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>entire game is is won by ult management and pressing Q

nice skill based game you got there


>Genji + Ana meta won't die with the Nanoboost nerfs

This shit used to last 8 seconds

>implying I'd root for western piggus
>especially when the gooks are involved
>especially when Thailand, aka /our/ guys, are still in


Team USA

Nth for seagull threw with his zarya plays

>One more win to break my season high
>draw again

Hana song works for talon now

So how is the Ana+Genji combo going to be gutted?


why isnt there a japanese team


>being both a transbian and an esports faggot

I literally cannot comprehend being more pathetic unless you're canadian too.

>Zarya ulting when no one was on the point
>Winston jumping off
>Tracer walking up to a nanoboosted ulting genji
What was this game

Imagine having such a shit life where you base your self worth off how well a video game team from your country does
lmaoing at your life

Name ONE game that NA isn't terrible at.

Seriously how do you counter nanoboosted Genji? I don't think Zen's ult can heal you fast enough to not die or can it?


This esport must suck dick if you don't like blackhole->nano->dragon

>Team USA

they died b4 this phase of the tourney

Japs, like nigs, are bad at shooters.

>mfw murifats itt


So we can all agree that Shadowburn carried Russia HARD? Like the man is going to have to walk with a cane after that match his back is so fucked up.

Unfixed was also good but he didn't get NEARLY as much done.

hahaha what the fuck even ster is a better zarya than seagull

USA threw so fucking hard lmao

I will laugh my ass off if Chinese lose to French


>beaten by 1 (ONE) good player and the other 5 people in Russia who could afford a game

Holy shit USA confirmed Tier 3 country.

To be fair, it's a lot harder to fix that combo than it is to kill beyblade. Ult cost increasing by 25% will at least ensure there's less of it.

But Canada actually made it past the first round

Street Fighter, the only fair competitive game.

they didn't qualify

'Genji is fine' and other gut busting jokes

Mei ult of course.

fucking competitive shit
when does event end

He wasn't edgy enough today. Reaper-senpai will never notice him.



*blocks your path*

>thinking anyone will lose to the transvestite team
>thinking Team South Korea won't sweep

It can but
>Le balanced Ana's grenade counters Zen's ult xD
Serioysly, just remove Ana, Rein and Zarya from the game and see it improve 10 folds

Not enough waifuposting for you?

>not BTFO

We don't fucking know. Every time people ask Blizz it's just "lol we don't have an exact time xD"

>tfw if Russia didn't have shadowburn they would've never made it out of groups

Laugh all you want EU cucks but you know it's true. After seeing that game I'm actually praying that the blanket ult charge nerf goes through. Every single match was won by nanoboosting Shadowburn. NA can't outplay it with Zarya or lucio ult like they did on Lijang every single time because they charge so fucking slow compared to Ana/Genji.

It can.

why does he keep playing zarya?
he always fucks up her ult

>everyone calls it beyblade
>not Reyeblade

such a missed oppertunity

>Not enough waifuposting for you?
I just wanted to know when the event ends
Is it today or tomorrow

>Germany vs Chile next
Boring. It's going to be a one-sided stomp, so I might as well watch some Westworld now.

team south korea is going to demolish these people when this is the compititions level of play
I've seen better s.korea QP games from randos

But they didn't?

I think everyone played very good. Nobody really sucked too much.
Gods and Talespin carried most of the time. Seeing Gods' Mccree hitting shots is very nice. And Talespin, and Seagull. Honestly, the entire team USA played very solid. It could have been 2-1 in their favour easily, it felt like a coinflip.
On the contrary, Shadowburn hasn't been too dominant, like in the match vs Germany, for example. Instead, Unfixed showed up and pulled his shit. And Anak always super good.
Good game.
Too bad South Korea will shit on either team with ease.

>ster is now more entertaining and a better player than seagull

I'm OK with the loss because my guy didnt fucking play a class he barely ever plays.

I was referring to your first sentence. Unless by competitive you meant ranked

has canada won a single fucking game at all?

You do know that one trick pony seacuck could've done the same right?

T. Americlap

Sombra when?

>Join game
>Teams roughly equal in SR and levels
>My team doesn't try their best with me getting 4 gold medals and a couple gg ez thrown at me by the end of the match

I don't know why I torment myself with this game.

>just remove the only character that doesn't get your team busted at chokepoints in a chokepoint riddled game

BTFO would be like what happened to Germany or Brazil. 0-2 every match. Losing in a tie breaker is not BTFO. It still doesn't matter, though. Nobody has a chance against the Koreans. /owg/ is still naive and doesn't understand.

>tfw most of the posters saying "NA BTFO LOL" are from shithole 3rd world countries like Chile or Brazil that got wrecked in their games
>Meanwhile USA vs Russia was the most intense and close game in the whole tournament

it would become Cowboy + Ninja vs. Cowboy + Ninja

cowboy way too strong in a 200 hp, no shield world

Halloween event ends tomorrow

Post what you got

0 boxes bought, got all legendaries I wanted. Spent a bit of coin for Ana skin and Mei intro

Koreans winning is nothing new. What matters is who is the closest to Koreans

>genji ult
>team kill


If Russia wins, Putin will make OW official promoted national sport.

>all this USA salt will finally get Genji nerfed


you'll never lay down with mercy after animal like rough sex and wake up to her making you food in the morning
how about those russians tho

>seagull barely playing genji
just why
i do not understand
he did fine on lijang, why play fucking zarya

They beat Brazil 2-0

It'll be Sweden. I still don't care, though. My country is so terrible that we're not even involved.

All of the other games so far required almost no coordination whatsoever. It was just one team walking over the other.

Since when was the emeporer in HoTS?

Just won a QP match against a 4100 SR Zarya.





there is not enough SFM stuff in their alternate costumes


I think a lot of people sucked

Talespin was good when he wasn't diving the enemy team and dying immediately

Seagul looked like ass most of the time, his Genji is okay but he kept fucking up on Zarya.

Overall neither team looked that impressive and it was more like a typical GM rank comp match.

It's mostly Canadians, who are as good at video games as chile and australia.

Already revealed.

Sombra is actually Bramos in spanish team, and can hack LAN to aimbot.

If you can't break a choke in a match where there's no Rein in either sides then I have bad news for you

>germans losing to chile
I already have a huge ass grin on my face and I will laugh even more if that happens

Talespin and Gods are both better DPS players than Seagull, but Gods choked after Route 66 and was tilted for the rest of the games. Should've let Seagull keep playing Genji.

They crushed Brazil with a 3-1-2 comp no Lucio.

Gods got kicked off NRG while still having to play with seagull in the world cup lel

I understand. I'm looking forward to it.

Why Blizzard promotes HotS so much, even more so than Overwatch? No one plays this crap, they cant hope to salvage it at this point and should just abandon it.

Who here hyped for worst Korea vs. Finland?

Westworld keeps getting better and better

>noone tilting or flaming in allchat
>a typical GM rank comp match
maybe if gods could see anything past his cringy ass hoodie he'd miss less shots

>I-I-ill show them I'm not a one trick shitter who only does good when pocketed by a healer

Like fucking pottery.

Blizzard trapped themselves by saying they'll never abandon support for their games while also simultaneously putting out one of the worst MOBAs on the market.



It's also Ana that's the problem, not Genji.

I have been saying it non stop. Genji is still op. But no, you fucktards argued to the death that just because he's the most mobile character, has the strongest ultimate, and has a huge deflect hitbox which makes him temporarily invincible he is not overpowered and the fault was on everyone else failing to get gud.

Sorry I dont watch much TV

What is Westworld?

no one would give a shit even if it was ranked