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sugoi programming edition

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AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627 (embed)

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pastebin.com/X6fLvtzA (embed)

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pastebin.com/qRHNpCbZ (embed)

> AGDG Chats

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
Haxe: haxeflixel.com
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:


Managed to sketch out the first letter of an idea for title screen. I wish I were better/faster, this took me nearly 4 hours.

Is there a free music composition software that allows for actual instrumentation instead of MIDI?

Is there a music composition software that allows for actual instrumentation instead of MIDI that I can get away with pirating for use in a retail game?

Where's G1?

Still looking for a game idea i can make in 2 days

there's plenty in the previous thread already.
uses one of it or kill yourself.

Thanks for the advice but I'll leave it as it is for now. I intend to get rid of the 1-tile-wide walls altogether to make artstyle more consistent but I'm holding it off until after demo day.

>> AGDG Chats

game where you start out tiny and roll an object, it sticks to other objects within it's size range, and you keep rolling until you roll the universe.

>Not posting the real discord

A lockpicking game

My progress for the day. Particles, new art, screen shakes, new health refresh target, added music. JUICE JUICE JUICE. Thoughts???

why no snake?

Hmmm I don't know if snak could work here... maybe...

I can't wait to see what you come up with
If you don't I will

How do I compile engines?
What is a command line?
What is a PATH?
Why do I need to install a bunch of things to get it to work?
How do I uninstall if I get something wrong?

Why is it so hard to do something so simple?

Path is like a shortcut, so a program can say "I want to run the python executable" without bothering to know where the executable actually is. Theres just some setting in the OS somewhere that says PYTHON=c:\pythonInstall

i think

since you're asking about $PATH I'm guessing you're in the compiling-on-windows fucktown
my condolences

Adding exporting.
XML as example, the format I'm going to use is just going to be a binary file.

>xml level files
almost triggered me there

that's a good idea

something about the protag being a literal whimp is just offputting

made a marginal amount of progress with the lighting and the sky today

having grouping issues in the stars though, I can't distribute the coordinates properly

This is the main code

int multiplier = 100000;

for (int i = 0; i < star_num; i++)
double x = rnd.Next(0, 360 * 6) * (Math.PI / 180 / 6);
double y = rnd.Next(0, 360 * 6) * (Math.PI / 180 / 6);
double z = rnd.Next(0, 360 * 6) * (Math.PI / 180 / 6);

double x_out = Math.Cos(y) * (Math.Cos(x) * multiplier); //cos of other number
double y_out = Math.Cos(y) * (Math.Sin(x) * multiplier);
double z_out = (Math.Sin(y) * multiplier);

pos[i] = new Vector3((float)x_out, (float)y_out, (float)z_out);

The problem is that it groups more stars at each pole. I know why that happens (sin and cosine are not normally distributed, they are slanted), but I tried to fix it for almost an hour but no luck.
Oh well

>How do I compile engines?
some engines include make files to easily compile them.

>What is a command line?
program used to execute commands

>What is a PATH?
think of it as a global string variable for windows. it makes it easy to run programs from the command prompt using path vars

>Why do I need to install a bunch of things to get it to work?
because complex things such as frameworks usually have a bunch of dependencies and such.

>How do I uninstall if I get something wrong?
delete it

>Why is it so hard to do something so simple?
this is why package managers exist, though i guess it'd be more of a pain on windows. it automates all that for you, so all you'd have to do is type 1 command and it'd compile + set everything up. actually faster/easier than running an executable if you're on linux

Kind of like the average American during an election, I cannot decide on my own and would like someone to decide for me.

Have an idea for my first major project. 2D game, ECS-based. I have the classes and functions figured out, now I just need a way to make those into a game.

Usually used Unity and UE4, considering tinkering with C++/SFML

Can you recommend the method that would give this type of game reasonable performance, without regards to difficulty in building? I don't care how complicated it is (c++ vs c#, unity vs UE4 lack of tutorials, etc.) I just want to finish a moderately complex game without major performance issues.

Spheres a re tricky. Read this:

If I install Linux will it actually become easier for an idiot like me to understand things or is this a meme

>How do I compile engines?
The same way you compile any other sort of program.
>What is a command line?
A means of interacting with a computer program where the user issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text.
>What is a PATH?
Basically what said.
>Why do I need to install a bunch of things to get it to work?
To get what to work..? PATH? You don't.
>How do I uninstall if I get something wrong?
How do you uninstall what, if something goes wrong with what?
Probably the same way you'd uninstall any other program.
>Why is it so hard to do something so simple?
Because you seem to be retarded.

