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Have you thanked Overwatch crybabbies today?

Why didn't you save her?

>Literally the same thing they said 4 years ago
>T-this time they mean it guys
I bet you use Joey Salads as your news source too

Pretty accurate for vanilla desu.

>shaman is the only healer class that mentions other roles

the beginning of the end

I'm sick of seeing this girl (inb4 >she or whatever) on every thread without context. Who is she?

You post this every thread who is she?


Coming back from cata.
By playing 2 hours a day, how much time to get the endgame heroic pve stuff?

someone who used to post here but ended up killing themselves

Fuck off, you're not funny

Trannies are not real women despite what you grown men think.

How do you guys know they killed themselves, you guys got a source?
or is this just a meme?
If i killed myself would you guys mourn me?

>2 hours

Boy that's rich

Only if you're a cute trap.

Which Nelf class is better for rp:ing a Warden? Survival hunter, rogue or warrior?

>endgame heroic

lol, heroic is normal now

Maiev had Fan of Knives and Blink in WC3 so Rogue I guess. You can use the *teleports behind u* spell to imitate Blink

>its a 'niels blackmails an artist he calls a friend into drawing shitty worgen on horde porn' episode

Wardens can also use stealth

rename Survival to Warden. Give some new abilities. allow it to dps at range or melee, though with out using a bow or gun.

Yeah, rogue does seem like the proper choice. Question is though if rp:ing a rogue will be seen as "mary sueish" by most players.

it'll take you specifically a month.

that was a feature of every female night elf unit in WC3

Cordana stealths a lot in WoD
I assume it's a thing all wardens do

Rp:ing a warden I mean fuck my brain

why the fuck is every wanted: WQ bugging out? get your shit together you fucking jews

>Want to switch to my friends horde server as Ally
>$60 + tip to do so

Why is this allowed?

Shadowmeld during night time only to be specific.

>Exalted with every faction
>7/7 on normal and heroic EN
>8/8 on karazhan
>800/800 on both professions

What now? Do I just run mythic+ dungeons until my fingers fall off?

>heroic EN
>only 8 in kara

oh you poor summer child

I'd rather wait until next week to do nightborne.

only heroic en, only 8/9 kara

Old raids for money and achievements
Pet battle quests

you do that again on an alt :^) have you maxed your artifact already

>next week
you mean tomorrow

usually next week implies next reset.


why are people proud of completing "heroic" now its the same as the old normal mode

>Lmao have you maxed something that's locked behind a timegate?? checkmate

Seriously what does even change on HC? Bosses have more HP?

what do u want them to add to make u happy?


Why do people even do PvE? I don't get the appeal. what's the point? I feel like there's literally no point in playing co-op against AI that is so braindead. The whole game is engineered to be the same every time so that nobody can complain that they were given an unfairly hard time compared to some other guild. As a result, it's all scripted, all predictable, it really just comes down to "do your homework and don't be an idiot" and item level.

In my opinion, that's not "fun", that's the worst aspect of the entire MMO experience, and it's what Blizzard thinks is the most important part of the game. I don't get why.

Yes, I have done raids before, and no, not just Raid Finder.

why bother doing anything but pve? the balancing in this game has always been a joke so unless u play the most broken shit have fun getting raped.

So is Rogue, Monk or DH more FUN?

>Ok. What, in your opinion, should WOW be all about?

And dont fucking tell me PVP, there are other games that do that aspect much better

he almost died!


I genuinely like raiding, if they could let me come along on heroics or normals after lockout and still get artifact power instead of loot, that would be great.

The issue right now is that there's only one way to reliably farm AP, and that's through mythic+'s

like what? have you done any mythic raiding, done a +15, doing any rated pvp? what kind of content do you want

Forums say playing outlaw is pointless compared to assassination.

What does /wowg/ think?


Another way besides Mythic+ to farm AP.

I like tagging along on normal/heroic raids and just chilling in a voice channel while shooting the shit. Wish they would give you AP you're locked for the week, even if it's not a lot.


