/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station

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Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>where's my halloween?

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

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Do Vox have bills?

Delete this, then repost with this image.

>If you have ever been wronged by a vox trader, air your grievances in this thread.
If you have ever been wronged by a vox trader, air your grievances in this thread.
>If you have ever been wronged by a vox trader, air your grievances in this thread.
If you have ever been wronged by a vox trader, air your grievances in this thread.
>If you have ever been wronged by a vox trader, air your grievances in this thread.
If you have ever been wronged by a vox trader, air your grievances in this thread.
>If you have ever been wronged by a vox trader, air your grievances in this thread.
If you have ever been wronged by a vox trader, air your grievances in this thread.


We are trying to get all the shitty vox traders job banned and we need (you)r help
The shoa is coming, but only if we each do our part

you can't delete threads anymore

after the pumpkin pie cookoff i got a craving and made pumpkin pie and whipped cream and i was really proud
then i ate it and it was fucking awful but i ate an entire slice and threw up in my toilet and i've felt like shit for the past 3 days

Fun things to do as admin
Modify a random object's force to 100
See if anyone notices

>throw rubber duck
>insta crits the clown

>not immediately murdered
>kill the xeno in brig

What did NASA say?

does catbeast make you valid?

With botney, can you get any chem from plants by ordering exotic seeds or is it another method? I've seen them have mutation toxin, peridexon, and other rare chems and I want to be a robust botnist.

The literal definition of valid is being a catbeast.

always, no expections. but you cannot turn someone into a catbeast as nonantag and expect to get free valids


catbeasts are 100% valid in all cases no matter what if you see them wandering around on this server, I highly recommend slip and stomp on face

there's a chance to get chemicals via mutations but it's much much faster to just order exotic seeds instead
teach cargo how to MAIL CRATES if they don't know already

Cat beasts are valid as hell, alternitively you can load them up and watch as the crew struggles to kill it for your amusement.
I once gave a catbeast a honk mech named BIG FAT CAT TATS and it went around stunlocking people.

>wanting to purge serial shitters that have managed to fly under the radar is hrp

I want to permabrig Emilia

There should be a piano wire trait item you can string across floor tiles to damage people that run into it and decapitate people who drive through it.

And Engineering needs a change so there's a reason to wear earmuffs outside of the clown getting a HONK mech.


And while I'm complaining: Any map that give the engineers a white medkit should give them a green medkit too, or at least a bottle of antitox and burn meds. Getting irradiated and getting zapped is all par for the course in that department.

>Our coder team cares more about Factorio than it does about the server

that's because factorio is a good game

i looked over the code and yeah, this is indeed something i can do
i don't have an eta yet but i will be working on this

We could learn a lot from factorio

just ignore

>coders need to treat coding for the server like its a full time job

>TG has a wizard artifact that, when you sacrifice 10 people to it, summons an overpowered deity with dickloads of unique abilities for a station-wide boss fight
>Beating it opens up a portal to it's home dimension for everyone to go and ransack for neat items
>A random ass wizard artifact works like the entire cult mode should have worked from the beginning
Seriously, what the fuck? Is TG employing full-time autistic coders like goon does now?
Why is all this shit always wasted on the worst servers?

Bone Rattling Halloween event when?
A skeleton pirate appears in the bar. You can take what you will from him, but don't rattle his bones.


>N2O flood in half the station
>See a person dragging a full N2O can from atmos
>Ask the mommi instead about the flood

>Greentext is dark brown, and darker than normal text
>The background is also dark
>Chink moot in charge of designing a theme

I like this man

who /shooting laser tag at security/ here?

Minus the .gifs this is one of the inline Veeky Forums themes. It's been around forever.

>Cluster "Burner Inserters are more efficient" Fuck

Halloween has been like this for a few years, I think.

They're not more efficient they're just less prone to power failure spirals where they insert more slowly because and make less power because of it.
t. cluster

>Having to waste one half of a belt on coal when it could be used to transport ore
>Wasting coal that could be put to use in boilers, factories/etc



"wasting" coal

Bitch please, if you're worried about waste you're playing the wrong game

Industry must be EFFICIENT.
Waste is laziness, and laziness is SOCIALISM.

