/tsg/ Sims General

Life Support Edition

>Official News:

>Patch Notes for The Sims 4:

>General Sims Information:

>Expansion Evaluation:
The Sims 3: a.pomf.cat/dhgjdd.pdf

>Game Cracks:


>Gallery Tag:
#ts4vg (Enable Custom Content in left pane)

>Mods and Custom Content:
- Maxis Match for Sims 4: pastebin.com/wS3a2En9
- Sims 4 and 3: pastebin.com/TBqj7S7b
- Sims 2: pastebin.com/eYZvWXYs
- Adult CC: pastebin.com/Qr7a989F


>/tsg/ Creations:


Other urls found in this thread:


City Living more like City Dying


Not like this

crack for city living when

probably before december

Previous thread:

Previous thread: I can't believe I messed up that bad

What is the fucking point. The Sims 4 is a failure, everyone's left to jerk each other off in the Discord. Let the thread die and just forget about it. Shitty Living isn't going to save anything.

If you're this pessimistic about the game then why haven't you questioned your own existence yet?

Because I'm going to live longer than this dead fucking game, idiot.

Where can I pirate 3 and 4?

Also, which one has the best character creator?

Magnet links should be in the OP, the only sims game lacking in character creator is sims 1. S3 CAS is ultra laggy depending on how many eps and sps you got in though

Did City Living come out yet?

The sims series has lived on for 16 years, the franchise already has you beat my man

The best time for this thread is when people share their own stories which is essentially one of the reasons why the franchise is still alive. I miss Maxwell Strongman. ;_;

lool Maxis have already said there wont be a Sims 5. kys

W-why would you say such a thing, user? My feelings are so hurt.
proof me, m8


Someone hasn't been paying any attention.


>My grandpa has lived for eighty years
>Therefore he'll live forever!

My HDD died and I lost everything, can someone share their CC folder?

post nudes

Nigga it says if the sims 4 doesn't sell. Ts4 base game sold over 5million copies, and we're only in year 2. But by all means, continue being a pessimist

lol Have you seen the official forums? The overall reaction? Just because the basegame sold well (as if five million is enough for EA), if the expansions don't sell, which they aren't, it'll die. But by all means, continue being a retard.

>Its just a girl with dog ears

Yeah, I browse the forums. Point is regardless of how many people throw a bitch fit there's still going to be that group of die hard fans that will forever suck the teat of EA's jewery. The franchise is an expensive one and will probably always be funded by shills. How else would it have survived thus far? I mean I get that ts3 was a great game, but no great game is worth like 500$. It's an easy concept to understand yet I'm the retard, ok. Please continue to be a faggot.

>I think its a good game therefore people will always fund it
>Implying EA wont drop it at the first sign it isn't doing well
>Implying EA isn't already cutting their funding
>Implying the fans aren't slowly but surely peeling off
>Implying this thread isn't proof of that
>Implying that takes anything more than a total retard to understand

As if a girl with slanted eyes and cat ears is somehow inherently better

I'll post a couple on the booru later.

What the fuck are you talking about?


I realize now why these threads fail nowadays.
hint, it's not because of the discord.


So how is City Living? It's the first Sims expansion I haven't pre-ordered, due to lack of excitement on my part. It doesn't seem as good as I want it to be. And they no longer implement life states. That has always been a fun part of the sims.

>hint, it's not because of the discord.
Thanks for clearing that up, asshole. You made your point so well there's no question of the obscure, likely retarded point you were making.

And I'll bet it's because no one likes your dog bitch girl.

I haven't bought a single sims 4 game, and I won't be buying this one. I eagerly await the crack, however.

>I'll bet it's because no one likes your dog bitch girl.
Looks like someone's buttblased after seeing their precious catgirl get zapped to death

dude let it go already

Oh God, you're back on this again? When are you going to get over her?

waifus just tear us apart
haven't you seen what happened to /tesg/?

Jesus Christ, that's what this is about? That's fucking pathetic.

This is why these threads are dying.

Threads are dying because no one posts their stories anymore, and/or no one comments on them.

>waifus just tear us apart
I think we all know what the thread's new theme is then
It's vid related

I already have, but I'm a man of action, instead of ignoring conflict and bottling up negativity I go full speed ahead into the middle of the warzone

They don't even look like dog ears.

Does doggirl have dogtail

That's more the fault of the person who made the meshes for them, they have the shape of them, but they need better textures

>instead of ignoring conflict and bottling up negativity I go full speed ahead into the middle of the warzone
And in doing so you contribute to shitposting.

was right

>blame the person who made the mesh for your poor choice in mods

Does anyone know who in the discord the dog girl belongs to?

I will post a short story for you, one I found after almost a year of having saved an old sims save folder in a different directory to restart the game. I completely forgot about it until today.

>Insert Sim
Looking pretty hot, probably took me 6 hours just to make because inner autist.

I don't care if I'm contributing to shitposting, it won't matter unless there's a set standard for quality content

Why would you like to know?

not the same person, and it wasn't an obscure point? In every thread that pops up there's always a group of people bitching that discord is killing the thread. Welcome, newfag


>Sim buys empty plot of land to build a house on

Fuck that. I took 6 hours to make her, I don't have time to build a house.


snag one from the gallery?

>The thread is dying because people say the thread is dying
Do you have trouble with reading comprehension? I want to know what IS killing the thread.

