/civ4xg/ - Civilization, Stellaris, Endless and 4X Games General

Halloween pigs edition

>Endless Legend User Manual

>Endless Legend wikis

>Free Civ

>/civ4xg/ Steam group

>Civilization V CIVILOPEDIA Online:
>A couple other Civ resources:

>Civilization V Analyst, with all the specifics of mechanics you'll ever need

>Civilization V Roulette

>Civilization V Drafter

>CivFanatics' Strategy and Tips forum, good guides and information.
forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=391 -

>Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot, lets you play Civ V's hot seat mode like an e-mail game

>Civ V Modding Wiki

>Civ V Mod databases
steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse?appid=8930 (requires legit version)

>SMAC & SMAX official short stories

>Stellaris OP
pastebin.com/qsTFCyvh (embed)

>Stellaris Mod Archive

>What is Stellaris?
A 4x game developed by paradox development studios.

>Stellaris Steam Group

>/civ4xg/ OP:
pastebin.com/P5XCTQx9 (embed)

>Some mods for Civilization V
pastebin.com/5ANRmRur (embed)


Last Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


first for harald


Being a coalminer's wife must be spooky, I feel like we should respect them


Sumer cheats on it in a rather twisted way. With most civs you are balancing early game production between scouts, military, builders and buildings(monument). For sumer its just bulilders and war carts. Getting goody huts bonuses means you will get a lot of free shit early on allowing you to bypass a lot of early game head aches.


Because its halloween. I think they just put it about an hour ago or something. All the new threads have it.

Any patches/notes since release for Civ6?

Want to settle 2 cities down here. Happy with yellow, but can't decide between red and purple.

Should I settle red and hope I can get Petra? Or play it safe and settle purple?

12th attempt to start longer game on Huge map with Mayans.

Does this map holds any potential? I cant spot good place for second city.

If no, should I drop the idea of rolling "Earth" type of map?

Hello guys.

I wanted to propose we clean up the OP, because I saw a lot of unorganized stuff and even repeated links. I was wondering what you thought of the following format:


Cleaned-up OP edition

>/civ4xg/ Steam group

>Civilization resources & mod archives:
forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=391 -
steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse?appid=8930 (requires legit version)

>Miscellaneous Civ links
play.freeciv.org - Free Civ
dropshock0.com/civ/ - Civ V roulette
georgeskleres.com/civ5/ - Civ V drafter
multiplayerrobot.com - Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot, lets you play Civ V's hot seat mode like an e-mail game

>SMAC & SMAX official short stories

>Stellaris Steam group, resources & mod archive - 4x game developed by paradox development studios.

>Endless Legend resources:

Previous Thread:

Why not?

I am fond of skellingtons.

>tfw you got outsped by a pigsposter

I like the idea but don't like that it has no description for links. It would be better if it was something along the lines of

>Endless Legend resources:
Manual - cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/289130/manuals/User'sManual.pdf?t=1413562467
Wiki 1 - endless-legend.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Legend_Wiki
Wiki 2 - endlesslegendwiki.com/Endless_Legend_Wiki

I wish there was more strategies games with skeletons.
Even Age of Wonders relies too much on ghouls, and Disciples has plenty of cool stuff (banshees, psychopompe) but not skellington construct.

ghouls are boring and lame
nothing beats a good old skelly

Skeletons are better. They don't need food or supplies of any kind, never question order, can run for hours without getting tired, and theorically speaking, can be faster than lightning.

