I was thinking of getting a CS degree and having a software developer job.
what are the most high paying jobs for a software developer.
should I try to work for a bank?
I was thinking of getting a CS degree and having a software developer job.
what are the most high paying jobs for a software developer.
should I try to work for a bank?
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Working at Google is in the 6-digits. The main reason to go to cs is they have the highest base-wage with lowest effort, plus lots of job opportunity. Bottom salary is like 50k, average is like 60-70k starting. Standard after like five years is 100-150k. So, if you're a lazy fuck like most people it's an easy way to make good money.
Gonna piggy back off OP. I just started teaching myself to code/program. What languages would be the best to focus on for future job prospects?
java, javascript, C++, C# and NET, SQL, python, web frameworks, databases, PHP, HTML and CSS.
Awesome, thanks. You a programmer yourself?
I'm self teaching myself to program, have two years self teaching myself java and just trying to get into college.
learning java is a safe bet if you want to get a job.
Ya I have a job right now but it's pretty soul crushing. Also the prospects of mobility don't look great. I'm stoked getting a job as a self taught programmer seems like a viable option
java is a fucking meme, no ones using it anymore seriously, you will be maintaining old bullshit.
Javascript, php, html all go together for webdev, but if you're webdev you want to pick backend (php) or front end (javascript) dont go full retard and try to be fullstack, you're going to kill yourself (but always know how both sides work).
ignore python litearlly until needed, it will teach you horrible things, its mainly useless, its slow as fuck.
databases are mainly for webapplications, learn SQL or Mongo.
C# is a waste of fucking time if you're learning C++, and nokia's QT framework is 10000x better than the .net framework.
Actually embedding yourself into C++ will make you extremely employable for years to come as long as you teach yourself the proper methods of doing things.
If you learn C++ you can develop for nearly any platform you want.
>t. software dev for 10 years, currently writing drivers for a custom piece of hardware in C++ that work on multiple operating systems and
also compsci is a joke, get into electrical engineering if you can, it will make you 10x more employable if you know how both hardware and software works. (warning, lots of math and physics)
This also isnt a field you train for and make money with.
Basically once you get into compsci/EE, you are now in school for litearlly the rest of your life, always learning new things. If you're not learning something new everyday, you're doing something wrong.
Going to school and simply doing course work will not get you a job, thats a fact.
You need to eat, breath, and shit computers for the rest of your life.
By the time you graduate you better fucking have a portfolio of personal projects that have nearly nothing to do with your course work, or you will will probably never find a job.
are you ready?
also NEVER go to a "code bootcamp" 100% waste of money.
a java developer makes 70k
is not a meme.
is literally the most popular language in the industry, or second place.
>NET is a waste of time
good choice but all companies moved away from it years ago.
>t. software dev
funny how you deny how most companies now moved to html5, mobile and the cloud.
You literally say that java is a meme when android is hot shit right now.
>driving drivers
oh, another autist.
>is not a meme.
Funny how i've literally never seen a java job posting before in florida.
You might be able to do some android work with it, but if you need speed you wont be.
The biggest pro of java was the fact it would run litearlly anywhere, which is not the case anymore.
It pays 70K becuase no one wants to maintain 15year old software.
I saw a job posting 6 months ago that was looking for someone with 30+ years of cobol and was starting at 250K.
Are people learning cobol? no its useless in todays world, but if you still know it, you are extremely valuable to someone who needs it, this is why java is making money right now.
>funny how you deny how most companies now moved to html5, mobile and the cloud.
yea, meme startups, html5 would be part of the html spec dumbass.
The company i work for literally couldnt use HTML and python to create our product even if we wanted to.
It doesnt work, for a "real" application, but is more than enough for your website that sells shitty etsy items.
>good choice but all companies moved away from it years ago.
Try working for a real company, you're fucking halarious.
If you need to create custom hardware, you will be using C++ to communicate with the device.
If you need lots of math done, you will be using C++.
Nothing is as fast as c/c++ except pure ASM.
Companies are still using C++ for lots of shit, fuck when i worked at grooveshark we had to build a special piece of software to handle all the MP3 tags.
That was written in C++ because none of the scripting languages were fast enough to handle the throughput.
you think windows is written in java?
do you think photoshop is written in java?
do you think slow ass scripting languages are powering IBMs watson?
do you think any company doing real scientific research are using memes like java?
Well i work for one, and no, we dont, its too fucking slow for processing the data we need.
if you want a job that will last you into the future, learn C++.
>I'm self teaching myself to program, have two years self teaching myself java and just trying to get into college.
You can refute my points when you're working for a company that has over a dozen patents, and sued intel (and HP and Dell) and won.
I make 80K writing c++, because its an extremely useful skill, that will be needed well into the future.
college dropout btw
I don't mean C++ isn't the best language.
I mean java is a safe bet still.
is not a meme language by any means.
Is it a good idea to learn Ruby (on Rails) and to apply specifically for these internships?
The idea is to have less competition. Everyone and his mom is doing Java. And also, I simply like these languages a lot. They finally look line something designed for humans to use.
So If I'm currently learning python do you think I should drop it, I touched on c++ and java a long time ago and am thinking about getting back into it. I think c++ will be the way to go for sure. I also want to learn some html and css, I don't know which direction to take I just want to make a decent salary without a college education.
