there.
I started i had no money and used credit cards to buy used books at hastings.
Now im looking to retire soon.
The single best advice i ever got was "The more you learn the more you earn." Tai Lopez's goofy ass shills it daily. Bit he's not wrong.
Reading is one of my least favorite thing to do and i am halfway done building a library in my spare bedroom just to get shit orginized. I got a loooot of fucki g books for someone with a d in english.
another great and basic
>always spend less than you earn
I never understand these threads where people stockpile their money. Yes you should be financially responsible and plan for retirement but you should never live like a monk and sacrifice your happiness today for a future thats not gauranteed
>I'm not about being a poorfag
>I'll be living on rice and beans
Use a good fund for 20 - 30 years and you will retire a rich man.
buy a decent sized piece of land and put a durable house on it.
no matter what happens you will always have a place to live and grow food for yourself, as well as a potential place of business.
thats the very first investment any young person should make.
girls are supposed to be soft
She is about as hard as my cock is right now.. diamonds.
The point is not neccessarily stockpiling a great amount of money, but making a system which makes you happy no matter at what point in your life you are
also dividend aristocrats & kings
Vanguard or Fidelity.
60% US stock fund, 30% international stock fund, 10% bond fund.
More or less bonds depending on your age and risk level.
I have about 500€ I can use however i want right now.
What is babby's first investment?
Did you literally not read anything in this thread?
first of all. you forgot 10% oil .
a vasectomy. not joking either. its insurance against a $200k expense... for one