/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

Bread Edition

You knead to set your social club profile to public, bake sure "don't kick me" is your bio and have GTAG as your active crew otherwise you will be purged.

>Stale Bread:

>Crews for GTA:O
Join a crew by clicking link below, then toasting your SC name and crew you want to join in the bread. Make sure your profile visibility is set to all.
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/pc_gtag (PC only)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gtag_vg_-_ps4 (PS4 only)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gta_general_vg (all)
Other crews: pastebin.com/GtsCr3VL (embed)
>Steam Group - No heterosexuals allowed
>PS4 Community - GTAG VG Community (No heterosexuals allowed here either)
To join the community, search the community name in "Discover Communities" and leave a request.

>Moldy Bread

>GTA:O Unlocks by Rank
>Helpful information for new players
>Lap time comparison for every fully upgraded GTA:O vehicle

>Graphics settings guides for GTA V

>Patch notes for 1.36

Other urls found in this thread:


gta online is shit and so is this thread

B-benis XDD

>bread instead of thread


thanks cpt obvious

xth for spoopy

This kills the anti-bread autist.

fuck off skeleton

Official thread theme coming through


no u

>no spook bike
go away, you can´t spook me

im an alcoholic

>not even synced

anyway to turn of the shitty halloween filter

>Lost vs Damned

it's actually fun. everyone is a retard in it and it is fuckall easy to win

im a worthless neet shitposting and attentionwhoring

Welcome home

Disable spooky.662.css

post costumes

It's fun, but I keep getting stuck on teams with people who spin in circles to idle. It's a pretty big disadvantage on both offense and defense. If you'd like to play together, I'll be online later today.

...the picnic...

Did rockstar add the spooky weather to the free roam lobbys? I dont wanna play some shitty game mode.

>prison break
>demolition doesn't know how to kill jets
>demolition somehow dies right at the end


>nessi no longer in crew

Can i still do the duffle bag glitch

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Almios requesting into the crew

can someone please post the list with the remaining vehicles release dates?

Which one? Probably not, regardless of your answer.
Which crew, fuckboy?
The Shotaro should be out next week, and the van should be out late November.

>tfw number one

Tornado tomorrow
Shotaro on the 8th
Esskey on the 15th
Youga on the 22nd

what about the rat tornado?

Look at this pool cue

any duffle bag glitch really

Why are they so spread out, holy hell. Rockstar could at least just make two-part updates, not a single vehicle every other week

I assume it's to make the drought of DLC shorter.

>null without stockings
this is not okay

patrician taste in youtubers right here

thanks pal

Is there any solid info about the cost of the Tornado and Yogurt?

It's technically shorter but it's so thinly spread out. It just detracts from the actual size of the dlc when you lock away half of it and release it one vehicle a WEEK

...the picnic!

There are new adversary modes too, even if no one plays them when the double cash events end. I'd bet my ass no one's going to play Lost vs Damned in two weeks.

>finally get enough people for a heist finale
>some level 200+ is somehow going through heist introduction
>their sc account was made yesterday
>said level 200 has no idea what they're doing



new TT mod where?

My Kuruma is the Hand and I am the Will.

TT is a hell of a drug

That's what I meant. It just makes it look shorter when it actually isn't
The van is like 200k and the tornado is like 400k I think

I bet it was a chink

How much longer do the 2 halloween cars stay up?

Next ban wave when?

The newswire says all the Halloween stuff is staying until November 15th

Let me grab my baby spoon so I can feed you.

You're already in the crew, bud.

where do I edit my bio i cant find it :(

Click Manage next to About Me on your SC profile page, then go to the Profile tab and look for Bio.

Thank god it isn't like slipstream.

what is the most fun game mode and why is it stunt races?

>playing GTAO on halloween night
>not having a Halloween marathon

fucking dweebs


because screwing over people at the last second will never not be fun

it sucks after they patched the re7b
no more fun crazy top speeds on the track

I'd be all with you if the creator didn't suck

You mean "try not to get spun out and getting screwed by catch up" races

I'm right in the middle of a marathon. I just watched Killer Klowns from Outer Space and just started Nightmare on Elm Street. What more do you want from me, buddy?

>Coming to 4chins to complain about how other people spend their evening

here's that (you) ya ordered.

>mfw I'm rank 200+ and haven't done anything past fleeca

But don't you want the pubstomping starter kit of an insurgent, hydra, and valkyrie?

inb4 webm

>mfw i try to screw over the lead but get screwed over instead by the guy in third

editor is hard

I think it's great. It'll keep me playing for at least a little while longer.

Anything going on today for Halloween?

if i can only into cinemotografy

I do but I can't find anyone outside of complete shitters to do heist missions with me, and even then it takes 30 minutes to round them up and fail the mission over and over for me.

I wouldn't mind helping, and I know I'm not the only one. You really should ask the thread or in crew sessions whenever you're available. The crew was running Lamar missions last night because someone asked, for crap's sake.

>fall from top of 4 story building

>roll down a hill
>die when I hit the bottom

How is this ok?

Just like real life
>Be healthy young person
>Have asymptomatic fatal arrhythmia

>Rockstar go through the effort last year to make an effect where the entire city has a blackout
>Only apply it to the shitty adversary mode that nobody fucking plays instead of having it on Halloween night

>Rockstar go through the effort this year to make an effect where the entire map is covered in a thic fog with spooky effect
>Only apply it to the shitty adversary mode that nobody fucking plays instead of having it on Halloween night

>can´t even explore the city on the blackout since you can´t exit the yacht

this whole game is lost potential

>snows for like 2 entire days out of the year
>driving goes to shit in snow


It's funny because we don't even have 1% of their players and yet they could never muster the same numbers we do in a single session.


you must not have seen those horror screenshots a couple of us have posted in the past where it put us in a 30/30 session and 29/30 were ign

>all IGN session
>it's just like any other pub with people killing one another, jetcucks and kurumas all over the place

>They don't know what IGN is
It's an open clan retards. There's no leader, no officers, no cohesion.

Literally just a clan full of losers who don't have enough friends or personality to join any other crew.

Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
Why did these worthless NEETs get so mad?
And what the hell is on Krop's head?

Who the fuck claimed otherwise you fucking moron

the picnic?

>nd yet they could never muster the same numbers we do in a single session.
Because they're not organised. They're not a coherent entity. It's literally a click here to feel less lonely clan.

The doesn't mean there aren't lobbies of all ign. I don't wanna bother searching the archive maybe if blater sees this he'll post the image he probably has saved of it happening to him

Now that nessi is gone, can I have their rank?

There must always be one wearing the title of gaylord jackass

Sure! Since he was demoted to muscle before he left I'll make sure you're muscle too just give me your SC

yep, that's the model

>nessi left because he was too autismally enraged that he's not in any position of power anymore