/tfg/ - Titanfall General

What's the Deal with Weebs and Ronin Edition

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>Steam Group
PC: titanfall.com/en_us/networks/pc/37/
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PS4: titanfall.com/en_us/networks/playstation/63/
Searching 'the fast guys' should also bring it up in game

Angel City map coming December, late November for preorders

>Whats changed?
Cosmetics, class based titans, more pilot abilities, more guns, and a single player campaign.
Bunny hopping was altered so now you need to queue a slide too

Please use spoiler tags when discussing the campaign

>Doomed thread

First for IMC did nothing wrong, FUCK Macallan and FUCK BT.

IMC suck!

>Leveling up my Titan
>2.1, 2.2, etc.
>going pretty quickly
>Wow, didn't expect to regen again so soon
>Am I being memed sir?

I get what they were going for now but damn that threw me off.

Nice timing, terrorist.

Post more titan-chans

Militia Dike told me that I had no right of calling her a terrorist because I'm fighting only fora paycheck, to which I replied with "I fight you guys for free"
Would Papa Blisk be proud?

Someone help me, I'm getting direct x crashes at the middle of games and at the end of the campaign so I can't even finish it.

You know it, Pilot!

Fuckin terrorists. Fuckin Graves with his "no man is better than any other" bullshit.

With all this IMC wanking, I actually wouldn't mind DLCs that are centered around an IMC campaign. Focus on an IMC-garrison being hounded by cocky-Militia groups after Demeter is destroyed. Would be great to actually show the pirate/bandit/terrorist aspect of the Militia instead of just making it black and white.

xth for 40mm

what's the best control layout on ps4? obviously evolved let's you bhop and keep aiming to shoot and steer but then you can't aim the grapple as well since you gotta take your thumb off the stick to press x

someone halp pls

AMD card?

Is that you?

yes, user, he would.

That fight is what you were born for.

The sad part is that they will literally never do this. The IMC will just continue to be made into their mustache-twirling villans of the week, and Blisk will be killed as a mid-game boss in titanfall 3. Spyglass will be entirely forgotten, and anything that portrays the IMC as anything close to good will be totally retconned.

Fuck. Titanfall 2 was a mistake, we only needed just the one.

Even the militia was more likable last game. Where's the fat spic that called you buddy? Now they're not even funny mass-murdering terrorists, they're just boring mass-murdering terrorists.

r9 390. I already downloaded and installed the driver update that was supposed to fix the crashing but it aint working.

I was gonna write a fanfic about how a pilot defects from the Militia to the IMC after she discovers that they have been sheltering human traffickers who kidnapped and eventually killed her brother. and harvested his organs But then TF died.

>the fucking bush wookie
God damn it. It's still the stupidest fucking player model I have ever seen.

>Fem Holo Pilot gets a scarf

Fuggin nice, qtest Pilot

i've never been proud of being a furfag before
For the IMC

I really would like a SP expansion or something, that campaign was some good shit and I want to see more

Run 'dxdiag' and see what version of DirectX you have

If you're on Win7 it should be DX11, Win10 DX12

If that doesn't match up download the latest version

So long as you keep your furry side and your IMC side entirely separate, Blisk would be happy to have you.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they did a DLC that added more Pilot Gauntlets to run through (like the Mirror's Edge Time Trial Map Pack)

Don't worry
I go incognito whenever I look up that shit while in between deployments


I don't knwo the IMC's policies towards beastiality, but if the fauna you're fucking it hasn't been documented it probably can't be illegal, right?

But either way die you commie terrorist bastard

>be in the last SP mission
>game crashes my PC
>all progress is lost and I can only start again from the very beginning
fuck this, time for a refund

That's what you get for being a terrorist

>commie terrorist bastard
b-but I'm IMC

>playing video games on a computer

The Single player is good but it doesn't hold a candle to the multiplayer

Just dust yourself off and revisit it in a week, you don't unlock any MP goodies for completing it

It's dx12. What does this have to do with anything, TF2 doesn't run on 12, opengl or vulkan anyway.


Even as someone that preferred the Militia (muh OD Green color schemes), it's just boring when the setting doesn't capitalize on its rather intriguing political background.

Like, it would be great to introduce an IMC-garrison that's fucking loved by the planet they're on. Tutorial could just be you giving the local a show with fancy pilot moves then picking up the groceries with your Titan. Then WHAM BAM, Militia Titan pirates pop up to "liberate" the population of their oppressive resources.

Don't hate on the bush wookie. The pointless foliage was meh, but everything else about it was great. That being said, I wonder why they dropped this Militia pilot helm. It looked more in line with the female Militia Assault Pilot as opposed to being an OD version of the IMC Assault.

