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We should have a 6 person brawl with fists, shirtless.

reminder that DaS2 players will try to say it's the best game in the series just because you can choose from 8 mediocre+1 entertaining bosses to fight first

Whats a moonlight gs build where you don't have shit vig end and and don't hit like wet paper?

reminder that III fans think their game is the best in the series, even though their WAs are recycled, the armor seams are terrible, and that they have epic "Lord of Cinder" fights.


Spear Chucker here. Finally got Xanthous Ashes.

How do I look? Combined it with Brigadier arms/legs, seems to match pretty damn well. Should I change anything back to master's attire/loincloth stuff, or something else, or does this look perfect?

Think I'm gonna stay at SL56 for awhile, see how it goes with central irithyll invasions, also doing some blue sentinel stuff which has been a ton of fun at this level. Such a different experience from the hundreds of hours I put into SL120 pontiff dueling shit.

>join a random "tournament" on twitch
>get dq'd for using kirk's armor rolling to get kills


that's pretty neat, i like it. Nice change of pace from all the generic waifus and freakshows.

You should have a wooden shield.

>only valid complaint lodged is a visual bug and weapon arts being the same on like 12 weapons

one where you don't got to 60 int, meaning you can't cast because of From's retarded back-weighted scaling
also shit att


Is no good hombre.

Need wargood wooden and loincloth

Where is this supposed weapon variety in DaS III?

>using kirk's armor
why don't you try bloodlust too

>edgelord mc edge

what is the weapon variety in DaS2
I know in 1 it was Claymore/WP/Murakumo

>expecting fun from the dark souls fight club community

i made that mistake once upon a time as well. It seems like something you'd like to be a part of, but you really don't want to be a part of... that.

The Lord of Cinder fights are shit, though.

>Ganksquad that you can backstab
>Two gay brothers that refuse to die
>A giant retard killed with a meme weapon
>A digested tranny that you in circles around

Wow, such great fights.

Did Miyazaki ever admitted having feet fetish or it's automatically included in the giantess fetish pack?

>Bladed claws for both hands

Cool, I can cosplay as Voldo now.

So only vaati is left from the old guard?

>A digested tranny that you in circles around
What did he mean by this?

Chaos Blade, Chaos Rapier, Washing Pole, Blacksteel Katana, FUGs, Estoc, Santier's Spear, Yorgh's Spear, Warped Sword, Vanquisher's Seal, Dragonbone Fist, and Greatsword.

Already more than III.

kind of reminds you of the lord souls fights in all the dark souls games? All piss easy and/or gimmicky shit. I bet you thought Nito and Seathe were going to be intense badass end game boss battles, huh? I know i sure thought so when i first started. Bed of chaos was a real treat.

>a digested tranny

he's not a tranny m8 he's a female (male)

So wargod and loincloth as the only changes?


Made an alternative build using rouged hollow wardens memeblades. Still uses right eye ring but drops the old wolf sword.

>inb4 caestus
it's also hollow infused for the 5 extra luck, that's all it exists for

remove shirt

Automatically included

So dsg, is the Exile cgs the best cgs? Also, why is it so hard to use sharp infusion in this game without intentionally handicapping yourself?

Every Souls DLC is based around a fetish.
Ivory - Beastiallity
Sunken - Cuckolding
Old Iron - Exhibition
AoTA - Corruption/Size Difference
TOH - Cuckolding/Beastiality
AoA - Feet

>messages can be rated good or bad
>but you can't see how they're rated, just that they have been rated

But we wuz kangz 'n shiieet, look at dat bling nigga.

>chaos blade, estoc, ice rapier

Seathe is one of the hardest bosses that you fight in the series if you want his tail.

Nito sucks, but at least the Four Kings are hard NG+

They're all still shit, but still.


I don't really care for your DaS1vDaS2vDaS3 debate, I just want a fun weapon to play this fucking game with.

kangz don't need shirt because that obstructs the hoes from polishing your pectorals

degenerate scum

Gwyn was the best final boss on the series.

I don't get most of them

Care to ruin the joke explaining them?

Soul of cinder is better.


Gehrman is the best final boss of any soulslike game. Got right up out of his wheelchair to whoop your ass.

where the fuck you think you are

>trying to make a moonlight build
>play ring around the rosy for an hour and half

no wonder that weapon was so broken. You had to go through a mental breakdown just to get it.

Allant(the real one) is the best. Unfortunately, players only want a self-wanking power contest that breaks the lore over its knee(Soul Of Cinder)

But could you beat him in his prime?