>About to achieve science victory
>Nuke every motherfucker on the map

Okay. How do you like this?
>/civ4xg/ Steam group

>Civilization resources
well-of-souls.com/civ/index.html - Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE)
civfanatics.com/ - CivFanatics Database and Forums (all games)
civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Civilization_Games_Wiki - Wiki of all Civ games
dndjunkie.com/civilopedia/ - CIVILOPEDIA Online (Civ V)
dropshock0.com/civ/ - Civ V roulette
georgeskleres.com/civ5/ - Civ V drafter
multiplayerrobot.com - Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot, lets you play Civ V's hot seat mode like an e-mail game
play.freeciv.org - Free Civ

>Civilization modding
modiki.civfanatics.com/index.php/Main_Page - Wiki for Civ modding
steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse?appid=8930 - Civ V mod database in workshop (requires legit version)
forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=393 - Civ V mods
pastebin.com/5ANRmRur - Yet another list of recommended Civ V mods

>Alpha Centauri (SMAC & SMAX) resources
pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sid_Meier's_Alpha_Centauri#Essential_improvements - Essential improvements for the game
mediafire.com/folder/cn11q7nqa00te/Alpha_Centauri - Official short stories

>Stellaris resources - 4x game developed by paradox development studios
steamcommunity.com/groups/vgstellaris - Steam group
mega.nz/#F!hpBCSbCC!vZNs1Qhip_UJQPSSdoZjUg - Mod archive
pastebin.com/qsTFCyvh - Mod recommendations

>Endless Legend resources:
cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/289130/manuals/User'sManual.pdf?t=1413562467 - Manual
endless-legend.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Legend_Wiki - Wiki 1
endlesslegendwiki.com/Endless_Legend_Wiki - Wiki 2

Descripiton - Link
Not the other way around. This is not readable. Thank you for your work.

>Greece is the first one to found religion
>They found Islam


No matter what you do the bitch WILL denounce you.

She doesn't like your administration.

I wonder how much may be influenced by China, like how Magic the Gathering skeleton art got changed to thin ghoul/zombies because it's not allowed to show bones like that. Something to do with ancestor disrespect or something, I forget.

>"Something to do with ancestor disrespect or something"
Lies. Everyone knows it's because skeletons are too spooky, gooks can't handle.


I'm a little stupid.
How exactly do you use Bombers? I can't seem to move them?

Doesn't this look better

>/civ4xg/ Steam group

>Civilization resources
Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE) - well-of-souls.com/civ/index.html
CivFanatics Database and Forums (all games) - civfanatics.com/
Wiki of all Civ games - civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Civilization_Games_Wiki
CIVILOPEDIA Online (Civ V) - dndjunkie.com/civilopedia/
Civ V roulette - dropshock0.com/civ/
Civ V drafter - georgeskleres.com/civ5/
Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot, lets you play Civ V's hot seat mode like an e-mail game - multiplayerrobot.com
Free Civ - play.freeciv.org

>Civilization modding
Wiki for Civ modding - modiki.civfanatics.com/index.php/Main_Page
Civ V mod database in workshop (requires legit version) - steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse?appid=8930
Civ V mods - forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=393
Yet another list of recommended Civ V mods - pastebin.com/5ANRmRur

>Alpha Centauri (SMAC & SMAX) resources
Essential improvements for the game - pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sid_Meier's_Alpha_Centauri#Essential_improvements
Official short stories - mediafire.com/folder/cn11q7nqa00te/Alpha_Centauri

4x game developed by paradox development studios - >Stellaris resources
Steam group - steamcommunity.com/groups/vgstellaris
Mod archive - mega.nz/#F!hpBCSbCC!vZNs1Qhip_UJQPSSdoZjUg
Mod recommendations - pastebin.com/qsTFCyvh

>Endless Legend resources:
Manual - cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/289130/manuals/User'sManual.pdf?t=1413562467
Wiki 1 - endless-legend.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Legend_Wiki
Wiki 2 - endlesslegendwiki.com/Endless_Legend_Wiki

Hail Regular Expressions for doing the work for me

Hokay, fixed it. Any other input?


>4x game developed by paradox development studios - >Stellaris resources
yer regular expressions fucked up a bit there. but nice job anyway, virtually the same as I did here, except I also added the pastebin link at the very beginning for easy thread creation in the future, without having to remove embeds and all that.

any suggestions?

>mfw still gonna post the old OP next thread



I really like it, good work user. trying to turn it into a table might be worth looking at, but I think it's very good as is.