Is there a reason to do archaeology shit in Stormheim if I already did the quest for the BLUE item and I have arch at 800?

minigames now give AP just like heroic dungeons

world quest

the main things in this game give ap

>tfw bored as shit now that the only thing that has a chance of improving my gear is heroic spam x a billion and the daily emissary chest

I'm on the top end of heroics but not strong enough yet to tank mythics so I'm just spamming heroics praying I get some forges to get my ilvl over 830

>been 2 months
>can't afford obliterum
easy 850

I'm pretty fucking RP elitist and I have no problem with wardens. My druid is a former watcher who aspired to become a warden and was pretty close to being chosen to become one when the gender restrictions were dropped and she left to go undergo druid training.

My main problem is most people portray wardens poorly and spend way too much fucking time hanging around darn and SW. Especially right now during the middle of a full-on Legion invasion.

you can tank mythics at 830, make your own group

I started playing late dinged a week ago, I'm quite poor (42.5k) with no real way to make gold

>Bored as shit now
>Not even 830
What the fuck? It´s possbile to reach 830 in like two days after hitting 110 what heroic spam and billion emissaries are you talking about?

if u arent shit u can make your own group and do reg mythic

I'm 824 with a few glaring holes in my gear (815 bracers belt 775 785 trinkets)

Do you guys think it's possible to find 10 people wyou havent done heroic EN yet and do fairly well?

I didn't bother getting into EN the first weeks so I dont have an achievement yet so I cant get into regular PUGs

>ilvl 1016

I am so confused pls tell me this is a display bug

Are there many people on RP servers hanging around on the broken isles in RP mode? On my go to rp server (AD EU) most people just hang around outside of cathedral in SW, so I'm not used to real rp.

I don't want to play WoW anymore, it took me two months but I'm burned out of WQ, M+ farming, terrible class balance, butchered gameplay, and whatever else they fucked up.

So far Legion is the worst expack I have played, for the record I didn't play WoD.

What do I do famalam

have you tried mythics yet? they are not as difficult as they may seem. i was tanking them for my guild on my prot pally at ilvl 808 on day 2 of the expac

make your own group and just try, the worst thing that can happen is you piss off some randoms you will never see again

He's hacking, report him.

you stop being a little bitch and continue to grind

>Captialising Every Word In A Sentence

Nah I haven't I'll see if some guildies will run with me

You do suramar questline, some emissaries and and HC here and there shouldn´t take too long before you do mythic normals

Oh yeah I'm stuck in suramar too 1k from honored, just waiting for world quests to spawn there

I did it guys, I got my mage lego
>Rhonin's Assaulting Armwraps

so glad it (a) wasnt sephuz/neck, (b) was mage specific, (c) was arcane specific

shame they changed the proc from each missile to each use of missiles

im ilvl 845, how long will the Suramar quest line be from start to finish (Already honored with them)?

How did you get it friendo?

Anyone else doesn't have any world quests in Suramar today?

I have 3.

you have to get 20000/21000 revered with them to get the Good Suramaritan achievement so pretty long

dreamweavers emmisary cache (EU) friend

I got shit all in mine as per

>wardens emmisary
>one quest in each zone
>spend more time flying than questing

fuck wardens i swear to god and fuck kirin tor as well

Has Blizzard even acknowledged the loading times are longer than time itself?

That's why you wait to do wardens until another pops

>Got Titanforged Raven Eidolon Trinket on my pally tank
>Hype as fuck
>Read it carefully
>Who the fuck designed this shit activation just makes me die faster

>Those who crave change
The rest are on point but Vanilla druids basically sat around throwing downranked HoTs on the tank and enervating priests.

the on use is fuckin horrible but its not too bad as a stat stick for prot pallies as they have such low hp pools

still worse than other trinks though

Kind of depends on your luck, realistically. There are the modern equivalent of dailies that randomly have a chance to get you gear, which then randomly has a chance to be higher than the iLVL value listed in the reward. Likewise for heroic and mythic dungeons, the same randomness applies. And your endgame viability will receive a significant boost if you get a legendary.
I play about 2 hours a day and I'm reaching mythic dungeons, which means I'm near ready to raid.

>apply for m+
Those people need to kill themselves.

How are Mistweavers compared to HPals?

Talking M+ and raids

HPals are the strongest healers in the game right now. MW is garbage.

soon my friend

>tfw rerolled Unholy but it's underpowred and shit
>people are already crying and have 200+ pages of it on the gen forums

Buffs after Blizzcon. Going to be fun.