He isn't in the dark souls series

Can someone host a FC at Halfway Fortress?


>someone on the losing team down the pointing down emote

fightclub where

Who's that cuckolding? Alternatively, which of them are being cuckolded?

First playthrough per game

>Beat vanguard
>get killed by dragon god after, decided game was bullshit and forced me to die, drop game

play das1
>enjoy game

play das2
>enjoy game

play bb
>get to guy in wheel chair and say yes to his question
>game ends
how dissapointing, didnt care enough to start over

>play das3
>enjoyed soc because of music but didnt care for fight until i did it sl1, then realized how well made it is (its not)

They've been doing that since day one of DaS3's release.
Any raid group Fallen Knight fgts who manage the extraordinary task of beating an invader 4v1 feel it is their duty to point down, without realising that they haven't ever really won.

Gehrman in his prime probably WASN'T as strong as the Gehrman we fight. He was being beefed up by the Moon Presence.

He could most likely still whoop werewolf ass up and down every street in yharnam but he wouldn't have godmode toggled

>down the pointing down emote

>invisible blowjob from Aava
>alternatively fucking Aava from behind when he's invisible

I hope not.
Feet are a shit-tier non-filth fetish right after armpits.


>Learned to make Dancer my personal bitch on the JP version before release with a +2 fucking weapon and dick for health

>There are people that, now, in the current year, at this very moment, actually need to fucking summon for Dancer, at level 60-80

Imagine if Vaati isn't a shill and does it for free

You're not invited Jack.

>beat her first try with only 5 estus right after yhorm

>duel at pontiff
>poorfags who can't afford the dlc

>duel at arena
>meta minmax faggots
>faggots that run away to get a draw
>blessed weapon, blessed shield, chime, replenishment fags

>Corruption/Size Difference
No wonder it's the best DLC.

How come no one ever duels in the in arena with the dsg password

people want fightclubs all the time, but dont want to duel dsg people in arena now?

wanna get fucked up

literally who

Says the ass guy

>tfw you pull off the L2 > R2 with the Quakestone Hammer

Ariandel = Ariamis?

>used a +2 weapon
>had dick HP

why bother post if you are just going to be a shitter casual babby.


you can fight my blown out pussy with your little shrimp baby dick in the club

t. Claire

how will anyone know how unique and famous i am if i'm only fighting one person at a time

t. Claire

shut up fag

>tfw some little sabre bitch has been all up in your face, and you 100 to 0 him with an L2>R2

who the fuck is claire

Ariandel is the restorer of the painting
Ariamis is either the OG painter or another restorer as well

>Stalk a host and his phantoms in the DLC
>They go on the bridge
>I break it and they die

I love invading here

just another attention whore and his fan club. business as usual in /dsg/

Why is /dsg/ so against the GS meta. I am using the GS of Judgement and love it.

I would rather use that, then a fiddly little rapier or a mace.

Wanting to do a Quality/Faith build, whats a good stat distribution?

Im SL90 at the moment and Ive got 30 Vig, 30 End, 18 STR, 22 Dex and 35 FTH (40 with ring)

Im also using Follower Sabre (I dont PVP so dont sperg on me)

>implying asses mean anal

>(i don't pvp

looks fine, man.

umm, how the fuck don't you know me? i'm the most relevant celebrity this shithole has ever had, and you have the audacity to ask who i am?? you know what? who the fuck ARE YOU?!? YOU LITTLE SNIVELING BITCH, DON'T YOU KNOW I'M A GIRL? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU NECKBEARD FUCKING FREAK? MY NAME IS CLAIRE, AND YOU DAMN FUCKING WELL BETTER REMEMBER IT BITCH!

t. Claire

Favorite weapon to PvE with in Dark Souls 3?

OH LOOK, someone from the discord channel is having a meltdown that claire is mentioned more than they are

Vincente, is that you?

>Get hit by the WA
>Survive, stand back up and use spiked mace
>Kill him with the WA

Quakestone should be stronger imo

Wooden mallet. First souls game to finally have one. I love it

The fucking counter damage is completely retarded, I love it.

hey Claire, how're you?

t. Claire

Is it worth doing a Refined Sabre? Non-elemental infusions can still be buffed and stuff right

Are the crow talons any good in pvp? I was thinking that if you had a bunch of poise you could use the WA (which has HA iirc) with the claws buffed (DMB/maybe some carthous rouge?) and do massive damage, but I'm not sure if the WA is even useful in pvp.

What's best SL to pvp at?
my build i can do at SL1 so anything beyond that is just more points in VGR or End
