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SSE looks amazing.



SSE looks okay, runs amazing.

Reminder that vampires are despicable scum

Remember: light, medium, and heavy armor is a shit concept.

This stupid holloween theme is breaking appchan


Says the Mer

do you prefer a spouse that follows you, or one that stays home?

And ugly as shit.

Be careful with your words, Mer.

How to enable original skyrim mods on the remastered?

She ate him. Damn! Markarth truly is the worst city in Skyrim.

>download times literally taking 15 times longer than normal



Waifus and lore, squatting in harmony

Contributing to the spooks.

If she's at home all the time then I can't watch her fuck random men, so the choice is obvious.


She really should lay of the sweetrolls. Those cheeks on her face could summon grandmothers from all corners of Skyrim.

Nexus wasn't even loading for me the past few days.

>not animals

what's it like having such shit taste?

Not a good look for either of you.

I remember when you used to be a normal poster, and not an obnoxious cunt.

So was there any word on loverslab about making a switch over to SE or are they just gonna stick with base?

Your tits are spilling out.

this is /tesg/ user
literally everyone here is an obnixious cunt. if they weren't they wouldn't still be playing a five year old game that was shit even when it was new.

>shit taste
There aren't any mods of that kind for animals silly, that's why.

But what if it's plates made of cloth or wood or leather? What if a steel cuirass is actually both lighter and more effective than a leather one?

Yeah it was Ordinator

Is that decent? I'm reading some of the descriptions and some of them do seem very OP/ unbalanced, which I don't want for a first playthrough

I do like the sound of things like the marked thief coins, though.

This post gave me cancer.

She's not fat, user. She was born with chubby cheeks.

>we could have had a lewd set based on that short story of yarti giving ada a gentle femdom blowjob at the inn
>instead of we get this garbage

She looks like she sweats butter and olive oil.








Just write a fanfiction.
Ada don't have a dick.

It's the best perk mod in my opinion but I wouldn't recommend it for the very first playthrough. It goes well with mods that make your enemies less retarded like Revenge of the Enemies and Ultimate Combat.

Rude dudes.

really cannot be asked to redownload all my mods onto SSE desu

Also waiting for SKSE update

But some vampires are nice!

I'm gay and not even I can like this.

True. Dead vampires are nice.

Ordinator isn't perfectly balanced but neither is Vanilla. Overall, Ordinator will give you a better balanced experience over the length of the game than vanilla would.

Truth hurts tubby. All that sugar from drinking the blood of little boys is going to give you diabetes here soon.

>Skyrim SE graphics modding is similar complex and limited as with Fallout 4, so ENBSeries for it will not be similar by amount of features as for original Skyrim.


Slav squats are never a good thing.
Oh just fuck off, I've always been this way and you'd know it if you weren't just trying to stir shit up. The first post wasn't even mine.

Here's a handy tip to make your bloom look less shit.

>thrown their lot with daedric scum

The Empire deserved to fall.

Not exactly breaking news though is it.

am I missing something here? the two pics look exactly the same

You're not wrong.

>Slav squats are never a good thing.
Very good for your circulation during winter comrade.

look at the candles

You must be autistic. Look again.

ENB is confirmed for not going to be ported


Read from here, boris said he is not going to start over with 5 years of work just for a "few more FPS" and quite literally everyone there agrees with him, especially mindflux who make the particle patch among other things


Ding dong the witch is dead

Is there something I can put in my config file to handle that?

and I should care, why?
enbs were fucking pointless wastes of time to begin with.

People will just have to deal with the default shit plus whatever people can squeeze out of ini tweaks and reshade/sweetfx. The performance gain in SSE is worth the loss imo



Every single ENB, bar none, has been overblown with bloom, or DoF, or had washed out/over saturated colors.

I have never once seen an ENB modded game that didn't end up looking more shit then vanilla.

>plates made of cloth
>plates made of wood
>plates made of leather
>why don't generic classifications apply to every possible outlier I can come up with

w-what if it's a heavy armor slutdress?

Actual retards.

it's okay, user.
we know the truth hurts, maybe one day you'll be able to not be a little faggot bitch.

Can't blame the guy. 5+ years of work, only to do it all over again.

Godspeed, Boris. Thanks for your time.

I need this for unp dammit.

Well you sure showed them for expressing their preference

stop responding to old b8 you fucking retard

Neither can I, but the built-in effects on SE are actually lovely as they are.

why is your sky on fucking fire?

Yeah. I wish I could do some color adjusting so it doesn't look so muddy around caves but, other than that, SE is fine as it.

I can do that post processing stuff in Photoshop if I really feel like it.

I too love the piss fog.

>ENB is confirmed for not going to be ported
I just read it and that's not what it says?


>Okay okay, i'll try to do SSE first
lol nobody likes FO4

My point is that generic, uninformed, classifications are dumb. Also armor made of plates of leather or hardened fiber is a lot more common than you think.


Post on booru or /aco/ more

Sorry mum.

Not him, but the sun effects in your game are so overdone it does look like half the sky is on fire.

It looks terrible.

Half the sky is a blinding white.
The sky doesn't look like that, user.

>ENBfaggots literally cannot conceive that there are people who don't want to use it

You people are like a cult

>5 years of work
I can't be the only one to think that this is a bullshit excuse.
He just doesn't know what he's working with when it comes to SSE, so he's causing bitchfits rather than learning to work on a much more stable platform.

Why do Japs try so hard to make WRPGs look like a generic JRPG? Go play the hundreds of FFs.

Nigga is retarded.
We will have an enb but like fallout 4.
Boris just don't want to rewrite enb from the start. It would take too much time.

All vampires are dead.

Use Reshade. Post-processing can handle the color correction.

>I vow to no longer feed Bethesda with new content.
what did he mean by this?

>Boris just don't want to rewrite enb from the start.
That's what people are pissed off about?

Oh, yeah. I was testing the rays. I already turned it down in game.

What are you doing here? Get out.

Undead is not the same as dead. Their existence is an affront to Arkay.

Right that's what I figured, we'll get a basic enb. That's perfectly fine on top of SSE's stuff.

Good. It's really not worth it. If you want a visually appealing Skyrim, install win 7 and enjoy the massive efforts he already put into it once.

There isn't a single person who doesn't want to use ENB, only people that can't.

under [Display]

and still not as common as plates made out of actual metals which is why they don't show up in your standard roleplaying game fare

>My point is that generic, uninformed, classifications are dumb.
mage, rogue, warrior, generic as you can possibly get and valuable for determing how a class should perform as a base archetype before you branch off into your special snowflake archer that shoots greatswords from an angel feather bow im a carbon nanotube t-shirt

Any recommendations for mods that aren't on tesgeneral?