League of legends general /lolg/

>booty edition

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I love Lissandra!

Is NA down for anyone else?

I wanna get Lux teen pregnant!

xth for sticking your dick in crazy




especially teemo, kled and ziggs


why do you love an ice cold bitch when you could have a yordle?

Reminder that we're getting a new assassin, save up your 7800 ip.

when are you killing yourself?

Trundle, Irelia, or Victor?

As a midlaner, I don't mind Lulu mid.

But Lulu top is CANCER
Ranged toplaners are already bad, but a ranged toplaner with point and click hard cc? It's one of the least fun things to play against.

>*howling Abyss shopkeeper impression*

Akali is literally perfection

0 flaws

>Lissandra is all about ice
>Leona is all about sun
>Sunlight melts Ice
Why are you in love with the objectively inferior woman?

>Lissandra radiates a cold and unforgiving aura of death
>Leona radiates a warm and welcoming aura of life

Most assassins are my kryptonite; the only one I can do well with is Nidalee and sometimes Shaco

How do you play Jhin? I'm listening to Cher but what else can I do

Source? Or are you just shitposting? If it happens I'm hoping for a cute female yordle assassin.

Tell me about Lissandra.
Why does she wear the mask?

Join our lolghusb&o group on League! Must be dedicated or love your husbando unconditionally.

We are seeking three more to add onto our group. c: Join pls.

>0 flaws
My dick isn't in her.

eyo i know this is a big request but would someone please post some old memes


medieval philosophers considered not actually existing as a huge flaw. thankfully, my freshmen philosophy course allowed me to pass along this vital wisdom to you


Sunlight also give you skin cancer

Fuck the sun

Class updates have always coincided with a new champion from that class, and we're overdo for an assassin anyhow.

Post wild rides.
Draven was 17/0 at one point.

There are literally 0 (ZERO) good waifus in league.

Do I have to main Twisted Fate now?

>tfw no adc gf


your move

>want to have a normal lane top
>every game is fotm or meme tops
>ignite garen
is top so irrelevant that people just dont care what the bring to it

If you look real closely, you can see the exact MOMENT the lategame started.

How much time before contest ends?


>tfw no aggressive support gf

i don't want to be alone anymore

>we're overdo for an assassin anyhow.
>tfw we're also overdo for a female yordle

Fuck, I forgot about Rek'sai

You got me


>tfw your sugar daddy hasn't logged on in days
>last time i talked to him he had to log off in a hurry saying something bad happened

i-i really want bewitching morgana i hope he's okay

haha wow Veeky Forums must've messed up and replaced your image with a picture of Poppy

Don't you mean
>your MOVE

I would definitely go for anivia user.

Breastest and perfectest waifu!

just uuuu

there was no mistake, she is my waifu.

>sugar daddy

Why is everyone on /lolg/ such fucking faggots?

Who did we get for the other updates?
So far we've had Marksman -> Juggernaut -> Mage updates right?

You're not alone.
You have us.
Which is better than nothing.
I guess.

>I don't want to go swimming alone anymore

Besto crazy

here is another picture of Poppy for you then

we started our lolg husbando club!
reply with ign or add Gumi Cat!!
you just need a husbando and a open slot to join!!
please join!!!

>It's another "Top laner without TP splitpushes while enemy team does baron" episode

I love reruns.


things like aatrox, irelia, jax, diana, morde, etc

you're born alone and you die alone

Didn't we get Kindred, Illaoi and Taliyah?

Wouldn't pull out either 2bh.

I'm a husbando and I love myself
can I join?

Veeky Forums appears to have made an error here, wouldn't be the first time

b-but you don't have to live alone, user

will they buff lane looloo soon there is already so much cancer in lanes that severusly outperforms t makes me cry how useless I am now idk how to play anything anymore


>born alone
You're always born with at least one other person around, friend.

You did not read my post very carefully.

I don't remember, that's why I'm asking.
Taliyah coming out around the mage update sounds right though.

How much would one of those tits weigh?

no bully


Pix [+ Maokai when I feel like a big tree]

which server

Oh, oops

first of all, ice waifu is not a bitch
secondly, I don't like short girls. I'm 6'6" and ice waifu is one of the only females that's taller than me. Its one of the reasons I love her so much.
When I give up and let my feelings get me to me. So not anytime soon, sorry.
Uh, Lissandra is iceborn, she's immortal and she's part true ice, and you can't melt true ice.
>Loving a merciless, spartan's cocksleeve
>When you could be worshipping a pure, mistreated moonlady instead
she's a big girl

i enjoy free skins user
besides its /lolg/ we all are fags here

Solo lane lulu is one of the few times riot has explicitly said they fucked up and wanted to remove a role+champion entirely. Zed will be played in the lcs as a support before solo lane lulu is a thing again

Are the star guardian skins for a limited time or available permanently?

>Letting them get baron at that large of a gold advantage

kys my dude


If you're a semi attractive grill and not fat I could gift you the skin

I want a time stamped pic of your butthole though, don't clean it

yeah strange, let me try again

>7minutes later post about it again
is this really necessary?

everyone lives in their own private mind
nobody really cares about anyone else outside of satisfying their selfish desires not even lovers

New yordle waifu when?

>Being this retarded

WE were the ones who took the Baron.

Available permanently

how did I just get demoted from plat 1 30lp straight to plat 2 0 lp?

nah i'm a fat gay but thanks for proposing if i was a girl you'd have gotten one


I'm surprised Lux's Ultimate skin wasn't revealed during Worlds.

The hologram floor they had during the finals would have been a really good opportunity imo.

Awesome, thanks! Guess I won't buy for now.

Have you been force to eat a Banana before?

>Play jungler
>Get my team 15 fucking kills in the lead
>My team decides "Let's get caught repeatedly"
>My Viktor must be playing Viktor for the first time because his built is absolute garbage and from watching him I can tell he has no idea how to play
>My Ryze is building all damage against Gragas and Wukong instead of bruisery
>Our ADC is non existent and their Sona has more kills than him
>We end up losing despite an absolute enormous lead
Give me one (1) fucking reason to continue playing ranked. Just one reason for me to bother trying to climb.

awhhh I rarely come on NA

People are retarded. Play a split push jungler to carry them.

Who is the guy running away from Ori?


Trying to ask Gumi! I'll update ya! c:

Absolutely! We need to raise awareness for our nascent club.

Surgeon Shen

What if I'm a virgin male who hate himself and is desperate for some semblance of a social life would you let me in then?

What if I have a waifu? Can I join?

Why samefag for your own autism awareness group?