League of Legends General /lolg/

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I want to RAPE Riven!

can i get to diamond only playing sion/maokai/malphite top?

>OP finally has a cute girl post instead of autism

xth for sticking your dick in crazy

>Yorick's new visual design and VO is god tier
>all of the shadow isles champs share the same light purple/turqoise/green colour scheme and wispy spooky ghost effects
>except Mordekaiser, who is a giant grey blob
I can't wait for Mordekaiser to get a rework. He's going to look so fucking good.

Loli Rengar

Anyone got any kassadin tips? im getting him soon.

>league school romance anime never
That actually makes me sad

It's hard being an edgy champion when you have to compete with Blood Sword Demon and Nothing Personal Kid.

>It's a "forced to lane against Quinn as melee" episode



>take Morde top with exhaust
>meme on Quinn and Vayne tops

>jinx might actually compete though
Please she's the most lighthearted person in the game besides lulu

Hello excuse me could you help me for a moment? I stumbled through these chains on my way here and I can't get them off, I think the locket is on my back. Could you get that off for me?

i hate that. they need to nerf her out of top lane.

or counterpick but i dunno man.

Farm until 20 minutes

Soraka is visiting you in the Hospital. She gives you Bananas.

IDK, Zed is pretty high up there.

Xth for hand holding
There's a slight sadistic evil with being a Hurricane+Shiv build
"Jinx I need the cs"
"Alright, taking some but you can have the rest"" One rocket destroys 3/4 of the built up wave
gets me every time, how vile

>It's a "forced to lane against Heimer as melee" episode

should i get morello's or RoA first

Only if you promise to give me a bigger dick

Assume at some point Vlad raped Vayne.

Will Vayne come to heavily sexualize all the things he did to her and even wish it would happen again, him taking control and inflicting horrible pain on her, but also making her orgasm again and again with his magic and skills?

Riot should do genderbent skins man like

Loli Rango
J4 Princess of Demacia
Buff ass bitch Braum (mustache stays)
M Sheep F Wold

and shit you know


Yeah, sure, no problem big, shiny, blue strange- waaaaaaait a second.

What current theme for skins in the game would you like to see for your favorite champion?

I would like a mecha ezreal that looks like an ironman suit or underworld blitzcrank

that sounds like a stupid idea user.

>Shyvanafags just post midriff

hold on,this never happens

Cosmic Reaver Mordekaiser


Riot has too many SJWs for that to work

you sound like a stupid mothrfucker how about that

yo mang can anyone give me devil teemo so I can go for plat?

Too much work and hiring VAs is expensive.

I just hope he can actually get more skins that aren't color swaps

>not playing Malphite into Quinn and Vayne top shitters

Super Zac
Definitely not Zac
Please Stop Picking Or Banning Zac
Knockout Zac

Battlecast Blitzcrank
Dungeon Boss (Arcade) Mordekiser
Academy Sona
SKT Jhin and Nidalee

But Mordekaiser only has 2 palette swap skins which are fucking ancient, and all three of his REAL skins look fucking great.

It is Time

>Post your Harry Potter House quiz results
>Post who you play as

Do it

Soraka and hufflepuff

Unmasked Jhin as a cheap 520 RP skin or a demonic Blood Moon Jhin to go with his "Golden Demon" title.

Debonair or secret agent would be good as well.

Dark Star Tahm Kench (He eats worlds, c'mon)
Pool Party Poppy

>It's a "You're getting focused as your entire team is attacking their Nexus so you Zhonya's to avoid the death but your team stops attacking the Nexus when you do" episode.



midget ass head and face pic

you mean had

parrot and lyte gone

just look at em big ol tiddies on Bewitching Morgana


>harry potter

I love Akali!!!

Do you love Akali 2??

dont bully cute soraka posters

Academy Lux and Ezreal fucking WHEN?!
Also Cosmic Reaver Lux where her E is black hole and her ult is a quasar beam

> light purple
where ?

>genderbent skins

That shit killed Hon.

Now they have their fusion Anthony Burch

>Lee Sin tries to 1v1 me level 2

I think HoN was already dead, user...

bully all kind of soraka posters

Yorick and Ravenclaw

Come on you know you wanna

Zac and Gryffindor

shen and ravenclaw.

don't start this you fucking retard
find a different fucking image to post next thread you worthless sack of shit

Do you guys like to pretend/assume that some skins are associated with other factions the base champion isn't?
>Gravelord Azir is a shadow Isles champ

Snowday Talon, his blades could be snowflakes and his general outfit could be easily modified into a winter outfit.

>not a legendary Dragon Slayer Poppy
I'm completely ok with Pool Party Poppy though

Don't be rude Man :(

Master Chef/Gourmet Hunter Rengar with a knife and fork

Yuki Onna Lissandra with snow SFX and a blizzard for her ult AOE

A kronenburg-style Fiddle where his W and passive make tentacles and his Q&E have authentically spoopy screaming SFX

his knife could be a snow shovel

I thought they only brought Cuckmaster in for something related to that stupid ass board game.

>pool party poppy


>He doesn't build Frozen Heart on Talon

How else do you tell others that you are incapable of feeble human emotions?

Galaxy Syndra. Arcade too.

don't be lulufag/imthem/jinxfag/worthless degenerate of your choosing
if you're going to waifupost add some variety to it



a Pentakill Aatrox

Dragonslayer shyvana
Dark star veigar
Pool party irelia
Arcade janna
secret agent lucian

Ok so since there are no summoners anymore, what is the League of Legends supposed to be now?

Are they ever going to add some lore or at least a way to tie everything up?

>playing sion
>have to lane against quinn
>proceed to shit all over her

How does this happen?

Jhin and Hufflepuff

>Poppy on a human body
Not sure how I feel about this.

Besto crazy

>adding another member to Pentakill
>and choosing Edgelord: The Champion for it

>lee sin tries to contest bot scuttle level 2 while I have red buff and ghost ready
Thanks for the jungle m80

>TFW ranked is getting you so mad that you start raging at someone.
Maybe it's shit but fucking annie build grail into catalyst and had no damage so motherfucking katerina just walked all over her and us. What a fucking waste of time.


if i see crimson image next thread i'm gonna fuck your throat raw


Breed and handholding with crazy

e harass always with the E hararas

Read the current lore and you'll see.

It's just a bunch of personal stories often contained to its specific factions, sometimes champions from one faction will eventually interact with champions of another faction, which was the case with Taliyah and Yasuo, for example.

You new to Sion m8? He SHITS on ranged.

>implying pentakill is not Egde: The Band

Sion dumpsters ranged tops
Just scream minions into their asshole until they're primed and ready for a lube-free W+R+Q all-in raping at 6

had to put my cat down last night, the cancer was getting to him. Been my friend for the last 12 years. Keep your pets close to you, lolg

lego legends

i think Aatrox would fit right in moores

me too pls

Damn man


Pool Party Ahri

and none of that "lol wear shorts to a pool party xddd" thing they did with Fiora