Whos your 1sgt?
Just curious

>playing video games

Better idea: Spec ops the line set on the frontier, with protag as IMC pilot that's trying to do the best they can in a universe filled with people that are determined to say "fuck you" to that notion.

>What does this have to do with anything

>I'm getting direct x crashes

Maybe try redownloading the AMD drivers or reinstalling TF2. I was crashing all weekend and after updating AMD's shit I havent crashed

W-why are you asking?

use a custom config if the PS4 allows it

IMC circlejerk aside, I think it's still pretty important to acknowledge the IMC just came in and claimed private land as company property, therefore dispossessing people of their only means of survival and wellbeing. THAT'S why the militia (for the most part) exist.

Are there any good tutorials out there or players I can watch to learn how to git gud? I cannot get kills in this game for the life of me when I'm on foot.

I can dig it.
>IMC pilot doing cool shit as part of a recruiting gig
>You to can be badass like him just join IMC and dont worry about the 97% fatality rating at pilot training
>Have to defend against MANDATORY FREEDOM
>LotGH level plot intrigue ensues

You're forgetting that the IMC were the real pioneers here, allowing for those lands to be discovered and developed in the first place. They built every structure you've seen in the multiplayer maps (pre-militia) and they developed countless technologies to help life out there be more bearable, such as those wildlife-repelling towers. Show some respect, terrorist.

Doesn't PS4 let you remap any button you want?

Just throw grapple onto something easier to press like the D-pad

If you just can't aim then tutorials won't be able to fix that.
Learn how to move through maps and try shooting at stuff.
You can only get better.

Militia Dike was mad because I was "OOC" calling her a terrorist
If you support Militia you are a terrorist
plain and simple

>97% fatality rating at pilot training

seeing as respawning is canon, that's probably not as bad as it says on the tin.

Eh, there's a gap between terrorist and terrorist sympathizer/enabler. They should all be shot, to be sure, but there is a gap.

you can only do that through the ps4 settings which makes it system wide, not in game

Go fast.
Don't stop moving (make sure you're chaining wallruns)

Do not touch the floor (you'll just get ganked or stepped on)

When you run into an enemy even if you're unloading your whole magazine blindly as long as you're moving quickly they'll have an even harder time trying to kill you

Your aim will improve with time but it's hard to unlearn the habit of walking on the ground

I'm actually kind of hopeful about Respawn's Star Wars game after Titanfall 2's campaign

Play the gauntlet in the story and look at vids of people running the course getting sub 35 speeds. you'll learn pretty quickly how the aiming controls work, how shooting at targets feels when you are moving about, and how to navigate levels.

Everything else is non-parkour related stuff you can learn from other shooters.

Also, hip fire can be your friend.

Almost same here, but it's left me with no confidence at all in their ability to display shades of gray. So it'll fit right in with the rest of star wars.

So who already bought Dice roll boost?

Don't tread on me, redcoat.

Why does everyone think general marder is an edgelord? He seemed kinda reasonable and said why the IMC was there
His whole Human life is meaningless was him saying that Their lives were meaningless in the grand scheme of things, IE if they die but accomplish their objectives then great at least the core worlds can live. I think he even says something along the lines that the loss of human lives was regrettable since the Militia wont give the resources that was badly needed on the core worlds

Yeah it really comes down to my aim being shit and my coordination going to hell when I panic. I just figured watching some high level play might help give me an idea of how to play the game better. I haven't played a multiplayer FPS in years so I had no idea things were this fast paced nowadays.

Is that the only training course in the game? I could really use a big empty area to fool around in and practice

Whats it going to be about? Haven't heard anything of it
Seems to be a trend really

Don't kid yourself, terrorist. You're no George Washington, you're Osama bin Laden.

You haven't missed anything, literally all that's been revealed is that it's a 3rd-person action-adventure SW game


You're almost right and kinda wrong. He doesn't get enough screentime to make those arguments, and doesn't express the regrets well enough. If they'd actually put in some character development for him Or just given us a campaign like the last game which was almost perfect probably very few people would be calling him an edgelord.

>Dice roll boost
Seems cool because you can activate it at a low % but it's not worth sacrificing the guaranteed map hack at 70%.

With enough people on your team with that boost you can have it running pretty much constantly

fixed small spelling error

Is there any significance to choosing factions in muultiplayer? I just unlocked apex predators.. chose them.. and played about 5 games. Each game has been a loss. What does it mean?

Almost perfect. The tattoos and shirt needs editing.

And you forgot the period at the end.

Each factions gives unique "random" advocate gifts when you level them up.
They get leveled up by winning a match when you're part of the faction.