Learn both. Python is a great scripting language that has a very short development time. C++ is a great all-purpose language. You can't go wrong in knowing one of both. Software companies want people who are capable of learning multiple things. Putting all your eggs in one basket, as Veeky Forums will tell you, is a retarded thing to do.
Thanks man, I appreciate the insight. Just the answer I was looking for.
I just want to mention that programming is all about doing. Practice, practice, practice has never been a more accurate philosophy in anything else.
Only do it if you genuinely enjoy writing software. I've been in it since 98. There is nobody worse than a developer who does it for they money.
You're going to suck and be highly and noticeably mediocre compared to anyone who loves doing it. I see it every day. The pay wont be that good, because those of us genuinely obsessed with software development will see you instantly.
Pick something else if you're doing it for money.
Any tips for a programmer trying to break into the industry with no degree? Portfolio ideas, resume tips, etc?
This is literally the easiest industry to break into.
Its starved for talent. Have a GitHub account that shows genuine interest in software development.
Either through own demonstrable projects (demos, live websites) or through contributions to libraries.
You'll get entry job fairly easy. 1-2 years there, and you'll likely get 2X salary increase.
If you can stomach beginner levels of c# or node or client side scripting - like typescript, or maybe your thing is embedded drivers in C... have something running and you'll get in.
I have no degree in comp sci. I make 120k a year doing node, c#, f#, c++, javascript (typescript) and mobile apps.
* sorry mean to say contributions to other popular community projects, not libraries.
I was always under the impression that a new programmer would have nothing to add to already established open source projects. I don't know what I could do to benefit them.
Fix bugs. Add requested features. There is plenty.
For instance if you're into .net dev, whole community is switching to .net core right now. They need a lot of help.
Most of work is just filling out templates and resolving dependencies.
Thanks. What's the best way to find a suitable project for this sort of thing? Just browse GitHub?
I don't know what your interests are.
For example If you are into ruby... maybe try elixir. I wish I had time for elixir. Such awesome technology. Needs drivers and more developers. Jobs popping out everywhere, these guys are willing to teach. Massive growth potential because its essentially running mass-scale framework (erlang vm).
Interests are security, malware, embedded systems, etc. Anything considered blackhat, which I assume is not actively developed on GitHub. I could be wrong.
In terms of languages, C, C++ and Python. Not much of a web guy, though maybe I should be.
Look into node.js and pen-test tools. GitHub is full of them. Node is an awesome lightweight easy to use networking framework.
I just had to write ping flood for work project, found one on github, modified, added features and submitted pull. Got accepted next day.
Look for Ping flooders, scanners, probers etc. New vulnerabilities coming out every day. How about that iOS one with image meta-data? Anything out for that?
I assume you're already running Kali, and or Metasploit? Are those still relevant? My pen-test days are behind me but you may need ruby if you're into that, since metasploit was all ruby iirc.
I'll do that. One of my buddies worships node.js so maybe it's justified.
I'm familiar with Metasploit but not in the actual writing of exploits, only in using them. Writing exploits is outside of my abilities for now. That doesn't mean it's not interesting nor fascinating to me.
Thanks for the advice.
Above all, develop obsessive interest. That is the golden key.
Lack of motivation has been a stopping force for me in the past but I feel as if I'm ready to move past that. I need to.
How old are you if you don't mind me asking?
Metasploit is automation framework. So you can work on fairly high level there. No need to write your own exploits.
Node is excellent. Please use ES6 syntax (pro tip). Learn to write node c++ plugins with node-gyp etc. A lot of node jokeys are browser kiddies with little to offer besides buzzwords, your c++ knowledge will set you apart there.
For instance c++ library integration and packaging with multi threading and callbacks to node. Get some modules published on NPM. Instantly sets you apart by miles. Fuck, I'll hire you!
At 25, do you think I'm too old to be getting into the industry? I feel as if I should've had my first developer job 5 years ago.
No. Industry completely starved. You'll get hired if you have a pulse and know how to open and IDE.
We have 50 year old circuit board guys getting into embedded driver development at work in hopes of promotion. They will probably get the promotion.
Software development is fucking hard for most ppl.
Your gif speaks to me in ways I'm not sure you intended. Thank you.
I have to agree with you there though, programming is hard. That's one of the things that drives me to lose motivation. There's still so much I don't understand.
somewhat intentional :]
stick with it, it gets easier and exponentially more rewarding.
I completed 2.5 years of a BSc in Computer Science. Is it detrimental or beneficial to include that on my resume? On the one hand, it looks good to have any education, but on the other it implies I like to start things I can't finish.
Torn on that.
Wouldn't include unless you can come up with a very good reason for not finishing.
just get some experience, and you should be ok.
entry jobs wont care.
Appreciate the advice.
Bro, I did computer science in high school for 3 years. I did pre ap, ap and 2 ap classes, which focused used java as a language. I ended up studying economics but remember most of the concepts (data structures/big o notation/ object oriented design etc). I can do algorithms, logic and other high level functions but if I was asked to write a program to manually acces the data in a drive I wouldn't know what to do.
Do you think this is something i can realisticly make a career change into?
I'd probably need to be in the low $60k's to live comfortably . Do you have any advice, don't really have a portfolio, just a couple of unfinished projects I started over the past few years.