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Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: yukipo.com/
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio

OG material translation: pastebin.com/7HAMC7bN
OG discography: pastebin.com/Ey7uyqDL
CG material translation: pastebin.com/jf7CiTya
CG discography: pastebin.com/fX7fpxrU
ML material translation: pastebin.com/3yynKCtQ
ML discography: pastebin.com/jtCYhgrA
SM material translation: pastebin.com/tiVgamsu
SM discography: pastebin.com/mXYV0TY3
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/j3MGjNCK
FAQ and Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv

Mondays: Dereraji Star Broadcast
Wednesdays: DerePa and IM@STATION Broadcast
Thursdays: Million Radio Broadcast
Fridays: 315Pro Night Broadcast

October 31st: Platinum Stars 765PRO dry T-shirt cobalt blue (M/L/XL sizes)
November 1st: Platinum Stars 765PRO iPhone cover
November 2nd: IM@STUDIO Vol.19 [DVD]
November 8th: Mio Honda Jersey figma
November 9th: Million Live THE@TER ACTIVITIES 03
November 16th: SideM ORIGIN@L PIECES 01
November 16th: CINDERELLA MASTER Take me Take you
November 30th: Million Live 3rd Live BD @Sendai
November ???: Kanzaki Ranko ~rosenburg Engel~ scale
November ???: Kasuga Mirai Million Spark scale
November ???: Crystal Night Party Uzuki scale
December 7th: LIVE THE@TER FORWARD 01 Sunshine Rhythm
December 21st: Million Live 3rd Live BD @Osaka
December 21st: SideM ORIGIN@L PIECES 02
December 27th: Mana manga volume 6
December ???: Ami/Mami Futami Phat scale
December ???: Nana Abe -Meruhen Change!- scale
December ???: Crystal Night Party Mio scale
December ???: Million Live Megumi/Nao/Julia T-Shirts
January 11th: LIVE THE@TER FORWARD 02 BlueMoon Harmony
January 25th: Million Live 3rd Live BD @Fukuoka
2017: CG Theater Adaptation

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Remember when Mellow Yellow had five members?

Every day until Limited SSR Karen rerun

No. You're thinking of Yellow Lily.

post halloween idol related images

You can't tell me what to post. Let it happen organically.

shut up
I want to see them

Stop being rude if you're requesting image dumps dumdum.

Look at how cute this Sachi is, holy shit

You can't tell me what to post.

Damn thats pretty fucking cute

>tfw don't feel the need to roll in the onsen gacha with the half anked cuties
have I finally done it? have I finally escaped the mobage rolling hell where I want to roll for everything and instead just do it for the waifu(s)?

Fuck the yellows.



I just found out about the new Cinderella loli manga

Where can I read the translated version?

I'm coming for you, Sae!!

Are the original 765s ded?

I should hope so

>Level 70

Do you even have her other event card?

PS was the final nail in the coffin.


Sae looks like a real semen demon on this card

I wonder why they made this a 2nd Sae event rather than Mayu or Yukari

I'm gonna give Syoko my special mushroom!

You are a failure then. Sae doesn't even want to look at you

Just started playing and wasn't my stamina supposed to stack over the max when I level up? Why does it keep just getting refilled? Am I missing something?

Yeah, I want to hold her hand!

Anya you get headpats


I want to kiss on Saki. SO HARD.
A Takeru is fine too.
Ren can fuck off.



Headpats are great but please help too.

Mayu also has a ranking card, so either way it would've been a second run.
Could've given to Yukari, though. Or maybe even Kanade since her old event card is only a reused CG card.
But maybe they wanted to give it to one of the original singers.

when you level up it gives you an amount of stamina, which will go over the limit if you have too much.

That's it.



It does stack over. Check again.

What happened? I've been out of the loop

it was shit

>That Sae/Yukari card
Dear God almighty, thank you Scamco



Kanako fainted from having to move too much


Well, it isn't doing that. Just refills to the cap, no matter how much stamina I still had left. I'm lv 8 now and it's been like that every level.
I've no idea why and it seems google doesn't either, so any ideas are appreciated.

The event song is real good, but it's also easy

Choose your flavour of Halloween Rika. Cute-lewd...

You're just dumb.

Or lewd-lewd?

So I am missing something.

Kanade regrets giving her share of food to Kanako. Now the hunger is making her feel dizzy.

Maybe it works differently for lower level players? What level are you?

Where is Karin ScamcoP?

Karin is irrelevant

A brain

cute-cute please

My heart and dick. Sae, stop doing this to me, I'll die.

the weak don't deserve to live on

Level 8 as I said, literally just started. Don't see why it would be different at lower levels unless it's to avoid a huge overflow at the beginning.

That just shouldn't be possible. Take a screenshot when you level up next.


>to avoid a huge overflow at the beginning
That's a likely reason. Levels come extremely quickly sub-50. As long you can S-score pros, you can likely T2 any event.

Don't lewd Sae

She lewds herself by being so cute.

Night out on the street at the corner



That's so cute.

Karen isn't that kind of girl.

Poor dude, he rolled his 18K jewels and didn't get anything

If she's irrelevant, why does she have a voice?

Checkmate atheist.

I'm still laughing at W VA's awful outfits

is it that hard to buy Soccer Uniforms?

>Kind of want the Karen
>Give her a roll
>Get 3 SR's of which one is a dupe
Well at least I got Azuki, I guess..

It's not even that, their outfits aren't even soccer outfits. I don't get why they couldn't replicate this.

>Great event song
>Awful MV
What the hell??

Why can't all MV's be Love Letter tier

You joking? Love Letter was terrible.

If all were that, then that in itself would be boring.

I found Love Letter to be weak as a song, but that MV was completely different to anything else in the game. It was definitely something fresh in that regard. Like the next level of what Love Destiny was going for.

HighxJoker Superhero movie event cards and eventual Granblue elements are up.

a new Day-off SR will comeout at nip midnight too

Shiki a dark slut

Fuck me, I'm not supposed to like Shiki. He's not supposed to do things to me like that unidolized is doing.

While what they were trying to go for was neat, the MV was a horrid clusterfuck.

Also headpats for Haruna.

Natsuki is cute.

Only problem I had with it was the lack of any transition effects. The sudden shifts everywhere was just too jarring.

Jesus Christ.

Sorry, misstranslation happened

Karen supposed was to be


It's not just that the MV is bad

The animations look really fucking janky and weird

But Karen isn't in the event.

>Kanade barely sings in the event song
>Is the point reward
Why not have it be Yukari or some shit at least?

What have they done to our clawli?

Nothing. Mirei was always that cute.

Halloween event

we raped her and replaced her with a more tsun tsun one


Doesn't look very tsun to me. She looks downright happy to be wearing that girly outfit with no claws. Quite a change from the time she was a maid.

apparence can be deceiving she's now extra tsun and without the claw she unleashed about half her power

Garter clawli is rivaling buruma clawli for effect on my P.

>Sae with Nitta-level bedroom eyes

Why is this allowed scamco. She's just a little girl.

There's a market for everything. Even little girls.

A well endowed little girl