Ok, real talk here for a moment.
International law on earth suggests that colonies cease to be owned when the owning party ceases investment, occupation or political administration, as in the case of the former South East Asian Dutch and Portuguese colonies, confirmed by both the International Court of Justice and United Nations.
What's to say that Titanfall is any different? The IMC's sovereignty over the Frontier ceased the moment that they broke off investment and all other connections during the time that they focused on earth operations. Hence, their current occupation without suitable recompense (ie payment in the proper way) is illegal.
Source: I study this stuff, don't read too much into it, it's just a bit of banter and thoughts I had on the lore.

Change the iPhone in his pocket to the Smart Pistol boost

Nope. Cosmetic stuff. Banners, patches, and who does your Announcer stuff during games.

You're not fighting hard enough, pilot, that's what it means.

>projecting this hard
actually well made OC, keep at it

>period at the end

Counterpoint: How would you define "political administration"? There's no reason to believe the IMC stopped administrating those colonies once they were founded. Given that they were the ones who oversaw the founding of the colonies, any individuals in management positions were likely company men. Which means that "occupation" was likely maintained as well, in legal terms, even if it was sparse.

I suppose the east India company would be a good comparison.

Would the inner systems know or even care though? I'd parallel it to Nike sweatshops in China/Vietnam or wherever - we know it happens, but we still don't give a fuck and keep buying their shit.

Everything that needs to be changed:

>Put graves' face under the mask
>put a burn card in his pocket
>put the vanguard class emblem in place of the bike above "vintage"
>replace "cuck" with "grunt"
>replace Progress on the heart with Terrorism

Anyone else?

here, that's a pretty good point.
Although that invites the issue of at what point did these company men and women become independent settlers down the line? Two generations? Three generations? Is it a confessional matter? Or was there a plebiscite that determined the fate of each individual colony?

I suppose that's the point where international law simply breaks down, and legal power comes from the barrel of a gun.

This is the problem with legal systems. Nietzsche was right.

this furfag doesn't have photoshop so thats above my expertise

Is there any point in using a weapon that isn't hitscan? Hitscan weapons seem to rule this game. Anti-titan weapons seem pointless also. Each one gives your position away and most don't deal enough damage before your position is compromised.


I can make these changes tomorrow if someone doesn't before then

This is why we still have wars nearly 400 years after Westphalia and still over 70 years after the UN Charter was signed.

>Anti-titan weapons seem pointless also.
But I kill and harass tons of titans with the mgl

>you will never join the 6-4

The scene in the campaign when they all come and help you was fucking cool as shit.

>Anti-titan weapons seem pointless also.
Tell that to my MGL. Charge rifle also works nicely at longer ranges.

You did alright by providing the general concept, someone else needs to take over now.

Further changes:

>replace diversity with Callan
>replace "band" with "6-4"
>replace mustache with nuclear ejection symbol

Can't make out the stuff on the wristbands, but they probably need to be replaced too.

Please do. And look for a higher resolution version of the original.

Fuck off terrorist, Apex>all


>Is there any point in using a weapon that isn't hitscan?
Style. Also some weapons just 'feel' better to me and I play more consistently with them despite them not being hitscan. It isn't the end all be all of the game

>Anti-titan weapons seem pointless also. Each one gives your position away and most don't deal enough damage before your position is compromised.
A pilot will almost never beat a titan 1v1. Use your weapon on titans that are fighting friendly titans. They'll be way too busy to look for you while another titan is trying to shove a 40mm bullet up hi ass

and then they just hop out of their titan and tap you with their hitscan weapon and jump back in.

>Please do. And look for a higher resolution version of the original.

Maybe if you're just popping in and out a nearby doorway, completely oblivious to everything else.
If you're shooting them, try to be aware of what they're doing and just shoot them if they ever try to run out.

>first 6-4 pilots come aboard
>Droz immediately slaps Davis on the ass

The small things.

They would have to be pretty stupid to do that, if the titan can't reach you they'll never make it to you before their titan gets shredded by you teammates.

Here's a higher res version. Plenty of room to work with this.

Oh wow that's great. Lotta room to work with.

I might, and I stress the might, do some writefagging about a scenario like this.

Don't expect some epic novel or anything, but it shouldn't awful. I hope.
Wait, really? I must have missed that.

I btfo'd a Militia dike and made some dank oc
Can tonight get any better?

>Can tonight get any better?

Suppose it can't. Dream sweet dreams of killing terrorists, pilot.

>tfw burning terrorist scum out of their holes with the Scorch
Titanfall is probably the only game where I actually prefer to be in the vehicle rather than on foot.