>Sim greets neighbors
Ah, good, the Goth family lives nearby. I'll just make friends, steal some food, maybe take a shower if my sim can get away with it.

>Bella Goth suspects something amiss with new neighbor
Bella is looking pretty great in this game, actually.

I could've done that but.... lazy.

So this is my first time in the Goth home and I'm thinking this is actually pretty swank. Who needs a home when you could just steal your neighbor's, right?

Thanks, user. I thought it was.

>Making friends with Bella goth is actually pretty easy
>"You know what you need, Bella? A NANNY! It just so happens I could totally fit that role."

Yes, my sim is going to be their live-in nanny. Make school food for the little Goth tot. Do whatever it is with Cassandra that teenage Goth girls like to do, or whatever. Listen to My Chemical Romance, maybe. Not sure these days.

Yeah, it's past my bedtime. Everyone's pointing fingers at eachother, complaining about the circle jerk and Ree? and the discord and saying there's no stories being written or new sims being posted but don't post anything themselves. It gets tiresome after awhile, and when people do actually do new things they either get called a fag or go unnoticed because everyone's too busy bickering, or have entirely left the thread, 'cause whats the point anymore?
Before you call me out, I have attempted to post new sims and stories, but you can guess what happened. I don't like posting here anymore for these reasons.
TL;DR: threads became too toxic

>Bella Goth, best friend? Check.
>Move in to new house? check.

Well if your dog girls any indication, your sims were probably awful.

>>The thread is dying because people say the thread is dying
Wouldn't that count as a form of meme magic due to a collective of people saying it and then it eventually becoming reality?

Nobody really knows at this point, there's lots of guesses, ranging form group chats, to shitposting, to traffic, and even samefagging, I tend to think it's a combination of things, in this case a mix of traffic, overly high bump limit, and the release of more popular new FPS titles like Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty

So a hot Mary Poppins?
Again, am not doggirl user

>Hating on Liongirl
What's your problem, man?

That wasn't Hawk, I am, if I thought these threads were toxic I wouldn't be posting in them, but I do because I don't care about how toxic a thread is, those toxins will either kill it on the spot or give way for the thread to mutate into something we can no longer recognize as being /tsg/

Toxic is why we come to Veeky Forums my dear user, to wallow in the radioactivity and rapid decay in an anonymous environment. Mmm bliss.

Bella's head is surprisingly huge, and Cassandra Goth is a ham. Get out of the picture kid, you're getting shipped off to boarding school as soon as I kill your mom and marry your dad.

I'm not talking about Liongirl, Liongirl has intentionally exaggerated catlike features so the eyes blend in well with the face, I was referring to a different catgirl

Eeh, this thread used to be better than that. There's gotta be a bit of goodness to that toxicity, otherwise it just becomes a series of shitty anons shitting on eachother. Ya feel me?
and ooooh, are you doing the black widow challenge?

>I don't care about how toxic a thread is, those toxins will either kill it on the spot or give way for the thread to mutate into something we can no longer recognize as being /tsg/
Which part of that philosophy serves the thread and not just you? Sounds like you're justifying acting like a massive asshole.

What different catgirl?

Hot Mary Poppins? I like that. For the next few screenshots, I keep taking pictures of her cooking food for some reason.

>Sim cooks food.
>Not shown: Quietly makes friends with Mortimer Goth and rest of family.

I totally feel you. Ah, I can't do challenges. I start, then quit and make a new sim or stop playing for a week, forget what i was doing, and then make a new sim.

>Sim cooks more food, probably poisons food.
She looks so devious, like she's so excited about her poisoning attempt on the family.

>"Oh Bella? Come here and taste this Mac N Cheese I made just for you!"

Who here still /sims3/?

Felicity Katz, Ree's main sim, her ears and tail look out of place considering how normal her face is, the only vaguely catlike features she has are wide slanted eyes, while the rest of her face is quite normal.

she's fucking hot

Apart from her eyes, she sounds exactly like dog girl.

>Cassandra: "What's this unique flavor?"
>Cassandra: "Far out!" Omnomnomnomnom.


I haven't had the patience for any of them lately. I just start and then stop and don't touch it for months

So when you're a live-in nanny and your employers are rich, you have plenty of time to pursue the noble art of twinkle twinkle little star and chopsticks.
>And plot your next move for muuuuurderrrrrrr



Where are all the hot sim mamas?

Same actually, I usually just make a family. Set the game down for a couple months and then repeat.
When I do actually play the game I have to use cheats I don't have the patience to play legit anymore.


>Lothario, you greedy fuck with two drinks. Are you happy I'm doing your job for you?

She looks just like Mary


no you

Dear Sim, please stop trying to cook. Your poisoning attempts aren't working and are giving people the runs instead.

I don't understand, is it just Mary?


>Sim does some actual nanny work and helps the Both boy with homework.
Aww they're becoming friends, right? The story is back on track... right?

Then you have a serious sameface problem

Ok, so I didn't use mods at this point, pure vanilla game. And I get this:

>Alexander Goth starts walking around naked.
The fuck is this entrapment, get out I don't need jailbait/rock the cradle in this story


Could you please stop?

Sim. No. Stop.

Story derailed. Game over.

No, seriously, game over. This is the last screenshot. I have no idea what happened at this point or where she got a kid from.


Thanks. That was getting kinda cringey.

Or you've managed to be able to pick out the little things about a sim's face, facial differences don't have to be drastic for two sims to look different

I'll be alright.