/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #745

>Schedule for October:
9/30 - 10/8 - So Close and Yet So Far/By Any Other Name (Romeo and Juliet Rerun and New Event)
10/7 - 10/13 - Rise of the Beasts (All Four Celestials Rerun)
10/14 - 10/24 - Cinderella Fantasy: Snowy Mountain Story (iM@S CG Collab; Rerun and New Event)
10/24 - 10/31 - Phantasm Banquet (Halloween Guild War)

10/14 - 11/2 - Halloween Celebration (Magnafest, Daily Single Rolls, 100 Crystals a Day, etc.)
10/28 - 10/31 - Legfest Part 1 (Halloween Character Rateup)
10/31 - 11/3 - Legfest Part 2 (New Characters Rateup)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
granblue.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ (RIP old EN wiki)
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf (embed)

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.
pastebin.com/8xELSDu4 (embed)

>Guild pastebin
pastebin.com/EgJBF9xi (embed)

>Guide on how to get Ranko for total retards

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



nice try reddit

I want to fuck Zoe


>still no homo OP
you disappoint me, /gbfg/

So what were you saying?

fuck off marie

>Rowain's headcanon
>In character


My last 7 levi flips have been:

Selfie, selfie, spear, bow, spear, staff, dagger from renown shop. Why is this FUCKING SNEK so stingy?


Is your phones screen bleeding?

sick dubs

It's just your eyes

How are you supposed to beat jew boat as a windlord?

>muh buffs

Beatrix's sprite looks really cute in game too.

Let's have a comfy thread this time.

How is military academy Kat headcanon? The only character out of the three of them that has never gone to that academy is Farrah.


I refuse.

>All these new Beato fanart
Thank you based Halloween.

I don't know man. If I were you i'd just drop the convo with that user

Should I buy one last colo stick, or try and get it to drop? Gonna start work on an agni pool soon, and will be saving a lot of points for those spears.

>The event specifically stated that Kat, Vira and Farrah's military academy were nothing but Lowain's imagination


what the fuck are you guys even arguing about?


>bratposter thread
he takes his trip off so people can actually see his threads and posts too early

I'm going to unlock Warlock and GAO in 3 months maybe and I will be very happy.

Never use Zoe for your shit again.

Nobody asked your opinion, NERD

Yes please!

Why are you ignoring the animated PV where Kat and Vira wear the exact same outfits? Are you retards saying that's part of the same event?

News when?

in 20

She made it properly this time so nobody cares and still using it, fuck off and drink more haterade hater.


>one more day until the sperging about how the OP has useless information because it's November instead of October and the schedule is obsolete

I predict EWN, ENW, SWN, or SNW

How come? Grand Order is very cute!

More like 6 more hours. Next thread begins the most annoying form of shitposting.

>want to start doing skg-style quote collab OPs for /gbfg/ to highlight the few non-cancerous posts we have
>effort putting it together would be completely wasted because of thread wars

Don't worry about it.

Stay newfag, parroto

I love Jeanne!

Why bother, cancer is the reason this thread exists.


My wife Lyria is so cute.

I would appreciate it if you did them user.

How many Doraf died?

Late night, or in a few hours, /gbfg/ is generally the least shitty. Maybe look through posts again then.

How common are the 3 arrow/max attack weaponskill weapons in SR tier? I've only got 2 arrow ones.

Only a few more hours lads, I hope you saved your rolls for her

Don't bother, only SSR weapons matter.

still thinking if i should buy a scamgatcha in hope of h bear and save the rest for lescia/yuki onna

>Worthless wind slut
No, glad I used all my rolls getting H. Beato and Dog husbando.

These stupid silver bars from the casino don't work on SSR weapons, and I don't have a full grid of SSR yet (or even close.)

I'll grab her next summer when I spark.

I have 50 rolls and some tickets, I hope that's enough


>SSR cow

what the fuck

>Used all my rolls for Halloween cumdump
>Hot as fuck SSR ice Doraf released
I fucked up

>water cow
>only good vs fire

why does cygames keep doing this. water doesn't need more characters that shit on fire.

Water getting all these cute girls lately while earth always gets male, male, and males.



Okay kids. How do I get h.beato?

>another water doraf
>cute as fuck

>more water ssr
Please stop complaining now.

thanks HRT, my rolls are saved for now

Pray to the RNG gods and roll as much as you can tonight.

what does she do?

300 rolls

She has the same skillset as silva

>Water cow
>She's shit

I think I might actually make it to next summer without rolling, thanks HRT!

Nobody cares because it's autistic. Underage, stop encouraging your idol's shitposting, you don't even play this game.

You roll her by actually not wanting her.

>literally what would silva 5* be
What the fuck /gbfg/ did you even read the whole skillset and passives?

Her gimmick is "ice swords" which increase her ougi cap. You get them by using skill 1. Problem is her skill 2 and support skill are both about doing more damage to fire, which means she's probably useless against other elements.

>no reflect

I need you hottest Medusa pics. RIGHT. NOW.

>implying /gbfg/ can read japanese

I though I told you too keep those cows out of my element.

Yeah yeah, she's a doraf so she's SSS+ tier

We did this last thread, we dont need to do it again

>doraf silva

What a waste.

Is that a Trick?

Maybe these are the treat. Got it

>in water
have fun with no baha weapon support on an attacker

>same role as silva
>silva was already the second cutest water before she came out
well shit

ALL CUMMING delivers

Shut the fuck up you stupid ass homo.


silva's "role" is being damage-cucked by lancelot like every other water damage char

What the fuck

So what do the new water sluts do?

I got SSR Ferri on a reroll.

Cute, shame about her condition.

She's just doraf silva.

Yeah gj

>All this water shit
>Fire and wind haven't gotten a new non-limited SSR in months
>The limited fire did get was shit