It'll be easier to compile and run things from source without running into odd issues, yes.

You can compile things from source
The amount of hell I went through trying to compile things on windows is enough to make you cry, especially when it's a library you really need.

I don't know how to implement that correctly

this is what I tried

double x = rnd.Next(0, 360 * 6) * (Math.PI / 180 / 6); //getting the yaw in radians

double fp = rnd.Next(0, 1000) / 1000f;
double y = (1 / Math.Cos(2 * fp - 1)); //getting the pitch in degrees
y *= Math.PI / 180; //converting the pitch to radians

Quaternion q = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll((float)x,(float)y,0);

pos[i] = new Vector3((float)q.X * multiplier, (float)q.Y * multiplier, (float)q.Z * multiplier);

The answer is completely wrong, naturally

Have you ever implemented that before?

Artist got back to me with another illustration.

Warrior (Maharib), Queen (Malika) and Worker (Eamil) respectively. I'm really happy with the Maharib and the Eamil, but I feel something went missing between the sketch and the illustration for the Malika. I was hoping for something more arrogant, contemptuous and alluring.

Might do something about the veil and the expression, and maybe darker skin.

Thoughts and comments most welcome.

still looking for artists to help with my waifu creation project

email: [email protected]

are you a programmer? what's the game about? have any WIP screens?


How do yall think this looks?

>custom C++ engine

hell the FUCK no

I'm a programmer, the project is about VR simulation of waifus.


Right now I'm working on the character sculpting system in-engine.

Is this bait?

seconding this

well I guess I'll just keep working on it until someone is interested then

Why the fuck would you need a custom C++ Engine for a simple waifu simulator?

Just throw it into Unity and be done with it in 3 months. Seriously.

what do you have so far? I didn't see any engine screenshots on your site

I'm working on the character sculpting system right now (which will be a little bit like z-brush). I'll post my progress as I'm going along.

Her color scheme is pretty drab. Try to make it closer to white, maybe add some yellow or red (tyrian purple)
And I'm not at all sure boob window serves her well when it comes to regal arrogance

so nothing, basically

maybe you should get a bit further along before you start recruiting people

Thank god for UE4 having Paper 2D.
So much easier than Unity, looks a million times better.


Can you show how it looks with the algorithm in your post?

>and be done with it in 3 months
Judging by his description, this seems more like something that would take years, even if Unity/Ue4 was used.

The fact he's recreating fucking zbrush already shows the scope of the project is beyond what any rational amateur dev/artist would want to do

Doing some little SFW cutscenes for demo day.



I get all sorts of weird shapes making slight alterations to the code (using cos instead of invcos, for example)

Stuff like planes, 3d parabolic curves, hyperbolic curves

I want to make a super high quality simulation of my waifu and I don't want to be fighting with unity when I'm making the custom physics and rendering.

Thanks for the critique.

I thought the gold would off-set the beige, but it isn't working is it? I like the idea of Tyrian Purple - I'll give that a shot.

The challenge for the artist was to mix that regal arrogance with a flaunting of femininity (boob window/open side pants). I wanted to get that arabian dancer feel, while also exuding the image of an arabian queen.

Got any other ideas you want to share? What about the other two, the warrior and the worker?

So I'm in the Process of defining "jobs" for my people.

Basically I want to make something like cooking, cleaning, gardening, repairing, construction, and animal care all be able to be defined using the same commands.

So first I want a job to be broken into tasks and breaks.

Tasks can be "Check if we have (food)" and "Go to (location)"

breaks just mean that you've completed a single set of tasks, so you've made one meal, or you've cleaned a single spot.

So cooking would be something like:
Check if we have food
Go to fridge
Pick up food
Go to oven
Use oven (using food)
take food (eat it or store it)

and cleaning would be
check if dirty tiles
check if we have broom
goto dirty tile
use tile (broom)

beak (during breaks the AI can decide if it wants to continue)

and then repeat

Is there anything I'm missing, any edge cases or odd jobs that I should think about?

>super high quality simulation of my waifu
its 3d anime
you dont need state of the art rendering for that

if the nips have no trouble making their h-games in unity, then you shouldnt either.

see you in 10 years i suppose.

Anyone got the October 1/2/3 monday recaps?



