>no wavers didn't buy the dip
wew lads
No wavers didn't buy the dip
"waving bye bye" to some bagholders in this latest dip. See you later suckers.
Not selling a single wave until it hits $3 or more here.
will crack 1$ this year
this is ethereum all over again
Buy orders back up to 400BTC !
So glad i didnt sell
It's down .84% today guys...
They're just going to get hacked again.
Pull funds now before you lose everything.
sell your waves before they drop even further...
>you didn't sell at 56k
Every coin is getting shit on.
Holding on to my waves, wish me luck.
Whoever the retard is that is shilling WAVES, you realize that everyone sold when it opened at about double what us investors paid yeah? hehe, stay mad kiddo.
>he thinks whales are satisfy with double.
It's to shake you out while they go for higher then you end up buying back in
b-but muh waaaaves
you can literally see waves distribution on bittrex, nobody sold among the whales
>b-b-but muh fan-fic
keep coping nigger
the only retards who are able to get a coin hacked are ethereum niggers. Vitalik, is that you? Go back to work faggot, you can't code for shit
Lol. Keep coping, bagholder.
>implying I ever bought any
On my phone different id but come on man im not that dumb
>im not that dumb
Probably another leg down tomorrow.
I'm telling everyone I know who was, to dump this shit while they still have time.
You're doing the Lord's work trying to help these poor souls. I get it because a lot of Veeky Forums shitcoin pumps do pan out but waves is so bad
I can account for a few thousand I talked people into dumping today and yesterday.
I know a guy who's part of a crypto group, if I can convince him, he'll get all of them to unload too.
>few thousand people dumping and it only drop ~15%
Guess you only know poor people.
Git gud and into real crypto groups. Whales haven't dump yet.
A few thousand coins, dumbfuck.
You think I talked to thousands of people in two days?
What a maroon.
>waves is so bad
I see a lot of FUD but no actual criticisms.
>implying I didn't buy at 25k
I bought even more today at 49k fyi, it's still low as fuck
>trying to convince people to stay poor
give up nigger, it's only going up from now on, you lost your change to buy in the 20k and 30k range
>a few thousands coins
Lol. Do you even know how to read a graph? There's not even a 500 coin dump
You're a retard.
Have fun holding those bags.
he knows that waves is revolutionary, he is just hoping that if he FUDs enough it will go down, or he is legit retarded
have fun staying poor
It's ok, most of the people I've talked to are looking for an excuse to dump your shitcoin.
Soon it will be out with the garbage.
>still no argument whatsoever
you are really bad at this, nigger
I don't need an argument.
Plenty of people are skeptical of this shit to begin with. It doesn't take much to convince some to sell, and even less to talk others out of buying it in the first place.
>I don't need an argument.
so you are legit retarded after all
People are willing to do it even without an argument.
That's how great a reputation this manure has.
In other words, you are just spreading FUD to get the price lower.
Tell you what. I have a couple hundred dollars' worth. Convince me this coin is overvalued shit and I'll dump it tonight.
user stop, you're embarassing yourself
>get the price lower
You shouldn't have a problem with that. It'll just enable you to buy more at a cheaper price.
It's ok, I know dem feels. I had hope in worthless coins once, too..
>no argument: the post
Like I said, who needs an argument when people are already looking to get rid of it?
nobody is looking to get rid of it
I wasn't before, but I'm considering it now.
What the fuck is going on here? I thought Waves had a lot of advantages.
Now it sounds like I might get stuck with something that loses value.
get rid of it if you want. Just don't come back crying when you regret it in 10 days
>1 post by this ID.
>no actual reason, just taking baseless FUD at face value
Are you TaQzr7if?
this is kind of confusing
I've heard good things about it, but most of these threads are people arguing.
One guy talks it up constantly while another says it's garbage & he's lost money already
Where can I get charts for this?
The guy saying it's garbage has already admitted he has no argument against it. He is just spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt to make people dump so he can buy it up cheap.
Do your own research and you'll see Waves is going up.
Just go on bittrex.com and look for waves/btc
The website for waves can be found by googling wavesplatform
There is a reason why they don't want you in that group...
Here you go, sonny jim.
and as you can see, there's a lot of people who wants to buy, and not many who want to sell
as soon as this shit is on poloniex, it's doubling in price at the very least.
You can probably smell the desperation in these posts.
I'd make the right call and dump it sooner than later. Just check back on the board for Waves threads. You'll see what I mean.
Yes, please dump more, I'll have my buy order waiting.
