Is it okay to be a transvestite in a business setting?
Is it okay to be a transvestite in a business setting?
Only if you're cute and will be my gf
Sure, I don't care. Fuck whoever you want, use whatever bathroom you want, just do your job.
if it's your business or you work in a LGBTQ field. otherwise no, it makes many people uncomfortable and opens the business up to not being taken seriously. I'm sure you'd end up getting fired for unrelated reasons.
>getting uncomfortable because you work with a trans person
holy shit
Well unfortunately this is the reality we live in. A friend of mine's father was recently fired because he was gay and the business was run by Christian fanatics. It may be wrong but it happens.
God i would love to fuck a sexy secretary and suck on her feminine penis
I know a trans nurse who is passable. They live in California though, so i think that makes it a little more acceptable. I would be very hesitant to go into a business transaction with a transsexual for the soul fact that i believe there would be some underlying mental issues. I'm not saying i wouldn't do business with them, however if an equal or close opportunity presented itself, i may go with the ladder.
I have no problem with gays or transvestites or whatever, but what we do not need are special snowflakes in the workplace, that is where it gets problematic. One benefit of being a tradesman is that (so far) we don't see sensitivity training or anyone spouting horseshit about safe spaces in an industrial facility.
This is in a business setting. How would you feel about working with such a childish person. No nap time. No recess. They can either grow the fuck or not show up.
> would I want to work with or hire an insane person?
Not really.
> "Oh hey that's Stan the new guy. He identifies as a dog. So he walks on all fours and barks when customers enter the building. But if you are made uncomfortable by it then you are a bigot who doesn't accept people that are different from you"
That's how you sound.
>Gender dysphoria is the same thing as wanting to be another species
XD classic slippery slope hyperbole meme
I think he meant being a tranny is every bit degenerate as otherkin. Which is true.
An employee perk of working for HSBC is free gender reassignment surgery. No joke.
All I give a fuck about is the bottom line:
Can you do your job well?
If yes: Buy all means, suck all the cocks or whatever you want.
If no: you're fired.
Do people wear a suit? Then you're fucked.
Do people wear sweaters and t-shirts? Then you've got 80% chance of being fucked.
Is it your own business? Then no one cares.
What is wrong with being degenerate and what does it even mean?
What is "degeneracy"?
How are there so many gay fathers
Think about why arbitrary things make you uncomfortable
If you are passing then whatever. If you look like a woodcutter in a dress, then you will have to bank on those victim narratives and become a diversity officer or some shit like that.
Assuming you're talking about white-collar shit, if you're in a customer facing role then the answer is 'fucking no'.
>If you are passing
>implying that's ever possible
>Is it okay to be a transvestite
Okay, then let me correct myself:
Pretending to be the opposite sex, acting as such, and getting medical treatment to transition, is strange, very strange. And I don't want to spend my time with people I find to be very strange. Different is good, strange is not.
Here's a fun fact: teams are the most successful when they are homogenous in beliefs and attitudes. Check a peer reviewed journal some time.
The camwhore in the op is pretty passable.
Not everyone sees traps everywhere.
the simple answer is no.
Body dismorphia/ gender dysphoria/ whatever the fuck you want to call it, is classified as a mental disease.
Would I ever invest in someone who clearly suffers from a mental illness?
Would I ever do business (i.e. partnering) with someone who clearly suffers from mental illness?
Would I ever hire a person who clearly suffers from a mental illness?
If they can do their fucking job, keep their freak shit under wraps, and not disrupt other employees then sure.
Otherwise, no.
Why not just be a regular queer-o-sexual?
Actual Veeky Forumsness people would see significantly less risk in going into business with you that way.