That isn't true though.

And yet, World of Warcraft was heavily censored in China. All the bones were removed.


Here, is a good article on why. TLDR, game companies covering their ass and pushing for accelerated release.


this article was written by a skeleton

Weird as fuck, I live here and skeletons are hardly censored.

magic still comes out with normal skeletons, though. they used to censor it for the chinese audience, but now they don't even bother. (pictured is the chinese 'champion of stray souls' card, and is no different from any other version)

So the Chinese are actually growing a thick skin instead of bitching about everything?

This post was written by a skeleton.

You know how HOI4 has faces of Hitler and his clique censored in Germany? There technically isn't a law on the books to force that. But because PDX doen't want to deal with German legal system or delay release, they censor themselves to avoid problems. Well it's the same here. I suspect local companies are more willing to deal with the bureaucracy because they know it better.

We've never fucking censored skeletons, there were skeleton soldiers in shitty movies from the 70s.
They're all fucking over the place in our myths and classic novels.

Like civ
thinking of trying 4x
stellaris, galactic civilisation or distant worlds universe?

That's what I'm guessing, that or might be, as getting a VPN to play on foreign servers isn't exactly hard.

Did you censor Dark Souls too?

Alpha Centauri.

Could be the companies just faced a lot more stringent reps who blew whatever excuses they could out of proportion to inconvenience foreigners. The Magic article is a over a decade older than the techinasia one, and WoW came out almost a full decade before.

Even if there was no real law or taboo prohibiting it back then, they may have given them hard enough time to want to bypass whatever headache there was present that's no longer as much of a problem for them.

They should make deserts useful somehow imo. You see, even though this desert is full of oases I can't settle there

About how many turns does it generally take to make a military unit in Civ 6?

I remember trying to play Civ 5, it took several turns to make anything. Because of all the other things I needed to make and seemed to be more helpful to make first, the only games where I ever had an army were when I was playing as Germany and didn't have to make it.

>Shallow but pretty game
>About average all round 4x with autocombat.(2nd part is the one you want)

Your choices are interesting, but beware the last one for it's not of this general.

Or maybe Chinese were tired of being the Internet's laughinstock and grew a thick skin instead of being crybabies.

in the case of china, from what I understand, you need to basically have a separate company to deal through. So this company might get shit from people if they put out things like skeletons. Now, you can deal with that, eventually, but it takes a lot of time, so they don't really bother with it, and just censor it to save time. It's easier to just trace over some magic art, rather than hire all these people to diffuse the situation. Same thing applies with germany and hitler. There are no official laws, but a lot of people don't like it, and will get on your case about it.

GalCiv has autowar? It's everything I ever wanted from Stellaris

Fuck off.

I dunno, did we? Was it even sold here?

They have a radius within which they can attack. There is an attack button next to the regular unit buttons (such as sleep, skip turn etc) which when pressed highlights all the valid targets in red. Just click on the target. If there are no targets within range the attack button will be greyed out and you'll have to redeploy elsewhere.

Distant Worlds isn't /gsg/.

I tried to talk about it there, I was redirected here. With foul language and implications about my mother's honour.

No it has auto combat, like stellaris. I only mentioned it because "average" 4x doesn't. Distant worlds probably has autowar if you are into that sort of thing.

Distant Worlds has auto-everything.

This is SOP [Standard Operating Procedure] for gsg. We do it with all titles. I'm being serious. DW is in the op. Yes that general is populated by autist and no-lifer trolls who like to bait those autists.

My point exactly.

had a look and distant worlds is in the gsg op.
Thought it was mostly founding planets/cities and building armies like civ. Can't see why, but its regarded as gsg.

Anyway, Gal Civ it is.

Arabia seems so weak

your unique building is in the campus

and you need holy sites to do anything with your free religion + 10% cost faith buildings

but both of them aren't unique districts so they're full cost, take up a district slot and you want to be building commericla hubs and i ndustrial in every city normally so it's so slow to even get to them

look fine on paper but shit in practice

A shame, I love Distant Worlds.