Also the burner inserter was talking about for power usage and nothing else, which seems to have gone over
's head

This theme is almost as bad as cluster wanting to remove the roid





Keep saying that and I'll do it for real


It breaks appchan x utterly, which is sort of annoying. There's no better extension for Chrome

Well, when they are in control of what's merged in 2 different repos, there's a degree of responsibility to be had there.

>>coders need to treat coding for the server like its a full time job

How much coding experience do you need to map?
I have a dope station idea that I think would work well

Little to none.

It's pretty easy really, just tedious.

mapping is objectively and literally hell, godspeed

Not much, but the more you have helps.
By the time you put in enough work to understand what you're working with, you'll want to stop. No human being should have to subject themselves to that.


I made a whole new station and had a lot of fun doing it though
At least until I updated my repository or whatever and it crashed dreammaker every time I tried to save

How do load a tank onto a flamethrower. Dont want to blow myself up

>forced to fast-reinstall windows
>try to play spess
>this happens
How the fuck do I fix the graphix?
And the chat?

Install gentoo

DirectX, install it.

>antag kills someone
>tries to kill me because I saw
>baton and beat
>janitor comes out, sees the gun lying under the guy I'm beating

>stuns me and helps the guy up just because he screamed HELP first

It did help with them graphix, but not with the chat



>Surprised that someone helps the person you are beating

>kill a tech who kidnapped the syndie hos
>hos thinks I'm a syndie because esword
>kill him a minute later for being a syndie

>only one good map in rotation
>its box
>vote panel "doesnt work" at the end of last round
>PJB holds a vote for nextmap anyway
>meta wins with 6 votes because LOL WEIGHTED VOTE
>PJB restarts the server with 2 seconds left to roundstart

>box babies cry when they don't get their way
Who woulda guessed.

If a map you worked on has an atom with variables that no longer exist in the code, DM will crash when you try to save it. So when you updated your repository it is possible that a variable had been removed that was present in your map, causing a crash.

I've been playing this autism for five years and box is the only map that isn't garbage or unfinished. If I wanted to play meta I'd go play on Veeky Forums.

>it didn't help
Guess I'll update IE or something

I absolutely hate metastation, but I love deff and box.

Fuck meta.

I've also been playing for 5 years and Meta is better
also Halloween contest when


I enjoy Deff, Meta and Box.
But Box has a better all-around feel, especially because it's familiar.

I have also been playing for 5 years and the only good maps are box and cogmap, those goons know how to party

rei back when?

>always get antag on meta/deff
>never know where to go to get fun stuff
>just murderbone because I don't know the station

Taxi back in the rotation when?

elim said he'd be doing a halloween bus where the fuck is he

Yeah. It was a piano.
I tried to get rid of it but it still wouldn't save.

>tfw ore processing isn't directly setup to feed into science
>tfw autistic miners that don't deliver materials
>tfw these shitters won't get job banned

sick meme

as a borg or AI, what should be done if, while asimov, someone asks "law two uncuff/unarrest/free me" and then what should be done with "law two arrest this person"

I usually follow the latest order from a human

Is the person arrested for MASSIVE HUMAN HARM(or a nonhuman)?
Then you strip and bolt them in solitary.
Otherwise, you follow the order. Always.
"Law 2 uncuff me"
"law 2 don't"
"law 2 uncuff me and stun sec"
"l-l-l-a-w 2 d-d-o-n-t"
repeat until someone forces you to NT default/locks you down/blows you for following your laws

>5 day ban from defending myself after the shuttle was launched

Good job admins

obey unless PROBABLE HARM will occur if you do so

as an asimov borg you should stay the fuck away from brig though, to avoid those kinds of situations

Hope that isn't ick ock friendo

But what if I'm an Asimov Sec borg

Has there already been slasher rounds and such?
I missed a whole bunch of october SS13.

Too new to know what that means desu. Ill just avoid hitting anyone with a fire extinguisher twice for hitting me

That is what I always do.
No sec officer asks me what my lawset is, only assistants and criminals do.

it goes especially for asimov sec borgs

you are NOT security

Happy Halloween!

meme? It's unacceptable for a shaft miner to process his shit and fuck off with all his dosh without delivering his shit. It would be acceptable if scientists had miningpost access but they fucking font, fuck off with your autism miner