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So, is it true that you can't play in premades in competitive games?

You can duo queue.


>Play with a 4 man stack for the first time
>Mercilessly shit all over the enemy team 6 matches in a row
>Beat the top player in my region who has a 70% winrate and 2800 Elo
>Enemy teams rarely even manage to score a single cap

This is fucking bullshit. I kinda feel bad.

This is why they should match stacks against stacks
It only makes sense
Why would randoms ever have the same brain capacity as a fully coordianted team?


Im gonna report you for being abusing the MM

Threadly reminder that Hi-Rez stalks our shitty discussions, and them being a bunch of memelords is not a coincidence.

Where can I find a gf like Alyssa? :(

Get really, really fit. Like, rippling six pack that makes a male model look pathetic. Next step is to get incredibly rich, at least a millionaire. Also, pick up a lot of talents, such as playing a lot of musical instruments, craft skills like masonry and carpentry, and also be an amazing lover.

Now you can have a solid 8/10, but she still might cheat on you because you're not dangerous enough and don't beat her every night.

Dear Hi-Rez:

Please stop matching me against a fully coordinated 5-man party. There is no way for a solo player such as myself to contribute enough when the average intelligence of my team is below of that of a toddler's.


Tribes based skin when?

>Where can I find a gf like Alyssa? :(
In chads arms.

Hopefully they actually catch on that their game is kinda half broken right now and to patch out that duplicate card bug right away.

And stop drooling over a girl on the dev team like some kind of horny teen.

Post champion themes

>not having the libido of a horny teenager 24/7
Something something where you are.
I just want company, fuck you.

So which champion would get a Tribes skin?

Drogoz seems like the obvious one.

Drogoz maybe? He's the rocket launcher guy and the main weapon of Tribes was that explosive disk launcher.

In the last thread people were saying that they fixed the stacking but did not remove the loadouts, im at work so i have no idea if this is true but you can check in the


I want Evie to preform erotic asphyxiation on me and never let go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Start playing Andy
>Getting POTG on every match
>Doubles and triples everytime
>Can 1v1 every other Flank or Atacker
>Can 3shot most of them
>Carry my bros every time
>My WR % is back to 60% and +1900 casual ELO



>try to play him multiple times
>lose miserably
>barely able to keep up a 1:1 kdr
>everything i do is out of place
>mess up on every single possible encounter
>can feel my teammates glaring at my name, wishing i never existed

i think ill just have to stick to rockets

Well that's good.
Wonder how long they'll take to fix the "pressing Enter brings up the shop" issue and the shit in the loadout naming with [TEXTFIELD].

I suggest you to get Patience I, combined with Sleight Of Hand II-III
You will get bullets every 1,5 seconds if you wait a bit inbetween Nether Steps.

no, i think what i actually need is stool iv, noose iv and soap ii-iii because i should not be allowed to play androxus under any circumstances

i often get potgs with drogoz and most damage/kills with a 60% winrate

wouldnt hurt to learn androxus too but none of my tf2 skills carried onto him

>fps problem
what is this

>play andy
>get an okay comp game
>viktor on my team flaming me saying our pushes are failing because he thinks im not killing anything
>we win anyways
>guy on the other team tells me i use an aimbot and recorded me and to enjoy ranking up again

You need to be good enough with atleast 1 champ of every class.
I have +60% winrate with Cassie,Andy,Ying and NotTorbjorn.

I think they want the game to be third person like smite :^)

I know that feel bro
>tfw you land 4 shots in a row against Maldamba or Ying
>tfw you see Buck running away from you at the start of the match because you bought Cauterize.
>tfw Viktors can't do shit against you
>tfw Cassies panic and spam roll just to get gap closed again
>tfw the enemy tank starts focusing you eventually leaving the objective.
>tfw you can keep up with running Evies.

>tfw finally dominating drogoz
he's so op

are they being sarcastic
he even added me
what do i do now


They wanna suck your Skyetree, if you know what I mean.

No, don't make this meme happen

two of them are premade faggots
probably memeing

how do you know they are premade?

Paladins needs more drawfags.

Everyone here get a job and commission some art.

>Cute Makoa art never

cloud and shadow
I played with them earlier, and you can go to your masterpaladins profile and see

Who's more likely to end up playing it, furries if I commission furry art or waifu-fags/weebs if I commision a Japanese artist?

waifufags/weebs obviously.

there's only like 2 really furbait characters, and as someone who knows a furry, they don't seem to be very appealing to them like the women.

Why the fuck is there even a spectate mode in Paladins? It's so horribly janky and even crashes the game sometimes. You can get stuck under the ground for some reason even and can't get out. Also doesn't help that you can't even leave until the game finishes and kicks you.

It's a beta stop being so entitled ESL literally just ended the game just got on Steam and they just added Mal'Dhamba.

>it's a beta
>therefore adding unfinished shit for the sake of esports is fine
sit and spin buddy

Just checked the match in the guru, everyone except you and 2 teammates are premades

>they didn't ban anyone
>tfw you didn't get to try fireball nando in a real game

Its better this way

How many times a day does Cassie take hawk penis inside her?

>it's not fine
it's just a feature they added for streams and crap. It's only in the game for public use because why not?

>tfw matched vs this guy and his premade 2 times in a row

maybe you shouldn't play multiplayer only hero shooters during real nigga hours.

what site is this?


>666 credits
Premades are worse than satan confirmed

He just went full ezho. Never go full ezho.

>be play andrexus
>be win the game
>be the best
>be amazing and the good
>but meet the other amazing good, which is more amazing good than me
>be lose
>be not happy
>be depress
>be very sad
>be on spiral downward on depress
>hav sad lif

there's always bigger fish in the pond

I love buck so much

buck is shit

Hawks don't have penises.

No he isnt

I love bad androxus so much

post sensitivity

You're living in the past

>drogoz autopicker detected

he's shit. just because you can play him in wood 5 doesn't make him good.

>wood 5
How cute that you think so

t. wood 5

You should apply for a job in the cinema mate

t. p roofless and cowardly cuck

Post profile

not that guy, but damn. That excruciating loss man, keep up the dream.

What is this new t. meme?

According to a friend of mine, some /int/ or /pol/ thing. Because of course it is.

It's a Finnish meme. It basically means "as said by."

is this b8?


This is how we know you're from reddit.

>no ranked matches

You can look up my account easily, are you this retarded? Lol

t. newfag

fuck off smidgen


only thing new here is (You)

I don't like it.

It doesn't show up in the other generals I frequent or the porn boards.

lol retard
t. cowardly cuck


retard what dude ranked is the only thing that matters casual elo is meaningless

it's probably just viewer games. Smidgen streams on the official Paladins stream every few days(it's either him or Doesupz each day). They play with viewers.They never communicate with their team though so it's not exactly like your usual premades.

That said, Smidgen/Doesupz can single handedly fuck a team of average Joes anyway so it's not like they really need to communicate with their viewers. They just need viewers who can think and breathe at the same time.


im the skye
i dont even know who that guy is

oh sorry man


post sensitivity

Can a Mal'damba stun lock someone permanently if they're quick enough?


>constantly gets carried by his duo
>does well in a match against shitters and has to post a screenshot

kys cuckboy

>it's a skye buys aggression, complains about teammates and ends the game with the least kills

kill me

Thats life till lv5