At the gas station

>at the gas station
>poor guy next to me buys $200 of scratch tickets and spends the 10 minutes I take deciding which candy bar to pick and proceeds to scan each one off until he wins $15

why am I supposed to feel bad for poor people again

> generalizing, The Post

>he drives himself around!


>taking ten minutes to choose an item of confectionary

What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you retarded or just indecisive to the point of mental illness?

He was probably baked as FUCK.

^ this guy is right.

A few things. You should never judge a person by the way they dress or act. $200 could be considered pennies to that person. It's weird to run into people like that - who have money and don't show it (smarter IMO)

Also, how cool do you have to be until you realize your just commenting on someone else's life? You watched this, brewed about it, then came and made a post about it on a section of a website, that honestly couldn't give a shit about your opinion on how someone spends $200. You could have spent your time thinking about how to reduce your taxes or investments, but no! you care more about the man at the gas station.

I hope you choke on your chocolate bar. You're the pleb.

Also, if you do read this. I'm exhausted. please forgive spelling blah blah blah.

I don't even know why I cam back to say this.

Anyway, story time.

> old lady comes into firm.
> looks like standard "normie" with age
> accountants to busy to see her
> tell her to wait a second
> find an accountant that can come deal with her between appointments.
> goes to meet with accountant
> I continue to do numbers.
> accountant comes back
> normie old lady just sold her farm property for 7million
> wouldn't have known it by looking or talking with her
> she honestly didn't seem to care about the money
> apparently gave most of it to her grandkids.

Farms are different though.

Everything it makes goes back into the farm up until you decide you're selling it off. So no, she was just a normal person when she walked in, she was only rich because of selling the farm for more money than she could reasonably need as a retiree made.
If her family had had it going far enough back none of them would have ever had to put much money into it either, just lots of time. My grandma has a farm that was established back in 1884, and just the land is probably a few million.

Do you just dispose of property without thought? If you were sitting on a valued property of 7 million dollars, you could borrow against it. So, she always had the money. she just liquefied her assets.

Anything you borrow against it would still go right back into the farm for new buildings or equipment, you don't leverage your home AND livelihood for a vacation or a huge TV.

She wanted out because she was done, that's pretty much the only time farmers actually get anything out of their hard work.