Look weird and cool.
Also, I'm not at all sure you're getting your second coordinate correctly. Shouldn't it be more like

>float radConv = (float)(Mathf.PI / 180);
>float y = rnd.Next(0, 360 * 6) / 6; //getting the yaw in degrees
>y *= radConv; //converting the yaw to radians
>float p = rnd.Next(0, 360 * 6) / 6 - 180; //getting the pitch in degrees
>p *= radConv; //converting the pitch to radians

>Try to go for a cyberpunk neon aesthetic
>End up with a comfy, cute rainbow game
Is cyberpunk allowed to be cute or do I have to retheme?

post it

Now make them walk instead of teleport.

im gunna!

no, the algorithm in that link a few posts up describes how to have a normal distribution of points, but I think I did everything properly except maybe the quaternion, which I don't know how to test
I mean I already know how to get the dots around a circle it's just you have to offset your vertical points evenly

I suppose I'll just try another algorithm, there are always multiple ways to calculate these

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Ctesiphon
Dev: Stomy
Tools: LibGDX, GtkRadiant, Blender, GIMP
Web: stomygame.tumblr.com
Halloween: witch hat
+ Redid entire asset-loading system to use LibGDX's AssetManager
+ Map loading is now multithreaded
+ There's now a loading screen with a "Press Space to start" prompt

>depressed for a solid 6 months
>lose job
>shut-in doing nothing
>new shittier job
>didn't even go in today
>go to AGDG because I don't know what the fuck to do
>get spooked
>dev for the first time in months
>feel better than I have in a long time
Fuck you guys. You're all like an abusive boyfriend I can't help but love because he buys me cute stocking from time to time

post your progress so that we can tell you you'll never make it

Being gay is a mental illness I think that's your problem m8.

What are the odds of these two numbers being the same? Is it an indication that only one person bought this?


c u t m e d a d d y

I imagine with a smaller playerbase it's probably not too strange. The larger you get the more insta dropouts you'll get, dropping the average a bit more (or weirdos who just leave shit always on...)


post That Dick Pic

im pure

>turboshitter woke up
someone call his mom to put him back to sleep.

It just means the game has been bought an odd number of times.

confirmed for not knowing what average and median mean

no call daddy please ^w^

>skybox, small terrain with some shitty bushes, 2 wands and a particle effect
>drops to 48fps within seconds
Is it your computer or is it unoptimized as fuck?

Why don't you go straight to coordinates?

Here are three methods, this link is linked in that other article upthread:

he became a cute girl

i would

The AI has been improved a lot, though there's still a lot left to do. They're good enough to make it look like a game though.
I think I'll be ready for demo day 11 this will be the last demo day I participate in.

is it me or do all this space sims look the damn same. i cant tell who's who anymore. they all do the same shit





They are the same. You float in a black/blue/purple background and shoot at other things floating in black/blue/purple background. That's the extent of these games.

It's basically asteroids 2.0.

wow qt

it was terrible and boring, but I found a sound effect for all 20 spells
tomorrow I guess I will try to get enemy sounds, but I'm not even totally sure how I want to do them yet. there could be 8 enemies attacking at once so do I want them each to play a sound every time they attack? do I play a sound each time they get hit, or do I play the sound the first time they get hit and ignore the rest of the hits until the sound finishes?

You probably want to limit it to only 3 or 4 sounds. Don't start a sound if another one started just a few ms beforehand. Otherwise if the limit is full kill on of the old ones probably. For other sounds you would want to bias it the other direction though, or even have the sounds fade in and out if they are very long sounds. I also would recommend adding a slight variation to volume and pitch, and ideally choosing the sound randomly from a few very similar variations.

Unfortunately you either have to get middleware or code this shit yourself which gets annoying because basically every game just needs the same shit and its a pain in the ass setting up data formats.

I remade this enemy in blender. It's not that spooky.

probably the most spooky enemy ive seen on agdg

what happned to gdfg?

If you want to do strict ECS then you should probably use your own engine. Unity is not suited for it because dependency injection is not possible with any objects serialized by the engine.

You probably do not need to worry about differences in performance between the engines. Neither is very suitable for 2D games though, so if you want an engine to save time probably look into a 2D specialized engine.

>tfw even thought i put way more work into my spooky jam game it got only 1/4 of the downloads my lewd jam game got
the meme is true, porn games are way easier to succeed with... it's kind of paradoxical, people play the porn stuff for like 10 minutes before they cum all over their keyboard and then stop, (same way as you don't watch a 2 hour porn movie) yet it's easy moddo anyway
but i don't want to make lewd games for a living ;_;