/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

MHXX (Double Cross) announced

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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nth for PLS HELP ME

Remember to thank Sony for MH5



Remember to Fashion your Felyne!


>Sony desperate for Japan
>Game being changed to be more acceptable to the west

That doesn't add up all that well

I love my lagi


What does it look like?

No matter how you change it it still carries the MH brand name.

a SHOCKING battle

Horns everywhere
Right down to the arms, torso, waist and legs.
Its got even horns for tits and a horn-dick


Is the CB the faggot looking version of SnS?

Holy shit deviant diablos armour looks even more edgy than gore armour.

I like it.

I bet it gives Diablos Soul (Quick Draw + Punish Draw), Sharpness +2 and Focus.


Remember to kick and ban Aria on sight!


I really liked the Diablos X set so if it's as good looking as that I'm satisfied. I just hope its skills aren't complete garbage. Give it focus, crit draw, punishing draw, quick sheath, and HGE innately.

i love this watermelon

It's probably Tremor Res, Hearing, Adrenaline, and maybe Quick or Punish.

Check out the part 5 of the gameplay stream of MHXX where they fight Barioth in Arctic Ridge.

Ita literally blacker than black my soul is edgelord tier.

Has a cape too.

What exactly did they do to deserve this meme'ing on?

Happy Halloween, /mhg/. Keep it spooky.



Shes a qt frog girl.

Got a link to it? I searched on google and youtube but just got results for the initial reveal.

>artist just draws cute pokemon and occasional monsters
>chibi monster porn out of fucking nowhere
Not that I'm complaining but

Is Plushanon here

you're like 4-5 years late

Any notable SnS I should be making? I wanna main it and I already got Memeprize, HB and Daze Eye

I like hunting with Aria. Merci pour le chasse!

I wanna try going back to 3U, I miss the amazing balance and variety of that game.
Is there anyone left playing it?

>there are people in this thread right now who have the kind of disposable income to have imported plushie collections and still enough time to hunt
Teach me your ways

I'd love to have a horde of monster plushies but I'm more financially responsible than that

Give it S+2 instead of HGE. You can always block roars.

What is Aria's main weapon?

But I'm a shitter and want a free level 3 opportunity. I bring traps too!

I'd like to see this scene in plush form

I'll join a room (tomorrow) if someone posts one.


I also bring traps. Give me the disposable earplugs back, please!


Will they go back to having Sharpness +1 again? If not, hopefully they will make Honed Blade as easy to get as in 4U

A pet Diablos


Literally searched Monster Hunter XX gameplay and found it.



>I'm financially responsible
>owns a 3DS and Gen

3ds was a birthday gift and I buy maybe 2 or 3 games a year

Come to think of it, another few would be nice.

>mfw they bring back honed blade but it only gives sharpness+1 with attack up L and +2 still exists

I wouldn't spend it on shit like plushes though.

Any cool male hunter figures to buy?

>lance still has that awful slow third stab
>adept still not nerfed
>absolute evasion not nerfed

>tfw I wanna come back to MH but it keeps reminding me of the person who introduced me to the series, my ex.

>Low rank gameplay

by financially responsible I really meant I have an income but it all goes to tuition

Thanks for doing all the work while I relaxed! :^)

Don't waste money on garbage like the 3DS and 4th gen games.

>literally took me 1 second



What armor is the LS player using? I see the Hammer is using the Diablos one, which means no Focus or Crit Draw. Watch that shit have KO King as part of a compound skill.

Generations male vs female overall armor designs.
Which is better in your opinion?

>your ex

The armor sets in the demo are just cosmetic dude. They don't have any armor skills.

Help me

Just play Striker Lance, it's pretty much the old Guild style anyway.

but Striker is just charge spam.
Lance should be forward and upward stabs and NOTHING MORE.

It doesn't mean anything. I mean look back at the demo we had. The greatsword had fucking glavenus armor, LBG had maccao shit. They just slapped together what looks good. But if you're right and it has some retarded skill jumble I'll kill myself.

Master the game.
Master your inner demons.
I buried my self in Armored Core when shit went south for me.

It's an Ichinose game, everything that isn't Rathalos only gets shit skills in Ichinose games

Maybe it is if you play with fucking retards that just charge over and over even at point blank.. Striker has the old pokes back. That's what you get. Pokes, up pokes, counter pokes.

I'll be your male hunter figure if you can spring me the 200 bucks I'm short on rent

Except using the charge finisher as often as possible is the optimal way to play it.

Sure kiddo

If the XX Prowler gameplay doesn't include Cringe Armor I will cringe harder than before

Pretty sure its the Mizutsune armour.

That sounds boring as fuck and I'm gonna just pkay Striker like it's the old Guild style and have a grand ol' time.

But what armor was the LS user wearing?

Which weapons rely the most on elemental damage?

>tfw save data got corrupted
Well that's 500 hours of gen down the drain.

On the bright side my item box isn't full anymore.

Well shit, looks like you answered for too.

DB, maybe SnS?


Were you save editting?

Elemental Phial CB

>500 hours of gen
how even

I should be over 300 now, though I want to say at least 35 hours were spent running Coal Hearted.

>500 hours
user, I'm so s-
Nothing of value was lost


Well fair enough

I'm trying to decide which other plushes I'd actually get


>HBG vs green plesioth without EE
make it stop

Nah. Don't even have homebrew on the 3DS. I was hunting online with randoms and just closed the 3DS on the save screen after a hunt before putting it in my pocket. When I pulled my 3DS out I saw that my cart was halfway out of the slot. So yeah it was mostly my fault.
Coal Hearted.

Good news unlucky hunter. I started over as well. If you can bother to even look at Gen, maybe we can hunt later on.

We can suffer together.

On the bright side, losing that 500 hours means you can regain those hours in XX/Ult. Gens

>doing coal hearted more than once

He looks bored.

He became too coal-hearted to appreciate the joys of hunting again


JetBlackFalcon has 3 jet bursts on each of its wings and together they make 6. A recurring theme in XX is the number 6.

Coincidence? Please add my finding to r/monsterhunter.

Why not cheer him up by telling him your name
