How does it feel like to have brain damage?
All I see is "ching chong ping ling, ergonomiks arr werry badh!". Why won't these filthy chinese retards kill themselves so that they can meet their god commie emperor Mao instead of fucking shit up down here?
But you kind of have to agree that Takeo Ischi has a point.
"economics is a form of brain damage"
"chairs are a form of brain damage"
he's probably mad because he didn't pass his math exam even though business math is piss easy
'Magnets, how do they work'
literally everything is a form of brain damage. we are slaves to our perceptions
In a way he's right.
Economists are more concerned with finding a justification for government policies while people who work in finance and business have to have a realistic view of economics in order to make any money.
>economics is a form of brain damage
I agree, and I want him to get healed, so he should give me all his money.
90% of all capital is data on servers, only ten percent is actually physical
Money aren't real, the economy is one gigantic organism that works on promises
Who cares if something is a science? Is math real? Numbers and arithmetics are academic constructs, does that invalidate them?
Wait a second is Suzuki a feminist? Maybe he doesn't like subjects with too many men
I wouldn't be so general, but generally this is true.
I mean Paul Krugman- look at the guy. He's a TRADE economist and yet he writes columns about virtually every economic issue and pretends he's an expert on everything in economics when all he studied was trade. And not only that, but he gets treated like a leading authority on virtually every subject on economics.
Having a trade economist decide our labor policy is like having a civil engineer do a software engineer's job.
>brain damage
Suzuki has brain damage. Ecofaggots should fuck off back to fagropa where they belong
Anyone can do a software engineer's job though.
Fine then, reverse the roles- would you be comfortable with a software engineer building the bridge that you drive across during your daily commute?
I'm just saying that Krugman should stick to trade economics
You do know where the name "Suzuki" comes from, right?
looks like he was right all along
chinese/japanese, same thing
Didn't this guy die after the sequel to Karate Kid?
As a fellow canadian we once again apologize for spawning this fucking tool.