Literally buy WAVES on bittrex. It's the only ALT that's resistant to BTC's rise. mainly because WAVES holds a LOT of BTC so as BTC goes up they get more money.
Also, the full nodes will be released soon, and WAVES just reached the top 10 on coinmarket cap. Polo will add it soon.
all good reasons to buy waves. I expect the price will be $10 after a few months. you can buy it now for $0.30
drop ye shitcoins and head to the moon with WAVES.
Angel Ross
will the moneros drop when zcash launches, or is that priced in fellas?
Chase Reed
Holding 490 Waves right now, this coin has the potential to hit a billion dollar market cap by January
Jace Parker
Holding 74k waves now, get on my level pleb
Brandon Sullivan
see you in Monaco user
Anthony Gutierrez
So when full nodes and fiat gateways are released will floods and floods of filthy russian money come pouring in to waves?
Is the answer YES?
Sebastian Gutierrez
Hello Anons. I want to start on cryptocurrency trade. But I still have a couple of questions I can't find the answers yet. First is: I'm from Guatemala and I don't know a way of changing bitcoin to money and sending it to my country account. Second is: what currency exchange service do you recommend and why. Thanks in advance.