I only played it twice but I somehow manage to play it fo 17 hours.

Civ 6 is plagued with design like this, all of which bespeaks of poor beta testing.Who the fuck thought that Tommy's cloning ability was balanced, especially in conjunction with out of zone unit selling? But fuck beta testing, right? That's what first day buyers are for!

If that shity state wasn't there I'd settle near the wheat and rush Petra

Why is /gsg/ such a cancerous place?

The place is shock full of drama with modders, tripfags, and whatnot. The latest scandal is that a couple of teenager douchebags were butthurt and reported the general's archive because it had all the DLC for a bunch of /gsg/ games in it, so gigabyte upon gigabytes got taken down.

It's a fucking shithole.

>all of which bespeaks of poor beta testing

the design flaws should have been caught before they even left paper. their entire work process is garbage.

oh jeez this is spooky

How were the ship behavior AI's changed?
Can I have my corvettes NOT charge at the enemy?


Fucking rekt.

so film studio only gives 100% tousim to other civs in modern? you lose it if they go past the modern era?

what a unique building...

It's a certain few people.

gsg is leaking

One faggot is enough to ruin a general.

The real answer, which I am loathe to say for fear of fucking things up, is that the better posters of /gsg/ all left and resurrected /civ4xg/ to tralk about Stellaris after the Great Liquor Spergout. The that was followed by HoI 4 release. So all the decent posters are here, talking about Stellaris and getting into Civ 6. Meanwhile, they are still mired in Vick vs EU 4 mana wars(see their thread now for an example).
Also, there's a dedicated troll nest that does nothing but plague them. Perhaps several troll nests.

I've burnt myself out on the game already

what do I do now?

>why do autistic people and attention whore drama queens play grand strategies

>Why is /gsg/ such a cancerous place?
It really isn't when you get used to it's bullshit. There are a few people with seemingly near infinite time free time on their hands who spend it trolling GSG. Sometime the general descends into shitposting, but most of the time you can have a productive discussion on multiple subjects wit individuals in it. The reasons are many among them:
>people getting tired of this shit and leaving the general for reddit/forums
>people getting tired of paradox's shit and leaving for different genres/hobbies
>Veeky Forums getting created, draining historyfags who enjoy these games as alt history simulators rather than simply games
>the fact that jannies mods are so tired of /gsg/'s shit they seem to ignore it half the time

Kill yourself?

You're wrong. The decent posters surface in off-hours. Stellaris was hardly a good game at launch, many quality posters on /gsg/ didn't sperg out but didn't move here either.

Veeky Forums ?
What was this "Great Liquor Spergout" that you refer to?

okay ill try that and report back with results


Veeky Forums killed /twg/ too. People were told to fuck off to Veeky Forums by newfags who were interested in WH more than TW, and they did.

>Veeky Forums ?
>What was this "Great Liquor Spergout" that you refer to?
A holy war between two popular mods and their respective players. Liquor comes into it due to it being most imbalanced part of the economy of one of the mods.It got to a point that people were getting doxed left and right to resolve the situation.

>meet a scout from Cleopatra
>The very next turn she declares war on me despite being half a continent away
>Then, somehow, I declare war on myself
Nice game


Declaring war on yourself means some one you haven't met yet declared war on you

>Getting doxed over an internet fight about which mod to use for an autism simulator
Jesus christ.

>tfw everybody keeps telling me not to buy stellaris

>and their respective players
It's more HPMIDF and R&I vs. Steamgruppe, to use /gsg/ terminology.
Squads of shitposters.

it's real bad

don't do it

protip: dont log into Discord without using a proxy
Protip 2:Don't hand out personal info to "female" gsg players, they don't exist and are just trolling you for info.


>"female" gsg players

anyone falling for this deserves it

True, their respective fanboys would be more accurate, but using gsg terminology outside of gsg is like speaking a dead language.

Trust me, the current state, while fucked up, doesn't begin to approach the heat of the Spergout.