I dunno, not investing too much into waves but I am still investing, bought some before I saw the shilling/arguing here, as of now I'm still making a profit and other than posts here I see no reason for it to fall, only rise, especially when it gets listed and when full nodes released, probably not the moooon people say, but up nonetheless.
Why do you think it's going to dump?
It's very likely going to be added to Poloniex soon... price will double if that happens.
[citation needed]
Those seem to be somewhat lacking around here, and that's putting it nicely.
Waist high in bullshit would be much more accurate.
>mfw I realize I could crash the price down to 30k satoshis in one sell order.
do it, so I can buy more cheap
>tfw when I'm one of the top 50 waves holder
Gonna moon soon.
I'll rather put up a sell wall of a few 100btcs so you can't push the price up anymore. And I can keep buying more, have fun staring at my wall lol!
this shits gonna moon once it hits poloniex, last chance to buy below 50k price or regret being poor.
Its already creeping up in value
It's holding in price even though btc is up. Good sign
yep. Second moon wave starting soon
I think a bull flag will form between 45000 and 54000. Then in about 2 days it will go to $1 over the next 3 days. So basically you have 5 days before it will be $1
What are waves and how are they better than alternatives?
Why buy ZCASH that is centralised when MONERO does the same thing, but better and is decentralised? Makes 0 sense.
>have fun staying poor
Makes no sense. Why would have have fun staying poor? Illogical statement.
>he knows that waves is revolutionary, he is just hoping that if he FUDs enough it will go down, or he is legit retarded
What is revolutionary about Waves? What are intrinsic values and fundamental analysis that you conducted that made you believe Waves is better than any other alt project?
>roleplaying on a chinese competitive majohng board
still waiting for that wall faggot
>Makes no sense. Why would have have fun staying poor? Illogical statement.
are you retarded?
>What is revolutionary about Waves? What are intrinsic values and fundamental analysis that you conducted that made you believe Waves is better than any other alt project?
read the whitepaper
Its a slimmed down version of the most successful parts of NXT.
Sacha and many contributors to waves worked with NXT and other projects, it is the most technically inpressive crypo platforms and comes with great end usability and good business links withh fiat gateways allowing the trading of fiat and crypto tokens very quickly within the platform. Also allows you to crowdfund by issuing custom tokens with automatic dividend payments and other features.
It's pretty kick ass actually
If WAVES are great, why can't you buy them on Poloniex or Kraken?
Polo will list when nodes are released. Don't know any news about kraken.
who gives a shit about that shit exchange?
they will add Waves when full nodes are out, but apparently the dex could also be released at the same time or soon after, so who cares? Waves will replace poloniex anyway
Waves bubbling up.
How are Waves better than Ethereum?
it's not possible to hack. also you can use it to trade fiat currencies.
How is it possible to hack Ethereum?
you can DDOS it with it's own smart contracts. an unforseen consequence.
with a chewingum, a pencil and some spit
Zcrash typical pump and dump happened. Waves is still holding up because of strong technology, and potential applications
Are Waves actually being used anywhere? Where?
they call it waves cuz the market chart is gonna looks like a downward trend of pump and dump waves
not yet. Full nodes and decentralised exchange coming in November if I am not mistaken
The only thing good about it is the logo
I've read the whitpaper during the ico and thought it was shit, you have yet to give one reason of why its not
Its pathetic watching NEETs desperately shilling shitcoins they put $100 into, if it does go up based of it just being a pump and dump you are prob gonna be the last one to sell bagholding too
You are right the logo is very good.
Waves has the technology and potential for mainstream adoption. Once development is completed, Sasha has said he will go into marketing overdrive which will result in a lot more hype. Read through the Q&A transcripts, he has already secured partnerships with major financial institutions
keep coping nigger, if you unironically think the most advanced project in crypto right now is "shit" then you need to get your brain checked or directly kys. Retards like you wouln't know a good deal if it hit them in the face and broke all their teeth.
Made 0.06btc from monero after the zcrash, transferring half the profit to waves, just don't know when to buy waves as they are pretty wavy with prices right now
Is it worth to buy in now? It's just under 50k range.
yes, x5 sure thing
please get better at sameposting friend.
It seems that it's going to go down again, I will buy in the next dip.
It is going down.
lol@this thread
feels like mentally handicapped teenagers have taken over shilling shitcoins
it isn't, are you blind nigger?
not an argument, but thank you for the (you)s
Or everyone knows something you don't
Walla Street now working with Waves.
Waves on Wallstreet NASDAK.
GUARANTEED high price BUY now!!!!
This is just sad
if only there was some moderation, maybe this board wouldn't be so useless
>not recognizing false-flag posts
Can't wait for Polo to add waves tho