/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

servant of yogg-saron edition

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

>Upcoming Hard Mode Brawl:

>Hearthstone World Championship:

The Class of /hsg/ Strawpoll:


Third for S K I L L

>tfw once Blackrock rotates out most your favorite cards will be gone

Pavel a cute. Cute!


>Control just happens to be the easiest to play.

Nop. By coincidence you happened to list them in their ease of play.


Expending/conserving the wrong resources in CW's mid and late game is unforgiving. Despite the early game being straightforward board control, it isnt simply a matter of board control at any cost.

You are presented with multiple choices by mid game and after which, your strategic card (i.e. cards that cost 6 mana and beyond, each playable only once a turn and many only once per game) usage each turn can often be traced as the point in which your game became feasibly unwinnable against your opponent's deck.

For Pirat Warrior, there is virtually not even the opportunity to make a misplay. The worst you could do is go face when you should have established early board or vice versa.

i'll come visit you in wild someday friend


Is there a nicer looking gold card in the game than Golden Tirion?

>5 power on board
>I am pushing 1 damage a turn
How is this balanced

Tirion from Golden Entomb.

>blizzard will never make emperor evergreen
>tempo mage will be dead

Good. Fuck both of those cards.

>tempomage dead
>bad thing

Hey hearthtards, remember the last time you had fun playing your shitty dying dumbed down MTG clone? I do. It was the handlock-patron-combo druid-freeze mage meta. Ever since these decks got gutted, there was nothing good left in the game, and Ben Brode keeps feeding you shit and FUN STORIES TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS with 50% chance to win the game by using the one specific card.

>You were reconnected to your last game. Resuming........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


>keep a broken card in the game forever

I think standard was made because of emperor

if emperor never leaves it means they have to balance every card in the game around costing 1 mana less

good I hate combo players

this user is right, emperor actually enables interesting deck, instead of just curvestone. But of course you faggots just want to play mid-range shaman all day.

i have allocated my oldest hearthstone screenshot, the first time i ever cucked someone with massive rng, and before thrall was the normalfag class


Well, it makes for uncounterable one turn kills.


this is why we have curvestone, because of that

the problem is that they should make more counters of all kinds (aka discard and whatnot)

thank you for the designer insight

I've been too busy playing another card game lately to post all this brilliant OC, but I'm back. Thoughts?

it's unironically op

Uh, you don't get to add friends

What class legendary would completely break the game on another class?

My vote goes for Velen on Druid.

feelio when get robbed of a game because polymorph is in my bottom three cards

>atlc 2 is crowdfunded

$500 tournament confirmed

Anub'arak for any other class

Is it? I thought it was just decent. If it is, knocking it to one health doesn't matter much.

Le epic game making blizzard!

antonidas in druid or rogue

Cho'Gall Tempo Mage


Why can't OCfags make OC?

I second this. If Pally, Priest, or Warrior had it, they would insta win anything even close to a control game.

anub in warrior
tony in rogue

Not game breaking, but Varian would be a nice fit in Ramp Druid

Screwing with your opponent's cards or mana is just too broken because you have a guaranteed supply of those resources yourself.

It's why sap is such a stupid card. If you want interesting counterplay like that, you have to find appropriate drawbacks, and it's not exactly easy to just make those work.

So who are the smart money on in the tournament?

There is no smart money, just use rng like Brode loves doing

Thijs, of course.

Do I get my packs on EU or NA? Just asked to log in to vote.

>reynad said thijs and bbgun had the best chances of winning blizzcon

he cant even pick a winner, let alone win himself


Anyone have a handlock list with a decent amount of taunts (maybe faceless shamblers or something)

Amnesiac or Che0nsu


try savjz renolock, the one he got to like rank 20 with

anyone can get rank20.......

very cheeky m8

As much as I enjoy this game, I'm more into it for the deckbuilding aspect. For me with most TCGs, deckbuilding is the most fun. I'm not trying to sound like an elitist but I'm not really one to netdeck. Can I reach high ranks without basing everything off of the pros?

Post your face when you have at least 80 more dust than thijs fags


>supporting hardcore sjw tumblristas with problem hair, problem glasses and a feminine penis

triggered lol xD


Oh I am sorry, I shoudve voted for dutch tard and get 0 packs like 80% of you fags!

As much as I enjoy card games, im more into this game for the netdecking aspect and totems.

This is a serious error codewise. Did you report it to blizzard?

Thijs may have lost but at least he ain't a bitch


Yeah, you're the bitch for voting for him. Bitch.

lol calm down kiddo

all those swears aren't gonna help you lose that virginity

this. never trust a khohol...


As much as I enjoy this game, I'm more into it for the netdecking aspect. For me with most TCGs, netdec king is the most fun. I'm not trying to sound like an elitist but I'm not really one to deckbuild. Can I reach high ranks without basing everything off my ideas on deckbuilding?

>no clear favorite for winner
So Hearthstone confirmed for 100% luck 0 skill?

yes. that's why you're supposed to just pick your favorite meme

How does one play a true hero?

How many hours left until reset in EU?

>After attacking a hero, equip a copy for your opponent and lose no Durability.

Here you go ESLfag.

I hit 5 with reno druid, albeit in wild. Keep in mind that the card pool is alot smaller than in other tcgs though, so you won't be able to have any radically different snowflake decks

The most success you'll have is targeting a specific deck, for example whoever thought of making the aggressive version of freeze mage to counter midrange shaman was pretty smart

>not choosing Dr Pavel

>a copy of this weapon



Got the 80g play a friend quest. Add me to get it.

You are suppose to trade the weapon over to the opponent, Not create a copy of it.

Copy would mean both players would have a sword

well i'm copypasta now


GOD DAMN Pandarens makes my dick hard.

I praise whoever decided to use this madlad in discolock

I was just net-posting. Its what I enjoy most about threads. Totems are my fetish.


Totems are pretty great.



Which one of you was playing, be honest please.

Artist is 5-ish

The dude didn't have a play and he wanted to show you as much.


Nothing wrong with THICC

Yeah, he's pretty dope. He's in my Reno deck and I've got many enjoyable stories.

Molten Giant


Not bad.

Seems alright.

just faced a dragon priest for the first time

good lord i'm gonna vomit

As in you had trouble dealing with the obnoxious curve or you let the game last until he had ample opportunity to drop Deathwing and Ysera?

Surely it wasn't that traumatic.

Tier 3 deck bro